31 research outputs found

    Investigations on the grape leafhopper Erasmoneura vulnerata in north-eastern Italy

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    The leafhopper Erasmoneura vulnerata (Fitch) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is native of Northern and Central America where it occurs on wild and cultivated grapes as well as on a number of secondary hosts. This species was recorded for the first time in Europe (Italy, Veneto region) in 2004. Since then it has spread over Northern Italy and Slovenia. Studies on the biology of E. vulnerata in America are limited and thus its phenology was investigated on Vitis labrusca L. and Vitis vinifera L. plants under field and semi-field conditions. These observations suggest that E. vulnerata can complete 2⁻3 generations per year. The development of E. vulnerata from first instar nymphs to adults was studied under controlled conditions (about 23 °C). Developmental times lasted from 16.1 days in July⁻August to 19.5 days in September, and this variability was probably due to grape cultivar and plant susceptibility. Data were consistent with the number of generations previously reported. Erasmoneura vulnerata was more abundant on vines close to overwintering sites than on those located 100⁻250 m from these sites and contiguous to commercial vineyards

    La cetrería en los ejemplos, símiles y metáforas de san Vicente Ferrer

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    Vincent Ferrer used in his sermons many and varied resources to make your message intelligible to its many listeners. One such resource was hunting activities and especially the form of hunting with birds. On the one hand, this activity was provided appropriate elements to construct analogies that facilitate the understanding of the word of God. However, on the other hand, it seems that perhaps other reasons may explain this preference of the speaker, more related to their own experience and the reality of the society to which he was going. And, in addition to the textual sources, father Vincent often drew on his own experience and, indeed, to those aspects of the daily lives of his audience. From the references we find in the sermons of saint Vincent we can deduce that the preacher should know first hand the various aspects of falconry, so it should not be hard to use something familiar to construct analogies that enable their audience understand the complex theological concepts and achieve the transformation of their lives, according to the moral that the preacher sought to implement.Vicente Ferrer utilizó en sus sermones numerosos y variados recursos para poder hacer inteligible su mensaje a su nutrido auditorio. Uno de estos recursos fueron las actividades venatorias y, especialmente, la modalidad de caza con aves de presa. Por un lado, esta actividad le proporcionó elementos adecuados para construir las analogías que facilitarían la comprensión de la palabra de Dios. Sin embargo, por otro lado, parece que otras razones podrían explicar esta preferencia del predicador, más relacionadas con su propia experiencia y con la realidad de la sociedad a la que se dirigía. Y es que, además de las fuentes textuales, a menudo el padre Vicente recurrió a sus vivencias y, más aún, a aquellos aspectos de la vida cotidiana de su auditorio. A partir de las referencias que encontramos en los sermones de san Vicente podemos deducir que el predicador debía conocer de primera mano los diferentes aspectos relacionados con la cetrería, por lo que no debía resultarle difícil recurrir a algo familiar para construir las analogías que permitirían a su auditorio comprender los conceptos teológicos y conseguir la transformación de sus vidas, de acuerdo con la moral que el predicador pretendía implantar

    Plant chemicals and the sexual behavior of male tephritid fruit flies

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    Plant compounds affect insects in many different ways. In addition to being a food source, plants also contain secondary metabolites that may have positive and negative impacts on insects. The influence of these compounds on sexual behavior, in particular, has been the focus of many recent studies. Here, we review the existing literature on the effects of plant compounds on the sexual behavior of tephritid fruit fly males. We put special focus on polyphagous species whose males congregate in leks, where females exert strong mate selection. We first summarize the main findings related to plant compounds that increase male signaling behavior and attraction of females and consequently increase mating frequency, a phenomenon that has been recorded mainly for species of Anastrepha and Ceratitis. In other tephritid species, males are attracted to phenylpropanoids produced by plants (such as methyl eugenol or raspberry ketone) that, upon encounter, are consumed and sequestered by males. These compounds, or metabolic derivatives, which normally have negligible nutritional value, are included in the pheromone and also confer advantages in a sexual context: enhanced female attraction and improved male mating success. These phenomena have been reported for several Bactrocera species as well as for Zeugodacus cucurbitae. Because many tephritid species are serious pests, the effect of plant compounds on male behavior has been explored for potential incorporation into control strategies such as the sterile insect technique (SIT). We conclude noting several factors, such as age and nutrition during larval and adult stage, that modulate the effect of plant compounds on male mating behavior as well as some prominent gaps that preclude a thorough understanding of the plant-mediated enhancement of male sexual performance and hence limit our ability to effectively utilize phytochemicals in pest control strategies.Instituto de GenéticaFil: Segura, Diego Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Genética. Laboratorio de Genética de Insectos de Importancia Económica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Belliard, Silvina A. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Genética. Laboratorio de Genética de Insectos de Importancia Económica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vera, María Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia; ArgentinaFil: Bachmann, Guillermo Enrique. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Genética. Laboratorio de Genética de Insectos de Importancia Económica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, María Josefina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia; ArgentinaFil: Jofre-Barud, Flavia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Patricia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Delta del Paraná; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, M. Liza. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Shelly, Todd E. United States Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; Estados Unido

    Influenza dei fattori ambientali e agronomici sulle popopolazioni di Empoasca Vitis (GOETHE)

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    In this work the effects of a number of agronomic and environmental factors on populations of the green grape leafhopper Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) have been studied in north-eastern Italy. The life cycle of E. vitis has been studied in vineyards of the Veneto region from 2006 to 2008. Grape phenology showed significant changes in spring of 2007 when temperatures were higher than in 2006 and 2008. In this season the first and the second generations of E. vitis developed in advance and a fourth generation was recorded in a hilly vineyard (new record for Italy). The spatial and temporal distribution of E. vitis and its major parasitoid (Anagrus atomus group) has been studied in an agroecosystem including a large vineyard and a natural stand. The distribution of the two species showed be aggregated in spring, sometimes in summer. A positive association betwene the two species was observed in spring. In this period Empoasca vitis adult catches were higher near the stand while in summer adults dispersed in the whole vineyard area. Anagrus populations resulted higher in the area nearby the stand. Implications for natural control of E. vitis are suggested. Grape training systems can exert pronounced effects on E. vitis abundance. Higher E. vitis densities have been found in two training systems, i.e. Guyot and “pergola”. This trend occurred probably because of the homogeneous canopy structure of these systems compared to Sylvoz or GDC systems. The irrigation affects positively E. vitis numbers in vineyards. The effects of different irrigation systems on grape leafhoppers were compared in an experimental vineyard. Highest E. vitis densities were detected in drop irrigation plots as compared with not irrigated plots where water stress was remarkable. A moderate water stress (sub-irrigation and partial root-zone drying plots) was associated with intermediate leafhopper densities. Ad hoc studies conducted on potted vines showed that a moderate water stress reduces significantly the reproductive potential and the egg survival of E. vitis. A remarkable stress reduces dramatically the survival of eggs and the density of offspring. A survey was conducted on a cultivar collection in order to evaluate their susceptibility to E. vitis. Carmènère and Sauvignon Blanc showed to be very susceptible in contrast with Cabernet Sauvignon and Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13. Some cultivars showed a low incidence of symptoms despite relatively high leafhopper densities. These results may be useful for monitoring leafhoppers in vineyards. The impact of E. vitis infestations on yield parameters was studied on some cultivars (i.i. Prosecco, Merlot, Cabernet Franc). Similar population sizes were associated with a different impact on yield parameters (especially solid soluble contents and acidity) depending on the cultivar. Control trials showed the high effectiveness of flufenoxuron and thiamethoxam on E. vitis populations resistant to chlorpyriphos-ethyl. A number of fungicides showed an impact on E. vitis numbers, a finding potentially useful in managing the pest in vineyards.Nel presente lavoro sono stati valutati gli effetti di alcuni fattori ambientali ed agronomici sulla dinamica delle popolazioni di Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), specie potenzialmente dannosa alla vite. Il ciclo biologico di E. vitis è stato studiato, in alcuni vigneti situati nel Veneto orientale, nel triennio 2006-2008. Nel 2007, caratterizzato da temperature primaverili più elevate rispetto al 2006 e al 2008, si è verificato un forte anticipo nella fenologia della vite e nello sviluppo delle prime due generazioni di E. vitis. Questo fenomeno ha comportato, in un vigneto di collina, il probabile completamento di una quarta generazione, dato inedito per l’Italia. É stata valutata l’influenza della vegetazione spontanea sulla distribuzione spazio-temporale delle popolazioni di E. vitis e dei suoi parassitoidi oofagi (Anagrus gruppo atomus). I risultati evidenziano una distribuzione aggregata delle due specie in primavera, talvolta anche in estate. É stata osservata un’associazione positiva tra le due specie nelle prime fasi della stagione vegetativa. In primavera, le catture degli adulti di E. vitis sono risultate più elevate in prossimità del bosco e, in seguito, la distribuzione della specie è risultata più omogenea all’interno del vigneto. Le densità degli Anagrus sono state tendenzialmente più elevate nelle zone contigue al bosco. Questo comportamento può avere ripercussioni positive sugli equilibri biologici. Le forme di allevamento della vite possono esercitare effetti significativi sull’abbondanza di E. vitis. Nell’ambito di due aziende, sono state riscontrate popolazioni più elevate di E. vitis nei sistemi di allevamento a pergola e a Guyot, probabilmente perché caratterizzati da una struttura della chioma più omogenea. Altri studi hanno dimostrato che l’irrigazione ha un effetto positivo sull’abbondanza di E. vitis. Un confronto effettuato tra diversi sistemi di allevamento (goccia, subirrigazione, partial root-zone drying) ha posto in luce densità significativamente più elevate del fitomizo nella tesi caratterizzata dall’impianto a goccia rispetto alla tesi non irrigua ove si è verificato lo stress idrico più forte. A stress idrici moderati (subirrigazione e partial root-zone drying) sono corrisposte densità di popolazione intermedie. Gli studi eseguiti su piante di vite in vaso hanno evidenziato che stress idrici moderati riducono sia il potenziale riproduttivo di E. vitis sia la sopravvivenza delle uova del cicdadellide. Stress forti riducono drasticamente la sopravvivenza delle uova e le dimensioni della progenie. Presso una collezione di cultivar, sono state effettuate osservazioni sulle densità delle popolazioni di E. vitis e sull’intensità dei sintomi associati all’attività trofica del cicadellide. Carmènère e Sauvignon Blanc si sono dimostrate molto suscettibili, al contrario di Cabernet Sauvignon e Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13. Alcune varietà sono risultate sia molto suscettibili sia molto sensibili e viceversa. Altre sono state associate ad un’incidenza marginale dei sintomi fogliari pur manifestando densità di popolazione significative. Tali acquisizioni possono risultare utili nelle strategie di monitoraggio delle popolazioni in ambito aziendale o territoriale. L’effetto dell’infestazione di E. vitis su alcuni parametri produttivi è stato analizzato su alcune cultivar in pieno campo. I dati raccolti hanno evidenziato che densità di popolazione simili possono essere associate a danni quanti-qualitativi diversi in funzione della cultivar. Infestazioni relativamente elevate hanno causato variazioni significative di alcuni parametri qualitativi (solidi solubili, acidità titolabile) sulle cultivar Merlot e Cabernet Franc. Relativamente al controllo chimico, è stata confermata l’inefficacia di chlorpyriphos-ethyl dovuta probabilmente a fenomeni di resistenza. Su queste popolazioni si sono dimostrati efficaci alcuni chitino-inibitori (flufenoxuron) e neonicotinoidi (thiamethoxam). Alcuni fungicidi possono esercitare effetti di una certa intensità sulle popolazioni di E. vitis, fenomeno che merita ulteriori conferme prima di essere sfrutttato in protezione integrata

    Susceptibility and sensibility of grape cultivars to the leafhopper Empoasca vitis

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    The leafhopper Empoasca vitis (Goethe) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) is a serious pest in European vineyards. The assessment of economic damage caused by E. vitis was associated with no definite results probably because of a different susceptibility and sensibility of grape cultivars to the pest. Empoasca vitis abundance and symptoms associated with the activity of this pest were evaluated during three years on 10 grape cultivars grown in collections located in north-eastern Italy. Empoasca vitis densities were estimated from May-June to September by sampling leaves every 7-10 days. At vintage time, the percentage of leaf surface with symptoms caused by E. vitis feeding was estimated. Carm\ue9n\ue8re, Sauvignon Blanc and Tocai Friulano showed to be very susceptible and very sensible, whereas Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Verduzzo Friulano and Pinot Gris showed an opposite behaviour. However, such correspondence was influenced by meteorological conditions and plant stress factors. These results may be useful for establishing economic thresholds and sampling plans for E. vitis in vineyards

    Relative infestation level and sensitivity of grapevine cultivars to the leafhopper empoasca vitis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

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    The leafhopper Empoasca vitis (G\uf6 the) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) feeds on veins of grapevine leaves, mainly on the phloem, causing physiological injury, color change and drying of leaf margins, yield and sugar content reduction. The relative infestation level (i.e., the probability that a plant is attacked by herbivores) of E. vitis on different grapevine cultivars and their sensitivity (i.e., the incidence of symptoms expression in response to herbivore feeding or other stimuli) to this pest were studied over four years in two vineyards located in northeastern Italy. Some cultivars (e.g., Carm\ue9n\ue8re and Sauvignon Blanc) were usually more infested than others (e.g., Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Gris) , although some differences were observed among years and sites. The sensitivity varied among cultivars, i.e., some of them showed more symptoms than expected on the basis of infestation levels (e.g., Carm\ue9n\ue8re and Merlot) , in contrast with others (e.g., Rhine Riesling and Chardonnay) . Information obtained can be used within the framework of integrated pest management in vineyards. Action thresholds should differ on the basis of sensitivity. Sampling must first be carried out on the most susceptible cultivar and, if the action threshold is exceeded, it should be extended to the remaining cultivars based on their decreasing relative infestation level