137 research outputs found

    Biofortification of UK food crops with selenium

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    Se is an essential element for animals. In man low dietary Se intakes are associated with health disorders including oxidative stress-related conditions, reduced fertility and immune functions and an increased risk of cancers. Although the reference nutrient intakes for adult females and males in the UK are 60 and 75 μg Se/d respectively, dietary Se intakes in the UK have declined from >60 μg Se/d in the 1970s to 35 μg Se/d in the 1990s, with a concomitant decline in human Se status. This decline in Se intake and status has been attributed primarily to the replacement of milling wheat having high levels of grain Se and grown on high-Se soils in North America with UK-sourced wheat having low levels of grain Se and grown on low-Se soils. An immediate solution to low dietary Se intake and status is to enrich UK-grown food crops using Se fertilisers (agronomic biofortification). Such a strategy has been adopted with success in Finland. It may also be possible to enrich food crops in the longer term by selecting or breeding crop varieties with enhanced Se-accumulation characteristics (genetic biofortification). The present paper will review the potential for biofortification of UK food crops with Se

    Finding the needle in the haystack: Comparison of methods for salmon louse enumeration in plankton samples

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    The economic and social implications of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) epidemics in salmon aquaculture drive focus of the dispersal dynamics of the planktonic larval stages. The vast spatial scale and high connectivity of the marine environment creates difficult conditions to monitor the infective planktonic louse stage, whereby the number of samples required for a representative description is bottlenecked by processing capacity. This study assessed five quantification methods for accuracy and precision in enumeration of lice in plankton samples, validated against the benchmark method of light microscopy. Visual-based (fluorescence microscopy and automated fluid imaging) and molecular-based (droplet digital PCR, quantitative fraction PCR and quantitative PCR) were tested using high- and low-density plankton samples spiked with louse copepodids, with spike numbers blind to assessors. We propose an approach to comparative assessment that uses the collective bias and deviation of a test method to determine whether it is acceptably similar to the benchmark method. Under this framework, no methods passed the comparative test, with only ddPCR comparable to light microscopy (87% mean accuracy and 74% precision). qfPCR and fluorescence microscopy were moderately efficient (88% and 67% accuracy, and 36% and 52% precision respectively). Molecular techniques are currently restricted in distinguishing between larval stages, which is an essential distinction for some research questions, but can be economical in processing numerous samples. Overall method suitability will depend on the research objectives and resources available. These results provide evidence for operational accuracy for the tested methods and highlight the direction for further development to optimize their use

    Rebuilding relationships on coral reefs: Coral bleaching knowledge-sharing to aid adaptation planning for reef users: Bleaching emergence on reefs demonstrates the need to consider reef scale and accessibility when preparing for, and responding to, coral bleaching

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    Coral bleaching has impacted reefs worldwide and the predictions of near-annual bleaching from over two decades ago have now been realized. While technology currently provides the means to predict large-scale bleaching, predicting reef-scale and within-reef patterns in real-time for all reef users is limited. In 2020, heat stress across the Great Barrier Reef underpinned the region's third bleaching event in 5 years. Here we review the heterogeneous emergence of bleaching across Heron Island reef habitats and discuss the oceanographic drivers that underpinned variable bleaching emergence. We do so as a case study to highlight how reef end-user groups who engage with coral reefs in different ways require targeted guidance for how, and when, to alter their use of coral reefs in response to bleaching events. Our case study of coral bleaching emergence demonstrates how within-reef scale nowcasting of coral bleaching could aid the development of accessible and equitable bleaching response strategies on coral reefs. Also see the video abstract here: https://youtu.be/N9Tgb8N-vN0

    A novel method for the rapid enumeration of planktonic salmon lice in a mixed zooplankton assemblage using fluorescence

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    The relative rarity of the planktonic larval stages of salmon lice in comparison to other animals captured in a zooplankton assemblage is an obstacle to estimating their abundance and distribution. Due to the labour intensiveness of standard plankton sorting approaches, the planktonic stages of salmon lice remain understudied and unmonitored despite their importance to the spread of the parasite between salmon farms and to wild salmonids. Alternative methods of identification have been investigated and in a previous study a fluorescence signal was identified. Using filters to target that signal with fluorescence microscopy (excitation/emission wavelengths of 470/525 nm), the salmon louse has a fluorescence intensity 2.4 times greater than non-target animals, which distinguishes it from the zooplankton assemblage and enables rapid enumeration. Here, we present a novel method for the enumeration of planktonic salmon lice larvae, nauplius and copepodid stages, in a mixed zooplankton sample using fluorescence-aided microscopy. Performance of the method was evaluated with a blind trial which found a median accuracy of 81.8% and a mean sample processing time of 31 min. Compared with previously published findings, the novel method provides satisfactory accuracy and enumeration that is more than 20 times faster than traditional light microscopy approaches. Factors influencing the performance of the method are identified and recommendations are made for targeted sampling and automated enumeration

    Switching to Tenofovir Alafenamide, Coformulated With Elvitegravir, Cobicistat, and Emtricitabine, in HIV-Infected Patients With Renal Impairment: 48-Week Results From a Single-Arm, Multicenter, Open-Label Phase 3 Study

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    BACKGROUND: Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) is a novel tenofovir prodrug with improved renal and bone safety compared with TDF-containing regimens. We report the 48 week safety and efficacy of a once-daily single tablet regimen of elvitegravir 150 mg (E), cobicistat 150 mg (C), emtricitabine 200 mg (F), and TAF 10 mg (E/C/F/TAF) in HIV-1-infected patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. METHODS: We enrolled virologically suppressed HIV-1-infected subjects with estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) 30-69 mL/min in a single-arm, open-label study to switch regimens to E/C/F/TAF. The primary endpoint was the change from baseline in glomerular filtration rate estimated using various formulae. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01818596. FINDINGS: We enrolled and treated 242 patients with mean age 58 years, 18% Black, 39% hypertension, 14% diabetes. Through week 48, no significant change in estimated CrCl was observed. Two patients (0.8%) discontinued study drug for decreased creatinine clearance, neither had evidence of renal tubulopathy and both had uncontrolled hypertension. Subjects had significant improvements in proteinuria, albuminuria, and tubular proteinuria (P < 0.001 for all). Hip and spine bone mineral density significantly increased from baseline to week 48 (mean percent change +1.47 and +2.29, respectively, P < 0.05). Ninety-two percent (222 patients) maintained HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per milliliter at week 48. INTERPRETATION: Switch to E/C/F/TAF was associated with minimal change in GFR. Proteinuria, albuminuria and bone mineral density significantly improved. These data support the efficacy and safety of once daily E/C/F/TAF in HIV+ patients with mild or moderate renal impairment without dose adjustment

    Linkage between solid-phase apportionment and bioaccessible arsenic, chromium and lead in soil from Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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    The chemical composition of soil from the Glasgow (UK) urban area was used to identify the controls on the availability of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in soil to humans. Total and bioaccessible concentrations of arsenic (As), chromium (Cr) and lead (Pb) in 27 soil samples, collected from different land uses, were coupled to information on their solid-phase partitioning derived from sequential extraction data. The total element concentrations in the soils were in the range <0.1–135mgkg–1 for As; 65–3680mgkg–1 for Cr and 126–2160mgkg–1 for Pb, with bioaccessible concentrations averaging 27, 5 and 27% of the total values, respectively. Land use does not appear to be a predictor of contamination; however, the history of the contamination is critically important. The Chemometric Identification of Substrates and Element Distribution (CISED) sequential chemical extraction and associated self-modelling mixture resolution analysis identified three sample groupings and 16 geochemically distinct phases (substrates). These were related to iron (n=3), aluminium–silicon (Al–Si; n=2), calcium (n=3), phosphorus (n=1), magnesium (Mg; n=3), manganese (n=1) and easily extractable (n=3), which was predominantly made up of sodium and sulphur. As, Cr and Pb were respectively found in 9, 10 and 12 of the identified phases, with bioaccessible As predominantly associated with easily extractable phases, bioaccessible Cr with the Mg-dominated phases and bioaccessible Pb with both the Mg-dominated and Al–Si phases. Using a combination of the Unified Barge Method to measure the bioaccessibility of PHEs and CISED to identify the geochemical sources has allowed a much better understanding of the complexity of PHE mobility in the Glasgow urban environment. This approach can be applied to other urban environments and cases of soil contamination, and made part of land-use planning

    Cell Proliferation in the Presence of Telomerase

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    BACKGROUND: Telomerase, which is active early in development and later in stem and germline cells, is also active in the majority of human cancers. One of the known functions of telomerase is to extend the ends of linear chromosomes, countering their gradual shortening at each cell division due to the end replication problem and postreplication processing. Telomerase concentration levels vary between different cell types as well as between different tumors. In addition variable telomerase concentrations will exist in different cells in the same tumor when telomerase inhibitors are used, because of limitations of drug delivery in tissue. Telomerase extends short telomeres more frequently than long telomeres and the relation between the extension frequency and the telomere length is nonlinear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, the biological data of the nonlinear telomerase-telomere dynamics is incorporated in a mathematical theory to relate the proliferative potential of a cell to the telomerase concentration in that cell. The main result of the paper is that the proliferative capacity of a cell grows exponentially with the telomerase concentration. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The theory presented here suggests that long term telomerase inhibition in every cancer progenitor or cancer stem cell is needed for successful telomere targeted cancer treatment. This theory also can be used to plan and assess the results of clinical trials targeting telomerase

    Molecular phylogenetics and temporal diversification in the genus Aeromonas based on the sequences of five housekeeping genes

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    Several approaches have been developed to estimate both the relative and absolute rates of speciation and extinction within clades based on molecular phylogenetic reconstructions of evolutionary relationships, according to an underlying model of diversification. However, the macroevolutionary models established for eukaryotes have scarcely been used with prokaryotes. We have investigated the rate and pattern of cladogenesis in the genus Aeromonas (γ-Proteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria) using the sequences of five housekeeping genes and an uncorrelated relaxed-clock approach. To our knowledge, until now this analysis has never been applied to all the species described in a bacterial genus and thus opens up the possibility of establishing models of speciation from sequence data commonly used in phylogenetic studies of prokaryotes. Our results suggest that the genus Aeromonas began to diverge between 248 and 266 million years ago, exhibiting a constant divergence rate through the Phanerozoic, which could be described as a pure birth process