129 research outputs found

    Diagnose Ă©cologique du lac des Huit Milles, Zec Casault

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    Une diagnose a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e au lac des Huit Milles de la ZEC Casault en septembre 2007. Le but Ă©tait de documenter la situation du lac en ce qui a trait Ă  son potentiel salmonicole et de mettre Ă  jour les connaissances sur la qualitĂ© du plan d’eau. Les donnĂ©es bathymĂ©triques, morphomĂ©triques et physico-chimique, ainsi que la caractĂ©risation des sites potentiels de fraie, l’inventaire ichtyologique et les informations sur l’exploitation par la pĂȘche sportive ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©s. L’ensemble de ces donnĂ©es a permis de mettre en lumiĂšre la situation exceptionnelle du lac Ă  l’étude. Le rendement en ombles de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) du lac des Huit Milles est en effet exemplaire. Les conditions abiotiques et biologiques du plan d’eau lui semblent en effet favorables. Certaines recommandations ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©mises afin de maximiser et conserver le fort potentiel halieutique du lac

    Validation d’un questionnaire sur les stratĂ©gies de crĂ©acollage numĂ©rique d’étudiants universitaires quĂ©bĂ©cois

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    Avec l’avĂšnement du Web, les Ă©tudiants universitaires d’aujourd’hui ont dĂ©veloppĂ© des compĂ©tences et des stratĂ©gies qui relĂšvent de la littĂ©ratie numĂ©rique afin de produire leurs travaux. Un questionnaire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© afin d’établir les stratĂ©gies qu’ils mobilisent dans la mise en oeuvre de compĂ©tences informationnelles, rĂ©dactionnelles et de rĂ©fĂ©rencement documentaire, et une partie du questionnaire portait sur les connaissances des Ă©tudiants universitaires sur le plagiat. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires obtenus ont permis de valider le questionnaire et de constater que les Ă©tudiants souhaitent ĂȘtre davantage formĂ©s aux diverses stratĂ©gies et compĂ©tences en plus d’en apprendre davantage sur le plagiat

    The multinational second Diabetes, Attitudes, Wishes and Needs study: results of the French survey

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    International audienceAIM:The second Diabetes, Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN2ℱ) multinational cross-sectional study was aimed at generating insights to facilitate innovative efforts by people with diabetes (PWD), family members (FMs), and health care professionals (HCPs) to improve self-management and psychosocial support in diabetes. Here, the French data from the DAWN2ℱ study are described.METHODS:In France, 500 PWD (80 with type 1 diabetes [T1] and 420 with type 2 diabetes [T2]), 120 FMs, and 288 HCPs were recruited. The questionnaires assessed the impact of diabetes on quality of life and mood, self-management, attitudes/beliefs, and care/support.RESULTS:Diabetes negatively impacted the emotional well-being of 59% of people with T1 versus 45% of people with T2 (P<0.05) and about half of FMs. A high level of distress was felt by about half of PWD and FMs. About half of HCPs reported assessing depression in their patients. Sixty-two percent of FMs considered managing diabetes to be a burden. Hypoglycemia was a source of concern for 64% of people with T1 and 73% of FMs of insulin users. About two-thirds of non-insulin-medicated people with T2 agreed to start insulin if prescribed, while half of HCPs preferred to delay insulin initiation. A discrepancy between HCPs' perceptions of their interactions with their patients and PWD's recollection of these interactions with regard to patients' personal needs and distress was also observed.CONCLUSION:While distress remains under-assessed by HCPs, the negative impact of diabetes on the lives of PWD and FMs clearly induces distress on both groups. These findings provide new understanding of barriers precluding optimal management of diabetes. Developing strategies to overcome these barriers is now warranted

    Oviductal microenvironment: role in canine oocyte maturation in vivo and in vitro

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    In most mammals, oocytes are ovulated at the metaphase II stage, and the meiosis inhibition is then lifted by fertilization. In bitches and other Canidae species however, oocytes are released at the prophase I stage, and another 48 to 72h are necessary for themtomature into themetaphase II stage and become fertilizable. This specificity is currently hindering the development of reproductive biotechnologies in these species. In vitro maturation rates of canine oocytes are very low, as only 10 to 30%will reach the metaphase stage after 72h in culture. In bitches, nuclear maturation occurs in the oviduct, and tubal derivatives (culture media, such as Synthetic Oviductal Fluid, oviductal explants, coculture on tubal cell layers) were used to improve the yield, but so far not very successfully. This failure may be due to the lack of data on the composition of oviductal fluid in bitches. Further studies on the oviductal microenvironment of bitches are therefore necessary, as it is probably quite different from the oviductalmicroenvironment of other females, e.g. the presence of preovulatory luteinisation in bitches only. Creating a maturation medium based on the composition of oviductal fluid could be an interesting avenue to explore to improve in vitro maturation rates.Chez la plupart des mammifĂšres, les ovocytes sont bloquĂ©s en mĂ©taphase II au moment de l'ovulation et cette inhibition de la mĂ©iose est ensuite levĂ©e par la fĂ©condation. Chez les chiennes et les autres femelles de canidĂ©s, les ovocytes sont libĂ©rĂ©s au stade de prophase I, et il faut encore attendre 48 Ă  72 heures pour qu'ils atteignent le stade de mĂ©taphase II et deviennent fĂ©condables. Cette particularitĂ© constitue aujourd'hui un frein au dĂ©veloppement des biotechnologies de la reproduction chez les canidĂ©s. En effet, dans les essais de maturation in vitro d'ovocytes canins, seuls 10 Ă  30 % des ovocytes atteignent le stade de mĂ©taphase au bout de 72 heures de culture. Chez la chienne, la maturation nuclĂ©aire se produisant dans l'oviducte, des substituts de l'oviducte (milieux de culture comme le Synthetic Oviductal Fluid, explants d'oviductes, cultures sur tapis de cellules tubaires) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour les cultures d'ovocytes in vitro, afin d'en amĂ©liorer le rendement, mais sans grand succĂšs jusqu'Ă  maintenant. Cet Ă©chec peut ĂȘtre dĂ» au manque de donnĂ©es sur la composition du liquide tubaire de la chienne. L'Ă©tude de ce microenvironnement prend donc tout son intĂ©rĂȘt, celui-ci Ă©tant probablement assez diffĂ©rent de celui des autres femelles, ne serait-ce que par l'existence du processus de lutĂ©inisation prĂ©ovulatoire dans cette espĂšce. À terme, la conception d'un milieu de maturation sur la base de la composition du liquide tubaire pourrait ĂȘtre une voie intĂ©ressante pour augmenter les taux de maturation in vitro

    The rise of the three-spined stickleback – eco-evolutionary consequences of a mesopredator release

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    Declines of large predatory fish due to overexploitation are restructuring food webs across the globe. It is now becoming evident that restoring these altered food webs requires addressing not only ecological processes, but evolutionary ones as well, because human-induced rapid evolution may in turn affect ecological dynamics. In the central Baltic Sea, abundances of the mesopredatory fish, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), have increased dramatically during the past decades. Time-series data covering 22 years show that this increase coincides with a decline in the number of juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis), the most abundant predator of stickleback along the coast. We studied the interaction between evolutionary and ecological effects of this mesopredator take-over, by surveying the armour plate morphology of stickleback and the structure of the associated food web. First, we investigated the distribution of different stickleback phenotypes depending on predator abundances and benthic production; and described the stomach content of the stickleback phenotypes using metabarcoding. Second, we explored differences in the relation between different trophic levels and benthic production, between bays where the relative abundance of fish was dominated by stickleback or not; and compared this to previous cage-experiments to support causality of detected correlations. We found two distinct lateral armour plate phenotypes of stickleback, incompletely and completely plated. The proportion of incompletely plated individuals increased with increasing benthic production and decreasing abundances of adult perch. Stomach content analyses showed that the completely plated individuals had a stronger preference for invertebrate herbivores (amphipods) than the incompletely plated ones. In addition, predator dominance interacted with ecosystem production to determine food web structure and the propagation of a trophic cascade: with increasing production, biomass accumulated on the first (macroalgae) and third (stickleback) trophic levels in stickleback-dominated bays, but on the second trophic level (invertebrate herbivores) in perch-dominated bays. Since armour plates are defence structures favoured by natural selection in the presence of fish predators, the phenotype distribution suggest that a novel low-predation regime favours sticklebacks with less armour. Our results indicate that an interaction between evolutionary and ecological effects of the stickleback take-over has the potential to affect food web dynamics

    Habitat segregation of plate phenotypes in a rapidly expanding population of three-spined stickleback

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    Declines of large predatory fish due to overexploitation are restructuring food webs across the globe. It is now becoming evident that restoring these altered food webs requires addressing not only ecological processes, but evolutionary ones as well, because human-induced rapid evolution may in turn affect ecological dynamics. We studied the potential for niche differentiation between different plate armor phenotypes in a rapidly expanding population of a small prey fish, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). In the central Baltic Sea, three-spined stickleback abundance has increased dramatically during the past decades. The increase in this typical mesopredator has restructured near-shore food webs, increased filamentous algal blooms, and threatens coastal biodiversity. Time-series data covering 22 years show that the increase coincides with a decline in the number of juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis), the most abundant predator of stickleback along the coast. We investigated the distribution of different stickleback plate armor phenotypes depending on latitude, environmental conditions, predator and prey abundances, nutrients, and benthic production; and described the stomach content of the stickleback phenotypes using metabarcoding. We found two distinct lateral armor plate phenotypes of stickleback, incompletely and completely plated. The proportion of incompletely plated individuals increased with increasing benthic production and decreasing abundances of adult perch. Metabarcoding showed that the stomach content of the completely plated individuals more often contained invertebrate herbivores (amphipods) than the incompletely plated ones. Since armor plates are defense structures favored by natural selection in the presence of fish predators, the phenotype distribution suggests that a novel low-predation regime favors stickleback with less armor. Our results suggest that morphological differentiation of the three-spined stickleback has the potential to affect food web dynamics and influence the persistence and resilience of the stickleback take-over in the Baltic Sea.Peer reviewe

    Using Pharmacokinetic and Viral Kinetic Modeling To Estimate the Antiviral Effectiveness of Telaprevir, Boceprevir, and Pegylated Interferon during Triple Therapy in Treatment-Experienced Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Cirrhotic Patients.: Effectiveness of triple therapy in cirrhotic patients

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    International audienceTriple therapy combining a protease inhibitor (PI) (telaprevir or boceprevir), pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN), and ribavirin (RBV) has dramatically increased the chance of eradicating hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, the efficacy of this treatment remains suboptimal in cirrhotic treatment-experienced patients. Here, we aimed to better understand the origin of this impaired response by estimating the antiviral effectiveness of each drug. Fifteen HCV genotype 1-infected patients with compensated cirrhosis, who were nonresponders to prior PEG-IFN/RBV therapy, were enrolled in a nonrandomized study. HCV RNA and concentrations of PIs, PEG-IFN, and RBV were frequently assessed in the first 12 weeks of treatment and were analyzed using a pharmacokinetic/viral kinetic model. The two PIs achieved similar levels of molar concentrations (P = 0.5), but there was a significant difference in the 50% effective concentrations (EC50) (P = 0.008), leading to greater effectiveness for telaprevir than for boceprevir in blocking viral production (99.8% versus 99.0%, respectively, P = 0.002). In all patients, the antiviral effectiveness of PEG-IFN was modest (43.4%), and there was no significant contribution of RBV exposure to the total antiviral effectiveness. The second phase of viral decline, which is attributed to the loss rate of infected cells, was slow (0.19 day(-1)) and was higher in patients who subsequently eradicated HCV (P = 0.03). The two PIs achieved high levels of antiviral effectiveness. However, the suboptimal antiviral effectiveness of PEG-IFN/RBV and the low loss of infected cells suggest that a longer treatment duration might be needed in cirrhotic treatment-experienced patients and that a future IFN-free regimen may be particularly beneficial in these patients

    Porphyromonas gingivalis Participates in Pathogenesis of Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by Neutrophil Activation. Proof of Concept in Rats

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) represent a particular form of atherothrombosis where neutrophil proteolytic activity plays a major role. We postulated that neutrophil recruitment and activation participating in AAA growth may originate in part from repeated episodes of periodontal bacteremia. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Our results show that neutrophil activation in human AAA was associated with Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation in the IntraLuminal Thrombus, leading to the release of cell-free DNA. Human AAA samples were shown to contain bacterial DNA with high frequency (11/16), and in particular that of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), the most prevalent pathogen involved in chronic periodontitis, a common form of periodontal disease. Both DNA reflecting the presence of NETs and antibodies to Pg were found to be increased in plasma of patients with AAA. Using a rat model of AAA, we demonstrated that repeated injection of Pg fostered aneurysm development, associated with pathological characteristics similar to those observed in humans, such as the persistence of a neutrophil-rich luminal thrombus, not observed in saline-injected rats in which a healing process was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the control of periodontal disease may represent a therapeutic target to limit human AAA progression

    Ville et campagne de Fréjus romaine

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    En 2006, une fouille d’archĂ©ologie prĂ©ventive, dĂ©signĂ©e sous le nom de « Villa Romana », a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le quartier de Villeneuve Ă  FrĂ©jus. Durant l’AntiquitĂ© il s’agit d’une zone pĂ©riurbaine situĂ©e entre la ville de Forum Iulii et le dĂ©bouchĂ© de l’Argens. Connu depuis longtemps en raison de la prĂ©sence d’un Ă©difice thermal toujours en Ă©lĂ©vation, le quartier a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ© Ă  plusieurs occasions et est interprĂ©tĂ© comme Ă©tant l’emplacement du camp de la flotte, Ă©tabli aprĂšs la bataille d’Actium. Celui-ci se transforme progressivement durant le Ier siĂšcle apr. J.-C. en quartier suburbain au fur et Ă  mesure que se dĂ©veloppe Forum Iulii. Le secteur fouillĂ© se situe dans la partie sud du camp, bordĂ©e par la mer durant les premiers temps de l’AntiquitĂ©. La fouille a permis de rĂ©vĂ©ler la prĂ©sence d’une plage amĂ©nagĂ©e. Les terrains ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© rapidement gagnĂ©s sur la mer, en raison d’une avancĂ©e rapide du littoral, que des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont permis de bien connaitre Ă  FrĂ©jus. Des jardins y sont alors amĂ©nagĂ©s. A partir du IIe siĂšcle, cet espace est transformĂ© en zone agricole, et constitue l’illustration de l’exploitation de la campagne aux portes de FrĂ©jus, et cela, jusqu’à la fin de l’AntiquitĂ©. S’ensuit une longue pĂ©riode d’abandon de plusieurs siĂšcles, avant que l’espace ne soit Ă  nouveau vouĂ© Ă  l’agriculture et ce jusqu’à l’orĂ©e des annĂ©es soixante. Depuis, le dĂ©veloppement de la ville actuelle de FrĂ©jus a de nouveau transformĂ© ce quartier en zone urbaine. Cet ouvrage, publiĂ© quelques annĂ©es seulement aprĂšs la fouille, prĂ©sente l’ensemble des Ă©tudes archĂ©ologiques et palĂ©oenvironnementales, rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’occasion de cette opĂ©ration, largement pluridisciplinaire. Elles fournissent un contexte environnemental nouveau pour ce quartier antique et permettent de redĂ©finir un paysage Ă  partir d’analyses bioarchĂ©ologiques et palĂ©oĂ©cologiques rĂ©centes. L’étude de l’ensemble des mobiliers archĂ©ologiques est Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ©e, en suivant la chronologie et l’évolution de ce quartier Ă  travers l’AntiquitĂ© et l’époque moderne

    The thalamus and its subnuclei—a gateway to obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Larger thalamic volume has been found in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and children with clinical-level symptoms within the general population. Particular thalamic subregions may drive these differences. The ENIGMA-OCD working group conducted mega- and meta-analyses to study thalamic subregional volume in OCD across the lifespan. Structural T-1-weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans from 2649 OCD patients and 2774 healthy controls across 29 sites (50 datasets) were processed using the FreeSurfer built-in ThalamicNuclei pipeline to extract five thalamic subregions. Volume measures were harmonized for site effects using ComBat before running separate multiple linear regression models for children, adolescents, and adults to estimate volumetric group differences. All analyses were pre-registered (https://osf.io/73dvy) and adjusted for age, sex and intracranial volume. Unmedicated pediatric OCD patients (<12 years) had larger lateral (d = 0.46), pulvinar (d = 0.33), ventral (d = 0.35) and whole thalamus (d = 0.40) volumes at unadjusted p-values <0.05. Adolescent patients showed no volumetric differences. Adult OCD patients compared with controls had smaller volumes across all subregions (anterior, lateral, pulvinar, medial, and ventral) and smaller whole thalamic volume (d = -0.15 to -0.07) after multiple comparisons correction, mostly driven by medicated patients and associated with symptom severity. The anterior thalamus was also significantly smaller in patients after adjusting for thalamus size. Our results suggest that OCD-related thalamic volume differences are global and not driven by particular subregions and that the direction of effects are driven by both age and medication status
