21 research outputs found

    Geometry of isolated horizons

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    While the formalism of isolated horizons is known for some time, only quite recently the near horizon solution of Einstein's equations has been found in the Bondi-like coordinates by Krishnan in 2012. In this framework, the space-time is regarded as the characteristic initial value problem with the initial data given on the horizon and another null hypersurface. It is not clear, however, what initial data reproduce the simplest physically relevant black hole solution, namely that of Kerr-Newman which describes stationary, axisymmetric black hole with charge. Moreover, Krishnan's construction employs the non-twisting null geodesic congruence and the tetrad which is parallelly propagated along this congruence. While the existence of such tetrad can be easily established in general, its explicit form can be very difficult to find and, in fact it has not been provided for the Kerr-Newman metric. The goal of this thesis was to fill this gap and provide a full description of the Kerr-Newman metric in the framework of isolated horizons. In the theoretical part of the thesis we review the spinor and Newman-Penrose formalism, basic geometry of isolated horizons and then present our results. Thesis is complemented by several appendices

    Geometrie izolovaných horizontů

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    Ačkoli je formalizmus izolovaných horizontů znám delší dobu, teprve v roce 2012 byl Krishnan schopen najít řešení Einsteinových rovnic v okolí horizontu v souřadnicích podobných Bondiho. Prostoročas je v tomto formalismu chápán jako počáteční úloha na charakteristikách s počátečními daty zadanými na hori- zontu společně s další nulovou nadplochou. Nicméně není jasné jak zvolit počáteční hodnoty tak, abychom dostali nejjednodušší fyzikálně relevantní řešení, Kerrův- Newmanův prostoročas popisující stacionární axisymetrickou černou díru s ná- bojem. Krishnanova konstrukce navíc používá netwistující kongruenci nulových geodetik a zkonstruovaná tetráda je paralelně přenášená podél této kongruence. Existence této tetrády je jasná i v plné obecnosti, její explicitní podobu může však být velmi těžké najít a pro Kerrovu-Newmanovu metriku zatím známa nebyla. Cíl této práce je zaplnit toto prázdné místo a najít plný popis Kerrovy-Newmanovy metriky ve formalismu izolovaných horizontů. Nejprve uvádíme přehled spinoro- vého a Newmanova-Penrosova formalismu společně se základní geometrií izolova- ných horizontů a následně prezentujeme naše výsledky. Práce je doplněna několika dodatky.While the formalism of isolated horizons is known for some time, only quite recently the near horizon solution of Einstein's equations has been found in the Bondi-like coordinates by Krishnan in 2012. In this framework, the space-time is regarded as the characteristic initial value problem with the initial data given on the horizon and another null hypersurface. It is not clear, however, what ini- tial data reproduce the simplest physically relevant black hole solution, namely that of Kerr-Newman which describes stationary, axisymmetric black hole with charge. Moreover, Krishnan's construction employs the non-twisting null geodesic congruence and the tetrad which is parallelly propagated along this congruence. While the existence of such tetrad can be easily established in general, its explicit form can be very difficult to find and, in fact it has not been provided for the Kerr-Newman metric. The goal of this thesis was to fill this gap and provide a full description of the Kerr-Newman metric in the framework of isolated horizons. In the theoretical part of the thesis we review the spinor and Newman-Penrose formalism, basic geometry of isolated horizons and then present our results. Thesis is complemented by several appendices.Institute of Theoretical PhysicsÚstav teoretické fyzikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Opportunities for improving animal welfare in rodent models of epilepsy and seizures

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    Animal models of epilepsy and seizures, mostly involving mice and rats, are used to understand the pathophysiology of the different forms of epilepsy and their comorbidities, to identify biomarkers, and to discover new antiepileptic drugs and treatments for comorbidities. Such models represent an important area for application of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement of animal use). This report provides background information and recommendations aimed at minimising pain, suffering and distress in rodent models of epilepsy and seizures in order to improve animal welfare and optimise the quality of studies in this area. The report includes practical guidance on principles of choosing a model, induction procedures, in vivo recordings, perioperative care, welfare assessment, humane endpoints, social housing, environmental enrichment, reporting of studies and data sharing. In addition, some model-specific welfare considerations are discussed, and data gaps and areas for further research are identified. The guidance is based upon a systematic review of the scientific literature, survey of the international epilepsy research community, consultation with veterinarians and animal care and welfare officers, and the expert opinion and practical experience of the members of a Working Group convened by the United Kingdom's National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)

    Zhodnocení zdravotního stavu dřevin v Zámeckém parku v Blatné

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    Robert Flandera Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology Mendel University in Brno This bachelor`s thesis deals with evaluation of state of health of trees in castle park Blatná. Suggested care, which depends on the evaluation, is in two forms, intervention on trees and new planting. Proposed care has been designed, so that park stays beautiful and majestic as long as possible. The thesis is divided into two parts : the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part, aided by technical literature, deals with explanation of important concepts, which are integral to evaluating the state of plants. It also deals with intervention and planting in the park. The practical part focuses on information concerning the trees, collected in the field and interpreted in the resulting charts and tables. It presents the results of field measurements, from which the suggested care of the park is then devised. The conclusion summarizes the whole thesis. The discussion focuses on the differences in qualitative attributes between two sites in the park

    Modular Pneumatic Track

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh a konstrukční realizace modulární pneumatické trati, pro možnost testování vybraných pneumatických akčních členů nebo senzorů. Zároveň bude obsahovat i podrobný manuál k této sestavě. Zejména se zde jedná o ventilátory, různé typy senzorů pro měření průtoků a v neposlední řadě modelářských dmychadel. Konstrukční řešení je zde realizováno za pomoci 3D tisku, dle vytvořeného modelu v CAD softwaru. Jako základem pro řízení je zde využit vývojový kit s mikropočítačem typu ATmega (Arduino UNO).The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is the design and construction of a modular pneumatic track, for the possibility of testing selected pneumatic actuators and measuring members, as well as a detailed manual for this assembly. It's mainly about fans, various types of sensors for measuring flow and, last but not least, model blowers. The design solution is realized with the help of 3D printing, according to the created model in CAD software. As the base for control is there used the development kit ATmega microcomputer (Arduino UNO).Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatikyCelková koncepce řešení je založena především na návrhu a realizaci konstrukce mechatronického zařízení. Elektronické moduly využité v konstrukčním řešení zařízení jsou převážně komerčně vyráběné moduly. Vlastním přínosem studenta je zejména návrh konstrukčního řešení zařízení a jeho realizace. Toto komplexní řešení vyžadovalo široký záběr dovedností studenta. Cíle bakalářské práce byly splněny.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Teorie polí s vyšším spinem ve třech dimenzích

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    V této práci se zabýváme přepisem teorie relativity na kalibračně invariantní Chern-Simonsovu teorii. K tomuto účelu je využit Cartanův formalismus. Následně je ukázáno, že akce takové teorie je ekvivalentní akci Einstein-Hilbertově, a jsou vyšetřeny i další důležité vlastnosti této teorie. Hlavním úkolem je však tento popis rozšířit z částic se spinem 2 na částice se spiny vyššími. Toho je dosaženo rozšířením generátorů Lieovy algebry a jim odpovídajících potenciálů. Poté jsou ukázány vlastnosti řešení pro spin 2 v tomto popisu. Také je představen příklad řešeních od vyšších spinů nazývaných kónické defekty.In this thesis the theory of general relativity is rewritten into a gauge Chern- Simons theory. The vielbein formalism is used for this purpose. It is shown that the action of such a theory corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert action. The most important properties of the Chern-Simons theory are investigated. However the aim is to extend this description of spin-2 particles to the higher spin ones. This is done through treating Lie algebra generators and their potentials. Properties of the spin-2 solution are discussed in this context. An example of higher spin solutions, so-called conical defects, is also given.Institute of Theoretical PhysicsÚstav teoretické fyzikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Klasické masáže

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    Individual Planning in House for Elderly People in Blatna

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    Old years, in the case everything is good and people are given to be alive, are the last period of the life. Unfortunatelly, it often becomes complicated for physical and psychic difficulties. From this reason it is necessary to take a cautions approach to the life, especially in the case that the person has lost a partner who could provide him or her at least basic care and support. In view of the fact that an average time of the survival and the numer of old people and their families to look forward.They also should carry on preventivelly some things, for example to submit an application to gain a long-stay accomodation in a senior houses which can late help to solve unpleasant life?s situation. During interview with old people I found out that most of them had problems to fill in application forms to get a long-stay accomodation in a senior house. Some of them have difficulties to have an appointment with a doctor and to let him or her to fill in a form. Not due to they are handicapped but only because they are shy and are affraid of being placed in senior houses. A lot of people think that these ?houses? are only very last places before they are going to die very soon. In the first chapter I dealt with the present state of old peoples? problems which is above all typify with biological and psychological needs and their satisfying. Ageism /age discrimination/ is a very unpleasant phenomenon. A lot of old people have to be confrontated with it every day. It means for example during doing shopping, in the offices and so on. Very interesting for me was the part about how Czech people understood the old age.Their opinions are worth to have a think about them. In the second chapter I tried to highlight the characteristic of the care od old people which firstly start when we speak to them. The other very important part is the part about forms of the system of the care of old people. The next part offer the help to the families or the old people to choose the available place for a long-stay social accomodation. The third chapter deals with the listing and strict specification each, for old people affordable service around the town of Blatná and it?s surroudings which should help to choose the most available place. The fourth chapter deals with the history and the present days of the Senior House near the town of Blatná. It?s history started in 1952 when the first people were placed in the old castle in Lažany, the village within 10 kilometres from the town of Blatná. The fifth chapter deals with individual planning which is the main theme of my bachelor thesis and forms the core of research questions, concerning of the clients? and workers? opinions. The replies to researching questions I gained from the interview with some clients and some workers and supervisors. The information which I had got I sorted out logically and I even made some charts to get clear arrangement. This thesis, focused on regional features, could be useful for senior houses, head workers, supervisors and all workers in social services, I intended the thesis as an impulse to improve working environement in the team and also to improve the support and help for workers through the agency of supervising

    Higher spin theories in three dimensions

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    In this thesis the theory of general relativity is rewritten into a gauge Chern- Simons theory. The vielbein formalism is used for this purpose. It is shown that the action of such a theory corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert action. The most important properties of the Chern-Simons theory are investigated. However the aim is to extend this description of spin-2 particles to the higher spin ones. This is done through treating Lie algebra generators and their potentials. Properties of the spin-2 solution are discussed in this context. An example of higher spin solutions, so-called conical defects, is also given

    Kerr-Newman black hole in the formalism of isolated horizons

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    The near horizon geometry of general black holes in equilibrium can be conveniently characterized in the formalism of weakly isolated horizons in the form of the Bondi-like expansions (Krishnan B, Classical Quantum Gravity 29, 205006, 2012). While the intrinsic geometry of the Kerr-Newman black hole has been extensively investigated in the weakly isolated horizon framework, the off-horizon description in the Bondi-like system employed by Krishnan has not been studied. We extend Krishnan’s work by explicit, nonperturbative construction of the Bondi-like tetrad in the full Kerr-Newman spacetime. Namely, we construct the Bondi-like tetrad which is parallelly propagated along a nontwisting null geodesic congruence transversal to the horizon and provide all Newman-Penrose scalars associated with this tetrad. This work completes the description of the Kerr-Newman spacetime in the formalism of weakly isolated horizons and is a starting point for the investigation of deformed black holes