10 research outputs found

    Enantioselective synthesis of non-proteinogenic 2-arylallyl-α-amino acids via Pd/In catalytic cascades

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    An efficient synthesis of both R- and S-enantiomers of 2-arylallyl-α-amino acids via a diastereoselective Pd/In mediated catalytic allylation of chiral N-sulfinyl-α-imino esters is described. The potential for further enhancement of molecular complexity and creating contiguous chiral centres by interfacing these processes with catalytic cyclisation–anion capture methodology is demonstrated

    A Chemical Genomics Approach to Drug Reprofiling in Oncology: Antipsychotic Drug Risperidone as a Potential Adenocarcinoma Treatment

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    Drug reprofiling is emerging as an effective paradigm for discovery of cancer treatments. Herein, an antipsychotic drug is immobilised using the Magic Tag® chemical genomics tool and screened against a T7 bacteriophage displayed library of polypeptides from Drosophila melanogaster, as a whole genome model, to uncover an interaction with a section of 17-β-HSD10, a proposed prostate cancer target. A computational study and enzyme inhibition assay with full length human 17-β-HSD10 identifies risperidone as a drug reprofiling candidate. When formulated with rumenic acid, risperidone slows proliferation of PC3 prostate cancer cells in vitro and retards PC3 prostate cancer tumour growth in vivo in xenografts in mice, presenting an opportunity to reprofile risperidone as a cancer treatment

    Identification of a lead like inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus non-structural NS2 autoprotease

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 2 (NS2) encodes a autoprotease activity that is essential for virus replication and thus represents an attractive anti-viral target. Recently, we demonstrated that a series of epoxide-based compounds, previously identified as potent inhibitors of the clotting factor, FXIII, also inhibited NS2-mediated proteolysis in vitro and possessed anti-viral activity in cell culture models. This suggested that a selective small molecule inhibitor of the NS2 autoprotease represents a viable prospect, therefore in this independent study we applied a structure-guided virtual high-throughput screening approach to identify a lead-like small molecule inhibitor of the NS2 autoprotease. This screen identified a candidate lead-like small molecule that was able to inhibit both NS2-mediated proteolysis in vitro and NS2-dependent genome replication in a cell-based assay. Structure-activity relationship analysis shed light on the nature of the active pharmacophore in this compound and may inform further development into a more potent inhibitor of NS2 mediated proteolysis

    From TgO/GABA-AT, GABA, and T-263 mutant to conception of Toxoplasma

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    Toxoplasma gondii causes morbidity, mortality, and disseminates widely via cat sexual stages. Here, we find T. gondii ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) is conserved across phyla. We solve TgO/GABA-AT structures with bound inactivators at 1.55 Å and identify an inactivator selective for TgO/GABA-AT over human OAT and GABA-AT. However, abrogating TgO/GABA-AT genetically does not diminish replication, virulence, cyst-formation, or eliminate cat’s oocyst shedding. Increased sporozoite/merozoite TgO/GABA-AT expression led to our study of a mutagenized clone with oocyst formation blocked, arresting after forming male and female gametes, with “Rosetta stone”-like mutations in genes expressed in merozoites. Mutations are similar to those in organisms from plants to mammals, causing defects in conception and zygote formation, affecting merozoite capacitation, pH/ionicity/sodium-GABA concentrations, drawing attention to cyclic AMP/PKA, and genes enhancing energy or substrate formation in TgO/GABA-AT-related-pathways. These candidates potentially influence merozoite’s capacity to make gametes that fuse to become zygotes, thereby contaminating environments and causing disease

    Interconvertible geometric isomers of Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors exhibit multiple binding modes

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    Two new tricyclic β-aminoacrylate derivatives (2e and 3e) have been found to be inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (PfDHODH) with Ki 0.037 and 0.15 μM respectively. 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic data show that these compounds undergo ready cis-trans isomerisation at room temperature in polar solvents. In silico docking studies indicate that for both molecules there is neither conformation nor double bond configuration which bind preferentially to PfDHODH. This flexibility is favourable for inhibitors of this channel that require extensive positioning to reach their binding site

    Structure-switching M3L2 Ir(III) coordination cages with photo-isomerising azo-aromatic linkers

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    This work was supported by The Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2014-148), EPSRC (EP/M02105X/1, 1238852 (VEP), equipment grant EP/K039202/1). This work was carried out with support of Diamond Light Source (MT-10344).Cyclotriguaiacylene has been functionalised with 3- or 4-pyridyl-azo-phenyl groups to form a series of molecular hosts with three azobenzene-type groups that exhibit reversible photo-isomerisation. Reaction of the host molecules with [Ir(C^N)2(NCMe)2]+ where C^N is the cyclometallating 2-phenylpyridinato, 2-(4-methylphenyl)pyridinato or 2-(4,5,6-trifluorophenyl)pyridinato results in the self-assembly of a family of five different [{Ir(C^N)2}3(L)2]3+ coordination cages. Photo-irradiation of each of the cages with a high energy laser results in E → Z photo-isomerisation of the pyridyl-azo-phenyl groups with up to 40% of groups isomerising. Isomerisation can be reversed by exposure to blue light. Thus, the cages show reversible structure-switching while maintaining their compositional integrity. This represents the largest photo-induced structural change yet reported for a structurally-integral component of a coordination cage. Energy minimised molecular models indicate a switched cage has a smaller internal space than the initial all-E isomer. The [Ir(C^N)2(NCMe)2]+ cages are weakly emissive, each with a deep blue luminescence at ca. 450 nm.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Îł-Carboline AC190 analogues via palladium catalysed allene insertion stereo and regioselective 3- and 5- component cascades

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    Îł-Carbolines were prepared from pyrido[4,3-b]-5H-indoles via Pd(0)-catalysed, stereo and regioselective allene/uridine allene insertion 3- and 5- component cascades. This versatile reaction sequence gives a range of structurally diverse carboline derivatives and tolerates a broad range of substrates. The power of this approach has been harnessed to produce Îł-carboline based HDAC inhibitors

    From TgO/GABA-AT, GABA, and T-263 Mutant to Conception of Toxoplasma

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    Summary: Toxoplasma gondii causes morbidity, mortality, and disseminates widely via cat sexual stages. Here, we find T. gondii ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) is conserved across phyla. We solve TgO/GABA-AT structures with bound inactivators at 1.55 Å and identify an inactivator selective for TgO/GABA-AT over human OAT and GABA-AT. However, abrogating TgO/GABA-AT genetically does not diminish replication, virulence, cyst-formation, or eliminate cat’s oocyst shedding. Increased sporozoite/merozoite TgO/GABA-AT expression led to our study of a mutagenized clone with oocyst formation blocked, arresting after forming male and female gametes, with “Rosetta stone”-like mutations in genes expressed in merozoites. Mutations are similar to those in organisms from plants to mammals, causing defects in conception and zygote formation, affecting merozoite capacitation, pH/ionicity/sodium-GABA concentrations, drawing attention to cyclic AMP/PKA, and genes enhancing energy or substrate formation in TgO/GABA-AT-related-pathways. These candidates potentially influence merozoite’s capacity to make gametes that fuse to become zygotes, thereby contaminating environments and causing disease