825 research outputs found

    Tratamento da esquitossomose mansoni pela oxamniquine em dose única, pela via oral

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    A oxamniquine em cápsulas foi usada no tratamento de 132 doentes com esquistossomose mansoni crônica, sendo 129 com a forma hepato-intestinal e 3 com a forma hepato-esplênica. A dose foi de 10 mg por quilo de peso corporal em 34 pacientes, 12.5 mg em 35 e 15 mg em 63. A tolerância foi excelente em 43,2% dos tratados, boa em 48,5% e satisfatória em 8,3%. As queixas mais freqüentes foram tonturas e sonolência, que aparecem logo após a ingestão da droga e são fugazes. Os exames de laboratório mostraram em um ou outro paciente somente discreta retenção de bromosulfaleina, aumento de transaminase e da bilirrubina, insuficientes para caracterizar uma hepatoxicidade evidente. O seguimento dos pacientes se prolongou por mais de quatro meses e constou de pelo menos cinco exames de fezes pelo método de sedimentação. Todos os exames foram negativos em 20 (66,66%) pacientes que tomaram 10 mg, em 13 (56,52%) que tomaram 12.5 mg e em 41 (89,13%) que tomaram 15 mg. Excluindo-se os menores de 16 anos subiu a 95% a negatividade entre os que foram tratados com 15 mg.Oxamniquine in capsules was used in the treatment of 132 patients with chronic Schistosoma mansoni infections. 129 having the hepato intestinal form and 3 the hepato splenic form. The dose was 10mg per kiio body weight in 34 patients, 12.5mg in 35 and 15mg ip 63. The tolerance was excellent in 43.2% of those treated, good in 48.5% and satisfactory in 8.3%. The most frequent complaints were dizziness and somnolence which appear soon after ingestion and was transitory. Laboratory investigations showed in a few patients bromosutphalein retention, raised transaminases or biiirubin but insufficient to constitute hepatoxicity. The follow-up of the patients continued for more than 4 months and consisted of five or more examinations by a sedimentation method. AH the examinations were negative in 20 (66.66%) patients who took lOmg, in 13 (56.52%) who took 12.5mg and in 41 (89.13%) who took 15mg. Excluding children of iess than 16 years the cure rate rises to 95% among patients treated with 15mg

    Physical and technical performances are not associated with tactical prominence in U14 soccer matches

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the association between physical/technical variables and the tactical prominence variables in U14 soccer matches. Twenty-two young amateur soccer players (13.5 0.5 years old, 5.4 0.5 years of practice, 163.3 9.8 cm in body height) from two teams of the Portuguese regional league volunteered for the study. Our results showed positive and moderate correlation between dribbling test and betweenness centrality (r = 0.324; p = 0.142), and negative moderate correlation between %fatigue index and betweenness centrality (r = −0.390; p = 0.073). Physical and technical variables had no statistical differences among tactical positions. Nevertheless, when tactical prominence of players from four tactical positions were compared, significant differences were found in terms of degree prestige (p = 0.001) and degree centrality (p = 0.002). This pilot study did not find strong correlations between physical/technical levels and tactical prominence in soccer matches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An HIV-1/HIV-2 Chimeric Envelope Glycoprotein Generates Binding and Neutralising Antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2 Isolates

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by national funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/04585/2020, by FCT and Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)—Portugal Collaborative Research Network in Portuguese speaking countries in Africa, project 332821690 and by Ministry of Health, Portugal, project HIV/SAU/0008.11. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.The development of immunogens that elicit broadly reactive neutralising antibodies (bNAbs) is the highest priority for an HIV vaccine. We have shown that a prime-boost vaccination strategy with vaccinia virus expressing the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of HIV-2 and a polypeptide comprising the envelope regions C2, V3 and C3 elicits bNAbs against HIV-2. We hypothesised that a chimeric envelope gp120 containing the C2, V3 and C3 regions of HIV-2 and the remaining parts of HIV-1 would elicit a neutralising response against HIV-1 and HIV-2. This chimeric envelope was synthesised and expressed in vaccinia virus. Balb/c mice primed with the recombinant vaccinia virus and boosted with an HIV-2 C2V3C3 polypeptide or monomeric gp120 from a CRF01_AG HIV-1 isolate produced antibodies that neutralised >60% (serum dilution 1:40) of a primary HIV-2 isolate. Four out of nine mice also produced antibodies that neutralised at least one HIV-1 isolate. Neutralising epitope specificity was assessed using a panel of HIV-1 TRO.11 pseudoviruses with key neutralising epitopes disrupted by alanine substitution (N160A in V2; N278A in the CD4 binding site region; N332A in the high mannose patch). The neutralisation of the mutant pseudoviruses was reduced or abolished in one mouse, suggesting that neutralising antibodies target the three major neutralising epitopes in the HIV-1 envelope gp120. These results provide proof of concept for chimeric HIV-1/HIV-2 envelope glycoproteins as vaccine immunogens that can direct the antibody response against neutralising epitopes in the HIV-1 and HIV-2 surface glycoproteins.publishersversionpublishe

    Retinitis induction by human cytomegalovirus in imunossupressed rabbits

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    The search for new therapies to the HCMV retinitis made researchers look for an animal model for this infection. In anterior study we didn’t get a good level of imunossupression in rabbits with Azathiprina and Prednisona. In this way, we opt for use the Cyclophosphamide in five rabbits of New Zealand race, in which were injected HCMV in vitreous of both eyes, in different stages of imunossupression protocol. The observation period was 112 days, observing sistemics alterations (weight, blood count) and ocular alterations (trough binocular ophthalmoscopy and retinography ). After the animals sacrifice, it was researched HCMV antigens in vitreous and retina. It was found important weight loss, blood count not compatible with the imunossupression signs, retinians lesions and vitreous alterations not specifics (exsudate and vitreits with spontaneous involution ). It wasn’t detected HCMV antigens in vitreous and retina inprints from the sacrificed rabbits. In this way, it was concluded that also with this new imunossupression scheme, the HCMV causes not specific intra-ocular inflamation. Therefore, the HCMV inoculation in rabbits doesn’t determine an experimental model to HCMV retinitis.A procura por novos esquemas terapêuticos para a retinite por HCMV levou pesquisadores à busca de um modelo animal para o estudo desta infecção. Em estudo anterior, não conseguimos nível adequado de imunossupressão com associação de Azathioprina e Prednisona em coelhos. Assim, optamos por utilizar a Ciclofosfamida em cinco coelhos da raça New Zealand, e injetamos HCMV no vítreo de ambos os olhos de cada um deles, em diferentes etapas do protocolo de imunossupressão. O período de seguimento foi de até 112 dias, avaliando-se alterações sistêmicas (peso, hemograma) e alterações oculares (através de oftalmoscopia binocular indireta e retinografia). Após o sacrifício dos animais, pesquisaram-se antígenos de HCMV em vítreo e retina. Encontrou-se importante perda de peso, hemograma não compatível com os sinais de imunossupressão, lesões retinianas e alterações vítreas inespecíficas (exsudatos e vitreíte com involução espontânea). Não foram detectados antígenos de HCMV nos Inprints de retinas e vítreos dos coelhos sacrificados. Desse modo, concluiu-se que, também com esse novo esquema de imunossupressão, o HCMV causa inflamação intra-ocular inespecífica. Portanto, a inoculação do HCMV, em coelhos, não determina modelo experimental para a retinite pelo CMV

    Results from the portuguese register

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    Objective Our aims were to evaluate the correlation between Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 27-joint reduced count (JADAS27) with erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and JADAS27 with C-reactive protein (CRP) scores and to test the agreement of both scores on classifying each disease activity state. We also aimed at verifying the correlation of the 2 scores across juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) categories and to check the correlation between JADAS27-ESR and clinical JADAS27 (JADAS27 without ESR). Methods A nationwide cohort of patients with JIA registered in the Portuguese Register, Reuma.pt, was studied. JADAS27-CRP was adapted by replacing ESR with CRP level as the inflammatory marker. JADAS27-CRP was calculated similarly to JADAS27-ESR as the simple linear sum of its 4 components. Pearson's correlations and K statistics were used in the analyses. Results A total of 358 children had full data to calculate JADAS27; 65.4% were female and the mean ± SD disease duration was 11.8 ± 9.1 years. The correlation coefficient between JADAS27-ESR and JADAS27-CRP was 0.967 (P < 0.0001), although the correlation coefficient between ESR and CRP level was 0.335 (P < 0.0001). The strong correlation between JADAS27-ESR and JADAS27-CRP was maintained when compared within each JIA category. The agreement between JADAS27-ESR and JADAS27-CRP across the 4 activity states was very good, showing 91.1% of the observations in agreement; K = 0.867 (95% confidence interval 0.824-0.91). The correlation between JADAS27 with ESR and JADAS27 without ESR was high (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001). Conclusion JADAS27 based on CRP level correlated closely with JADAS27-ESR across all disease activity states and JIA categories, indicating that both measures can be used in clinical practice. Moreover, the correlation of JADAS27 with and without ESR was also high, suggesting that this tool might be useful even in the absence of laboratorial measures.publishersversionpublishe

    Portuguese Football Federation consensus statement 2020: nutrition and performance in football

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    Nutrition is an undeniable part of promoting health and performance among football (soccer) players. Nevertheless, nutritional strategies adopted in elite football can vary significantly depending on culture, habit and practical constraints and might not always be supported by scientific evidence. Therefore, a group of 28 Portuguese experts on sports nutrition, sports science and sports medicine sought to discuss current practices in the elite football landscape and review the existing evidence on nutritional strategies to be applied when supporting football players. Starting from understanding football's physical and physiological demands, five different moments were identified: preparing to play, match-day, recovery after matches, between matches and during injury or rehabilitation periods. When applicable, specificities of nutritional support to young athletes and female players were also addressed. The result is a set of practical recommendations that gathered consensus among involved experts, highlighting carbohydrates periodisation, hydration and conscious use of dietary supplements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio