18,852 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the invisible with matrix elements

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    We propose a fully flexible method to perform an hypothesis test between signal and background based on the Matrix Element Method in the presence of multiple invisible particles. The proposed method performs a mapping of the measured final state onto its minimal hypersurface of degrees of freedom for a given process and then maximises the matrix element on this hypersurface separately for signal and background. To show how performant the method is in separating signal from background, we apply it to the prominent partly invisible decay of a Higgs boson into a muon-antimuon pair and two muon-neutrinos via two W bosons.Comment: 4 page


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    Ireland’s relationship to the British Empire has been considered something either confusing or controversial. According to Stephen Howe “most historians would concur that the history of modern Ireland has been associated with that of the British Empire”(HOWE, 2002, p. 220). In 1541, Ireland was granted the status of Kingdom. The Act of Union made Ireland “an equal partner in the United Kingdom”. However, from the Glorious Revolution on, the Irish Protestant Ascendancy look inside themselves and what they see is a country which is “a ‘sister kingdom’ to England and Scotland”. English politicians by their turn are not able to see anything more than “a depending kingdom, a foreign country or a child-colony”. Supported by historical and literary approaches related to colonialism and postcolonialism, this work tries to demonstrate how ambiguous has been such relationship

    Realidades creativas de campo estético: hibridación entre el arte y la arquitectura digital

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    La arquitectura se ha ampliado en su complejidad por los recursos de la computación, la promoción de cambios significativos en la forma, la renuncia de la gama común de las apariencias y la búsqueda de experiencias con versiones inusuales, creando metáforas visuales para un nuevo mundo. Las formas espaciales se crean a partir de varios principios con muchas motas científicas para explorar, en una utilización intensa y sistemática de los medios digitales, lo que resulta en procesos de tenencias de plástico comunes a las artes digitales. La arquitectura digital puede materializarse signos de una muy amplia gama de referencias y, subyacente a la forma en que el deseo de expresión traducido en un carácter de la belleza.A arquitetura vem sendo ampliada na sua complexidade pelos recursos da computação, promovendo mudanças significativas nas formas, a renúncia das aparências do âmbito comum e a busca por experiências com versões inusitadas, criando metáforas visuais para um novo mundo. As formas espaciais são criadas a partir de princípios diversos, com muitos motes científicos a explorar, numa utilização intensa e sistemática do meio digital, surgindo assim processos de explorações plásticas comuns às artes digitais. A arquitetura digital pode materializar signos de uma diversidade muito grande de referentes, subvertendo à forma o desejo de uma expressão traduzida num caráter de beleza.The architecture has been expanded in its own complexity through computing resources, promoting significant changes in its forms, renouncing the appearances of the common scope and exploring new experiences with unusual versions and also, creating visual metaphors for a new world. The spatial forms are created by several principles, with many scientific motes to explore, in an intense and systematic use of digital medium, thus arising processes of aesthetic explorations common to the digital arts. The digital architecture can materialize signs through a diversity of references, subverting to the form the desire of an expression translated in a character of beauty

    A coisa julgada no direito canônico e suas possíveis contribuições ao direito processual civil

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    Trata da coisa julgada no direito canônico e suas possíveis influências no direito processual civil. Esclarece questões acerca do direito canônico, seu trânsito, a imutabilidade e os meios de impugnação das sentenças. Apresenta um quadro comparativo entre direito canônico e o direito processual civil brasileiro

    The general theory of employment at 86: some empirical evidence

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    In this paper we develop an empirically testable version of the General Theory of Employment. We model it using a simultaneous system of equations, and estimate this system with three-stage least-squares (3SLS). Our results indicate that present income is the main driver of consumption, the transaction motive dominates in the liquidity preference, the major determinant of investment is the state of long-term expectations, and employment is principally pushed by private investment spending

    Multilem : how to stand up to a crisis?

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    Multilem is a Portuguese company, founded in 1986, operating in the fairs industry, responsible for the manufacture of stands and for managing the performance of its clients in industry fairs. In 2008, after many successful years, the international economic crisis sent Multilem into hard times. Customers started to decrease the number of orders and to commit lower budgets to their presence in fairs. Multilem had to outline a strategy to maintain the business. Multilem’s case study addresses this crisis situation, providing information about the story of the company, the economic crisis and the industry in which Multilem operates. Information on key aspects shaping the behavior of clients is also provided. Additionally, in the Literature Review section, subjects that provide a broad perspective of the problem are addressed. The Teaching Notes section offers an analysis of the case including possible future alternatives and recommendations to Multilem’s management. The aim of this dissertation is to help to develop a strategy that will help Multilem facing this crisis, in order to keep operating in its traditional market niche.Multilem é uma empresa portuguesa, fundada em 1986, que opera na indústria de ferias, responsável pela construção de stand e pela gestão da performance dos seus clientes em feiras da indústria. Em 2008, após vários anos de sucesso, a crise económica internacional enviou a Multilem para maus momentos. Os clientes começaram a diminuir o número de pedidos e a disponibilizar orçamentos mais baixos para a sua presença nas feiras. Multilem teve de delinear uma estratégia para manter o negócio. O caso de estudo da Multilem aborda esta situação de crise, providenciando informação sobre a história da empresa, sobre a crise económica e a indústria onde a Multilem opera. É também disponibilizada informação sobre os aspetos chave que moldam o comportamento dos clientes. Adicionalmente, na Revisão de Literatura, são abordados temas que fornecem uma perspetiva mais ampla do problema. Na secção de Notas de Ensino é oferecida uma análise do caso, incluindo futuras alternativas, bem como recomendações para os gerentes da Multilem. A finalidade desta dissertação é ajudar a desenvolver uma estratégia que ajudará a Multilem a enfrentar a crise, a fim de continuar a operar no seu nicho de mercado tradicional

    The role of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome in plant growth

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    The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a multi-subunit E3 ubiquitin ligase that plays a major role in the progression of the eukaryotic cell cycle. This unusual protein complex targets key cell cycle regulators, such as mitotic cyclins and securins, for degradation via the 26S proteasome by ubiquitination, triggering the metaphase-to-anaphase transition and exit from mitosis. Because of its essential role in cell cycle regulation, the APC/C has been extensively studied in mammals and yeasts, but relatively less in plants. Evidence shows that, besides its well-known role in cell cycle regulation, the APC/C also has functions beyond the cell cycle. In metazoans, the APC/C has been implicated in cell differentiation, disease control, basic metabolism and neuronal survival. Recent studies also have shed light on specific functions of the APC/C during plant development. Plant APC/C subunits and activators have been reported to play a role in cellular differentiation, vascular development, shoot branching, female and male gametophyte development and embryogenesis. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the APC/C controlling plant growth