407 research outputs found

    Pràctiques de laboratori de Genètica: Grau en Biotecnologia

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    Es realitzaran dues pràctiques, una sobre la "Segregació de caràcters", en què es farà ús de la Drosophila melanogaster com a organisme experimental, i una altra sobre "Cromosomes politènics", en què es farà ús de la Drosophila subobscura. Ambdues pràctiques estaran imbricades en el temps per optimitzar les sessions de laboratori

    Prácticas de laboratorio de Genética: Grado en Biotecnología

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    Se realizarán dos prácticas, una sobre la "Segregación de Caracteres" utilizando Drosophila melanogaster como organismo experimental, y otra sobre "Cromosomas Politénicos" utilizando Drosophila subobscura. Ambas prácticas estarán imbricadas en el tiempo para optimizar las sesiones de laboratorio

    La descriminalización del tráfico y tenencia de drogas como alternativa político-criminal

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    Fil: Ferré Olivé, Juan Carlos. Universidad de Salamanca. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Penal. Salamanca, EspañaTrabajo presentado y expuesto en el I Congreso Nacional Universitario de Derecho Penal. Buenos Aires. 1 al 3 de diciembre de 198

    The Insecticidal Bacterial Toxins in Modern Agriculture

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    Increased awareness about environmental adverse effects of human activities has prompted the use of insecticides with low impact on systems associated to agriculture. Currently, the most successful biological products are based on protein toxins from the bacterial species Bacillus thuringiensis. Because of the remarkable properties of these proteins, their encoding genes were introduced into farming species (the so called Bt-crops), in such a way, that these plants are self-protected against some key insect pests. Despite the fact that a relatively large number of these toxins, with different toxicity ranges, have been described, it is still important to find new resources with novel capabilities to complement, or to replace in the future, the currently used ones. On another hand, it is important to continue studying their mode action in susceptible insects, and the changes occurred in resistant ones, to determine the most effective strategy for long lasting pest control. The focus of this Special Issue of Toxins is to provide updated information on the use of B. thuringiensis and their toxins on different field crops, the interactions of these toxins with other molecules, analyze the biochemical and molecular basis of emerging cases of resistance and, in general, to provide information which can contribute to an effective pest management with these toxins

    Quantitative real-time PCR with SYBR Green detection to assess gene duplication in insects: study of gene dosage in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera) and in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The accurate determination of the number of copies of a gene in the genome (gene dosage) is essential for a number of genetic analyses. Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) with TaqMan detection has shown advantages over traditional Southern-blot and FISH techniques, however the high costs of the required labeled probes is an important limitation of this method. qPCR with SYBR Green I detection is a simple and inexpensive alternative, but it has never been applied to the determination of the copy number of low copy number genes in organisms with high allelic variability (as some insects), where a very small margin of error is essential.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We have tested the suitability of the qPCR with SYBR Green I detection methodology for the detection of low copy number genes in two insects: the genetically well characterized <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>(Diptera) and the poor genetically characterized <it>Ostrinia nubilalis </it>(Lepidoptera). The system was applied to determine the copy number of: (1) the <it>O. nubilalis cadherin </it>gene, involved in the mode of action of <it>Bacillus thuringiensis </it>toxins, which showed indirect evidence of duplication, and (2) the <it>D. melanogaster BarH1 </it>and <it>BarH2 </it>genes, located within the <it>Bar </it>region of the X chromosome, to clearly determine whether they both are covered by the tandem duplication in the classical <it>Bar </it>(<it>B<sup>1</sup></it>) mutant. Our results showed that the <it>O. nubilalis cadherin </it>gene is an autosomal single copy gene and that <it>BarH1</it>, but not <it>BarH2</it>, is duplicated in the Drosophila <it>B<sup>1 </sup></it>mutant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work shows that qPCR with SYBR Green I detection can be specific and accurate enough to distinguish between one and two gene copies per haploid genome of genes with high allelic variability. The technique is sensitive enough to give reliable results with a minimum amount of sample (DNA from individual thoraxes) and to detect gene duplications in tandem.</p

    Cervantes cautivo en Sarajevo: lectura cervantina de El sitio de los sitios de Juan Goytisolo

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    This article proposes a comparison between the novel State of Siege (1995a) by Juan Goytisolo (English edition: 2008), with the Cervantine thought, fiction and metafiction of Jorge Luis Borges, on one side, and, on the other, with Three Trapped Tigers (1967), the innovative novel by Guillermo Cabrera Infante (English edition: 1971), and with the accurate analysis that Goytisolo made of his narrative mechanisms, relating them to the foundational novel by Cervantes (Don Quixote).Este artículo plantea una comparación entre la novela El sitio de los sitios (1995a), de Juan Goytisolo (edición inglesa: 2008), con el pensamiento cervantino y la ficción y metaficción cervantinas de Jorge Luis Borges, de un lado, y, del otro, con Tres Tristes Tigres (1967), la innovadora novela de Guillermo Cabrera Infante (edición inglesa: 1971), y con el certero análisis que Goytisolo hizo de sus mecanismos narrativos, relacionándolos con la novela fundacional de Cervantes (el Quijote)

    El eros joyciano de Julián Ríos

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    Julián Ríos's literature is the most creative and ingenious expression of the Joycean Eros in Spanish literature. The Joycean Eros is defined, in general lines, by its relationship with human language and the languages ​​of the world, in all its promiscuous plurality, as well as by its verbal staging of the realities and misunderstandings of sex and the equivocal comedy of the genres. From Larva: A Midsummer Night's Babel (1983) to Puente de Alma (2009), Ríos' narrative assumes that verbal and carnal heritage of Joyce, appropriates it without cultural complexes, incorporates it fully into his vast literary project, without losing an apex of uniqueness and originality, thus making one of the great postmodern contributions to a literature like that of Spain so devoid of those aesthetic, intellectual and cultural qualities.La literatura de Julián Ríos es la más creativa e ingeniosa expresion del Eros joyciano en la literatura española. El Eros joyciano se define, en líneas generales, por su relación con el lenguaje humano y las lenguas del mundo, en toda su promiscua pluralidad, además de por su escenificación verbal de las realidades y los malentendidos del sexo y la comedia equívoca de los géneros. Desde Larva. Babel de una noche de San Juan (1983) hasta Puente de Alma (2009), la narrativa de Ríos asume esa herencia verbal y carnal de Joyce, se la apropia sin complejos culturales, la incorpora íntegra a su vasto proyecto literario, sin perder un ápice de singularidad y originalidad, realizando así una de las grandes contribuciones posmodernas a una literatura como la española tan desprovista de esas cualidades estéticas, intelectuales y culturales

    Taxonomías transatlánticas: lo hipertextual y lo mediático en la narrativa en español del siglo XXI (fragmento)

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    "Katherine Hayles articula con gran perspicacia cuál es la importancia de la literatura en esta cultura mediática, sobre todo a partir de sus cualidades artísticas de la relación privilegiada de la narrativa con la subjetividad: “Amongthearts, literatura is privileged because it registers media´s effect both psychologically and heuristically” (2008: 89)...

    Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins: Functional Characterization and Mechanism of Action

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    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-based products are the most successful microbial insecticides to date. This entomopathogenic bacterium produces different kinds of proteins whose specific toxicity has been shown against a wide range of insect orders, nematodes, mites, protozoa, and human cancer cells. Some of these proteins are accumulated in parasporal crystals during the sporulation phase (Cry and Cyt proteins), whereas other proteins are secreted in the vegetative phase of growth (Vip and Sip toxins). Currently, insecticidal proteins belonging to different groups (Cry and Vip3 proteins) are widely used to control insect pests and vectors both in formulated sprays and in transgenic crops (the so-called Bt crops). Despite the extensive use of these proteins in insect pest control, especially Cry and Vip3, their mode of action is not completely understood

    Briófitos como bioindicadores de calidad botánica en zonas áridas del SE español: Sierras de Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla y Cabo de Gata (Almería, España)

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    Briófitos como bioindicadores de calidad botánica en zonas áridas del Sudeste español: Sierras de Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla y Cabo de Gata (Almería, España). Basado en el estudio de la flora y vegetación briofíticas de las sierras de Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla y Cabo de Gata, se ha realizado la evaluación fitobiológica de las mismas aplicando un coeficiente de calidad botánica a una serie de localidades elegidas en el seno de estos sistemas montañosos. De este modo se han cartografiado las zonas con diferentes grados de conservación de la flora y vegetación briofítica en el área de estudio