2,090 research outputs found

    High sensitivity to carcinogens in the brain of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are commonly found among elderly patients. Chronic inflammation is the characteristic of both diseases. Amyloid-b peptide is the main inducer of inflammation in AD. Moreover, chronic inflammation promotes cancer, suggesting that AD patients may be more prone to develop cancer than nondemented people. To test this hypothesis, we injected the carcinogen 20-methylcholanthrene in the brain of transgenic mice overexpressing the mutant forms of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin 1 (PS1), as a model of AD, and their wild-type (WT) littermates. Mutant mice developed tumors faster and with higher incidence than their WT counterparts. Expression of the inflammatory markers interleukin (IL)-1a, IL-1b, IL-6, IP-10 and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) was measured in AD and WT mice of 3 and 12 months of age that had not been exposed to the carcinogen. These cytokines were elevated in older AD mice, indicating the existence of a highly inflammatory milieu in these animals. We also found elevated expression of a mutated form of p53 in older AD mice, suggesting an alternative mechanism for the predisposition of AD brains to develop brain tumors. Clinical studies reporting comorbidity of AD and brain cancer are needed to understand whether our observations hold true for humans.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grant SAF2007-60010, and Instituto de Salud Carlos III Grant RD06/0026/1001.Peer reviewe

    Omaisten saama tuki ja selviytymiskeinot läheisen kuoltua

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    Krueger, Merja. Omaisten saama tuki ja selviytymiskeinot läheisen kuoltua. Diak Länsi, Pori, kevät 2012, 41 s., 2 liitettä. Daikonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Diakonisen sosiaalityön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK)+ diakonian virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu tutkimukselliseen tietoon. Empiirisen aineiston avulla haettiin vastausta tutkimuskysymykseen siitä, mistä läheisensä menettäneet saivat tukea ja apua silloin, kun heitä kohtasi ehkä elämänsä vaikein tilanne. Tutkimus toi samalla esille kunnan ja seurakunnan palvelutarjontaa läheisensä menettäneille. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mistä omaiset saivat apua, minkälaista tuki oli ja kokivatko he sen tarpeelliseksi. Aineiston keruumenetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuutta, lehtiartikkeleita, opinnäytetöitä, www-sivustoja, paikallisen kunnan ja seurakunnan työntekijöiden asiantuntemusta sekä vuosina 2000 - 2010 kuolleiden henkilöiden omaisten kokemuksia. Kunnan ja seurakunnan työntekijät kertoivat vapaamuotoisesti palvelutarjonnastaan ja käytännöistään heille asetettujen kysymysten turvin. Omaisten kokemuksia koottiin haastatteluilla kyselylomakkeen avulla, joka suoritettiin henkilökohtaisesti paikkakunnan hautausmaalla. Kyselyyn osallistuivat 12 henkilöä, joista yksi oli mies ja loput naisia. Lähestymistapa opinnäytetyön aineiston keruu- ja analysointimenetelmiin oli pääsääntöisesti fenomenologisen tutkimuksen kvalitatiivista sisällön analyysiä. tutkimuksessa pyrittiin ymmärtämään inhimillisen toiminnan ja kokemuksen subjektiivista merkitystä silloin, kun ihminen on menettänyt läheisensä. Päätulokset osoittivat, että läheisten tuki oli merkittävintä pienellä paikkakunnalla, jossa sukulaisia oli runsaasti ja ihmiset tunsivat naapurustonsa. Vaikeuksia ei myöskään ollut tarpeellisen avun hakemisessa eri palveluntuottajilta niiden näkyvyyden vuoksi. Johtopäätöksenä voi pitää sitä, että tukitoimenpiteitä läheisensä menettäneille oli myös pienellä paikkakunnalla saatavissa, jos asianomainen vain halusi hakeutua niiden piiriin tai ottaa niitä vastaan. Luonnollisesti pienen paikkakunnan palvelutarjonta oli kapea-alaista, mutta tarvittaessa apua sai pyytää myös naapurikunnista ja -seurakunnista.Krueger, Merja. Relatives to Receive Subsidies And Coping Ways after The Death of a Close. 41 p., 2 appendices. Language: Finnish. Pori, Autumn 2012. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Social Services, Option in Diaconal Social Work. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services + Deacon. The thesis based on researched empirical data. Using these data, the aim was to answer how people who had lost their near relatives got support in the situation, where they faced one of the most difficult situations in their lives. The thesis also found out what kind of services the municipality and the congregation provided to the bereaved. The research questions were, where the bereaved got support, what the quality of the support was and if they considered it valuable? The data were collected from literature, articles, theses, Internet repositories, specialists in local municipality and congregation and from interviewing people who had lost their family member during 2000 – 2010. The specialists casually explained their supply of services and their institutions. The experiences of the bereaved were collected by an enquiry conducted personally at the graveyard of the municipality. In all, 12 closest relatives responded. One of them was male and eleven female. The approach to collecting data and the analysis of the material were mainly phenomenological qualitative content analysis. The thesis was trying to understand the subjective meaning of human behaviour and experience in a situation where a family member had passed away. The main results were proved, that in a small municipality, where one had lots of relatives and people knew their neighbours, the support given by the family and intimate friends was considered most important. It seems that it was not difficult to ask for support when needed from different service providers because of their broad coverage. The conclusion was that measures of support for the bereaved was also in a small municipality, if the bereaved considered it necessary. Naturally, the services of a small municipality were restricted, but help could be solicited on demand from nearby municipalities and congregations. Keywords: death, sorrow, social services, relatives, social work done by a church, suppor

    Dielectric and mechanical assessment of Kraft and Diamond Dotted paper aged with commercial vegetable oil

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    The use of vegetable oil (natural ester) in electrical devices like power transformers is increasing due to their high biodegradability and better safety. The lifespan of power trans- formers is mainly defined by cellulose insulation condition, which usually works together with dielectric oil as electrical insulation and also as mechanical winding protector and compactor. That is why the aim and results of this research shows us not only the dielectric parameters evolution, but also the relationship between the mechanical factors and the moisture content of thermal accelerated ageing processes, with commercial vegetable oil, of Kraft paper and Diamond Dotted Paper (DDP). These are two of the most common insulating materials in electric power transformers. In addition, the new tests have been done by a different method of paper ageing analysis.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nº 823969 - BIOTRAFO

    Equilibrios minerales y zonación de granates en el nucleo del domo del Tormes (provincias de Salamanca y Zamora)

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    El estudio de la zonación en 1os granates de gneises pelíticos pertenecientes al núcleo del domo del Tormes indica el carácter retrógrado de estos y confirma la existencia de las siguientes reacciones observadas petrográficamente en anteriores trabajos: Gt+Als+Qz+H,O -> Cd ; Bi+Als+Qz -> Cd+Fk+H,O ; Bi+Als+Qz->Gt+Cd+Fk+H20; CaGt+Als+Qz ->Capl. El conocimiento de 1os campos de estabilidad de las reacciones que se producen en estas rocas y las observaciones petrográficas indican que ha tenido lugar la reacción de retrogradación Cd+Fk+H,O --> Bi+Mu+Qz, siendo probable además que parte del granate se haya formado según Bi+Mu+Qz -> Gt+Fk+H,O. Finalmente se propone una trayectoria P-T para 1os estadios finales de evolución del núcleo del domo basada en 1os anteriores equilibrios y en sus campos de estabilidad teóricos.Garnets in the Tormes dome core area show a conspicuous retrograde diffusion zoning. The Fe, Mg, Ca, and Mn distribution in this mineral is consistent whith the reactions Gt+Als+Qz+H,O > Cd; Bi+Als+Qz -> Cd+Fk+H,O;Bi+Als+Qz -> Gt+Cd+Fk+H,O CaGt+Als+Qz-> CaPl petrographicaly predicted in previous papers. In addition, petrographic observations contrasted with a petrogenetic grid developed for these rocks suggest that reactions Cd+Fk+H,O -> Bi+Mu+Qz and Gt+Fk+H,O -> Bi+Mu+Qz take place. Previous data allow to draw a semiquantitative P-T-t path for the latest metamorphic stages

    Phase equilibria and P-T-X (Fe-Mg) relations involving GT-St-Cd-Als-Bi-Mu-Qz-Kfs-H20 in medium-high grade metapelites (KFASH,KMASH and KFMASH systems)

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    En rocas metapelíticas de diversas áreas en el Hercínico de la Península Ibérica se observan a menudo las siguientes reacciones: Estaurolita + moscovita + cuarzo = biotita + Al2SiO5+ H2O Granate + moscovita = Al2SiO5 + biotita ± cuarzo Biotita + Al2SiO5 + cuarzo = cordierita + feldespato potásico + H2O. Se han estudiado en el sistema con K2O -FeO- Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (KFASH) tres asociacioness con Bi-Mu-St-Als-Qz- H2O además de Cd-Gt-Fk, eliminando en cada una de ellas una de las tres últimas fases. La expansión de las reacciones que se obtienen con estas asociaciones, en superficies divariantes a través del espacio P-T-X(Fe-Mg), se realizó estudiando la asociación GtSt- Cd-Bi-Mu-Fk-Als-Qz- H2 en el sistema KFMASH con una relación Fe/Fe+Mg según Gt St Bi Cd, tal como se observa en la mayoría de roca pelíticas. A partir de las anteriores redes se ba obtenido otra para condiciones de PH20=Pt baja fugacidad de oxígeno (tampón QFM), y exceso de moscovita y cuarzo. Las pendientes de las reacciones en esta última red se calcularon para diferentes condiciones poTo Se han obtenido las relaciones teóricas P-T-X(Fe-Mg) para tres reacciones univariantes y trece divariantes. La red confirma la imposibilidad de la coexistencia entre estaurolita y feldespato potásico y entre granate, cordierita y moscovita. Se constata, además, la extensión de los campos de estabilidad de Gt-St, Cd-St y Gt-Cd en metapelitas pobres en moscovita.In different areas of the Hercynian in the Iberian Peninsula sorne reactions are repeatedly observed in pelites, these reactions are: Staurolite + muscovite + quartz = Biotite+ Al2SiOs+ H20 Garnet + muscovite = AI2SiOs+ biotite+ quartz Biotite + Al2SiOs + quartz = Cordierite + K feldspar+Hp In order to examinate the P-T stability fields of tbese, and otber similar reactions, aH the univariant equilibria in multisystems with Gt-Cd-St-Bi-Mu-Als-Qz-HP, Gt-St-Bi-Mu-Fk-AIs-QzHp and Cd-St-Bi-Mu-Fk-AIs-Qz-H20 in Kp-FeO-AI20 r Si02-H20 (KFASH) system have been calculated, and their corresponding P-T grids have been constructed. The expansion of these reactions into divariant surfaces through the P-T-X (Fe-Mg) space was made by studying the assemblage Gt-Cd-St-Bi-Mu-Fk-AIs-Qz-HP in Kp-FeO-MgO-AIP3-Si02-Hp (KFMASH) with a Fe/Fe+Mg relationship Gt>St>Bi>Cd such as observed in most of natural pelites. A resultant grid was obtained by combining those obtained in the aboye systerns. This grid has been P-T located for PH2o =P" near QFM buffer, and excess muscovite and quartz conditions Reaction slopes in this grid were calculated within different P-T surroundings from thermodynamic data as weH as by considering the existing experimental data. In addition to the stability fields of reactions tbe P-T-XFe_Mg theoric relations for three univariant and thirteen divariant reactions have been obtained. The grid confirms the imposibility of staurolite-K feldspar and Garnet-Cordierite-Muscovite coexistence, as weH as the extension of the stability fields for Garnet-Staurolite, Cordierite-Staurolite and Garnet-Cordierite assemblages in muscovite-poor metapelites

    Presentación: Teoría arqueológica en español

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    El origen de la publicación de este volumen monográfico sobre teoría arqueológica surgió, como ocurre en muchas otras circunstancias de la vida, de una casualidad. Cierto día llegó a la revista un artículo bastante “raro” que el consejo de redacción consideró que, ni por el tema ni por el contexto, encajaba con la línea actual de Complutum. Es decir, el trabajo no se parecía en nada a lo que veníamos publicando en los últimos años. Por otro lado, determinados hechos recientes aconsejaban a los más atrevidos dentro de la Redacción tener un cuidado especial con lo que finalmente veía la luz en sus páginas. Ahora mismo ya no recordamos a quién se le ocurrió que una forma de aprovechar el trabajo, que por supuesto a los tres nos parecía interesante, podría ser publicarlo junto con otros de su misma o parecida cuerda.Peer Reviewe

    Sarcopenia: molecular pathways and potential targets for intervention

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    Producción CientíficaAging is associated with sarcopenia. The loss of strength results in decreased muscle mass and motor function. This process accelerates the progressive muscle deterioration observed in older adults, favoring the presence of debilitating pathologies. In addition, sarcopenia leads to a decrease in quality of life, significantly affecting self-sufficiency. Altogether, these results in an increase in economic resources from the National Health Systems devoted to mitigating this problem in the elderly, particularly in developed countries. Different etiological determinants are involved in the progression of the disease, including: neurological factors, endocrine alterations, as well as nutritional and lifestyle changes related to the adoption of more sedentary habits. Molecular and cellular mechanisms have not been clearly characterized, resulting in the absence of an effective treatment for sarcopenia. Nevertheless, physical activity seems to be the sole strategy to delay sarcopenia and its symptoms. The present review intends to bring together the data explaining how physical activity modulates at a molecular and cellular level all factors that predispose or favor the progression of this deteriorating pathology.ISABIAL (grant number 190290)Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (CB12/03/30038

    New trends in biological aids to recovery after exercise: Immunomodulators

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    The professional sport increases the physical and biochemical demands of muscle that is accompanied by important metabolic changes, such as the accumulation of toxic compounds, increased consumption of nutrients, and alterations in the physical, thermal and mechanical conditions of the cells. Neuroendocrine adaptations to the demands of elite athletic activity also modify local and systemic immune function, which contributes to the development and continuation of the inflammatory response. During intensive training and competition days, the recovery needs are also impressive. In such circumstances, athletes need to ingest often supplements as protein, micronutrients, minerals or substances to improve the muscular recovery In our experience, many specific products as the immunomodulators are directly linked to benefits, such as improved performance and concentration, reduced fatigue, better recovery and improved health or resistance against minor infections, which seem to occur more often when athletes are undergoing very intensive training. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on published research focusing primarily on the efficacy of immunomodulation substances in the recovery of athletes with respect to physical performance