778 research outputs found

    The Spanish Civil War. Dreams + Nightmares. Imperial War Museum

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    La dimensión turística del patrimonio industrial

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    La puesta en valor del patrimonio industrial durante las últimas tres décadas ha permitido que su uso como producto turístico cultural sea cada vez más frecuente. Su valor cultural reside en que permite aproximarnos a lo que significó, para la sociedad actual postindustrial, el fenómeno de la revolución industrial, tanto desde la óptica económica como tecnológica, social y paisajística. Su uso turístico permite darle otra función, potenciando economías locales, como lo demuestran los sitios industriales declarados patrimonio de la humanidad

    Biodiversity patterns of free-living marine nematodes in a tropical bay: Cienfuegos, Caribbean Sea

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    Spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns of free-living marine nematodes were studied in Cienfuegos Bay, a tropical semi-enclosed basin in the Caribbean Sea. Taxonomic (to species level) and functional (biological trait) approaches were applied for describing the assemblage structure and relating it to abiotic environment based on a sampling scheme in six subtidal stations and three months. Biological trait approach added relevant information to species pattern regarding relationships between diversity patterns and the abiotic environment. The most common morphotypes were deposit feeding nematodes, with colonising abilities of 2–3 (in a scale from 1 to 5), tail conical cylindrical or filiforme and body slender; and their abundance were correlated with depth, organic matter and silt/clay fraction. In spite of a high turnover of species, functional diversity of assemblages did not change notably in space and time. A result probably due to sampling of the habitat pool of species and to low heterogeneity of the studied muddy bottoms. Chemical pollution (organic enrichment and heavy metals) and hydrodynamic regime possibly drove the biodiversity patterns. Spatial distribution of assemblages support the existence of two well differentiated basins inside the bay, the northern basin more polluted than the southern one. The low hydrodynamic regime would determine a poor dispersion of nematodes resulting in high spatial variance in the assemblage structure; and also the associated hypoxic conditions and pollutants in sediments can explain the dominance of tolerant nematode species such as Daptonema oxycerca, Sabatieria pulchra, Terschellingia gourbaultae, and Terschellingia longicaudata. A comparison of spatial– temporal patterns of biodiversity between Cienfuegos Bay and other semi-enclosed bays in temperate regions suggests several similarities: nematode assemblages are strongly influenced by anthropogenic disturbance, temporal trends are weak or overridden by spatial ones, and few cosmopolitan genera/ species tolerant to pollution and hypoxic conditions are dominant

    The Spanish Civil War. Dreams + Nightmares. Imperial War Museum

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    Amb motiu de la commemoracio del 65e aniversari de l’arribada a Espanya de les Brigades Internacionals, l’Imperial War Museum de Londres va organitzar una exposició, la primera d’aquest tipus a la Gran Bretanya, centrada en les experiències personals de soldats i civils, i l’impacta de la guerra sobre els artistes, escriptors i intel·lectuals al llarg del nostre conflicte. Fons procedents de museus, arxius i col·leccions privades de Gran Bretanya, Estats Units, Alemanya, Francia i Espanya han permès dissenyar l’exposició, sota l’assessorament del prestigiós historiador Paul Preston...........

    Propuesta para mejorar la resistencia en escolares de 9 a 13 años de Chocontá

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    Spa: Objetivo: valorar la incidencia de una propuesta metodológica para mejorar la resistencia en escolares de 9 a 13 años. Método: el estudio se desarrolló dentro del enfoque cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo correlacional. El diseño fue de tipo cuasi-experimental, pues los escolares fueron seleccionados intencionalmente. Se considera de corte longitudinal, en la medida en que los escolares realizaron test inicial, test parcial y, después de doce semanas, test final, sometiendo a los escolares a la influencia de una específica propuesta metodológica, en condiciones parcialmente controladas, para observar los resultados que la misma produjo en los escolares integrantes del grupo intervenido, El tratamiento estadístico de los datos se llevó a cabo con el programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS versión 23 ). La base del software estadístico SPSS incluye estadísticas descriptivas como la tabulación y frecuencias de cruce, estadísticas de dos variables, y además pruebas T, ANOVA y de correlación . Resultados: los escolares integrantes del grupo intervenido, durante la prueba final de Léger-Boucher modificado, obtuvieron un aumento significativo: (1) en la distancia recorrida final =1927,78 ± 579,391 (P<0,05); (2) en la etapa recorrida final = 4,78 ± 1,093 (P< 0,05); (3) en la velocidad = 3,5389 ± 0,31235 (P<0,05); (4) en el consumo VO2 máximo = 43,7441 ± 3,7159 (P<0,05); por lo tanto, la resistencia del grupo intervenido, al final del estudio, fue superior al del grupo referencia; los escolares mejoraron diversas manifestaciones de la resistencia. Conclusiones: (1) La variable dependiente más informativa de la mejora de la resistencia es la distancia recorrida y la velocidad de desplazamiento; (2) La resistencia en los escolares del grupo intervenido, al final del estudio, fue superior a la del grupo referencia, con base en los resultados; (3) Los escolares de tales edades, pueden realizar ejercicios orientados a la mejora de la resistencia, puesto que su organismo tiene la capacidad para asimilarlos. Recomendación: para el incremento de la resistencia, se debe implementar una propuesta metodológica que satisfaga las características, posibilidades, intereses y necesidades de los escolares.Eng: Objective: To assess the incidence of a methodological proposal to improve resistance in school children aged 9 to 13 years. Method: The study was developed within the quantitative approach, with correlational descriptive scope. The design is of quasi-experimental type, since the students were intentionally selected. It is considered of longitudinal cut, insofar as the students made an initial test, a partial test and, after twelve weeks, a final test, subjecting the students to the influence of a specific methodological proposal, under partially controlled conditions, to observe the results that it produced in the schoolchildren that are members of the group intervened. The statistical treatment of the data was carried out with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program (IBM SPSS version 23). The base of the statistical software SPSS includes descriptive statistics such as tabulation and crossover frequencies, statistics of two variables, and also tests T, ANOVA and correlation, Results: Schoolchildren from the intervention group during the final test of Léger-Boucher modified obtained a significant increase: (1) In the final distance traveled = 1927.78 ± 579.391 (P <0.05); (2) In the final crossed stage = 4.78 ± 1.093 (P <0.05); (3) At the speed = 3.5389 ± 0.31235 (P <0.05); (4) In the maximum VO2 consumption = 43.4441 ± 3.7159 (P <0.05); therefore, the resistance of the group intervened at the end of the study is superior to that of the reference group; schoolchildren improved various manifestations of resistance. Conclusions: (1) The most.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 129-139.MaestríaMagister en Pedagogía de la Cultura Físic


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    Este artículo explora la relación afectiva que surge entre el sujeto (estudiante) y el objeto de conocimiento matemático mediado por las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), se hace un análisis epistemológico sobre el impacto que tiene el uso de la geometría dinámica en la manera de pensar, hacer y sentir el conocimiento matemático usando herramientas digitales como el GeoGebra. La exploración revisa los avances en el estudio de las emociones durante el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y el concepto de “Engajamento” como un impulso consciente que se genera a partir de las relaciones afectivas con el conocimiento, estimuladas por sensaciones y emociones que surgen en la interacción con objetos geométricos digitales. Finalmente las preguntas que emergen buscan posibilitar el inicio de un estudio sobre “cómo se siente el conocimiento”. Para lo cual se propone el constructo “Afecto Cognitivo” planteando una hipótesis que debe definir este concepto y la manera como los estímulos y las emociones lo generan

    Biofeedback Interventions for Impulsivity-related Processes in Addictive Disorders

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    Purpose of Review Biofeedback is a promising technique that has been used as a treatment tool for different psychological disorders. In this regard, central (neurofeedback) and peripheral psychophysiological signals are presented as comprehensible stimuli with the aim of training specific processes. This review summarizes recent evidence about its use for the treatment of impulsivity-related processes in addictive disorders. Recent Findings Neurofeedback (NFB) protocols, based on electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have focused on substance use disorders. Biofeedback protocols using peripheral measures have been mainly based on heart rate variability and focused on behavioral addictions. EEG-NFB reported good results in the reduction of hyperarousal, impulsivity and risk taking in alcohol use disorder, and decreased rates of smoking and less craving in nicotine addiction. In fMRI-NFB, effective NFB performance has been related with better clinical outcomes in substance use disorders; however, its implication for treatment is still unclear. Heart rate variability biofeedback results are scarce, but some interventions have been recently designed aimed at treating behavioral addictions. Summary In addictive disorders, biofeedback interventions for impulsivity-related processes have shown promising results, although the literature is still scarce. Further research should aim at proving the effectiveness of biofeedback protocols as a treatment option for impulsivity in addictive disorders

    Dipolar interaction and demagnetizing effects in magnetic nanoparticle dispersions: introducing the mean-field interacting superparamagnet model

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    Aiming to analyze relevant aspects of interacting magnetic nanoparticle systems (frequently called interacting superparamagnets), a model is built from magnetic dipolar interaction and demagnetizing mean-field concepts. By making reasonable simplifying approximations, a simple and useful expression for effective demagnetizing factors is achieved, which allows the analysis of uniform and nonuniform spatial distributions of nanoparticles, in particular the occurrence of clustering. This expression is a function of demagnetizing factors associated with specimen shape and clusters shape, and of the mean distances between near neighbor nanoparticles and between clusters, relative to the characteristic sizes of each of these two types of objects, respectively. The model explains effects of magnetic dipolar interactions, such as the observation of apparent nanoparticle magnetic moments smaller than real ones and approaching to zero as temperature decreases. It is shown that by performing a minimum set of experimental determinations along principal directions of geometrically well-defined specimens, model application allows retrieval of nanoparticle intrinsic properties, like mean volume, magnetic moment, and susceptibility in the absence of interactions. It also permits the estimation of mean interparticle and intercluster relative distances, as well as mean values of demagnetizing factors associated with clusters shape. An expression for average magnetic dipolar energy per nanoparticle is also derived, which is a function of specimen effective demagnetizing factor and magnetization. Experimental test of the model was performed by analysis of results reported in the literature and of original results reported here. The first case corresponds to oleic-acid-coated 8-nm magnetite particles dispersed in PEGDA-600 polymer, and the second one to polyacrilic-acid-coated 13-nm magnetite particles dispersed in PVA solutions from which ferrogels were later produced by a physical cross-linking route. In both cases, several specimens were studied covering a range of nanoparticle volume fractions between 0.002 and 0.046. Magnetic response is clearly different when prism-shaped specimens are measured along different principal directions. These results remark the importance of reporting complete information on measurement geometry when communicating magnetic measurement results of interacting magnetic nanoparticles. Intrinsic nanoparticle properties as well as structural information on particles spatial distribution were retrieved from our analysis in addition to, and in excellent agreement with, analysis previously performed by other authors and/or information obtained from FESEM images. In the studied samples, nanoparticles were found to be in close contact to each other within almost randomly oriented clusters. Intercluster mean distance, relative to cluster size, was found to vary between 2.2 and 7.5, depending on particles volume fraction.Instituto de Física La Plat

    Tratamiento de agua residual de microbiología usando películas delgadas de TiO2

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    (Eng) Microbiology cell-staining wastewater was treated by UV/TiO 2 thin films photocatalysis. A simple method of applying gravity sedimentation over grass-type substrate was used for the preparation of the films. The use of Na4 P2 O7, microwaves, and ultrasounds were studied for decreasing the TiO2 grain sizes on the films. It was established that the best method for reducing grain size resulted from a combination of Na4P2O7 (0.01M) and microwave radiation (700 W, 20 min). The Films were characterized by several microscopic and spectroscopic methods. Anatase phase (gap energy of 3.2 eV) and grain sizes averaging 83 nm were achieved. Photocatalysis tests using TiO2-film showed 99.5 % of decolorization, 79 % TOC abatement, and total microbial inactivation after 14 h of treatment. No bacteria re–growth was found 48 h after the treatment was completed.(Spa) La fotocatálisis con UV/TiO2usando películas delgadas fue empleada para el tratamiento de agua residual de microbiología. Se empleó un método simple de sedimentación por gravedad sobre sustrato de vidrio para la preparación de las películas. El uso de Na4P2O7, microondas y ultrasonido fue estudiado para la disminución de los granos de TiO2 en las películas. Se estableció que el mejor método para disminuir los agregados resultó de una combinación de Na4P2O7(0.01M) y radiación de microondas (700 W, 20 min). Las películas fueron caracterizadas por métodos microscópicos y espectroscópicos. Se obtuvo la fase anatasa (brecha de energía de 3.2 e.V) y tamaños de grano de 83nm. Los ensayos fotocatalíticos utilizando las películas de TiO2generaron un 99.5% de decoloración, 79% de remoción de COT y una inactivación microbiana total luego de 14 h de tratamiento. No se encontró reactivación microbiana luego de 48 h de finalizado el tratamiento


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    The article reflects on real estate, one of the most mutilated today and most expensive to recover. As through its study as a source for the teaching of history, it makes it grow spiritually by enhancing the development of thought, awakening noble feelings and pride in its community, elements that will later be endorsed in patriotic and human attitudes. It is exemplified through the IV Simon Bolívar Eastern Front of which a historical review is offered framed in 1958 and groups of activities are proposed to be developed with adolescents from the teaching of Cuban history in the 9th grade.El artículo reflexiona alrededor del patrimonio inmueble uno de los más mutilados en la actualidad y más costosos para recuperar. Como a través de su estudio como fuente para la enseñanza de la historia hace crecer espiritualmente al potenciar el desarrollo del pensamiento, despertar sentimientos nobles y el orgullo por su comunidad, elementos que luego habrán de refrendar en actitudes patrióticas y humanas. Se ejemplifica a través del IV Frente Oriental Simón Bolívar del que se ofrece una reseña histórica enmarcada en 1958 y se proponen un grupo de actividades para desarrollarlo con los adolescentes desde la enseñanza de la historia de Cuba en el 9no grado