96 research outputs found

    Subsurface maxima of phytoplankton and chlorophyll: Steady-state solutions from a simple model

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    In oligotrophic lakes and oceans, the deep chlorophyll maximum may form independently of a maximum of phytoplankton biomass, because the ratio of chlorophyll to phytoplankton biomass (in units of carbon) increases with acclimation to reduced light and increased nutrient supply at depth. Optical data (beam attenuation as proxy for phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll fluorescence and absorption as proxies for chlorophyll concentration) and conventional measurements of biovolume, particulate organic carbon, and chlorophyll from two oligotrophic systems (Crater Lake, Oregon, and Sta. ALOHA in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean) are presented and show a vertical separation of the maxima of biomass and chlorophyll by 50-80 m during stratified conditions. We use a simple mathematical framework to describe the vertical structure of phytoplankton biomass, nutrients, and chlorophyll and to explore what processes contribute to the generation of vertical maxima. Consistent with the observations, the model suggests that biomass and chlorophyll maxima in stable environments are generated by fundamentally different mechanisms. Maxima in phytoplankton biomass occur where the growth rate is balanced by losses (respiration and grazing) and the divergence in sinking velocity, whereas the vertical distribution of chlorophyll is strongly determined by photoacclimation. A deep chlorophyll maximum is predicted well below the particle maximum by the model. As an interpretation of these results, we suggest a quantitative criterion for the observed coexistence of vertically distinct phytoplankton assemblages in oligotrophic systems: the vertical position at which a species occurs in highest abundance in the water column is determined by the general compensation depth - that is, the depth at which specific growth and all loss rates, including the divergence of sinking/swimming and vertical mixing, balance. This prediction can be tested in the environment when the divergence of sinking and swimming is negligible

    Recovery Planning for Pacific Marine Species at Risk in the Wake of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Canadian Practice, Future Courses

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    This article evaluates how Canadian recovery planning for Pacific marine species at risk incorporates two pressing 21st century concerns: global climate change and ocean acidification (OA). While many recovery strategies for Pacific species at risk show some understanding of climate change or OA, they generally fail to incorporate key climate and OA information or to consider how these two issues will actually affect the species in question. Two strategies for progress are suggested. First is an administrative strategy that includes the development of a national climate change adaptation strategy, which clarifies how projected climate and ocean acidification impacts should be incorporated into decision-making under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Second is a legal course that includes an amendment of SARA or regulations thereunder that require up-to-date climate and ocean acidification information to be incorporated during recovery planning. In addition to the administrative and legal courses suggested, a precautionary, yet bold and flexible approach to recovery planning is advocated that aims to achieve species resilience rather than meeting historical population levels (which may already be impossible to achieve given shifting ecological, biological and physical baselines. This article is a follow up to a similar piece that examined Atlantic species at risk

    Quantifying the contributions of riverine vs. oceanic nitrogen to hypoxia in the East China Sea

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    In the East China Sea, hypoxia (oxygen ≤ 62.5 mmol m−3) is frequently observed off the Changjiang (or Yangtze River) estuary covering up to about 15 000 km2. The Changjiang is a major contributor to hypoxia formation because it discharges large amounts of freshwater and nutrients into the region. However, modeling and observational studies have suggested that intrusions of nutrient-rich oceanic water from the Kuroshio Current also contribute to hypoxia formation. The relative contributions of riverine vs. oceanic nutrient sources to hypoxia have not been estimated before. Here, we combine a three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model with an element-tracing method to quantify the relative contributions of nitrogen from different riverine and oceanic sources to hypoxia formation during 2008–2013. Our results suggest that the hypoxic region north of 30° N is dominated by Changjiang inputs, with its nitrogen loads supporting 74 % of oxygen consumption. South of 30° N, oceanic nitrogen sources become more important, supporting 39 % of oxygen consumption during the hypoxic season, but the Changjiang remains the main control on hypoxia formation also in this region. Model scenarios with reduced Changjiang nitrogen loads and reduced open-ocean oxygen levels suggest that nitrogen load reductions can significantly reduce hypoxia in the East China Sea and counteract a potential future decline in oxygen supply from the open ocean into the region

    A Model Archive for a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport-Biogeochemistry Model for the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA

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    Spatial Information: 27.4-30.3°N, -94.6 - -87.8 °W; Louisiana continental shelf, Northern Gulf of Mexico, US

    The roles of resuspension, diffusion and biogeochemical processes on oxygen dynamics offshore of the Rhone River, France: a numerical modeling study

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    Observations indicate that resuspension and associated fluxes of organic material and porewater between the seabed and overlying water can alter biogeochemical dynamics in some environments, but measuring the role of sediment processes on oxygen and nutrient dynamics is challenging. A modeling approach offers a means of quantifying these fluxes for a range of conditions, but models have typically relied on simplifying assumptions regarding seabed-water-column interactions. Thus, to evaluate the role of resuspension on biogeochemical dynamics, we developed a coupled hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and biogeochemical model (HydroBioSed) within the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). This coupled model accounts for processes including the storage of particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved nutrients within the seabed; fluxes of this material between the seabed and the water column via erosion, deposition, and diffusion at the sediment-water interface; and biogeochemical reactions within the seabed. A one-dimensional version of HydroBioSed was then implemented for the Rhone subaqueous delta in France. To isolate the role of resuspension on biogeochemical dynamics, this model implementation was run for a 2-month period that included three resuspension events; also, the supply of organic matter, oxygen, and nutrients to the model was held constant in time. Consistent with time series observations from the Rhone Delta, model results showed that erosion increased the diffusive flux of oxygen into the seabed by increasing the vertical gradient of oxygen at the seabed-water interface. This enhanced supply of oxygen to the seabed, as well as resuspension-induced increases in ammonium availability in surficial sediments, allowed seabed oxygen consumption to increase via nitrification. This increase in nitrification compensated for the decrease in seabed oxygen consumption due to aerobic remineralization that occurred as organic matter was entrained into the water column. Additionally, entrainment of POM into the water column during resuspension events, and the associated increase in remineralization there, also increased oxygen consumption in the region of the water column below the pycnocline. During these resuspension events, modeled rates of oxygen consumption increased by factors of up to similar to 2 and similar to 8 in the seabed and below the pycnocline, respectively. When averaged over 2 months, the intermittent cycles of erosion and deposition led to a similar to 16% increase of oxygen consumption in the seabed, as well as a larger increase of similar to 140% below the pycnocline. These results imply that observations collected during quiescent periods, and biogeochemical models that neglect resuspension or use typical parameterizations for resuspension, may underestimate net oxygen consumption at sites like the Rhone Delta. Local resuspension likely has the most pronounced effect on oxygen dynamics at study sites with a high oxygen concentration in bottom waters, only a thin seabed oxic layer, and abundant labile organic matter

    A Model Archive for a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport-Biogeochemistry Model for the Rhône River Sub-aqueous Delta, France

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    This dataset includes model input, code, and output used in the publication Moriarty et al. (2017, Biogeosciences), which used a coupled hydrodynamic-sediment transport-biogeochemical model to investigate the roles of resuspension, diffusion and biogeochemical processes on oxygen dynamics on the Rhône River sub-aqueous delta, France. Model development for this project focused on coupling the sediment transport and water-column biogeochemistry modules in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) by incorporating a seabed biogeochemistry module into the ROMS framework. As described in Moriarty et al. (2017, Biogeosciences), the coupled model can account for diffusion of nutrients across the seabed-water-column interface; storage of particulate organic matter and dissolved nutrients in the seabed; biogeochemical reactions in the seabed; and resuspension and redistribution of the organic matter and nutrients

    Generation mechanisms of mesoscale eddies in the Mauritanian Upwelling Region

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    The physical processes driving the genesis of surface- and subsurface-intensified cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies originating from the coastal current system of the Mauritanian Upwelling Region are investigated using a high-resolution (~1.5 km) configuration of GFDL’s Modular Ocean Model. Estimating an energy budget for the boundary current reveals a baroclinically unstable state during its intensification phase in boreal summer and which is driving eddy generation within the near-coastal region. The mean poleward coastal flow’s interaction with the sloping topography induces enhanced anticyclonic vorticity, with potential vorticity close to zero generated in the bottom boundary layer. Flow separation at sharp topographic bends intensifies the anticyclonic vorticity, and submesoscale structures of low PV coalesce to form anticyclonic vortices. A combination of offshore Ekman transport and horizontal advection determined the amount of SACW in an anticyclonic eddy. A vortex with a relatively dense and low PV core will form an anticyclonic mode-water eddy, which will subduct along isopycnals while propagating offshore and hence be shielded from surface buoyancy forcing. Less contribution of dense SACW promotes the generation of surface anticyclonic eddies as the core is composed of a lighter water mass, which causes the eddy to stay closer to the surface and hence be exposed to surface buoyancy forcing. Simulated cyclonic eddies are formed between the rotational flow of an offshore anticyclonic vortex and a poleward flowing boundary current, with eddy potential energy being the dominant source of eddy kinetic energy. All three types of eddies play a key role in the exchange between the Mauritanian Coastal currents system and the adjacent eastern boundary shadow zone region
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