33 research outputs found

    Impacto del uso de la tierra en áreas de laderas sobre comunidades de macrofauna del suelo, Caldono, Cauca, Colombia

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    En una región de los Andes colombianos, en la subcuenca del río Cabuyal, departamento del Cauca se cuantificó el impacto del uso de la tierra en áreas de laderas sobre las comunidades de la macrofauna del suelo en diez tipos de uso de la tierra (usando el método TSBF) y se estudió la estructura de comunidades de lombrices en una Selva 40 años y un Pastizal (con muestreos de 1 m2 x 0.6 m de profundidad). Además se analizaron algunas relaciones de las lombrices con el medio abiótico (suelo y vegetación). La información consignada sobre lombrices y los resultados de otros muestreos del autor, permitieron determinar los patrones de distribución geográfica en Colombia. Los resultados mostraron el cambio de la estructura, composición y diversidad de las comunidades en ambientes como la Selva Secundaria o sucesiones naturales hasta plantaciones, cultivos o pastizales. Se identificó la biodiversidad y se mostró un dramático decrecimiento de la macro fauna del suelo (desde 98 unidades taxonómicas en la Selva Secundaria hasta 13 en el pastizal de Brachiaria) en sistemas de cultivo o en pastizales. La comparación y contraste de la abundancia mostró a las hormigas como el grupo predominante, mientras que en biomasa dominaron las lombrices. Los hallazgos permitirán utilizar a las unidades organismicas como señales tempranas de calidad del suelo pues se destacaron algunas especies de hormigas, coleópteros y lombrices. En el estudio de las comunidades de lombrices se encontró 18 especies de lombrices, riqueza considerada como de las más altas para agroecosistemas tropicales.' En la Selva 40 años la riqueza fue mayor (13) que el el Pastizal (9), La diversidad estimada con los índices de Shannon - Weaber y Simpson fueron diferentes (Selva: 1.48 y 0,38; p, clandestinum: 1.69 y 0,22 respectivamente), Las especies endógeas hicieron la mayor contribución a la densidad (90%) 'y biomasa (95%) en S 40, mientras que en el Pastizal lo hicieron las epígeas con abundancia de 53% y biomasa de 82%" M heterostichon y P. corethmrus fueron las especies más abundantes (55 y 30%) Y con mayor aporte de biomasa (92 y 4%) en S 40 años, En P. clandestinum abundaron G/ossodri/us sp 3 (44%), A, corticis (38%) y M agricola (7%) y en biomasa el mayor aporte fue de A, corticis y Gen n sp n (65 y 15% respectivamente), Se examinó la posible relación de la presencia de la macrofauna con algunos nutrimentos del suelo pero no se encontró un patrón claro que determinara su distribución, la cual fue agregada; sin embargo, el e se diferenció como una alternativa para separar usos de la tierra con poca o alta degradación.//Abstract: Macrofauna density, total biomass, and species diversity of earthworms were measured across a range of land use types in the Cabuyal River watershed in Cauaca department, Colombia. The methodology recoounended by the Tropical Soils Biology and Fertility (TSBF) Program was used. Macrofauna density, biomass, and diversity of earthworm species varied considerably across land use types, and depths. High taxonomic units values occur in the Andean forest (98 observed), decreasing dramatically in pastures (ranging from 28 to 13) and farm lands (ranging from 31 to 18). Samples were taken from 40 year old Forest and from Pennisetum clandestinum pastures in billside soil, to determine the temporal and spatial dynamics of earthworm diversity, abundance and biomass. Earthworm species richness and biomass were higher in the 40 year old forest than in P. clandestinum (13 vs 9 species), wbile earthworm density was higher in P. clandestinum. The Earthworm species richness is the highest at the tropical agroecosystems. Diversity as measured by the Shannon Weaber differed from that of Simpson (forest 1.48 and 0.38; P. clandestinum 1.69 and 0.22 respectively). This difference in indices is due to differences in niche structure. Wbile both soils are species rich, each contains a few cornmon species and a much larger number of poorly represented species. The earthworm specles that were the most abundant and the largest fraction of earthworm biomass under forest were M heterostichon (55% y 92% respectively) and P. corethrurus (30%, 4%). Under P. clandestinllm the most common species were Glossodrillls sp 3 (44%), A. corticis (38%) and M agricola (7%) while A. corticis and Martiodrilus sp made up 65 and 15% oflhe population respectively). In bolh sites epigeic and endogeic earthworrns predominated. The population consisted of 10 epigeics (M agricola, M. ecuadoriensis, Periscolex sp, Thamnodrilus sp 1, Thamnodrilus sp 2, A. corticis, A. gracilis, D. octaedra, Dichogasler sp 2 and an unknown species of Ihe Almidae family) which stay in or below the litter; and seven endogenics, of which four are mesohurnics (P. corethrurus, M heterostichon, Gen n sp n, Glossodrilus sp 1, Glossodrilus sp2, Holoscolex sp and a Ocnerodrilidae species) burrowers Under 40 year old fores!, endogeics made up 90 ofthe and 95 % ofthe earthworrn population and biomass while epigeics were 10 and 5 % respectively. Under Pennisetum pasture most of the population and biomass were epigeics (53 and 82 % respectively, while they were fewer endogeics (47 and 18% respectively).Doctorad

    Diseño de una propuesta metodológica para interpretar el huerto habitacional en un área del Valle del Cauca

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    En el municipio de Alcalá, cuenca río La Vieja, norte del Valle, se diseñó una propuesta para abordar la problemática del sistema finca con el fin de propiciar metodologías de investigación que integren a las comunidades rurales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, ONG’S y entidades gubernamentales La información de seisfincas se organizó en cuatro décadas desde 1960 para estudiar las relaciones decompetencia, colaboración, interacciones y la asignación de la superficie total adiversas funciones. La propuesta permitió identificar las fluctuaciones de las poblaciones de animales domésticos y se estableció relaciones con los procesos de transformación agrícola de las fincas.In the municipality of Alcalá, basin of river La Vieja, north of Valle (Department), a proposal was designed to approach the problem of farm systems. The purpose of this proposal was to facilitate investigation methodologies that integrate rural communities, social organizations, NGO´s and government entities. In order to study the relationships of competition, collaboration, interactions and the assignment of the total surface to diverse functions, information of six farms was organized in four decades (from 1960 – 2002). This proposal allowed the identification of population fluctuations of domestic animals and sets relationships with the processes of agricultural transformation within the farm

    Evaluación de los ingresos, empleo, diversidad y captura de carbono en algunas fincas de la cuenca del río La Vieja

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    En 18 fincas del municipio de Alcalá se evaluaron ingresos, empleo, diversidad y captura de carbono. Esto se realizó por medio del estudio de perfil de pobreza que identificó el tipo de empleo y el acceso a los recursos, flujos de caja para el primer semestre de 2005, datos sobre macrofauna edáfica y almacenamiento de carbono en el suelo, y conocimiento de los propietarios o administradores sobre proyectos institucionales.In some farms of the municipality of Alcalá incomes, employment, diversity and carbon capture were evaluated. This was made by means of poverty profile study that got identify employment kind and resource access, money fluxes for first semester of 2005, macrofaune and sol carbon storage, and owners or managers knowledge about institutions projects

    Land cover changes in coffee cultural landscapes of Pereira (Colombia) between 1997 and 2014

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    Understanding how and what land cover changes and transitions have occurred in a territory is crucial to planning and managing high-demand surfaces. At the landscape level, the challenge is determining the allocation and management of various land cover options. Therefore, for natural resources planning and management, a study characterizing and analysing the territory of interest should be included. This work aimed to analyse the changes and land cover patterns in the city of Pereira, Colombia, within the framework of the Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape. The evaluated period was between 1997 and 2014, and a Geographic Information System, ENVI 4.8 programme and QGIS programme were used for multitemporal analysis. To describe the land cover transitions, two temporal moments were analysed with Landsat satellite images: one moment was for the year 1997, which was taken in August (Landsat 5), and the other moment was for the year 2014, which was taken in July (Landsat 8). At level 1 of CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment), the areas of land cover corresponding to agricultural areas, forests and semi-natural areas decreased most in the analysis period, while artificial surfaces increased. At level 3, the cover with the greatest decrease in territory was coffee crops, which showed a negative annual loss rate of -3.97%, followed by permanent crops (-2.67%). The continuous and discontinuous urban fabric showed the greatest growth with a positive annual rate of 4.14%. In conclusion, the land cover that lost the most territory was coffee crop, mainly due to political-economic factors, such as the dissolution of the International Coffee Agreement and the National Federation of Coffee Growers that discouraged coffee cultivation and permanent crops. Likewise, sociocultural factors, such as smallholder farmers have guided the changes in land cover and have stimulated productive styles to adapt and remain, increasing heterogeneous agricultural areas

    Transformaciones territoriales, mudanzas y cambios en servicios ecosistémicos, Armenia, Colombia

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    Urban growth has an impact in forested coverages on agricultural territories and the provision of ecosystem services. It was proposed to analyze in Armenia the relations between urban growth, the rural and urban component of the population and the supply of ecosystem services of provision (coffee, banana and meat). The work was oriented in: (i) the analysis of the 1938–2005 demographic trend, (ii) the dynamics of expansion between the municipal seat and the agricultural territory (1998–2015), and, (iii) the supply of ecosystem services that provide to food security. In 1998, the municipality experienced territorial fragmentation, which affected the supply of services. In 2015, a territorial homogenization is evident, in the upper zone the urbanization processes are concentrated in the pastures adjacent to the urban perimeter, while the middlen and lower zones are located coffee and banana plantations. The dynamics of urban growth in Armenia created pressure in the forests that declined in 1989 ha, on agricultural coverage and, in consequence, is considered a threat to the ecosystem services offered by these coverages in the territory that affects the purpose of achieving productive and sustainable rural development.El crecimiento urbano produce impacto en las coberturas boscosas, los territorios agrícolas y la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos. Se propuso analizar en Armenia las relaciones entre el crecimiento urbano, el componente rural y urbano de la población y la oferta de servicios ecosistémicos de provisión (café, plátano y carne). El trabajo se orientó hacia: (i) el análisis de la tendencia demográfica 1938-2005, (ii) la dinámica de expansión entre cabecera municipal y el territorio agrícola (1998–2015) y, (iii) la oferta de servicios ecosistémicos que aportan a la seguridad alimentaria. En 1998 el municipio experimentó una fragmentación territorial que afectó la oferta de servicios. En el 2015, se evidenció la homogenización territorial, en la zona alta se concentraron los procesos de urbanización en los pastos adyacentes al perímetro urbano, mientras la zona media y baja dominan los cultivos de café y plátano. La dinámica del crecimiento urbano en Armenia generó presión sobre los bosques que disminuyeron las coberturas agrícolas y, en consecuencia, sobre los servicios ecosistémicos que ofrecen estas coberturas en el territorio, lo que afectó la posibilidad de alcanzar un desarrollo rural productivo y sustentable

    Wildlife perception and recognition in the municipality of Alcala, department del Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    En los Andes centrales de Colombia se documentaron las percepciones y reconocimiento local de aves, mamíferos, anfibios y reptiles. Se entrevistó a campesinos con edad superior a 30 años para situar áreas de hábitat y reconocer especies en usos y coberturas del terreno. El reconocimiento de los agricultores se tradujo por los investigadores-mediadores en la formulación de categorías taxonómicas con visitas a los predios, avistamiento y la ayuda de guías de campo. Se reconocieron 168 especies: 103 de aves, 31 de mamíferos, 17 de anfibios y 17 de reptiles. Cuatro Análisis de Componentes Principales relacionaron la mayor competencia de campesinos para reconocer y percibir aves, mamíferos, anfibios y reptiles con diferencias significativas en los usos del terreno (valor p < 0,01, prueba Monte Carlo); se separaron las especies de aves para uso directo y hábito alimentario; mamíferos para uso directo e indirecto; se agruparon los reptiles con valor de uso comercial, ornamental, artesanal y cacería. Las aves fueron las de mayor presencia en los usos y coberturas del terreno (frutales, 47,5%; platanal/bananal, 45%; cafetales con sombrío, 40%). Se confirmó la necesidad del encuentro con los repertorios culturales locales para potenciar la política pública de conservación de la diversidad biológica y la asociación de la calidad de los hábitats para la fauna silvestre con los estilos de agricultura de la localidad.To document the perception and recognition of local bird, mammal, amphibian, and reptile species, located in the Central Andes of Colombia were selected. Farmers aged 30 years and older were interviewed to identify areas of habitat, species, and land use coverage. The local recognition made by the local farmers was translated by researchers into taxa, complemented with visits to farms, sightseen, and with the help of field guides. Overall, 168 species were documented of which 103 corresponded to birds, 31 to mammals, 17 to amphibians, and 17 to reptiles. The results of four principal component analyses show that the local farmers are capable of recognizing and perception birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles, with significant differences in land uses (p < 0.01, Monte Carlo test). Bird species were grouped according to direct use and eating habits; mammals were grouped according to direct and indirect use; and finally reptiles were grouped according to use as commercial, ornamental, artisanal, and hunting. Birds ranked highest in presence in all land uses and such land covers (fruit trees, 47.5%; plantain and banana plantations, 45%; shade-grown coffee, 40%). The needs for meetings and the acquisition of local cultural repertoires to improve governmental policies regarding biodiversity conservation and to relate wildlife habitat quality with local farming systems was confirmed

    Patrones de asociación entre variables del suelo y usos del terreno en la cuenca del río La Vieja, Colombia

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    In the Coffee Belt of Colombia we studied different patterns in land use considering the interaction between abundance, diversity and biomass of soil invertebrates (millipedes, beetles and earthworms), some physicochemical variables and land use intensity. Highest abundance and biomass of Coleoptera were found in Eucalyptus-lulo (Solanum quitoense), with 48 ind. m-2 and 9.4 g fresh weight (gfw) m-2, respectively. Millipede abundance and biomass was higher in the relict forest (53 ind. m-2 and 4.8 gfw m-2, respectively) and in the coffee variety Colombia (39.4 ind. m-2 and 3.1 gfw m-2, respectively). Earthworm abundance was higher in Eucalyptus-lulo (768 ind. m-2) and in the coffee variety Colombia (540 ind. m-2). Biological and physicochemical variables permitted the differentiation of three and four land use patterns, respectively. When they were combined with coinertia analysis, three patterns were distinguished, related to soil moisture, C and N contents and bulk density (p < 0.02). In pastures and the coffee variety Colombia, beetles (Ataenius sp., Onthophagus atriglabrus, Dichotomius satanas) and peregrine earthworms were dominant (Pontoscolex corethrurus, Polypheretima elongata, Dichogaster annae, Perionyx excavatus), soil C and N contents were low and bulk density higher. The analysis showed potential for separating biodiversity-friendly or biodiversity-critical areas and may be useful for land use planning in rural áreas.En el Eje Cafetero de Colombia se diferenciaron patrones de uso del terreno con abundancia, diversidad y biomasa de invertebrados edáficos (coleópteros, diplópodos y lombrices de tierra), algunas variables físico-químicas e intensidad de uso. Los valores más elevados de abundancia y biomasa de coleópteros se encontraron en eucalipto-lulo (Solanum quitoense), con 48 ind. m-2 y 9.4 g peso fresco (g.p.f.) m-2, respectivamente. La abundancia y biomasa de diplópodos fue superior en relicto de selva (53 ind. m-2 y 4.8 g.p.f. m-2, respectivamente) y en cafetales variedad Colombia (39 ind. m-2 y 3.1 g.p.f. m-2, respectivamente). La abundancia de lombrices fue mayor en eucalipto-lulo (768 ind. m-2) y en cafetales variedad Colombia (540 ind. m-2). Las variables biológicas y fisicoquímicas configuraron tres y cuatro patrones de usos del terreno, respectivamente. La coinercia sugirió tres patrones relacionados con humedad, C, N y densidad aparente del suelo (p < 0.02). En pastizales y cafetales variedad Colombia predominaron lombrices peregrinas (Pontoscolex corethrurus, Polypheretima elongata, Dichogaster annae, Perionyx excavatus) o coleópteros (Ataenius sp., Onthophagus atriglabrus, Dichotomius satanas) y los valores para C y N fueron bajos y la densidad aparente mayor. El análisis de la información diferenció coberturas amigables o críticas para la biodiversidad, lo cual es valioso en la planificación del territorio

    Characterization of farmers and strategies conducting public polices, colombian coffee region

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    El presente estudio caracterizó las familias de agricultores de plátano de 32 fincas de los municipios de Armenia, Calarcá y Circasia, departamento del Quindío, mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación participativa. Se encontró que la mayoría de las familias es amplia, con predominio del género masculino, con bajo nivel educativo, que habitan predios heredados de máximo 10 hectáreas y permanecen allí hasta 60 años. Los resultados permitieron detectar la vulnerabilidad de las familias al desarraigo territorial a través de factores asociados con el criterio de sentido de lugar, herramienta de diagnóstico social que se demostró como de gran valor en la generación de estrategias políticas para el diseño de programas de desarrollo rural. La visión del desarrollo incluyente y participativo se debe tener en cuenta para contrarrestar los impactos del desempleo, la marginación y la pobreza en la zona rural, diseñando estrategias que reduzcan la vulnerabilidad por desarraigo y exclusión social, y manteniendo la tenencia de la tierra en manos de los agricultores para fomentar la participación de los jóvenes con el fin de revitalizar la comunidad rural.The present study characterized the families of banana farmers from 32 farms in the municipalities of Armenia, Calarcá and Circasia, department of Quindío, through semi-structured interviews and participatory observation. It was found that most of the families are large, with a predominance of the male gender, with a low education level, who inhabit inherited estates of maximum 10 hectares and remain there for up to 60 years. Results made it possible to detect the vulnerability of families to territorial uprooting, through factors associated with the criterion of “sense of place”, a social diagnostic tool that was shown to be of great value in the generation of political strategies for the design of programs of rural development. The vision of inclusive and participatory development should be taken into account to lessen the impacts of unemployment, marginalization and poverty in rural areas, designing strategies that reduce vulnerability due to uprooting and social exclusion; keeping land tenure in the hands of farmers to encourage youth participation in order to revitalize the rural community

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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