502 research outputs found

    Dai Medicine: Preservation of and Changes in Ancient Healing Practices

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    This independent study project discusses the general concept and theories of Dai medicine and focuses on the conservation of and transformation that both, the traditional and modern Dai medical system have undergone over time

    Mapping Solid Surfaces with a Raman Microprobe

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    By combining an optical microscope with a standard Raman scattering apparatus, information on the structure, composition, homogeneity, and stress state of solids can be obtained with one micron resolution. After a discussion of the advantages and implementation of the technique, we examine specific applications mostly taken from our own work dealing with laser-solid interactions. In particular, we examine the structural modifications produced during laser annealing of semiconductors and laser induced damage of thin films

    Enhanced antimicrobial effect of berberine in nanogel carriers with cationic surface functionality

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    We report a strong enhancement in the antimicrobial action of berberine encapsulated into polyacrylic acid-based nanogels followed by further surface functionalisation with a cationic polyelectrolyte (PDAC). Due to the highly developed surface area, the nanogel carrier amplifies the contact of berberine with microbial cells and increases its antimicrobial efficiency. We show that such cationic nanogel carriers of berberine can adhere directly to the cell membranes and maintain a very high concentration of berberine directly on the cell surface. We demonstrated that the antimicrobial action of the PDAC-coated nanogel loaded with berberine on E. coli and C. reinhardtii is much higher than that of the equivalent solution of free berberine due to the electrostatic adhesion between the positively charged nanogel particles and the cell membranes. Our results also showed a marked increase in their antimicrobial action at shorter incubation times compared to the non-coated nanogel particles loaded with berberine under the same conditions. We attribute this boost in the antimicrobial effect of these cationic nanocarriers to their accumulation on the cell membranes which sustains a high concentration of released berberine causing cell death within much shorter incubation times. This study can provide a blueprint for boosting the action of other cationic antimicrobial agents by encapsulating them into nanogel carriers functionalised with a cationic surface layer. This nanotechnology-based approach could lead to the development of more effective wound dressings, disinfecting agents, antimicrobial surfaces, and antiseptic and antialgal/antibiofouling formulations

    Ion Implantation of Porous Silicon

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    Investigates the ion implantation of porous silicon (Si). Properties of light-emitting Si; Application of continuous-wave and time dependent photoluminescence spectroscopies; Comparison of dopant implantation effect in varying doses

    Photocarrier Drift Mobility Measurements and Electron Localization in Nanoporous Silicon

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    We report photocarrier time-of-flight measurements in diode structures made of highly porous crystalline silicon. The corresponding electron and hole drift mobilities are very small ð\u3c104 cm2=V sÞ compared to homogeneous crystalline silicon. The mobilities are dispersive (i.e., having a power-law decay with time or length-scale), but are only weakly temperature-dependent. The dispersion parameter lies in the range 0.55–0.65 for both electrons and holes. We conclude that the drift mobilities are limited by the nanoporous geometry, and not by disorder-induced localized states acting as traps. This conclusion is surprising in the context of luminescence models based on radiative recombination of localized excitons

    Microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors obtained by Hot-Wire CVD

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    Polysilicon thin film transistors (TFT) are of great interest in the field of large area microelectronics, especially because of their application as active elements in flat panel displays. Different deposition techniques are in tough competition with the objective to obtain device-quality polysilicon thin films at low temperature. In this paper we present the preliminary results obtained with the fabrication of TFT deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). Some results concerned with the structural characterization of the material and electrical performance of the device are presented

    Can we identify wild-born salmon from parentage assignment data? A case study in the Garonne-Dordogne rivers salmon restoration programme in France

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    Parentage assignment with genomic markers provides an opportunity to monitor salmon restocking programs. Most of the time, it is used to study the fate of hatchery-born fish in those programs, as well as the genetic impacts of restocking. In such analyses, only fish that are assigned to their parents are considered. In the Garonne-Dordogne river basin in France, native salmon have disappeared, and supportive breeding is being used to try to reinstate a self-sustained population. It is therefore of primary importance to assess the numbers of wild-born returning salmon, which could appear as wrongly assigned or not assigned, depending on the power of the marker set and on the size of the mating plan. We used the genotypes at nine microsatellites of the 5800 hatchery broodstock which were used from 2008 to 2014, and of 884 upstream migrating fish collected from 2008 to 2016, to assess our ability to identify wild-born salmon. We simulated genotypes of hatchery fish and wild-born fish and assessed how they were identified by the parentage assignment software Accurassign. We showed that 98.7% of the fish assigned within the recorded mating plan could be considered hatchery fish, while 93.3% of the fish in other assignment categories (assigned out of the mating plan, assigned to several parent pairs, not assigned) could be considered wild-born. Using a Bayesian approach, we showed that 31.3% of the 457 upstream migrating fish sampled from 2014 to 2016 were wild-born. This approach is thus efficient to identify wild-born fish in a restoration program. It remains dependent on the quality of the recording of the mating plan, which we showed was rather good (<5% mistakes) in this program. To limit this potential dependence, an increase in the number of markers genotyped (17 instead of 9) is now being implemented
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