1,129 research outputs found


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    Switch electric drives are one of the most important and responsible components of railway automation, and therefore require the development and implementation of advanced diagnostic systems. Achievement of the goal is possible only through the use of modern mathematical and software tools. There is a problem in the use of electric motors for switch electric drives today. The point is that the nature of the load on the engine is determined by the reducer. Deterioration appears on the reducer during operation. The appearance of gaps between the gears causes the instability of the load on the shaft. Measurements and control of the size of the gaps is not performed. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use linear measurement of the gaps of the gears and further modelling of the reducer. This method will allow to determine the arising load fluctuations by the deviation of the angular velocities of rotation of the drive and driven shafts. The effect of the gaps on the system operation is shown by model in the form of transfer functions of the constituent elements and the system of equations. It will be possible to set limit values for the deterioration of the gears of the reducer by the determination the maximum deviation of shafts angular speeds of rotation in order to take measures in advance for their timely replacement and to keep the engines from excessive load

    Microware applications of negative-refraction metamaterials

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    Metamaterials make a wide class of artificial composites, characterized by features that are hardly achievable technologically and unattainable in nature materials. These features, such as negative group velocity of EM wave and thus refraction index, are obtained due to simultaneously negative effective permittivity and permeability. The major classes of these composites are single negative materials (SNG), double negative materials (DNG), and electronic bandgap materials (EBG) or photonic crystals [1]. Permittivity and permeability depend on frequency, so there are RF MTMs (including microwave), terahertz, optical etc

    Environment risk factor for fetal hypoxia and newborn asphyxia

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    The impact of the environment on a woman is essential for normal fetus development during pregnancy. Since the mother’s body has a powerful influence on the child the various harmful effects on the mother may lead to the fetal development defects, hypo- or dysplasia of organs and tissues. The body of the fetus is entirely dependent on the mothers’ which is the external environment for the fetus. Among the external factors that affect pregnant women are smoking, alcohols, drugs, environmental pollution factors.Bukovinian State Medical Universit


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    Co łączy sektory intensywnie korzystające z praw własności intelektualnej z przemysłem wydobywczym?

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    In this article, we touch upon one of the most topical and debatable loopholes in transfer pricing: how market distortions, dominant market power, and economic conditions that do not fit the normal economic cycle should affect transfer pricing analysis of controlled transactions. During the most recent economic crises triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and the energy security crisis as consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it became clear that business profits may not always be a direct result of investors’ decisions, or in transfer pricing terms – of functions performed, assets used, or risks assumed, but, instead, a consequence of external circumstances. Such external circumstances may include rapid distortions in the supply and demand equilibrium for certain goods or services, such as digital software or energy resources. Yet, some external factors are not connected to a stage of the economic cycle, among which there are the market power or distorted competition, i.e. oligopoly, monopoly, or a monopsony position in the market. In this article we observe that the ability of some sectors of the economy to capture abnormal returns is not a matter of luck or unpredictable events only. Instead, the ownership of certain scarce resources or artificially scarce assets determines the ability to generate excess (residual) returns. We build a parallel between the natural resources that produce economic rents and intellectual property assets, the scarcity of which is enabled by the strong system of legal protection of IP rights (in particular, patents) to demonstrate their common characteristic as rent-generating assets. We once again challenge the validity of the concept of value creation, arguing that it does not account for the level of competition, market power, and control and scarcity in the market, which are the main preconditions for a company to generate high profits. Finally, we challenge the mainstream concept of DEMPE for the allocation of profits from intangibles for the fact that it attributes too much value to the stage of development of intangibles. Based on the understanding that IP protection may induce artificial scarcity of IP protected products in the market, which distorts competition and enables the IP owner to receive higher returns, the market jurisdiction should be entitled to a share of the residual profit for the facilitation of the IP protection regime.W tym artykule poruszamy jedną z najchętniej w ostatnim czasie omawianych, a jednocześnie budzącą największe kontrowersje, kwestię luki w zakresie cen transferowych: jak zakłócenia na rynku, dominująca siła rynkowa oraz warunki ekonomiczne, które nie wpasowują się w normalny cykl gospodarczy, powinny wpływać na analizę cen transferowych w transakcjach kontrolowanych? W czasie ostatnich kryzysów gospodarczych wywołanych pandemią COVID-19 oraz kryzysu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, będącego konsekwencją rosyjskiej inwazji na Ukrainę, stało się jasne, że zyski przedsiębiorstw mogą nie zawsze być bezpośrednim wynikiem decyzji inwestorów lub – w kontekście cen transferowych – sprawowanych funkcji, wykorzystanych aktywów lub podjętego ryzyka, lecz skutkiem okoliczności zewnętrznych. Tego typu czynniki zewnętrzne mogą obejmować szybko postępujące zakłócenia w równowadze podaży i popytu w przypadku niektórych towarów lub usług, takich jak na przykład oprogramowanie czy zasoby energetyczne. Jednakże niektóre siły zewnętrzne nie są związane z etapem cyklu gospodarczego – między innymi siła rynkowa lub zaburzona konkurencja, tj. oligopol, monopol lub monopson na rynku. W tym artykule podnosimy, że zdolność niektórych sektorów gospodarki do uzyskiwania nadprogramowych zysków nie jest jedynie kwestią szczęścia ani nieprzewidywalnych zdarzeń. W rzeczywistości posiadanie pewnych ograniczonych zasobów lub sztucznie ograniczanych aktywów przesądza o zdolności do generowania nadwyżek (rezydualnych) zysków. Wskazujemy na podobieństwo pomiędzy zasobami naturalnymi generującymi renty ekonomiczne a aktywami z gatunku własności intelektualnej, których niedobór urzeczywistnia się dzięki rozwiniętemu systemowi ochrony praw własności intelektualnej (w szczególności patentowej), aby wykazać ich wspólną cechę jako aktywów generujących renty. Ponownie kwestionujemy słuszność koncepcji tworzenia wartości, argumentując, że nie uwzględnia ona poziomu konkurencji, siły i kontroli rynkowej oraz niedoborów na rynku, które stanowią główne czynniki pozwalające przedsiębiorstwom generować wysokie zyski. Wreszcie poddajemy w wątpliwość zasadność stosowania mainstreamowej koncepcji DEMPE dla celów alokacji zysków z wartości niematerialnych, ponieważ przypisuje ona zbyt dużą wagę stadium rozwoju wartości niematerialnych i prawnych. W myśl założenia, że ochrona praw własności intelektualnej może wywołać na rynku sztuczny niedobór produktów chronionych tymi prawami, co zaburza konkurencję i umożliwia właścicielom tych praw wypracowywanie większych zysków, jurysdykcja rynkowa powinna mieć prawo do udziału w zysku rezydualnym, ponieważ za jej sprawą reżim ochrony własności intelektualnej może funkcjonować

    Organizational and economic mechanisms to attract foreign direct investment in Ukraine’s regions industry

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    У статті запропоновано розглядати прямі іноземні інвестицій як одне із вагомих джерел реформування та розвитку української економіки в умовах недостатності внутрішніх ресурсів. Досліджено основні проблеми залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій в регіони України. Узагальнено економічний ефект від залучення такого виду ресурсів саме у промисловість, як одну із пріоритетних галузей української економіки. Обґрунтовано концептуальний підхід до формування цілеспрямованого ефективного організаційно-економічного механізму залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій в промисловість регіонів України. Сформульовано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення основних складових запропонованого механізму.В статье предложено рассматривать прямые иностранные инвестиции как один из весомых источников реформирования и развития украинской экономики в условиях недостаточности внутренних ресурсов. Исследованы основные проблемы привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций в регионы Украины. Обобщен экономический эффект от привлечения такого вида ресурсов в промышленность, как одну из приоритетных отраслей украинской экономики. Обоснован концептуальный подход к формированию целенаправленного эффективного организационно-экономического механизма привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций в промышленность регионов Украины. Сформулированы рекомендации по совершенствованию основных составляющих предложенного механизма.The paper proposes to consider foreign direct investment as one of the biggest sources of reform and development of the Ukrainian economy in a insufficiency of internal resources. The basic problems of attracting foreign direct investments in the regions of Ukraine are investigated. Economic effect of attracting this type of resource in the industry as one of the priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy is generalized. The conceptual approach to the formation of purposeful effective organizational-economic mechanism of attraction of direct foreign investments in the industrial regions of Ukraine is grounded. Recommendations for improvement of the main components of proposed mechanism are presented


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    A complex of technical solutions is presented which makes it possible to study the influence of external factors on changes in the indicator of fat acidity value (FAV) and a range of other parameters characterizing the quality of preservation of long-term stored wheat grains in South Russia. Storage conditions (natural climatic, model) and also the effect of dust suppression treatment of grain by oil glazing that is carried out in some grain terminals in the South of Russia were taken as controlled external factors. New data has been obtained on changes in parameters of food suitability of the wheat grains during storage under model conditions with varying degrees of severity of climatic conditions in South Russia. After 6 months of storage the most considerable changes in FAV value were found for 4th class of wheat stored in natural climatic conditions with intensive insolation, the increase was 1.7 mg KOH/1 g of fat (from 7.3 mg KOH/1 g of fat up to 9.0 mg KOH/ 1g of fat). Minimum changes in the same parameter for the same storage period were observed for the wheat of the 3rd class stored in a thermostat at a stable high temperature of 35 ºС (from 11.6 mg KOH/1 g of fat to 11.5 mg KOH/1 g of fat). For wheat of the 4th class, the changes were 0.7 mg KOH/1 g of fat (from 7.8 mg KOH/1 g fat to 8.5 mg KOH/1 g of fat). Analyzes of stored wheat grains subjected to dust suppression by the oil glazing showed similar results, which allows us to state the absence of a significant effect of oil glazing on changes in wheat properties during its storage.Based on the results of the experimental analysis and a generalization of the data obtained an assumption was made on the possible reasons for the lack of pronounced trends in the data for the expected increase of FAV value in food suitability of the wheat grain when it is stored under typical model conditions of South Russia. The likely reason for this is the corresponding moisture state of grain, the water activity of grain was about 0.45. Such a low value was due, in particular, to the fact that samples of model-stored grain had a limited volume and do not reproduce the mass transfer processes that involve deep layers of the grain mass (because of the mass absence), which takes place during storage of grain in an industrial environment. The tools were proposed for the operational monitoring of the moisture state of wheat grain during storage. Moreover, a plan has been developed to expand the field of modelling storage processes in terms of varying the moisture state of the stored wheat grain samples with an assessment of the influence of moisture state on the dynamics of changes in the parameters to be controlled.A complex of technical solutions is presented which makes it possible to study the influence of external factors on changes in the indicator of fat acidity value (FAV) and a range of other parameters characterizing the quality of preservation of long-term stored wheat grains in South Russia. Storage conditions (natural climatic, model) and also the effect of dust suppression treatment of grain by oil glazing that is carried out in some grain terminals in the South of Russia were taken as controlled external factors. New data has been obtained on changes in parameters of food suitability of the wheat grains during storage under model conditions with varying degrees of severity of climatic conditions in South Russia. After 6 months of storage the most considerable changes in FAV value were found for 4th class of wheat stored in natural climatic conditions with intensive insolation, the increase was 1.7 mg KOH/1 g of fat (from 7.3 mg KOH/1 g of fat up to 9.0 mg KOH/ 1g of fat). Minimum changes in the same parameter for the same storage period were observed for the wheat of the 3rd class stored in a thermostat at a stable high temperature of 35 ºС (from 11.6 mg KOH/1 g of fat to 11.5 mg KOH/1 g of fat). For wheat of the 4th class, the changes were 0.7 mg KOH/1 g of fat (from 7.8 mg KOH/1 g fat to 8.5 mg KOH/1 g of fat). Analyzes of stored wheat grains subjected to dust suppression by the oil glazing showed similar results, which allows us to state the absence of a significant effect of oil glazing on changes in wheat properties during its storage.Based on the results of the experimental analysis and a generalization of the data obtained an assumption was made on the possible reasons for the lack of pronounced trends in the data for the expected increase of FAV value in food suitability of the wheat grain when it is stored under typical model conditions of South Russia. The likely reason for this is the corresponding moisture state of grain, the water activity of grain was about 0.45. Such a low value was due, in particular, to the fact that samples of model-stored grain had a limited volume and do not reproduce the mass transfer processes that involve deep layers of the grain mass (because of the mass absence), which takes place during storage of grain in an industrial environment. The tools were proposed for the operational monitoring of the moisture state of wheat grain during storage. Moreover, a plan has been developed to expand the field of modelling storage processes in terms of varying the moisture state of the stored wheat grain samples with an assessment of the influence of moisture state on the dynamics of changes in the parameters to be controlled


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    The indices of the functioning of the endothelium in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, combined with diabetes mellitus, have been analyzed and a marked vasculoendothelial dysfunction has been established. A correction of the revealed disturbances by means of the quinapril has been proposed

    Microware applications of negative-refraction metamaterials

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    Metamaterials make a wide class of artificial composites, characterized by features that are hardly achievable technologically and unattainable in nature materials. These features, such as negative group velocity of EM wave and thus refraction index, are obtained due to simultaneously negative effective permittivity and permeability. The major classes of these composites are single negative materials (SNG), double negative materials (DNG), and electronic bandgap materials (EBG) or photonic crystals [1]. Permittivity and permeability depend on frequency, so there are RF MTMs (including microwave), terahertz, optical etc

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