306 research outputs found

    Проект энергоблока АЭС повышенной маневренности

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 132 с., 29 рисунков, 25 таблиц, 35 источников, 6 приложений. Ключевые слова: атомная станция, ядерный реактор, теплоноситель, насыщенный пар, парогенератор, паротурбинная установка. Объектом исследования является атомная станция с улучшенными характеристиками маневренности, предназначенная для генерации электрической и тепловой энергии в суточном графике регулирования Цель работы – оптимизация работы АЭС в режимах суточного регулирования. В процессе выполнения проекта проводились исследования экономического эффекта от внедрения гидромуфты на приводе питательных насосов. В результате исследования подтверждены ожидания экономического эффекта, определена экономия электрической энергии на собственные нужды.Graduation thesis 132 p., 29 figures, and 25 tables, 35 sources of, 6 applications. Key words: nuclear power station, nuclear reactor, coolant, saturated steam, steam generator, steam turbine. The object of study is the nuclear power plant with improved manoeuvrability, designed for generation of electric and thermal energy in a daily chart regulation The work purpose is optimization of NPP operation in the modes involved. In the process of implementation of the project was undertaken to study the economic effect of the introduction of the fluid coupling on the drive of feed pump. The study confirmed the expectations of economic benefits, identified savings of electric energy for own needs

    Проектирование оборудования автоцистерны для применения в подразделениях добровольной пожарной охраны на базе специального автомобиля АРС-14

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    Актуальность данной работы заключается в том, что пожары с течением времени охватывают большую территорию и наносит значительный экономический ущерб сельским поселениям, удаленным на значительное расстояние от подразделений ФПС МЧС России. В связи с этим укомплектование добровольно пожарных команд ВДПО является решением данной проблемы. Целью данной работы является повышение эффективности ведения пожаротушения подразделениями ВДПО.The relevance of this work is that fires over time cover a large area and cause significant economic damage to rural settlements remote from a significant distance from the units of the Federal Emergency Service of Russia. In this regard, the manning of volunteer firefighters VDPO is the solution to this problem. The purpose of this work is to increase the efficiency of firefighting by VDPO units

    Ethnicity-specific epigenetic variation in naïve CD4+ T cells and the susceptibility to autoimmunity

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    Abstract Background Genetic and epigenetic variability contributes to the susceptibility and pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. T cells play an important role in several autoimmune conditions, including lupus, which is more common and more severe in people of African descent. To investigate inherent epigenetic differences in T cells between ethnicities, we characterized genome-wide DNA methylation patterns in naïve CD4+ T cells in healthy African-Americans and European-Americans, and then confirmed our findings in lupus patients. Results Impressive ethnicity-specific clustering of DNA methylation profiling in naïve CD4+ T cells was revealed. Hypomethylated loci in healthy African-Americans were significantly enriched in pro-apoptotic and pro-inflammatory genes. We also found hypomethylated genes in African-Americans to be disproportionately related to autoimmune diseases including lupus. We then confirmed that these genes, such as IL32, CD226, CDKN1A, and PTPRN2 were similarly hypomethylated in lupus patients of African-American compared to European-American descent. Using patch DNA methylation and luciferase reporter constructs, we showed that methylation of the IL32 promoter region reduces gene expression in vitro. Importantly, bisulfite DNA sequencing demonstrated that cis-acting genetic variants within and directly disrupting CpG sites account for some ethnicity-specific variability in DNA methylation. Conclusion Ethnicity-specific inherited epigenetic susceptibility loci in CD4+ T cells provide clues to explain differences in the susceptibility to autoimmunity and possibly other T cell-related diseases between populations.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116042/1/13072_2015_Article_37.pd

    Croissance et caractérisation d'interfaces de fullerènes sur substrats métalliques et semiconducteurs

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    This paper gives an overview of the changes in the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of C60 brought upon by its interaction with a semiconductor or a metal surface. The focus is on ordered monolayers for which general trends in adsorption geometry are illustrated. Direct and inverse photoemission results show that the molecule is polarised when it is physisorbed on the lamellar semiconductor GeS and demonstrate an important hybridisation of both the occupied and the unoccupied molecular orbitals with substrate electronic states for C60 chemisoption on metals, with or without charge transfer to the C60. Vibrational spectroscopy data reveal the consequences of the symmetry breaking at the interfaceas well as mode specific shifts and intensity variations when charge is transferred to the fullerene, which are discussed in association with electron-phonon coupling effects.

    Влияние темперамента на эффективность спасателя

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    Определение профессионально важных качеств спасателя с помощью экспертной оценки даст возможность улучшения профессионального отбора и адаптации спасателей.The definition of professionally important qualities of the rescuer with the help of expert assessment will provide an opportunity to improve the professional selection and adaptation of rescuers

    Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies Rare Protein-Coding Variants in Behçet's Disease

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is a systemic inflammatory disease with an incompletely understood etiology. Despite the identification of multiple common genetic variants associated with BD, rare genetic variants have been less explored. We undertook this study to investigate the role of rare variants in BD by performing whole exome sequencing in BD patients of European descent. METHODS: Whole exome sequencing was performed in a discovery set comprising 14 German BD patients of European descent. For replication and validation, Sanger sequencing and Sequenom genotyping were performed in the discovery set and in 2 additional independent sets of 49 German BD patients and 129 Italian BD patients of European descent. Genetic association analysis was then performed in BD patients and 503 controls of European descent. Functional effects of associated genetic variants were assessed using bioinformatic approaches. RESULTS: Using whole exome sequencing, we identified 77 rare variants (in 74 genes) with predicted protein-damaging effects in BD. These variants were genotyped in 2 additional patient sets and then analyzed to reveal significant associations with BD at 2 genetic variants detected in all 3 patient sets that remained significant after Bonferroni correction. We detected genetic association between BD and LIMK2 (rs149034313), involved in regulating cytoskeletal reorganization, and between BD and NEIL1 (rs5745908), involved in base excision DNA repair (P = 3.22 × 10(-4) and P = 5.16 × 10(-4) , respectively). The LIMK2 association is a missense variant with predicted protein damage that may influence functional interactions with proteins involved in cytoskeletal regulation by Rho GTPase, inflammation mediated by chemokine and cytokine signaling pathways, T cell activation, and angiogenesis (Bonferroni-corrected P = 5.63 × 10(-14) , P = 7.29 × 10(-6) , P = 1.15 × 10(-5) , and P = 6.40 × 10(-3) , respectively). The genetic association in NEIL1 is a predicted splice donor variant that may introduce a deleterious intron retention and result in a noncoding transcript variant. CONCLUSION: We used whole exome sequencing in BD for the first time and identified 2 rare putative protein-damaging genetic variants associated with this disease. These genetic variants might influence cytoskeletal regulation and DNA repair mechanisms in BD and might provide further insight into increased leukocyte tissue infiltration and the role of oxidative stress in BD

    Система управления качеством программного продукта на этапах разработки как фактор обеспечения конкурентоспособности компании

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    В процессе работы были выявлены факторы, влияющие на конкурентоспособность IT–компаний, и проанализированы характеристики качества программных продуктов. Также в ходе работы проводился анализ системы контроля качества программного продукта компании. В результате работы были разработаны и предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию контроля качества, которые помогут компании сэкономить время и деньги.In the course of the work, the factors influencing the competitiveness of IT-companies were identified, and the characteristics of the quality of software products were analyzed. Also in the course of the work, the analysis of the quality control system of the company's software product was carried out. As a result of the work, recommendations for improving quality control were developed and proposed, which will help the company save time and money