132 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Extenders on Sperm Motility and Vitality in Goose Semen Cryopreservation

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    This study aimed to investigate the usability of different diluents containing 6% Dimethylformamide (DMF) for cryo-preservation of the semen of geese (Anser cygnoides). The diluents of Glucose (G), Tris-Glucose (T), Lactated Ringer’s-Glucose (LG), and Lactated Ringer’s (L), all of which contained 6% DMF, were used as cryoprotectants. The researchers collected semen samples from four geese, twice a week over a four-week period, by means of abdominal massage; they then calculated how much sperm each goose ejaculated. Next, the semen samples were pooled and their spermatological parameters were determined. Their volume (4x (mL)), concentration (×108/mL), pH, motility (%), and vitality (%) rates were 0.31±0.01, 3.49±0.32, 7.13±1.06, 67.75±1.28, and 70.00±2.03, respectively. Then, these pooled semen samples were equally divided into four groups. Once they were frozen and thawed, the researchers discovered that the diluent L had the highest motility rate: 40.12% ± 1.35. The motility rates of the other diluents were as follows: LG (28.25%± 1.48), G (21.50% ± 1.41), and T (5.12% ± 0.83). Likewise, the vitality rates (%) of the diluents were as follows: L (41.93% ±1.87), LG (31.50%±1.88), G (29.43% ±1.45), and T (10.56%±1.34), respectively. Freezing and thawing appeared to lower each diluent’s vitality and motility rates. However, for the Lactated Ringer’s (L), this decrease was predictable. Therefore, Lactated Ringer’s diluent containing 6% DMF can be used in cryo-preservation of goose semen. © 2022, Fundacao APINCO de Ciencia e Tecnologia Avicolas. All rights reserved

    Mushroom poisoning: retrospective analysis of 294 cases

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to present special clinical and laboratory features of 294 cases of mushroom poisoning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, 294 patients admitted to the Pediatric and Adult Emergency, Internal Medicine and ICU Departments of Cumhuriyet University Hospital were investigated. RESULTS: Of 294 patients between the ages of 3 and 72 (28.97 ± 19.32), 173 were female, 121 were male and 90 were under the age of 16 years. One hundred seventy-three patients (58.8%) had consumed the mushrooms in the early summer. The onset of mushroom toxicity symptoms was divided into early (within 6 h after ingestion) and delayed (6 h to 20 d). Two hundred eighty-eight patients (97.9%) and six (2.1%) patients had early and delayed toxicity symptoms, respectively. The onset of symptoms was within two hours for 101 patients (34.3%). The most common first-noticed symptoms were in the gastrointestinal system. The patients were discharged within one to ten days. Three patients suffering from poisoning caused by wild mushrooms died from fulminant hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: Education of the public about the consumption of mushrooms and education of health personnel working in health centers regarding early treatment and transfer to hospitals with appropriate facilities are important for decreasing the mortality

    Kontrastla indüklenen nefropatinin tavşan modelinde curcuminin koruyucu etkisinin araştırılması

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    To evaluate the effects of curcumin on contrast nephropathy in rabbits.MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, 14 adult, 2.5-3 kg white male New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups. Goups consisted of the control group (n=2) consisted of the contrast-induced nephropathy group (n=6) and the Curcumin group (n=6). In the curcumin group, curcumin was administered via gastric gavage at a dose of 500 mg/kg one day before and on the day of contrast agent administration. Iopromide was injected intravenously at a dose of 8 g/kg via a catheter in the V. auricularis marginalis over a period of 30 minutes at a slow rate to induce contrast nephropathy. Myeloperoxidase was 4,899 ± 0,424 ng/ml at hour 0 in the contrast-induced nephropathy group and a significant increase was observed after 48 hours (7.467 ± 0.353 ng/mL) (p=0.002). In the contrast-induced nephropathy group, vacuolization of the glomeruli, vacuolar degeneration of the tubular epithelial cells, hyaline casts, necrotic tubular epithelial cells in the tubules was statistically higher compared to the curcumin groups (P=0.000). Based upon these results, it was concluded that curcumin, which is a strong antioxidant, had a significant protective effect against contrast-induced nephropathy after 24 and 48 hours.Tavşanlarda curcuminin kontrast nefropatisi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Bu çalışmada 14 yetişkin, 2,5-3 kg beyaz erkek Yeni Zelanda tavşanı rastgele 3 gruba ayrıldı. Gruplar kontrol grubu (n=2), kontrastla indüklenen nefropati grubu (n=6) ve Curcumin grubundan (n=6) oluşturuldu. Curcumin grubunda kontrast madde verilmesinden bir gün önce ve kontrast maddenin verildiği gün 500 mg/kg Curcumin gastrik gavaj ile uygulandı. İopromid kontrast nefropatisini oluşturmak için 30 dakikalık süre boyunca Vena auricularis marginalise bir katater yerleştirilerek 8 g/kg dozda intravenöz olarak enjekte edildi. Kontrastla indüklenen nefropati grubunda Miyeloperoksidaz düzeyi 0. Saatte 4,899±0,424ng/ml bulunurken 48 saat sonra anlamlı bir artış (7,467±0.353 ng/ml) gözlendi (p=0,002). Kontrastla indüklenen nefropati grubunda glomerüllerin vakuolizasyonu, tübüler epitel hücrelerinin vakuoler dejenerasyonu, hiyalin silindirleri ve tübül lümeninde tübüler nekroz Curcumin grubuna göre istatistiksel anlamlı olarak yüksekti (P=0,000). Bu sonuçlara dayanarak, güçlü bir antioksidan olan Curcuminin 24 ve 48 saat sonra kontrastla indüklenen nefropatiye karşı önemli bir koruyucu etkiye sahip olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Bu nedenle kontrast maddelerin kullanılmasından önce Curcumin uygulanması, seçilmiş vakalarda kontrastla indüklenen nefropatiyi önlemek için yararlı olabilir

    Supporting novice mathematics teachers: The impact of an e- mentoring and video-based professional development program on teachers? noticing skills

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    Karadeniz Technical University Scientific Research Foundation [7178]The study was supported by Karadeniz Technical University Scientific Research Foundation with the project number 7178.This paper focuses on e-mentoring of novice mathematics teachers as professional development, and reports findings of the e-mentoring practices enriched with videos to improve noticing skills of novice teachers. A single group pre- and post-test study was conducted with the participation of 17 mentees, novice middle school mathematics teachers. Participants' noticing skills were assessed through a whole-class teaching video shown to them before and after the intervention. The responses of the teachers to the video assessment were analyzed considering attending, interpreting and decision-making dimensions of noticing. The results revealed that the ementoring program improved the novice mathematics teachers' noticing skills significantly in all dimensions.WOS:000978797700007Emerging Sources Citation IndexarticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRMayıs2023YÖK - 2022-2

    Religiosity and Deviance Among College Students in Türkiye: A Test of Ascetic Theory

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    Although an inverse relationship between religion and deviance is empirically well-established in the western context, previous studies on Islam and deviance conducted in non-western countries are limited. To address this gap in deviance research, we hypothesized that individual religiosity would be inversely related to deviance with the inverse relationship being more likely for ascetic than anti-ascetic or secular deviance. To test this hypothesis, we applied ordinary least squares and logistic regression methods to analyze data collected from 2,005 survey participants of a Turkish public university student population. Regression results provided partial support for the hypothesis, as we found that religiosity was inversely related to both ascetic and secular deviance. The observed inverse relationship is noteworthy in that it was found in an institutionally secular, Muslim country. Implications of our findings are discusse

    Volume CXIV, Number 4, November 7, 1996

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    Objective: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal disorder caused by complete or partial X chromosome monosomy that manifests various clinical features depending on the karyotype and on the genetic background of affected girls. This study aimed to systematically investigate the key clinical features of TS in relationship to karyotype in a large pediatric Turkish patient population.Methods: Our retrospective study included 842 karyotype-proven TS patients aged 0-18 years who were evaluated in 35 different centers in Turkey in the years 2013-2014.Results: The most common karyotype was 45,X (50.7%), followed by 45,X/46,XX (10.8%), 46,X,i(Xq) (10.1%) and 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) (9.5%). Mean age at diagnosis was 10.2±4.4 years. The most common presenting complaints were short stature and delayed puberty. Among patients diagnosed before age one year, the ratio of karyotype 45,X was significantly higher than that of other karyotype groups. Cardiac defects (bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta and aortic stenosis) were the most common congenital anomalies, occurring in 25% of the TS cases. This was followed by urinary system anomalies (horseshoe kidney, double collector duct system and renal rotation) detected in 16.3%. Hashimoto's thyroiditis was found in 11.1% of patients, gastrointestinal abnormalities in 8.9%, ear nose and throat problems in 22.6%, dermatologic problems in 21.8% and osteoporosis in 15.3%. Learning difficulties and/or psychosocial problems were encountered in 39.1%. Insulin resistance and impaired fasting glucose were detected in 3.4% and 2.2%, respectively. Dyslipidemia prevalence was 11.4%.Conclusion: This comprehensive study systematically evaluated the largest group of karyotype-proven TS girls to date. The karyotype distribution, congenital anomaly and comorbidity profile closely parallel that from other countries and support the need for close medical surveillance of these complex patients throughout their lifespa

    Hulȗsî Vesiletü’l- Merâm

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    Müellifin hayatı hakkında kesin bilgi sahibi değiliz. Buna istinaden müellif eserin yazılış tarihi olarak metinde “Hicret-i nebeviyyeniñ 1036 yılında māh-ı Cümādī’l-evveliniñ 17 günü şürūˊ olundu” diye belirtir. Buradan yola çıkarak esere 3 Şubat 1627’de başladığını biliyoruz. Murat Han’ın dönemin padişahı olduğunu belirtmesinden yola çıkarak da bahsedilen padişahın IV.Murat olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Böylece yazarın kimliği hakkında kesin bilgi sahibi olamamakla birlikte IV.Murat döneminde yaşamış olan Hulȗsî Çelebi olma ihtimali yüksektir.(www.turkedebiyatiisimlersozlugu) Türk edebiyatını derinden etkileyen ve adına bir çok şerh, tercüme yazılan Feridüddin Attârın’ın Pendnâme’sinin güzel bir örneği olan esere şârih hadîsi şerîf ve âyet-i kerimelerden faydalanarak dini hüviyet de kazandırmıştır. Yazar birkaç yerde Attâr’ın yöntemine göndermede bulunmuştur. Nesih el yazısı ile okunaklı şekilde kaleme alınan eser 79 varak olup her sahifede olmamakla birlikte Arapça terkîplerle zenginleştirilmiştir. Yazar Farsça bölümlerin şerhine kısaca değinmiş açıklamaya gerekli gördüğü veyahut çok sık kullanılmayan kelimeleri hâşiyelerde izâh etmiş, kimi zaman gramer bilgisi vermiştir. Bu yönüyle eser Türkçe- Farsça-Arapça nitelikte zengin bir nasihatnâme örneğidir.We don't know exactly the life of the author. Based on this, the author says as the date of the work “it is in 1036 of Hejira Nabawi, the 17th day of mah-ı Cümadi’l-evveli” in the text. We know from this he started the work on 3 February 1627. It is understood that the Sultan stated in the work was the sultan of the period and that he was the Murat IV. Thus, although we could not have a certain knowledge about the identity of the author, it is highly probable that he was Hulȗsî Çelebi. Hulȗsî, by using hadith and verses, gave religious identity to the work, which is a beautiful example of Pendnâme by Feridüddin Attârın which affected Turkish literature deeply and about which a lot of commentaries and translations were written. In several places, the author referred to the method of Attâr. The work, which was written in a legible way with Nesih handwriting, is composed of 79 foils and it is enriched with Arabic phrases, although it is not in every page. The author briefly mentioned the commentary of the Persian sections and explained the words which he deemed necessary or which were not used very often in this context. In this aspect, the work has a feature of the richness of Turkish-Persian-Arabic nature

    Yetişkinlerde aritmetik kelime problemleri başarısı: kısa süreli belleğin rolü.

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    Arithmetic word problems include various scenarios, some of them corresponding to real life situations. It is expected from the human problem solver to devise methods to solve those problems. Solving an arithmetic word problem requires using arithmetic abilities, reading comprehension, and spatial, verbal and numeric abilities that are related to Working Memory capacities. In particular, verbal and spatial working memories are assumed to be employed during the course of arithmetic word problem solving. Arithmetic word problem texts also exhibit different characteristics than plain texts. Therefore, the investigation of arithmetic word problem solving goes beyond reading comprehension. The study includes two phases; (i) to investigate the relationship between the putative Working Memory components and arithmetic word problem solving characteristics, and (ii) to investigate the differences between standard written language through a corpus and arithmetic problem texts. Our analyses revealed that there was a statistically significant relation between the digit span task scores and the accuracy of solutions. The study also showed that arithmetic word problem texts are different than plain texts in terms of their syntactic categories.  M.S. - Master of Scienc


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    Bu çalışmada, işbirliğine dayalı öğrenmenin öğrencilerin başarılarına ve tutumlarına olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Uygulama Fen ve Teknoloji dersinin Dünya, Güneş ve Ay ünitesinin işlenmesinde yapılmıştır. İşbirliğine dayalı öğrenmenin öğrenci başarısına ve tutumlarına olan etkisini araştırmak için geleneksel yöntemle karşılaştırma yapılarak konu bir ders olarak işlenmiştir. Çalışmanın evrenini 2006-2007 eğitim öğretim yılında Ankara-Haymana ilçesinin ilköğretim okullarında okuyan beşinci sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın örneklemini ise 12 Eylül İlköğretim Okulu'nun 5-A ve 5-B sınıflarında okuyan toplam 58 öğrencidir. 5-A sınıfı deney grubunu, 5-B sınıfı ise kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Deney grubunda işbirliğine dayalı öğrenme yöntemi, kontrol grubunda ise geleneksel yöntem kullanılmıştır. Uygulamanın başlangıcında her iki gruba da Fen ve Teknoloji bilgi testi ile Fen ve Teknoloji tutum ölçeği ön test olarak uygulanmıştır. Uygulamanın sonunda işbirliğine dayalı öğrenme yönteminin ve geleneksel öğretim yönteminin öğrenci başarısı üzerindeki etkisini belirlemek için Fen ve Teknoloji bilgi testi ve her iki yöntemin öğrenci tutumları üzerindeki etkisini belirlemek için de Fen ve Teknoloji tutum ölçeği son test olarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen test sonuçları SPSS-9 istatistik programı ile analiz edildikten ve yorumlandıktan sonra işbirliğine dayalı öğrenme yönteminin kullanıldığı deney grubu öğrencileri ile geleneksel öğretim yönteminin kullanıldığı kontrol grubu öğrencilerinin akademik başarıları ve derse karşı tutumları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu araştırma ile işbirliğine dayalı öğrenmenin yalnızca öğrencilerin başarıları üzerinde değil derse karşı tutumlarında da etkili bir yöntem olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.In this study the effect of the cooperative learning on students' success and attitudes were investigated. The application was realised in the Earth, Sun and Moon units of Science and Technology class. In order to determine the effets of cooperative learning on students' success and attitudes it was compared to traditional method. The environment of the study involved the 5th grade students of 12 Eylül Primary School in the district of Haymana. The samples of the study was 58 students from 5-A and 5- B. The subject group was 5-A and the control group was 5-B. The cooperative learning was used in subject group and the traditional method was used in control group. At the begining of the application the test of knowledge of Science and Technology and the test scale of attitude of Science and Technology were put into practice. At the end of the study a test of knowledge about Science Technology was applied in order to determine the effect of cooperative learning and traditional method on students' success and in order to determine the effects of both method on students' attitudes a test of attitudes towards Science and Technology was applied as a final test. After the analysis and interpretation of the test results by SPSS-9 statistic program it was seen that there had been significant difference towards the lessons regarding the academic success and the attitudes of the subject group to wich the cooperative learning applied and the control group to which the traditional method applied. It was resulted in this study that cooperative learning is not only influential on students' success but also on their attitudes towards the lesson

    Fokal megalensefalinin eşlik ettiği tuberoskleroz kompleksinin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları: Olgu sunumu

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    WOS: 000372008100017Hemimegalencephaly (HME) is a rare cortical developmental anomaly that can be defined as abnormal neural and glial proliferation localized to all or part of a cerebral hemisphere. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant, multisystem disease that most frequently involves the central nervous system, skin, heart, kidneys, and eyes. Herein, we report the magnetic resonance imaging findings of a rare case of focal megalencephaly with TSC.Hemimegalensefali serebral hemisferin tamamının veya bir kısmının etkilendiği anormal nöral ve glial proliferasyon ile tanımlanabilen ender bir kortikal gelişimsel anomalidir. Tuberoskleroz kompleksi (TSK) otozomal dominant geçişli, başta santral sinir sistemi olmak üzere kalp, böbrek, göz ve cildi tutan multisistem hastalığıdır. Çalışmamızda ender olarak görülen fokal megalensefalinin eşlik ettiği TSK olgusunun manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulgularını sunmayı amaçladık