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    1794 research outputs found

    Investigation of the motion of a spherical object located at soft elastic and viscoelastic material interface for identification of material properties

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    Measuring the properties of soft viscoelastic materials is challenging. Here, the motion of a spherical object located at the soft elastic and viscoelastic material interface for the identification of material properties is thoroughly investigated. Formulations for different loading cases were derived. First, the theoretical models for a spherical object located at an elastic medium interface were derived, ignoring the medium viscosity. After summarizing the model for the force reducing to zero following the initial loading, we developed mathematical models for the force reducing to a lower non-zero value or increasing to a higher non-zero value, following the initial loading. Second, a similar derivation process was followed to evaluate the response of a spherical object located at a viscoelastic medium interface. Third, by performing systematic analyses, the theoretical models obtained via different approaches were compared and evaluated. Fourth, the measured and predicted responses of a spherical object located at a gelatin phantom interface were compared and the viscoelastic material properties were identified. It was seen that the frequency of oscillations of a spherical object located at the sample interface during loading was 10–15% different from that during unloading in the experimental studies here. The results showed that different loading cases have immense practical value and the formulations for different loading cases can provide an accurate determination of material properties in a multitude of biomedical and industrial applications

    Integrating Genre-based Writing and Critical Thinking in Developing Writing Skills of Pre-service Language Teachers

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    This book explores how EFL writing teacher education is theoretically, pedagogically, methodologically and sociopolitically shaped, given teachers' unique local contexts and circumstances. It showcases practitioners and researchers teaching in, or studying, geographic areas that have as yet been under-represented in international publications, and it focuses on ways that specific contexts create unique opportunities and constraints on what developing teachers know and do in their work. The chapters prioritize local voices and materials to build a more inclusive and comprehensive picture of L2 writing globally, enabling the book as a whole to both document and further shape pedagogical approaches to L2 writing. Readers will be able to use the unique insights contained in this book in their own classrooms and professional development activities.Mar

    Nuclear Security Dilemma in Nuclear Multipolar World vs Zero Hunger

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    The Russia–Ukraine war has increased the risk not only of nuclear weapons use but also of the food crisis. A world free of nuclear weapons has once again emerged among the strategic priorities of international relations and states. We live in an age where the sources of threats are not limited to war and the threat of using nuclear weapons but also include the global climate crisis, starvation, and migration, which affect a significant part of humanity and also challenge security. Currently, a significant proportion of the global population suffers from hunger, intensified further by the coronavirus disease and economic crisis. In this article, I intend to dispense with nuclear weapons—one of the biggest threats to world stability, costing billions of dollars that fall within the scope of sunk costs—to contribute to ending hunger—one of the biggest threats to humanity— in the light of “Let humanity live so that the state can live” philosophy, and to fight the global climate crisis. This study suggests a creative perspective and addresses the problems holistically by providing a peace research analysis on the nexus of peace, security, and solidarity.Rusya-Ukrayna savaşı, yalnızca nükleer silah kullanma riskini değil, aynı zamanda gıda krizi riskini de artırdı. Nükleer silahlardan arındırılmış bir dünya, uluslararası ilişkilerin ve devletlerin stratejik öncelikleri arasında bir kez daha öne çıktı. Tehdit kaynaklarının sadece savaş ve nükleer silah kullanma tehdidiyle sınırlı kalmayıp, insanlığın önemli bir bölümünü etkileyen ve güvenliği de tehdit eden küresel iklim krizi, açlık ve göç gibi konuların da yer aldığı bir çağda yaşıyoruz. Şu anda, küresel nüfusun önemli bir bölümü, koronavirü pandemisi ve ekonomik kriz tarafından daha da yoğunlaşan açlıktan muzdariptir. Bu makalede, dünya istikrarına yönelik en büyük tehditlerden biri olan ve batık maliyetler kapsamına giren milyarlarca dolara mal olan nükleer silahlardan vazgeçilmesini, insanlık için en büyük tehditlerden biri olan açlığın sona erdirilmesine ve küresel iklim krizi katkıda bulunmayı amaçlıyorum. Bu çalışma yaratıcı bir bakış açısı önermekte ve barış, güvenlik ve dayanışma ekseninde bir analiz sunarak sorunların bütüncül olarak ele alınması ve “insanı yaşat ki devlet yaşasın” felsefesini somut bir uygulama alanı olarak tavsiye etmektedir.Oca

    The evolution of water diplomacy frameworks: The Euphrates-Tigris basin as a case study

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    Water diplomacy encompasses the processes and institutions through which the national interests and identities of sovereign states are represented to one another. It is enshrined in international law, which states use to explain and justify their policies to concerned actors in the international system. States mostly prefer traditional tools of water diplomacy such as negotiation and mediation to resolve disputes in transboundary river basins. This chapter explores water diplomacy along with its main principles and actors. On the one hand, the state has been the main actor in shaping transboundary water policies and conducting water diplomacy throughout the last few decades of water disputes. On the other hand, international organizations, international financial agencies, non-governmental organizations, and science-policy (Track II) initiatives also participate in water diplomacy. A brief discussion of emerging water diplomacy approaches is followed by a case study on the evolution of water diplomacy frameworks in the Euphrates-Tigris river basin.2-s2.0-85182480058Oca

    The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: Cross-national measurement invariance and convergent validity evidence

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    Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) is a widely used measure that captures somatic symptoms of coronavirus-related anxiety. In a large-scale collaboration spanning 60 countries (Ntotal = 21,513), we examined the CAS's measurement invariance and assessed the convergent validity of CAS scores in relation to the fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) and the satisfaction with life (SWLS-3) scales. We utilized both conventional exact invariance tests and alignment procedures, with results revealing that the single-factor model fit the data well in almost all countries. Partial scalar invariance was supported in a subset of 56 countries. To ensure the robustness of results, given the unbalanced samples, we employed resampling techniques both with and without replacement and found the results were more stable in larger samples. The alignment procedure demonstrated a high degree of measurement invariance with 9% of the parameters exhibiting noninvariance. We also conducted simulations of alignment using the parameters estimated in the current model. Findings demonstrated reliability of the means but indicated challenges in estimating the latent variances. Strong positive correlations between CAS and FCV-19S estimated with all three different approaches were found in most countries. Correlations of CAS and SWLS-3 were weak and negative but significantly differed from zero in several countries. Overall, the study provided support for the measurement invariance of the CAS and offered evidence of its convergent validity while also highlighting issues with variance estimation.WOS:0011095657000012-s2.0-851815454273801078038010780Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)Article; Early AccessUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETKasım2023YÖK - 2022-23Oca

    Site response analysis in performance based approach

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    A performance based approach for site response analysis requires a probabilistic approach accounting for the observed variability in soil stratification and engineering properties of the soil layers. The major variability in site-specific response analysis arises from the uncertainties induced by the (a) local seismic hazard assessment, (b) selection and scaling of the hazard compatible input earthquake time histories, (c) soil stratification and engineering properties of encountered soil and rock layers, and (d) method of site response analysis. Even though the uncertainties related to first item, local seismic hazard assessment, has primary importance on the outcome of the site-specific response analyses, the discussion in this article focuses on the possible uncertainties in selection and scaling of the hazard compatible input earthquake time histories, soil stratification, thickness, type and their engineering properties, depth of ground water table and bedrock and properties of the engineering bedrock. One alternative may be to conduct site response analyses for large number of soil profiles generated by Monte Carlo simulations using relatively large number of hazard compatible acceleration time histories to assess probabilistic performance based design acceleration spectra and acceleration time histories calculated on the ground surface with respect to different performance levels. A remaining issue may be considered as the variability induced by 1D, 2D, and 3D site response analysis2-s2.0-85182702864Mar

    Gender-based exclusion in Turkish schools

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    This chapter explores understandings of gender-based exclusionary practices in Turkish educational settings and illustrates the theme of the "everydayness" of such practices through empirical studies from Turkey. A social domain theory is introduced that explains how children and young people evaluate gender-based exclusionary attitudes and practices, and suggestions are made about how teachers and schools can help to challenge gender-based discrimination and stigmatisation. It is also argued that national education policy related to inclusion is too narrowly focused and its scope should be widened to include sexual minorities and gender-based discrimination and exclusion. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. All rights reserved.WOS:0010945032000172-s2.0-85160487900Book Citation Index – Social Sciences & HumanitiesArticle; Book ChapterUluslararası işbirliği yapılmayan - HAYIRAralık2023YÖK- 2022-2

    Dynamics of the syrian civil war and the approach of the European Union to the Syrian civil war within the framework of the doctrine on responsibility to protect

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    Bu tez, Suriye İç Savaşı'nın dinamiklerini ve Avrupa Birliği'nin (AB) müdahalesini Koruma Sorumluluğu (R2P) ilkesi perspektifinden incelemektedir. Çalışmada, iç savaşa giden süreçte Arap Baharı' nın ortaya çıkışı ve bölge üzerindeki etkisi, özellikle Arap kültürü ve ayaklanmaları körükleyen faktörler incelenmektedir. Araştırma, Esad rejimi, IŞİD gibi aşırılık yanlısı grupların ortaya çıkışı ve PKK/SDG/YPG gibi Kürt grupların katılımı gibi kilit dönemleri vurgulayarak, Suriye İç Savaşı'nın barışçıl protestolardan bugünkü durumuna evriminin izini sürmektedir. Tez aynı zamanda hem Türk hukukunda hem de uluslararası hukuk ve AB'ye göre terörizmin tanımlarını ve özelliklerini incelemektedir. Savaşın sonuçları ve mevcut durum değerlendirilmektedir. Çalışma ayrıca Koruma Sorumluluğu kavramını ve bu kavramın büyük ölçekli insan hakları ihlallerinin önlenmesindeki uygulamalarını incelemektedir. AB'nin yapısı, temel değerleri ve uluslararası sistemdeki rolü hakkında genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Bu tez, AB'nin Suriye İç Savaşı'na müdahil olma sürecini, savaşın sonuçlarının AB üzerindeki etkisini de dikkate alarak analiz etmektedir. AB'nin çatışmaya nasıl taraf olduğunu incelemekte, müdahil olmasının sonuçlarını değerlendirmekte ve AB'nin Suriye'deki dış politika hedeflerine ulaşması için öneriler sunmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, AB'nin Suriye İç Savaşı'nda Koruma Sorumluluğu'nu uygulamasının önemli zorluklar ve kısıtlamalarla karşı karşıya olduğu açıktır. Farklı ulusal çıkarlar, karmaşık karar alma mekanizmaları, değişen demografik yapı, yükselen muhafazakâr ve faşist duygular ve Türkiye ile iş birliğindeki zorluklar başlıca engeller arasındadır. Bu tezde, Koruma Sorumluluğu Doktrini' nin AB içindeki etkinliğini artırmak için müdahale kabiliyetlerinin geliştirilmesi, söylem ve eylem arasındaki uçurumun kapatılması, üye devletler arasında birliğin teşvik edilmesi ve çatışmaların temel nedenlerinin ele alınması gibi adımlar önerilmektedir. Genel olarak bu araştırma, Suriye İç Savaşı'nın ve AB'nin Koruma Sorumluluğu ilkesi çerçevesindeki müdahalesinin anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır. AB'nin karşılaştığı karmaşıklıkları ve kısıtlamaları vurgulamakta ve AB'nin Suriye'de insan haklarını koruma ve dış politika hedeflerini ilerletme konusunda daha etkili bir aktör olması için tavsiyeler sunmaktadır.This study analysis the intricacies of the Syrian Civil War and the involvement of the European Union (EU) through the perspective of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine. In the study, the emergence of the Arab Spring in the process leading to the civil war and its impact on the region, especially the Arab culture and the factors that fueled the uprisings are examined. The text proceeds to explore the genesis of the Arab Spring and its ramifications for the area, particularly the Arab civilization and the catalysts that propelled the revolts. This study charts the progression of the Syrian Civil War from its initial nonviolent demonstrations to its present state, with a focus on significant phases such as the Assad administration, the emergence of extremist factions such as Daesh, and the participation of Kurdish organizations such as the PKK, SDG, and YPG. The thesis delves into an examination of the definitions and attributes of terrorism as outlined in Turkish legislation as well as in international law and the European Union. An evaluation is conducted of the ramifications of the war and the present state of affairs. The present study delves into the notion of "responsibility to protect" and its implementation in averting extensive human rights transgressions. The text furnishes a comprehensive outline of the European Union's framework, fundamental principles, and function within the global arena. This thesis examines the extent of the European Union's participation in the Syrian Civil War while considering the ramifications of the conflict's aftermath for the EU. This study analyses the process by when the European Union (EU) became a participant in the Syrian conflict, assesses the consequences of its intervention, and provides recommendations for the EU to attain its foreign policy objectives in Syria. Based on the aforementioned conclusion, it is apparent that the European Union's execution of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle in the context of the Syrian Civil War is confronted with noteworthy obstacles and constraints. The primary impediments include divergent national interests, intricate decision-making processes, shifting demographics, increasing conservative and fascist ideologies, and challenges in collaborating with Turkey. The thesis posits a series of measures aimed at augmenting the efficacy of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine within the European Union (EU). These measures include the cultivation of intervention capabilities, the reconciliation of the disparity between verbal commitments and practical implementation, the promotion of solidarity among member states, and the resolution of the underlying causes of conflicts. In general, this study enhances comprehension of the Syrian Civil War and the European Union's involvement in accordance with the Responsibility to Protect doctrine. The text sheds light on the intricate and restrictive circumstances encountered by the European Union and puts forward suggestions for the EU to enhance its efficacy as a participant in safeguarding human rights and promoting its foreign policy goals in Syria

    İnsan Hakları Bilincini Geliştirme Yöntemi Olarak Sinema

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    Sinema filmlerinin eğitim amaçlı kullanımı yeni değildir. 1895 yılında film makinesinin Lumiére kardeşler tarafından bulunmasından kısa bir süre sonra filmlerin 1907 yılından itibaren eğitim amaçlı kullanıldığı göze çarpmaktadır. 1922 yılında sinemanın eğitimdeki etkisini ölçmeye yarayan ve 500’den fazla öğrenci üzerinde yapılan bir araştırma, filmin öğrenmenin etkililiğini arttırdığı, konuların sevilmesine katkıda bulunduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Türkiye’de de 1933’te yapılan bir araştırmada 8-14 yaşındaki 60 ilkokul öğrencisinin filmi izledikten 2 ay sonra filmin %70’ini hatırladıklarını göstermiştir. Basit bir çıkarsamayla sinema görsellik hatırlama, anlama, konulara aşinalık bakımlarından kolaylaştırıcılık bir işlev görmektedir. Bu etkinin fark edilmesi sinemanın daha işlevsel ve yoğun kullanılması sonucunu doğurur. Amerika’da 1936 yılına gelindiğinde ilk ve ortaokullarda 10.97 sinema filmi projektörünün bulunduğu, okullarda ve üniversitelerde öğretmen ve öğrenciler için film kütüphanelerinin oluşturulduğu gözlenir. Benzer gelişmeler 1907’lerden sonra Avrupa’da da rastlanmaktadır. Bu süreç II. Dünya savaşı sonrasında artarak devam etmiştir.Nisa

    The fighting terrorist dimension of Turkish and American relations in the context of press releases

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    Bu tez çalışmasında Suriye'ye sıçrayan Arap baharının oluşturmuş olduğu kaotik ortamda kendine yer edinen PKK/PYD ve İŞİD terör örgütlerine karşı müttefik olan Türkiye ve Amerika'nın terörle mücadelede ne denli işbirliği yapabildiği araştırma sorusundan yola çıkılarak, devletlerin terörizme karşı işbirliği zorlukları irdelenmiştir. İzlenilen metot söylem analizi ve süreç analizi birlikteliğidir. 2011-2018 yılları arasında devlet başkanlarından savunma bakanlığına, dışişleri bakanlarından hükümet sözcülerine kadar farklı kurumların yönetimlerinde bulunan kişilerin söylemleri analiz edilerek ve sahadaki eylemleriyle karşılaştırılarak süreç analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sırasında yıllara göre çeşitli haber kaynakları taranmış ve sahada terör örgütlerine karşı gerçekleştirilen operasyonlar literatür taraması ile detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Devlet kurumlarında bulunan kişilerin söylemleri kamuoyuna açık kaynaklardan elde edilmiş ve çeşitli kaynaklardan araştırılıp teyit edilerek sunulmuştur. Tez içerisinde bulunan görüş ve önerilerin tamamı, yaptığım araştırmalar sonucu şekillendirdiğim kişisel fikirlerimdir ve herhangi bir kişi veya kurumun görüşünü yansıtmamaktadır.The research question, which forms the departure point for this thesis, is 'to what extent states can cooperate against violent nonstate actors and terrorism'. To this end, the policies and cooperation dynamics of the USA and Turkey against PKK/PYD and ISIS are studied. The method followed is the joint application of discourse analysis and process tracing. The process analysis was conducted by analyzing the discourses of people in the management of different institutions, from heads of state to the ministry of defense, from foreign ministers to government spokespersons between 2011-2018 and comparing them with their actions in the field. Various news sources were scanned in this time period, and the operations carried out against terrorist organizations in the field were examined in tandem with the literature review. Discourses of people in state institutions were obtained from publicly available sources and cross-checked by researching and confirming from various sources. The opinions and suggestions in the thesis do not reflect the opinion of any person or institution, and belong to the researcher


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