312 research outputs found

    The inefficiencies of car utilization in urban areas - characterization of utopic optimal carsharing scenario, enablers and barriers that lead to different future transports mix and the pivotal role of technology enhancements

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    Urban mobility is under going a very big transformation. Appification is the phenomenon enabling a rapid change and the rise of new players relying heavily on technology to reach end users. The benefits are of various kinds and have real implication son environment as well as on socioeconomic conditions of those who live in urban areas. The future of urban mobility ecosystem is not yet completely defined, although it will probably be green erandsmarter

    Information Systems’ Portfolio: Contributions Of Enterprise And Process Architecture

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    We are witnessing a need for a quick and intelligent reaction from organizations to the level and speed of change in business processes. New information technologies and systems (IT/IS) are challenging business models and products. One of the great shakes comes from the online and/or mobile apps and platforms. These are having a tremendous impact in launching innovative and competitive services through the combination of digital and physical features. This leads to actively rethink enterprise information systems' portfolio, its management and suitability. One relevant way for enterprises to manage their IT/IS in order to cope with those challenges is enterprise and process architecture. A decision-making culture based on processes helps to understand and define the different elements that shape an organization and how those elements inter-relate inside and outside it. IT/IS portfolio management requires an increasing need of modeling data and process flows for better discerning and acting at its selection and alignment with business goals. The new generation of enterprise architecture (NGEA) helps to design intelligent processes that answer quickly and creatively to new and challenging trends. This has to be open, agile and context-aware to allow well-designed services that match users' expectations. This study includes two real cases/problems to solve quickly in companies and solutions are presented in line with this architectural approach.FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology [UID/SOC/04020/2013]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Análise introdutória dos circuitos comerciais e negociantes, que, entre o século XVII e XIX, ligavam as diferentes partes do império português. Fenômeno que o transformava em um sistema econômico. Tal império, apesar de conter diferentes estruturas sociais e econômicas (da aristocrática-camponesa reinol à escravidão americana), possuía algumas formas de acumulação e práticas comuns. Estas derivadas do Antigo Regime português e presentes em suas várias regiões: Reino, Estado da Índia, América e África lusas. Abstract First approach to the merchant and market circles that, between the 17th and the 19th centuries linked the different parts of the Portuguese Empire, which turned this Empire into an economic system. The Portuguese word, despite its different social and economic structures (from the aristocratic-peasant reinol to American Slavery) shared some common behavior and accumulation practices. This common characteristics were consequences of the old portuguese regime and occurred in its various regions: Kingdom, The State of India, America and Portuguese Africa

    Regionalization and susceptibility assessment to daily precipitation extremes in mainland Portugal

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    The present study aims to identify regions of extreme precipitation in mainland Portugal and to create a single index of extreme precipitation susceptibility (EPSI). For this purpose, twelve extreme precipitation indices were selected from the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices between 1950 and 2003. By considering only six extreme precipitation indices: R 1day, R 5day, SDII, R20, CWD and R95PTOT for the 10-year return period, between 1950 and 2003, the EPSI was developed to both annual data and meteorological season. The regionalization of extreme precipitation in Portugal were determined using a principal component analysis in T-mode. The results, show three spatial regions obtained from PCA. The three regions were analyzed separate. In the annual EPSI, the highest susceptibility areas are the mountainous regions in northern (e.g. Geres, Peneda, Alv ^ ~ ao, Marao and Montesinho) and central ~ Portugal (e.g. Serra da Estrela), as well as in the Algarve (southern Portugal). Conversely, the lower susceptibility classes are in municipalities of the northeast, Alentejo and along the central-western coast. The results of EPSI show similar results in autumn and winter. In spring, however, the high susceptibility class increases in the Lisbon region and in the Sado Basin. In summer, there is an increase in susceptibility in the northeast, while susceptibility is low over much of Alentejo and Algarve, where precipitation is neglectful. This work presents a first attempt to implement this type of index for mainland Portugal. The first results are very promising, showing a consistent representation of the overall spatial distribution of extreme precipitation susceptibility. The combination of this information by municipalities can be of foremost relevance to civil protection and risk management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento e concepção de ferramentas de estampar

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    Estágio realizado na empresa Gestamp, SA e orientado pelo Eng. Nuno CavacaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Historical floods of the Douro River in Porto, Portugal (1727–1799)

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    Extreme meteorological events have had devastating consequences all over the world throughout the ages. In this study, we look into the floods at the mouth of the Douro River (Porto, Portugal) in the eighteenth century to expand the data series of floods in Northern Portugal. Information was gathered mostly from documentary narrative sources, either individual or institutional (administrative and ecclesiastic), some of which include reports of Pro Serenitate ceremonies. A study by the priest Rebelo Costa (1789) and the memories of the merchant Ignacio Henckell from 1717 to 1800 stand out among the individual sources. We concluded that there was great interannual variability in the occurrence of the 54 recorded floods, the highest number of which occurred in the 1780s. The “catastrophic” floods were recorded in 1727, 1739, 1769, 1774, 1777, 1788 and 1798, four of which are studied in detail in this paper. The greatest number of flood events took place in winter and autumn, and most of them lasted between 1 and 3 days. An analysis of the description of the floods, their impacts and the associated meteorological causes was carried out. In most cases, the frontal activity associated with Atlantic cyclonic systems was the cause of positive precipitation anomalies in NW Iberia. The great variability in heavy precipitation was confirmed by the new data. However, hardly any temporal simultaneity was found with other case studies in Southern Europe, except for Spain, especially several localities of Galicia and the mid Douro Valley (Zamora).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Instituto da Tutela Provisória no Novo Código de Processo Civil em comparação com o Código Processual de 1973 no tocante à estabilização da tutela antecipada

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    O presente trabalho visa demonstrar as principais mudanças do antigo instituto da tutela antecipada e sua transição para tutela provisória. A mudança se deu pela promulgação da lei nº 13.105 de 2015, a qual instituiu o “novo” código de processo civil, revogando o antigo (lei nº 5.869 de 1973). A tutela provisória passou a ser termo genérico para os institutos já consolidados no direito processual civil brasileiro, alterando a estrutura de diversos artigos referentes às tutelas antecipadas e cautelares. Entretanto, apesar de ocorridas mudanças estruturais no código de processo civil, se trouxe um novo instituto para o ordenamento jurídico pátrio, qual seja a estabilização da tutela antecipada. O presente trabalha buscou enfrentar os questionamentos e requisitos que este fenômeno jurídico trouxe para o direito brasileiro, buscando elucidar a origem e importância da tutela provisória desde os tempos mais remotos. Ao final, busca-se apresentar as projeções que a estabilização pode trazer e como será processada no judiciário

    Projeto PhilosArtis : estudo exploratório de uma investigação-ação em filosofia e arte no Jardim de Infância Popular

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    Este projeto de intervenção centra-se no contributo da Filosofia e da Arte para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e social nas crianças em idade pré-escolar, nomeadamente nas idades compreendidas entre os quatro e cinco anos. O projeto de intervenção PhilosArtis ocorre no Jardim de Infância Popular (J.I.P.) e encontra-se desenvolvido em quatro andamentos: fundamentação, conceção, implementação, retroação e avaliação do projeto, de acordo com as orientações de Martins (2002). Nesta investigação-ação, que decorreu de novembro de 2014 a junho de 2015, optei por uma metodologia qualitativa, alicerçada no modelo de Relação Pedagógica de Renald Legendre (1993, 2005), destacando quatro polos (Sujeito, Agente, Objeto e Meio). Esta metodologia proporcionou-me captar as vivências e as aprendizagens dos participantes mediante a Educação pela Arte focada no aprender a pensar, na autonomia, na comunidade de investigação com crianças que frequentam o ensino pré-escolar. Os instrumentos utilizados para a recolha de informação (observação, registos vídeo e fotográficos, opiniões e trabalhos efetuados pelos intervenientes) permitiram a observação, o registo das práticas desenvolvidas para uma futura reflexão acerca do trabalho efetuado. A abordagem pedagógica do domínio da Filosofia para Crianças, baseada na metodologia de Mattew Lipman em articulação com as expressões artísticas possibilitou verificar o desenvolvimento dos sujeitos a nível do pensar, da comunicação verbal, do trabalho em equipa como a promoção de competências e valores éticos e estéticos adquiridos pelas crianças numa dimensão da Educação pela Arte.This intervention project focuses on the contribution of Philosophy and Art to the cognitive, affective and social development of pre-school children, aged between four and five. The PhilosArtis intervention project took place in Jardim de Infância Popular (J.I.P.) and was developed in four stages: grounds, conception, implementation, retroaction and assessment of the project, in accordance with the guidelines of Martins (2002). In this research-action, which took place from November 2014 to June 2015, a qualitative methodology based on the Pedagogical Relationship of Renald Legendre (1993, 2005) was chosen, highlighting four areas (Subject, Agent, Object and Environment). This methodology allowed to capture the experiences and learning of the participants using Education through Art, focused on learning to think, autonomy and on the research community with children attending pre-school. The tools used for data gathering (observation, video and photographic records, opinions and work done by the participants) permitted observation and recording of the practices developed for future reflection on the work done. The pedagogical approach of the Philosophy for Children area, based on the methodology of Matthew Lipman, in conjunction with artistic expression, allowed to verify the development of the subjects at the level of thought, verbal communication and teamwork, promoting the development of skills and also ethical and aesthetic values which had been acquired by the children during their Education through Art learning experience

    Especiação do ferro durante a digestão de alimentos de origem vegetal

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    Mestrado em QuímicaIntrodução: A Anemia de Deficiência de Ferro é um problema crítico à escala mundial. Apesar do ferro ser estudado extensivamente, muito ainda é desconhecido sobre a especiação do ferro não-heme durante a digestão e como isto afecta a sua biodisponibilidade. A ferritina é conhecida como uma proteína de armazenamento de ferro, mas como esta absorve o ferro ainda é um tópico controverso. A presença e a absorção de nanopartículas de ferro formadas naturalmente tem sido objecto recente de estudo. Objectivo: O objectivo deste projecto é o estudo da especiação do ferro durante a digestão de alimentos de origem vegetal, com particular interesse para a absorção de ferro no duodeno, uma vez que é aqui que o ferro é absorvido e onde a especiação do ferro vai determinar a sua biodisponibilidade. Métodos: Um sistema de digestão in vitro foi desenvolvido previamente no MRC-HNR, e neste projecto foi expandido e otimizado. Este sistema foi utilizado para a digestão de batatas e ervilhas. Para estudar a distribuição de fases do ferro foram utilizados diferentes filtros e centrifugações. Para a quantificação do ferro, as amostras foram digeridas em meio ácido com auxílio de microondas antes de análise por ICP-OES. Para uma caracterização mais aprofundada do conteúdo nanoparticulado, foram utilizadas as técnicas de SDS-PAGE e ICP-MS. Resultados e discussão: Foi identificado que no duodeno a maioria do conteúdo de ferro proveniente de batatas e ervilhas apresenta-se em forma nanoparticulada. Posterior caracterização indicou que uma grande parte destas nanopartículas tem entre 2 e 14 nm. O conteúdo de ferro proveninte de FeCl3 manifesta-se como precipitado ao nível do duodeno quando adicionado a batatas, e o conteúdo de ferro da ferritina manifesta-se como nanoparticulado. Conclusão: Um sistema de digestão in vitro foi adaptado e otimizado para o estudo de alimentos de origem vegetal. Os estudos feitos neste sistema indicam que as batatas e as ervilhas são uma boa fonte de ferro biodisponivel e podem ajudar na prevenção de deficiência de ferro.Introduction: Iron Deficiency Anaemia is a critical problem in a worldwide scale. Even though iron has been extensively studied, not much is known of non-haem iron speciation during the digestion and how it affects bioavailability. Ferritin is known to be an iron storage protein, but the bioavailability of its iron content is still a controversial topic. The presence of naturally formed iron nanoparticles during digestion and how they might be absorbed has been hypothesized. Aim: The aim of this project is to study iron speciation of plant-based foods during digestion, with particular interest to the duodenum since it is there that iron is absorbed and the iron speciation at this level will determine its bioavailability. Methods: An in vitro digestion system has been previously developed at the MRC-HNR, and has been expanded and optimized for this project. Potato and peas have been digested. To study iron phases distribution, different filters and centrifugations were utilized on the digests. For the iron content quantification, the samples went through microwave-assisted acid digestion prior to ICP-OES analysis. To further characterise the nanoparticulated portions, SDS-PAGE and ICP-MS and were used. Results and discussion: It has been found that at the duodenal level a majority of the iron content from digested potatoes and peas is present as nanoparticles. Further characterization indicates that a large part of these particles are between the sizes of 2 and 14 nm. When spiked on potatoes, the ferric iron from FeCl3 precipitates, and the iron from ferritin becomes nanoparticulated. Conclusion: An in vitro digestion system was adapted and optimized for the study of plant-based foods. The studies made in this system indicate that both potatoes and peas are a good source of bioavailable iron and thus can help in the prevention of iron deficiency

    Uma releitura do “Brasil colonial” a partir da obra de António Manuel Hespanha

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    The purpose of this article is to recognize the merit and scope of the influence of António Manuel Hespanha, whose work broke with a classic approach of Brazilian historiography of the colonial period, that is, he established a new historiographical paradigm through the operationalization of new categories and concepts. In the second part, we begin with a brief assessment of the current historiographical discussion on states and monarchies in modern Europe. By doing so, we intend to contribute to the discussion of the historiography on the society in the tropics understood to be part of the Portuguese pluricontinental monarchy.O intuito do presente artigo é ressaltar o mérito e a abrangência da influência da obra de António Manuel Hespanha no sentido da ruptura de uma abordagem clássica da historiografia brasileira sobre o período colonial, ou seja, do estabelecimento de um novo paradigma historiográfico por meio da operacionalização de novas categorias e conceitos. Na segunda parte, iniciamos com um rápido balanço da atual discussão historiográfica sobre Estados e monarquias na Europa moderna. Com isso, pretendemos contribuir para a discussão da historiografia sobre a sociedade dos trópicos entendida como parte da monarquia pluricontinental portuguesa