234 research outputs found

    Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor-merger scenario

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    We compare two different codes for simulations of cosmological structure formation to investigate the sensitivity of hydrodynamical instabilities to numerics, in particular, the hydro solver and the application of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). As a simple test problem, we consider an initially spherical gas cloud in a wind, which is an idealized model for the merger of a subcluster or galaxy with a big cluster. Based on an entropy criterion, we calculate the mass stripping from the subcluster as a function of time. Moreover, the turbulent velocity field is analyzed with a multi-scale filtering technique. We find remarkable differences between the commonly used PPM solver with directional splitting in the Enzo code and an unsplit variant of PPM in the Nyx code, which demonstrates that different codes can converge to systematically different solutions even when using uniform grids. For the test case of an unbound cloud, AMR simulations reproduce uniform-grid results for the mass stripping quite well, although the flow realizations can differ substantially. If the cloud is bound by a static gravitational potential, however, we find strong sensitivity to spurious fluctuations which are induced at the cutoff radius of the potential and amplified by the bow shock. This gives rise to substantial deviations between uniform-grid and AMR runs performed with Enzo, while the mass stripping in Nyx simulations of the subcluster is nearly independent of numerical resolution and AMR. Although many factors related to numerics are involved, our study indicates that unsplit solvers with advanced flux limiters help to reduce grid effects and to keep numerical noise under control, which is important for hydrodynamical instabilities and turbulent flows.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Computin

    Un-rooted grafted cuttings for eggplant plug-transplant production and shipping: simulated transportation and healing requirements

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    Vegetable grafting is one of the most effective eco-friendly techniques to overcome pests and soilborne diseases in modern cropping systems of fruiting vegetables. Due to the increased farmers’ preference for grafted seedlings of high quality and better performance, the use of vegetable grafted plants is rapidly spreading and expanding over the world and intensive researches on new commercial production systems are under way. However, in many areas of the world, due to the high cost of skilled manpower, the use of grafted plug plants is still limited causing a relatively slow development of the grafting nursery industry. The aim of this work was to evaluate a possible use of un-rooted grafted cuttings as means of propagation and distribution of eggplant transplants. In this experiment, un-rooted grafted eggplant cuttings (‘Birgah’ eggplant scion with Solanum torvum rootstock) harvested after diverse healing times [0 (DIH 0), 1 (DIH 1), 3 (DIH 3), 5 (DIH 5), or 7 (DIH 7) days in healing] were exposed to 20, 14 and 8°C ‘simulated transportation temperature’ and dark condition in a growth chamber for 72 hours. After 72 hours of the simulated transportation treatment, all un‐rooted grafted cuttings were transferred into the greenhouse for rooting. The results showed that S. torvum is a suitable rootstock for applying the un-rooted grafted cutting propagation technique. All grafted cuttings reached the grafting success (100%) and all un-rooted grafted cuttings developed roots at the end of the rooting stage (100%). Regardless of the simulated shipping conditions, the treatment DIH 0 gave the best results in terms of number of leaves after rooting (3.8 leaves), shoot fresh and dry weight after 7 days of growth (3.92 and 0.46 g, respectively), fresh weight of the roots (1.34 g), and plantlet visual quality of the finished plug transplants (8.8). This innovative production/ shipping method might be successfully used in areas where local nurseries do not have high grafting ability

    Turbulence in the ICM from mergers, cool-core sloshing and jets: results from a new multi-scale filtering approach

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    We have designed a simple multi-scale method that identifies turbulent motions in hydrodynamical grid simulations. The method does not assmume ant a-priori coherence scale to distinguish laminar and turbulent flows. Instead, the local mean velocity field around each cell is reconstructed with a multi-scale filtering technique, yielding the maximum scale of turbulent eddies by means of iterations. The method is robust, fast and easily applicable to any grid simulation. We present here the application of this technique to the study of spatial and spectral properties of turbulence in the intra cluster medium, measuring turbulent diffusion and anisotropy of the turbulent velocity field for a variety of driving mechanisms: a) accretion of matter in galaxy clusters (simulated with ENZO); b) sloshing motions around cool-cores (simulated with FLASH); c) jet outflows from active galactic nuclei, AGN (simulated with FLASH). The turbulent velocities driven by matter accretion in galaxy clusters are mostly tangential in the inner regions (inside the cluster virial radius) and isotropic in regions close to the virial radius. The same is found for turbulence excited by cool core sloshing, while the jet outflowing from AGN drives mostly radial turbulence motions near its sonic point and beyond. Turbulence leads to a diffusivity in the range =10^29-10^30 cm^2/s in the intra cluster medium. On average, the energetically dominant mechanism of turbulence driving in the intra cluster medium is represented by accretion of matter and major mergers during clusters evolution.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    GUT microbiota change and time of restore in intensive care therapy : a case report

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    Exposure of gut microbiota to antibiotics can promote antibiotic resistance and development of diseases caused by multi-drug-resistant organisms. Here we present a case of a 54-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis with significant biliary duct leakage, admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to a septic syndrome after surgery. Fecal microbial population was analyzed by DGGE and Real Time PCR during and after a combined antibiotic therapy and enteral nutritional feeding. Gut microbiota dysbiosis was demonstrated during ICU recovery. After antibiotic therapy discontinuation and the switch to normal diet, microbial gut population gradually increased up to values comparable with those of a healthy subject. Bifidobacterium spp. took longer to re-stabilize, reaching normal value after two weeks. Our case report corroborates the resilient nature of gut microbiota, but points out the long time needed to recover after antibiotic treatment, paving the way to supplementation with key probiotic species

    Cluster magnetic fields through the study of polarized radio halos in the SKA era

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    Galaxy clusters are unique laboratories to investigate turbulent fluid motions and large scale magnetic fields. Synchrotron radio halos at the center of merging galaxy clusters provide the most spectacular and direct evidence of the presence of relativistic particles and magnetic fields associated with the intracluster medium. The study of polarized emission from radio halos is extremely important to constrain the properties of intracluster magnetic fields and the physics of the acceleration and transport of the relativistic particles. However, detecting this polarized signal is a very hard task with the current radio facilities.We use cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulations to predict the expected polarized surface brightness of radio halos at 1.4 GHz. We compare these expectations with the sensitivity and the resolution reachable with the SKA1. This allows us to evaluate the potential for studying intracluster magnetic fields in the surveys planned for SKA1.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; to appear as part of 'Cosmic Magnetism' in Proceedings 'Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14)', PoS(AASKA14)10

    Evolution of shocks and turbulence in major cluster mergers

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    We performed a set of cosmological simulations of major mergers in galaxy clusters to study the evolution of merger shocks and the subsequent injection of turbulence in the post-shock region and in the intra-cluster medium (ICM). The computations were done with the grid-based, adaptive mesh refinement hydro code Enzo, using an especially designed refinement criteria for refining turbulent flows in the vicinity of shocks. A substantial amount of turbulence energy is injected in the ICM due to major merger. Our simulations show that the shock launched after a major merger develops an ellipsoidal shape and gets broken by the interaction with the filamentary cosmic web around the merging cluster. The size of the post-shock region along the direction of shock propagation is about 300 kpc h^-1, and the turbulent velocity dispersion in this region is larger than 100 km s^-1. Scaling analysis of the turbulence energy with the cluster mass within our cluster sample is consistent with M^(5/3), i.e. the scaling law for the thermal energy in the self-similar cluster model. This clearly indicates the close relation between virialization and injection of turbulence in the cluster evolution. We found that the ratio of the turbulent to total pressure in the cluster core within 2 Gyr after the major merger is larger than 10%, and it takes about 4 Gyr to get relaxed, which is substantially longer than typically assumed in the turbulent re-acceleration models, invoked to explain the statistics of observed radio halos. Striking similarities in the morphology and other physical parameters between our simulations and the "symmetrical radio relics" found at the periphery of the merging cluster A3376 are finally discussed. In particular, the interaction between the merger shock and the filaments surrounding the cluster could explain the presence of "notch-like" features at the edges of the double relics.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures, Published in Astrophysical Journal (online) and printed version will be published on 1st January, 201

    Lung response to prone positioning in mechanically-ventilated patients with COVID-19

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    Background: Prone positioning improves survival in moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) unrelated to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This benefit is probably mediated by a decrease in alveolar collapse and hyperinflation and a more homogeneous distribution of lung aeration, with fewer harms from mechanical ventilation. In this preliminary physiological study we aimed to verify whether prone positioning causes analogue changes in lung aeration in COVID-19. A positive result would support prone positioning even in this other population. Methods: Fifteen mechanically-ventilated patients with COVID-19 underwent a lung computed tomography in the supine and prone position with a constant positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) within three days of endotracheal intubation. Using quantitative analysis, we measured the volume of the non-aerated, poorly-aerated, well-aerated, and over-aerated compartments and the gas-to-tissue ratio of the ten vertical levels of the lung. In addition, we expressed the heterogeneity of lung aeration with the standardized median absolute deviation of the ten vertical gas-to-tissue ratios, with lower values indicating less heterogeneity. Results: By the time of the study, PEEP was 12 (10–14) cmH2O and the PaO2:FiO2 107 (84–173) mmHg in the supine position. With prone positioning, the volume of the non-aerated compartment decreased by 82 (26–147) ml, of the poorly-aerated compartment increased by 82 (53–174) ml, of the normally-aerated compartment did not significantly change, and of the over-aerated compartment decreased by 28 (11–186) ml. In eight (53%) patients, the volume of the over-aerated compartment decreased more than the volume of the non-aerated compartment. The gas-to-tissue ratio of the ten vertical levels of the lung decreased by 0.34 (0.25–0.49) ml/g per level in the supine position and by 0.03 (− 0.11 to 0.14) ml/g in the prone position (p < 0.001). The standardized median absolute deviation of the gas-to-tissue ratios of those ten levels decreased in all patients, from 0.55 (0.50–0.71) to 0.20 (0.14–0.27) (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In fifteen patients with COVID-19, prone positioning decreased alveolar collapse, hyperinflation, and homogenized lung aeration. A similar response has been observed in other ARDS, where prone positioning improves outcome. Therefore, our data provide a pathophysiological rationale to support prone positioning even in COVID-19
