122 research outputs found


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    The author of this article argues that communication is the basis for the construction of social communities, institutions and organizations, as well as the basis of existence of the very institute of statehood. Civilizational society preserves its national, ethnic and religious fundamentals that sustain identities of nations and ethnicities. Civilizational identity in modern Russia is based on the preservation of a Russian cultural dominant, whose bearers are represented not only by ethnic Russians, but rather by all bearers of such an identity, regardless of their ethnicity. A civic identity of new Russia rests upon civilization principles that symbolize the integrity of the millennial Russian history. Destructive activity of many a force of super-cultural and super-religious nature is aimed at inciting enmity between people. A super-cultural path of development is primarily directed to the support of material life forms, while an attempt to develop statehood solely on super-religious level only destroys an integrating structuring of ethnic and confessional space. В статье автор показывает, что коммуникация является основой конструирования социальных общностей, институтов и организаций, а также существования самого института государственности. В современной России цивилизационная идентичность основана на сохранении русской культурной доминанты, носителем которой выступают все носители такой идентичности независимо от национальности. Надкультурный путь развития ориентирован на поддержание материальных форм бытия, а попытка развивать государственность исключительно на надрелигиозном уровне лишь разрушает интегрирующую структуризацию этноконфессионального пространства.


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    The extreme “pollution” of the global information space has a negative impact on the social well-being of the population for media space is a kind of social space covered by the media. It is necessary to create an effective system of legal protection and social guarantees so that any citizen can receive minimal social protection and be protected from the negative impact of the adverse ecology of the mass media. Not everyone who is experiencing intense exposure to the media is aware of its negative effects including “fatigue syndrome”. To prevent it, D. Lewis proposes the following algorithm: use all information technologies of business and everyday communication; improve the methods of studying and processing data; set the right priorities for their analysis and use [26]. All media and actors that interact with them must master information culture, for which it is necessary to train specialists in the field of media ecology who are aware of the influence of media and social technologies on people’s feelings, thoughts, values and behavior. So far, experts on media ecology do not have a sufficient theoretical basis for conducting sociological research and identifying how the media forces the audience to structure what it sees, hears and feels in a certain way. Today’s media (especially electronic) can have a violent and undesirable effect - this is not only a psychological but also a philosophical, social and cultural problem that affects both children and adults. “Information anarchy” leads not only to moderate negative consequences but in some cases to “information ecocide” - destruction of traditional information and the media. Countering the contamination of the information environment should include the following steps: development of requirements for the content creation; monitoring of the collection, storage, processing and destruction of information; development of criteria for assessing the use of information. It is necessary to introduce a single rating system for information products, which will allow users to evaluate the quality of information sources according to the following criteria: purity of information; work on creating content; source coverage; quality (completeness) of information; sources of specific data sets; social-demographic characteristics of potential users

    Качество социальной рекламы: критерии оценки

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    Purpose: the The purpose of the publication is development of existing criterial assessment in social advertising sphere. The next objectives are provided for its achievement: to establish research methodology, to develop the author’s version of necessary notional apparatus and conceptual generalization, to determine the elements of social advertising quality, to establish the factors of its quality, to conduct the systematization of existing criteria and measuring instruments of quality assessment, to form new criteria of social advertising quality, to apply received results for development of criterial assessment to determine the further research perspectives. Methods: the methodology of research of management of social advertising interaction with target audience, which has dynamic procedural character with use of sociological knowledge multivariate paradigmatic status, has been proposed. Results: the primary received results: the multivariate paradigmatic research basis with use of works of famous domestic and foreign scientists in sociology, qualimetry and management spheres; the definitions of social advertising, its quality, sociological quality provision system, target audience behavior model during social advertising interaction are offered; the quality factors with three groups by level of effect on consumer are established; the systematization of existing quality and its measure instruments assessment criteria by detected social advertising quality elements are conducted; the two new criteria and its management quality assessment measuring instruments in social advertising sphere are developed; the one of the common groups of production quality criteria – adaptability with considering of new management quality criteria and conducted systematization of existing social advertising creative quality assessment criteria development; the perspective of further perfection of quality criterial assessment based on social advertising standartization introduction is identified. Conclusions and Relevance: the social advertising quality criterial assessment expansion on scientifically based elements of this complex notion is conducted. Significance of results that are represented in the article is in development of advertising sociology and provides further directions for research.  Цель: Целью публикации определено развитие существующей критериальной оценки в социорекламной сфере. Для ее достижения предусмотрены следующие задачи: обосновать методологию исследования, разработать авторскую версию необходимого понятийного аппарата и концептуальных обобщений, определить элементы качества социальной рекламы, обосновать факторы ее качества, провести систематизацию существующих критериев и измерительных инструментов оценки качества, сформулиро-вать новые критерии качества социальной рекламы, применить полученные результаты для развития критериальной оценки; определить перспективу дальнейшего исследования. Методология проведения работы: Предложена методология исследования управления социорекламным взаимодействием с целевой аудиторией, имеющая динамический процессуальный характер с применением многовариантного парадигматического статуса социологического знания. Результаты работы: Cформирована многовариантная парадигматическая основа исследования с применением трудов известных отечественных и зарубежных ученых в области социологии, квалиметрии и менеджменте; предложены определения социальной рекламы, ее качества, системы социологического обеспечения качества, модели поведения целевой аудитории в ходе социорекламного взаимодействия; установлены факторы качества с тремя группировками по уровню влияния на потребите-ля; проведена систематизация существующих критериев оценки качества и их измерительных инструментов по выявленным элементам качества социальной рекламы; обоснованы два новых критерия и их измерительные инструменты оценки качества управления в социорекламной сфере; развита одна из общепринятых групп критериев качества продукции – адаптируемость с учетом разработки новых критериев качества управления и проведенной систематизации существующих критериев оценки качества креатива социальной рекламы; определена перспектива дальнейшего совершенствования критериальной оценки качества на основе внедрения стандартизации социальной рекламы. Выводы: Проведено расширение критериальной оценки качества социальной рекламы по научно обоснованным элементам этого комплексного понятия. Значимость представленных в статье результатов заключается в развитии социологии рекламы и предусматривает дальнейшую перспективу исследования. 

    CERN PS laser ion source development

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    CERN, together with ITEP and TRINITI (Russia), is developing a CO2 laser ion source. The key design parameters are: 1.4 1010 ions of Pb25+ in a pulse of 5.5 ms, with a 4-rms emittance of 0.2 10-6 rad m, working at a repetition rate of 1 Hz. This device is considered as one candidate source for LHC heavy ion operation. The status of the laser development, the experimental set-up of the source consisting of the target area and its illumination, the plasma expansion area and extraction, beam transport and ion pre-acceleration by an RFQ, will be given

    Клинико-генетические характеристики ранней эпилептической энцефалопатии II типа, обусловленной мутациями в гене SCN2A

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    Background. A large number of single gene disorders with seizures in clinical picture has been described. Among them, a special place is held by early-onset epileptic encephalopathies (EEE) – a genetically diverse group of disorders characterized by manifestation of seizures in the first 2 years of life and severe progressing course. Currently, 58 genetic variants of EEE has been identified.The objective is to analyze the incidence, clinical and genetic characteristic of type II EEE in a sample of patients from Russia identified by whole exome sequencing using next generation sequencing.Materials and methods. The patient sample included 67 children (35 boys and 32 girls) with ages varying from 4 months to 10 years. All patients underwent neurological examination using the standard techniques. Monitoring of electroencephalography (EEG) was performed in accordance with the International 10–20 system. For magnetic resonance imaging, tomographs with magnetic induction of 1.5 and 3.0 T were used. The identified changes were confirmed by Sanger sequencing using DNA from the patients and their parents.Results. In total, 67 patients with EEE were diagnosed, 8 of which had causational mutations in the SCN2A gene: p.Leu1611Pro (c.4832T>C), p.Cys728* (c.2184C>A), p.Arg607* (c.1819C>T), p.Val1325Ile (c.623T>C), p.Leu419Met (c.1255T>A), p.Asp1487Glu (c.4461C>A), p.Val208Ala (c.3973G>A), p.Gln1211Lys (c.3631G>A). Analysis of parent DNA had shown that all mutations appeared de novo. At the time of disease onset, all patients had multiregional epileptiform activity per EEG. Focal seizures, myoclonic seizures, and epileptic spasms were the most common types of seizures in the patients. The majority of patients (5/8) had diffuse muscular hypotonia. All patients had pronounced mental deficiency. All patients received more than 2 therapy regimens (including hormonal therapy and ketogenic diet) but full remission wasn’t obtained. In some patients, partial positive dynamic was registered with hormonal therapy and sodium channel blockers. Various mutations in the SCN2A gene caused a similar clinical picture but had different functional significance which determined the effectiveness of anti-epileptic therapy.Conclusion. Identification of the mutated genes causing EEE and further study of their function are important for selection of therapeutic approach to epilepsy treatment.Введение. Описано большое количество моногенных заболеваний, в клинической картине которых наблюдаются судороги. Среди них особое место занимают ранние эпилептические энцефалопатии (РЭЭ) – генетически гетерогенная группа заболеваний, характеризующихся манифестацией судорог до 2-летнего возраста и тяжелым прогрессирующим течением. К настоящему времени идентифицированы 58 генетических вариантов РЭЭ.Цель исследования – анализ частоты встречаемости и клинико-генетических характеристик РЭЭ II типа в выборке больных из популяции России, выявленных в результате секвенирования экзома нового поколения.Материалы и методы. Выборка больных включала 67 детей (35 мальчиков и 32 девочки) в возрасте от 4 мес до 10 лет. Всем больным проводили неврологический осмотр по стандартной методике. Мониторинг видео-электроэнцефалографии (ЭЭГ) осуществляли в соответствии с Международной системой 10–20. Для магнитно-резонансной томографии головного мозга применяли аппараты c индукцией магнитного поля 1,5 и 3,0 Тл. Выявленные замены подтверждали секвенированием по Сэнгеру с использованием ДНК больных и их родителей.Результаты. Были диагностированы 67 пациентов с РЭЭ, 8 из которых имели каузативные мутации в гене SCN2A: p.Leu1611Pro (c.4832T>C), p.Cys728* (c.2184C>A), p.Arg607* (c.1819C>T), p.Val1325Ile (c.623T>C), p.Leu419Met (c.1255T>A), p.Asp1487Glu (c.4461C>A), p.Val208Ala (c.3973G>A), p.Gln1211Lys (c.3631G>A). Анализ родительской ДНК показал, что все мутации возникли de novo. На момент дебюта приступов все пациенты имели мультирегиональную эпилептиформную активность по данным ЭЭГ. Чаще у пациентов отмечались фокальные приступы, миоклонические приступы и эпилептические спазмы. У большинства больных (5/8) наблюдалась диффузная мышечная гипотония. У всех пациентов отмечалась выраженная умственная отсталость. Все пациенты получали более 2 схем терапии (включая гормональную терапию и кетогенную диету), однако полной ремиссии эпилепсии достичь не удалось. У части пациентов зарегистрирована частичная положительная динамика при использовании гормональной терапии и блокаторов натриевых каналов. Разные мутации в гене SCN2A приводят к сходной клинической картине, но имеют различную функциональную значимость, что и определяет разную эффективность противоэпилептической терапии.Заключение. Идентификация гена, мутации в котором приводят к возникновению РЭЭ, и дальнейшее изучение его функции очень важны в выборе терапевтического подхода к лечению эпилепсии

    HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider – Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4

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    In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100 km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opportunities of these two colliders, and a high-energy LHC, based on FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the third volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the hadron collider FCC-hh. It summarizes the FCC-hh physics discovery opportunities, presents the FCC-hh accelerator design, performance reach, and staged operation plan, discusses the underlying technologies, the civil engineering and technical infrastructure, and also sketches a possible implementation. Combining ingredients from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high-luminosity LHC upgrade and adding novel technologies and approaches, the FCC-hh design aims at significantly extending the energy frontier to 100 TeV. Its unprecedented centre-of-mass collision energy will make the FCC-hh a unique instrument to explore physics beyond the Standard Model, offering great direct sensitivity to new physics and discoveries

    FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider – Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2

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    Alignment of the ALICE Inner Tracking System with cosmic-ray tracks

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    37 pages, 15 figures, revised version, accepted by JINSTALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) experiment devoted to investigating the strongly interacting matter created in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC energies. The ALICE ITS, Inner Tracking System, consists of six cylindrical layers of silicon detectors with three different technologies; in the outward direction: two layers of pixel detectors, two layers each of drift, and strip detectors. The number of parameters to be determined in the spatial alignment of the 2198 sensor modules of the ITS is about 13,000. The target alignment precision is well below 10 micron in some cases (pixels). The sources of alignment information include survey measurements, and the reconstructed tracks from cosmic rays and from proton-proton collisions. The main track-based alignment method uses the Millepede global approach. An iterative local method was developed and used as well. We present the results obtained for the ITS alignment using about 10^5 charged tracks from cosmic rays that have been collected during summer 2008, with the ALICE solenoidal magnet switched off.Peer reviewe