208 research outputs found

    Premiers éléments d'enquête à Amioun et Chekka

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    Ce travail présente la problématique de l'accès aux services urbains dans deux petites villes libanaises d'environ 10.000 habitants, Chekka et Amioune. Dans un premier temps, il s'agit de « tester la réalité de la diversité sociale et territoriale de l'accès aux services urbains de l'eau, l'assainissement et de l'électricité » dans la cadre d'une période transitoire d'une réforme de l'eau tâtonnante. Dans un second temps, il s'agit d'observer la redéfinition du jeu d'acteur et du mode de régulation des services urbains dans le cadre de la réforme de l'eau et de voir dans quelle mesure la création des nouveaux établissements des eaux influait-elle ou influerait-elle sur cette diversité sociale et territoriale d'accès aux services urbains à Amioun et Chekka. Avant de s'interroger sur la régulation des services urbains, et la redéfinition du jeu d'acteur entre pouvoir local et pouvoir central dont émanent les établissements des eaux, il s'agit de faire un état des lieux des services urbains à Amioun et à Chekka, afin de mesurer l'ampleur de cette diversité des services (distribution) et de la diversité d'accès des populations à ces mêmes services, engendrant des comportements variés d'adaptation (approvisionnement)

    Concilier accès à la mobilité pour tous et mobilité durable. La prise en compte des inégalités d'accès à la mobilité dans les politiques urbaines de l'agglomération lyonnaise

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    Urban policies have to conciliate the paradoxical stakes that are access to mobility for everyone on one hand and personal car use reduction on the other hand. Considering the pluralisation of urban policies, this issue is not only a matter of coherence but also of coordination that subsumes the coordination of land-use planning and transport. This study examines how urban policies conciliate access to mobility and sustainable mobility. It analyzes how urban policies take into account access to mobility inequalities in the Greater Lyon. Innovative mobility services (access to work initiatives and Inter-Companies Commuter Plans) are compared with transport policies. The unprecedented focus on social issues results of the shift from a right to transport to a targeted right to transport and the joint emergence of rights to mobility. But, since they are competing when political and financial choices are arbitrated, conciliating these potentially contradictory issues is difficult at the local urban scale. Social issues are taken into account with delay or limited or forgotten with the Greater Lyon' strategies being concentrated on economic competitiveness and sustainable development exemplarity.L'action collective urbaine est confrontée à une double injonction potentiellement contradictoire en matière de mobilité quotidienne. Elle doit garantir l'accès à la mobilité pour tous et réduire les mobilités individuelles motorisées. Avec la pluralisation des politiques urbaines, cet enjeu de cohérence se double d'un enjeu de coordination, qui subsume la traditionnelle cohérence urbanisme-transport. Cette thèse interroge la conciliation des enjeux d'accès à la mobilité et de mobilité durable. L'étude analyse la prise en compte des inégalités d'accès à la mobilité dans les politiques urbaines de la Communauté Urbaine de Lyon. Les aides à la mobilité des politiques de retour à l'emploi et les Plans de déplacement inter-entreprises portés par la politique temporelle, sont comparés à la tarification sociale et l'amélioration de la desserte des quartiers défavorisés de la politique de transport. Les résultats montrent que les enjeux sociaux n'ont jamais fait l'objet d'une attention aussi grande, avec le passage d'un droit au transport pour tous à un droit au transport ciblé et l'émergence de droits à la mobilité. Mais, la conciliation entre les enjeux potentiellement contradictoires d'accès à la mobilité pour tous et de mobilité durable est difficile à l'échelle d'agglomération, ces enjeux étant concurrents lorsque sont arbitrés les choix politiques et financiers. La prise en compte des enjeux sociaux est retardée, limitée, voire oubliée en cours de route, la stratégie d'agglomération étant orientée vers l'attractivité économique et l'exemplarité en matière de développement durable

    Medicina e cirurgia da hérnia perineal : descrição de um caso clínico em Felis catus

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaA hérnia perineal é uma entidade clínica comum em cães machos inteiros com mais de 7 anos de idade, mas rara em gatos. Ainda não totalmente esclarecida quanto à sua etiologia, a hérnia perineal no gato está geralmente associada a outras condições como o megacólon. O seu diagnóstico é feito com base na história clínica e no exame físico do doente onde o recurso ao toque retal assume um papel preponderante. A utilização de exames complementares como a radiologia, ecografia ou as serologias, entre outros, tem por objetivo identificar quais as estruturas anatómicas envolvidas no processo, assim como a sua etiologia. A terapêutica da hérnia perineal considera sempre o recurso a protocolos médicos e cirúrgicos, apresentando a maioria dos doentes um prognóstico favorável. O presente trabalho foi realizado no Centro Hospitalar Universitário Veterinário d’Alfort (CHUVA) e teve por objetivos: 1) apresentar uma revisão atualizada da medicina e cirurgia da hérnia perineal, enfatizando as suas particularidades na espécie Felis catus, e 2) a ilustração de um caso clínico real acompanhado no CHUVA.ABSTRACT - Medicine and surgery of perineal hernia: case report in Felis catus - Perineal hernia is a common disease among older male dogs, but is rare in cats. Also the aetiology is not fully understood, it is known that in cats it is associated with other medical conditions such as megacolon. The diagnosis is usually based on the clinical history and physical exam of the animal, where the rectal palpation assumes a major rule. Complementary exams, like radiology, ultrasonography or serology among others, are used to identify the anatomical structures involved in the hernia as well as to detect subjacent causes. Perineal hernia therapeutics always should consider the use of medical and surgical protocols, presenting almost good prognosis for the patients. The study was developed at University teaching hospital of Alfort (CHUVA) and aimed to 1) present a state-of-the-art of medicine and surgery in perineal hernia pointing out the Felis catus anatomical characteristics, and 2) a case report

    Jean-Martin Charcot’s role in the 19th century study of music aphasia

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    Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–93) was a well-known French neurologist. Although he is widely recognized for his discovery of several neurological disorders and his research into aphasia, Charcot’s ideas about how the brain processes music are less well known. Charcot discussed the music abilities of several patients in the context of his ‘Friday Lessons’ on aphasia, which took place at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris in 1883–84. In his most comprehensive discussion about music, Charcot described a professional trombone player who developed difficulty copying music notation and playing his instrument, thereby identifying a new isolated syndrome of music agraphia without aphasia. Because the description of this case was published only in Italian by one of his students, Domenico Miliotti, there has been considerable confusion and under-acknowledgement of Charcot’s ideas about music and the brain. In this paper, we describe Charcot’s ideas regarding music and place them within the historical context of the growing interest in the neurological underpinnings of music abilities that took place in the 1880s

    Toward a Critical Toponymy Framework for Named Entity Recognition: A Case Study of Airbnb in New York City

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    Critical toponymy examines the dynamics of power, capital, and resistance through place names and the sites to which they refer. Studies here have traditionally focused on the semantic content of toponyms and the top-down institutional processes that produce them. However, they have generally ignored the ways in which toponyms are used by ordinary people in everyday discourse, as well as the other strategies of geospatial description that accompany and contextualize toponymic reference. Here, we develop computational methods to measure how cultural and economic capital shape the ways in which people refer to places, through a novel annotated dataset of 47,440 New York City Airbnb listings from the 2010s. Building on this dataset, we introduce a new named entity recognition (NER) model able to identify important discourse categories integral to the characterization of place. Our findings point toward new directions for critical toponymy and to a range of previously understudied linguistic signals relevant to research on neighborhood status, housing and tourism markets, and gentrification.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 2023 (main track

    Attempts at Lie Detection Based on Scientific Premises on the End of 19 Century and in the First Half of the 20 Century

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    "In 1892, in the psychological conference, Hugo Mü nsterberg expressed the belief that it is not a lie that is detected, but the emotions that accompany it (Burtt 1965). The Word Association Test proves that the reactions accompanying a lie consist not only of emotions but also a certain intellectual effort, necessary on behalf of the lying person. It goes without saying and is supported by Trovillo (Trovillo 1938/39) that the fi rst to have described the essence of a test using word associations was Francis Galton (1822–1911) in 1879 (Galton 1879)."(...


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