3,780 research outputs found


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    In this paper we evaluate the influence of the modification of public investment level and unemployment rate on the general government deficit at the European Union level. We create a regression model that shows that a sustained and increased investment policy and the reduction of unemployment rate have a favorable effect on the objective of minimizing the budget deficit. In the last years European Union’s countries had to face a difficult problem concerning fiscal policy. They have to make public investments to stimulate economic growth and in the same time they have to meet the convergence criteria’s of public deficit. On the other hand, EU has to deal with a higher rate of unemployment. Through our model we try to see how European Union countries should implement their political strategies on unemployment and investment with the main objective of reducing the general government deficit.general government deficit, gross fixed capital, unemployment rate, correlation, regression


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    The globalization phenomenon and the creation of an economically and structurally strong Europe could not last forever. Knowing the economic phenomena’ cyclicity, the following question arises: Which will be the starting point of a new global crisis? Identifying the causes and culprits upon which the international committees and economic and political analysts focus on, we briefly deal with them in this article, because it is essential to concentrate on the measures and the crisis impact over social security. The goal of this article is to illustrate the crisis impact over the social security and labour market fields, the measures took in this field in Europe, around the world and in Romania. We bring in a synoptic table of the causes, effects, measures taken and incurring tendencies. The labour market’s issues and the Social Security System’s difficulties can be solved by vigorous measures, of which the authors recommend the ones resulting from the comparative study realized on a group of European countries and from Romania’s economic tendencies. How will the new economy look like, which will the new world leaders be, these do not matter for the small and vulnerable economies. We conclude that intelligence and professional qualification should outrun over the measureless accumulation of wealth and properties, which in our opinion means that a global economic crisis has its purpose and that it was predictable.Social security, labour market, economic crisis, unemployment

    Pea Soup

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    The Creation of State-Level Regulatory Systems: A Case Study of Post-Prohibition Alcoholic Beverage Regulation

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    To better understand the way in which local and national forces operate to influence the design of subnational regulatory systems, this paper analyzes the development of alcohol regulation in the post-prohibition era. In particular, I examine why, in the period between 1933 and 1935, some states adopted a monopoly system of alcohol regulation and others a license system of alcohol regulation. I use fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and case-based research to identify causal pathways leading to each regulatory outcome. I draw on state-level demographic, religious, and voting data, as well as measures of alcohol industry prevalence and prohibition enforcement to test hypotheses of alcohol regulatory origin and variation. My study shows that while the emergence of two universally adopted models of alcohol regulation was largely the design of capitalist elites, state-level variation reflected individual population and government preferences. I find the following conditions to be among those relevant to a state’s choice of framework: Canadian heritage population, conservative religious population, immigrant population, and popular as well as government attitudes toward national prohibition. My analysis points more broadly to a hegemonic relationship between elite generated priorities and agendas at the national-level and (limited) pluralist based legislative processes at the local-level

    Trigeminal neuralgia

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    3D Printing in the Apparel Sector: How Environmentally Sustainable is it?

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    3D printing is a process of making three dimensional (3D) solid objects from a digital file. The object is made using an additive process, which means that successive layers of material are laid down until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. The process enables complex shapes to be produced, using less material than in traditional manufacturing methods.3D printing processes are being used in manufacturing, medicine, architecture, custom art and design. Appli-cations in textiles range from fashion and sportswear to medical devices and aerospace

    Textiles Sustainability and Communications

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    The Industrial Revolution paved the way for industrialisation, economic growth and innovation, and resulted in the availability of an increased range of goods and services, improved life expectancy, and many other benefits. However, the rapid development has come at a cost which has not yet been settled. The earth’s natural resources are being used at a rate that cannot be sustained by the natural ecosystem and, according to the Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK government in 2009, we are heading for a “perfect storm” where a growing world population will demand yet more resources from an earth which simply cannot sustain demand

    On the nature of the Romanian political regime: reflections on the recent jurisprudence of the constitutional court

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    The participation to the European Council, an issue that generated many debates in the framework of the cohabitation between the President and the Prime Minister, couldn't be decided by an agreement between the two heads of the executive, but only by the decision of the Constitutional Court no. 683/2012. For the purpose of solving the case, the Constitutional Court has raised the issue of the nature of the Romanian political regime and has decided that it is semi-presidential. This decision has been followed by another one, no. 784/2012, where the Constitutional Court reiterated the same conclusion about the nature of the political regime. The public law and political science authors analyzed in this article could not agree about this issue. The main characteristics of the semi-presidential regime have been either partially implemented or modified in the Romanian Constitution and this leads to the opinion that this is an "attenuate" or "parliamentarized" version, or that is a parliamentarian regime, or even that it will transform itself into a presidential one. The Constitutional Court has solved the case but the debate about the nature of the Romanian political regime is not over yet

    Book review: Iulia Motoc: "On Democracy within the United Europe"

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    Any book written by Iulia Motoc is an intellectual challenge and, after careful consideration, any reader may have the feeling of an extraordinary sense of accomplishment. This is because the author has a double specialization, in law and political philosophy, while demonstrating a prestigious academic carrier in the field of political science as well as a solid set of knowledge derived from universal literature. This whole set of preoccupations makes the topics selected by Iulia Motoc to be premeditatedly and systematically situated at the borders of multiple disciplines, so that the jurist may have the chance of observing that the norms which he is obliged to apply have a higher rationality than that of the simple will of the lawmaker, and the expert in political science that the object that he or she is analyzing must not only be put into connection with the behavior of political actors. Iulia Motoc’s most recent book, “On Democracy within the United Europe” places itself within the same class of interdisciplinary frontiers that open in front of the reader and that show themselves as being filled with meanings yet to be discovered

    Stresul ocupațional la personalul instituțiilor medico-sanitare

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    Background. Job demands exceed the ability of medical staff to keep them under control, which is why most employers face professional stress. The literature specifies the correlation of the level of satisfaction and the possibility to develop harmful psycho-emotional demands. Objective of the study. Assessing the level of satisfaction of medical institutions staff and estimating the factors of the work environment that may influence the quality of satisfaction and the incidence of general morbidity. Material and Methods. Was performed medical staff the interview of from the Institute of Urgent Medicine and the Oncological Institute , information sources served the data registered in the surveys distributed to the persons who agreed to complete them. The indices of morbidity with temporary incapacity for work in these institutions were studied. The observation period includes the years 2017-2018. Results. A valuable part in studying stress and fatigue at work is the satisfaction with the work performed by medical staff. In the Institute of Emergency Medicine 57.3% of respondents - partially satisfied, 5.8% of workers are not satisfied and 36.9% are satisfied with the work they perform. In the case of the staff of the Oncological Institute, 52% of those surveyed consider the work to be partially satisfactory, 3.1% are not satisfied with the activity they perform, and 44.9% mentioned that they are satisfied with the work performed. During the observation period, the dynamics of the values of the incidence of morbidity with temporary incapacity for work increased slightly. Conclusion. Elaboration and implementation of a set of primary prophylaxis measures that will contribute to the improvement of the conditions of the occupational environment with the decrease of the general morbidity and the increase of the work capacity of the medical staff within these institutions. Introducere. Cererile în muncă depășesc capacitatea personalului medical de a le menține sub control, de aceea majoritatea angajatorilor se confruntă cu stresul profesional. Literatura de specialitate specifică corelația nivelului de satisfacție și posibilitatea de a dezvolta solicitări psiho-emoționale nocive. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea nivelului de satisfacție a personalului instituțiilor medicale și estimarea factorilor mediului de muncă ce pot influența calitatea satisfacției și incidența morbidității generale. Material și Metode. S-a efectuat intervievarea personalului medical din Institutul de Medicină Urgentă și Institutul Oncologic. Drept surse informative au servit datele înregistrate în anchetele repartizate persoanelor care au acceptat să le completeze. S-au studiat indiciile morbidității cu incapacitate temporară de muncă din aceste instituții. Perioada de observație cuprinde anii 2017-2018. Rezultate. O parte valoroasă în studierea stresului și oboselii la locul de muncă este satisfacerea față de activitatea efectuată a personalului medical. În Institutul de Medicină Urgentă, 57,3% din respondenți - parțial satisfăcuți, 5,8% din lucrători nu sunt satisfăcuți și 36,9% sunt satisfăcuți de munca care o prestează. În cazul personalului Institutului Oncologic, 52% din cei chestionați consideră munca parțial satisfăcătoare, 3,1% nu sunt satisfăcuți de activitatea care o prestează, iar 44,9 % au menționat că sunt satisfăcuți de munca prestată. În perioada de observație, dinamica valorilor incidenței morbidității cu incapacitate temporară de muncă a înregistrat un spor ușor. Concluzii. Elaborarea și implementarea unui set de măsuri de profilaxie primară care vor contribui la ameliorarea condițiilor mediului ocupațional cu diminuarea morbidității generale și creșterea capacității de muncă a personalului medical din cadrul acestor instituții