206 research outputs found

    Spielarten des Personenporträts in Zeitungen : Strukturen und Funktionen eines Textmusters

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    Personenporträts sind eine sehr wichtige, häufig gebrauchte und zugleich vielgestaltige Darstellungsform in der aktuellen Medienlandschaft. Sie sind deshalb auch ein ideales Testgelände, um textlinguistische Grundannahmen und Beschreibungsmittel zu überprüfen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag skizzieren wir zum einen den Texttyp ‚Personenporträt‘ und versuchen dabei, die beträchtlichen Realisierungsspielräume dieses Texttyps auf grundlegende Prinzipien der Textorganisation und ihre variable Anwendung zurückzuführen. Zum anderen wollen wir die Beschreibung dieses Gegenstandes nutzen, um Überlegungen zum Status von Texttypen als mehr oder weniger fest etablierten Problemlösungs-Traditionen und zur Methodik der textlinguistischen Beschreibung anzustellen

    Elektrische Impedanztomographie zum Lungenmonitoring des Hundes

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a radiation free technique which takes advantage of the different electrical conductivities of different tissues. Its main field of application is lung ventilation monitoring through real time imaging of the lung air content. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of collecting EIT information on a sample of dogs with different thoracic shapes under clinical conditions by connecting an electrode belt without fur clipping. The EIT data obtained were compared to CT measurements. In this prospective study, 15 pulmonarily healthy dogs that underwent a CT examination for a different reason (for example orthopedic affection), were anesthetized and ventilated in a pressure-controlled mode at three different positive end-expiratory pressure levels (PEEP of 0 cmH2O, 5 cmH2O and 10 cmH2O) for five breaths each, with a peak inspiratory pressure of 15 cmH2O (PIP 15) in sternal recumbency. The ventilation was recorded with a commercial EIT device applied around the thorax. Subsequently, the ventilation regime was repeated and a computed tomography scan (CT) of the same thoracic segment was performed for each PEEP level. The tidal volume (Vt) was recorded. For the collection of EIT data the sum of regional impedance changes was recorded for the last three breaths of each PEEP level. The impedance value of the entire lung (global) was recorded and the ventilated area was quartered into four regions of interests (ROI). A CT image could be selected with the fewest adjacent organs (heart, liver). Lung tissue was selected to obtain the mean Hounsfield-Units (HU) for the entire lung. As in the EIT analysis, the lungs were divided into four ROIs and the mean of HU for each ROI was recorded. EIT recordings via the electrode belt were possible without clipping. There was a significant correlation for the parameters of aeration as measured by EIT and CT for both the entire ventilated lung and the corresponding ROIs. The increasing PEEP resulted in a proportional increase of the impedance, and there was a negative correlation between EIT and Vt. The better ventilated dorsal ROIs could be identified using both EIT and CT. An intra-assay coefficient of variation showed a good reproducibility for lung ventilation in anesthetized dogs in the EIT. The results show that EIT is a reliable method for evaluating the ventilation of dogs in a clinical setting. Further clinical studies are needed to assess whether EIT can also provide valuable information for evaluating non-sedated dogs, different body positions or dogs with pulmonary pathologies

    Elektrische Impedanztomographie zum Lungenmonitoring des Hundes

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a radiation free technique which takes advantage of the different electrical conductivities of different tissues. Its main field of application is lung ventilation monitoring through real time imaging of the lung air content. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of collecting EIT information on a sample of dogs with different thoracic shapes under clinical conditions by connecting an electrode belt without fur clipping. The EIT data obtained were compared to CT measurements. In this prospective study, 15 pulmonarily healthy dogs that underwent a CT examination for a different reason (for example orthopedic affection), were anesthetized and ventilated in a pressure-controlled mode at three different positive end-expiratory pressure levels (PEEP of 0 cmH2O, 5 cmH2O and 10 cmH2O) for five breaths each, with a peak inspiratory pressure of 15 cmH2O (PIP 15) in sternal recumbency. The ventilation was recorded with a commercial EIT device applied around the thorax. Subsequently, the ventilation regime was repeated and a computed tomography scan (CT) of the same thoracic segment was performed for each PEEP level. The tidal volume (Vt) was recorded. For the collection of EIT data the sum of regional impedance changes was recorded for the last three breaths of each PEEP level. The impedance value of the entire lung (global) was recorded and the ventilated area was quartered into four regions of interests (ROI). A CT image could be selected with the fewest adjacent organs (heart, liver). Lung tissue was selected to obtain the mean Hounsfield-Units (HU) for the entire lung. As in the EIT analysis, the lungs were divided into four ROIs and the mean of HU for each ROI was recorded. EIT recordings via the electrode belt were possible without clipping. There was a significant correlation for the parameters of aeration as measured by EIT and CT for both the entire ventilated lung and the corresponding ROIs. The increasing PEEP resulted in a proportional increase of the impedance, and there was a negative correlation between EIT and Vt. The better ventilated dorsal ROIs could be identified using both EIT and CT. An intra-assay coefficient of variation showed a good reproducibility for lung ventilation in anesthetized dogs in the EIT. The results show that EIT is a reliable method for evaluating the ventilation of dogs in a clinical setting. Further clinical studies are needed to assess whether EIT can also provide valuable information for evaluating non-sedated dogs, different body positions or dogs with pulmonary pathologies

    Charakterisierung der immunologischen Eigenschaften von HIV-Infizierten mit hohen Viruslasten und geringem CD4+ T-Zell-Verlust

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    Internatioanl Retirement Migration (IRM) am Beispiel deutscher Rentner in Spanien

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    Nachdem in einem vereinten Europa vielen Berufstätigen bei der Wahl eines geeigneten Domizils für ihren Ruhestand keine Grenzen gesetzt sind, wählen seit dem Schengener Abkommen deutlich mehr Menschen das Ausland als Domizil für ihren Ruhestand an dem sie sich versprechen mehr von ihren in Deutschland erwirtschafteten Ersparnissen und Pensionen zu haben und nicht zuletzt durch klimatische Bedingungen ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern. In dieser Diplomarbeit wird dazu am Beispiel deutscher Rentner in Spanien der Trend der Ruhestandsmigration erläutert. Zu Beginn wird hierbei auf soziokulturelle Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit dieser Form der Altersmigration eingegangen, welche für gebräuchlich auch als „International Retirement Migration“ bezeichnet wird. Dabei wird veranschaulicht wie die quantitative Verteilung verschiedener europäischer Rentner in Spanien aussieht und es werden verschiedene Einflussfaktoren beschrieben, welche zu diesem Trend in Europa beitragen. Anschließend wird ein Vergleich mittels einer Studie über das amerikanische Ruhestandsziels, Florida gemacht. Desweiteren wird die Heterogenität europäischer Rentensysteme gezeigt, welche Einfluss auf Migrationsentscheidungen im Alter nehmen können und die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen solcher Migrationen innerhalb der Europäischen Union werden geklärt. Die Gesundheitswesen, sowie die wichtigsten volkswirtschaftlichen Kennzahlen beider Länder (Deutschland und Spanien) und werden gegenübergestellt um einen Einblick über die lokalen Rahmenbedingungen dieses Wanderungsphänomens zwischen den beiden Ländern zu bekommen. Weitere Faktoren wie die Vermögenslage der deutschen über 65 Jahre und der Immobilienmarkt in Spanien und ausländischen Käufern werden dazu noch behandelt. Abschließend werden statistische Methoden zur Messung und Beobachtung der Migration in der Theorie beschrieben. Diese Arbeit gibt dabei allgemein einen umfangreichen Einblick in den steigenden Trend der Ruhestandsmigration, welcher für das Individuum zur Steigerung der Lebensqualität im Alter dient, jedoch als Massenphänomen die Gesellschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft in einem vereinten Europa vor viele Herausforderungen stellen wird.In an united Europe nowadays many professionals choose a suitable home for their retirement abroad, because they expect to have more of their savings and pensions than in Germany and last but not least want to improve their quality of life by better climatic circumstances. In this thesis the common trend of retirement migration is shown by the example of german pensioners in Spain. Initially, this case is dealt with socio-cultural aspects associated with this form of retirement migration. The quantitative distribution of various European retirees among the Germans in Spain is given different influencing factors are described, which contribute to this trend in Europe. Then a comparison is made by the description of a study of the american retirement destination, Florida. Furthermore the heterogeneity of European pension systems is shown, which may take an effect on migration decisions of elderly persons and the legal framework of such migrations within the European Union gets clarified. The health care, and the main economic indicators in both countries (Germany and Spain) are compared to provide an insight about the local parameters of this migration phenomenon between the two countries. Other economical factors regarding this trend such as the financial situation of the german population over 65 years and the real estate market and foreign buyers in Spain will be treated. Finally, the statistical methods for measuring and monitoring migration are described which support researchers for this topic with adequate tools. This work has a comprehensive look at the growing trend of retirement migration within Europe, which implies an improvement of quality of life for the individual in retirement, but seen as a mass phenomenon confronts the society, politics and the economy in a united Europe with many challenges