195 research outputs found

    Auswirkungen der Inhalationsnarkotika Enfluran und Isofluran auf die mesenterische Oxygenierung bei größeren abdominal-chirurgischen Eingriffen

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    In dieser Studie wurde der Einfluß der Inhalationsnarkotika Isofluran und Enfluran auf die mesenteriale Oxygenierung bei ausgedehnten Eingriffen untersucht. Bei 20 Patienten wurde nach Gabe von Enfluran oder Isofluran, die lebervenöse Sauerstoffsättigung bestimmt. Bei steigender Enflurankonzentration erhöhte sich die mesenteriale Sauerstoffextraktionsrate als Zeichen eines reduzierten Sauerstoffangebotes. Im Gegensatz hierzu ist bei der Isofluran Narkose keine Reduktion der lebervenösen Sauerstoffsättigung oder der mesenterialen Sauerstoffextraktionsrate zu erkennen. Dies bestätigt tierexperimentellen Arbeiten, die eine hepatische Autoregulation postulieren. Bei größeren chirurgischen Eingriffen schein Isofluran das geeignetere Inhalationsnarkotikum zu sein

    Ruler elements in chromatin remodelers set nucleosome array spacing and phasing

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    Arrays of regularly spaced nucleosomes dominate chromatin and are often phased by alignment to reference sites like active promoters. How the distances between nucleosomes (spacing), and between phasing sites and nucleosomes are determined remains unclear, and specifically, how ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers impact these features. Here, we used genome-wide reconstitution to probe how Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP-dependent remodelers generate phased arrays of regularly spaced nucleosomes. We find that remodelers bear a functional element named the ‘ruler’ that determines spacing and phasing in a remodeler-specific way. We use structure-based mutagenesis to identify and tune the ruler element residing in the Nhp10 and Arp8 modules of the INO80 remodeler complex. Generally, we propose that a remodeler ruler regulates nucleosome sliding direction bias in response to (epi)genetic information. This finally conceptualizes how remodeler-mediated nucleosome dynamics determine stable steady-state nucleosome positioning relative to other nucleosomes, DNA bound factors, DNA ends and DNA sequence elements

    Genome information processing by the INO80 chromatin remodeler positions nucleosomes [preprint]

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    The fundamental molecular determinants by which ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers organize nucleosomes across eukaryotic genomes remain largely elusive. Here, chromatin reconstitutions on physiological, whole-genome templates reveal how remodelers read and translate genomic information into nucleosome positions. Using the yeast genome and the multi-subunit INO80 remodeler as a paradigm, we identify DNA shape/mechanics encoded signature motifs as sufficient for nucleosome positioning and distinct from known DNA sequence preferences of histones. INO80 processes such information through an allosteric interplay between its core- and Arp8-modules that probes mechanical properties of nucleosomal and linker DNA. At promoters, INO80 integrates this readout of DNA shape/mechanics with a readout of co-evolved sequence motifs via interaction with general regulatory factors bound to these motifs. Our findings establish a molecular mechanism for robust and yet adjustable +1 nucleosome positioning and, more generally, remodelers as information processing hubs that enable active organization and allosteric regulation of the first level of chromatin

    PARP1 promoter links cell cycle progression with adaptation to oxidative environment

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    Although electrophiles are considered as detrimental to cells, accumulating recent evidence indicates that proliferating non-cancerous and particularly cancerous cells utilize these agents for pro-survival and cell cycle promoting signaling. Hence, the redox shift to mild oxidant release must be balanced by multiple defense mechanisms. Our latest findings demonstrate that cell cycle progression, which dictates oxidant level in stress-free conditions, determines PARP1 transcription. Growth modulating factors regulate CDK4/6-RBs-E2Fs axis. In cells arrested in G1 and G0, RB1-E2F1 and RBL2-E2F4 dimers recruit chromatin remodelers such as HDAC1, SWI/SNF and PRC2 to condense chromatin and turn off transcription. Release of retinoblastoma-based repressive complexes from E2F-dependent gene promoters in response to cell transition to S phase enables transcription of PARP1. This enzyme contributes to repair of oxidative DNA damage by supporting several strand break repair pathways and nucleotide or base excision repair pathways, as well as acting as a co-activator of transcription factors such as NRF2 and HIF1a, which control expression of antioxidant enzymes involved in removal of electrophiles and secondary metabolites. Furthermore, PARP1 is indispensible for transcription of the pro-survival kinases MAP2K6, ERK1/2 and AKT1, and for maintaining MAPK activity by suppressing transcription of the MAPK inhibitor, MPK1. In summary, cell cycle controlled PARP1 transcription helps cells to adapt to a pro-oxidant redox shift

    Structural mechanism of extranucleosomal DNA readout by the INO80 complex

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    The nucleosomal landscape of chromatin depends on the concerted action of chromatin remodelers. The INO80 remodeler specifically places nucleosomes at the boundary of gene regulatory elements, which is proposed to be the result of an ATP-dependent nucleosome sliding activity that is regulated by extranucleosomal DNA features. Here, we use cryo–electron microscopy and functional assays to reveal how INO80 binds and is regulated by extranucleosomal DNA. Structures of the regulatory A-module bound to DNA clarify the mechanism of linker DNA binding. The A-module is connected to the motor unit via an HSA/post-HSA lever element to chemomechanically couple the motor and linker DNA sensing. Two notable sites of curved DNA recognition by coordinated action of the four actin/actin-related proteins and the motor suggest how sliding by INO80 can be regulated by extranucleosomal DNA features. Last, the structures clarify the recruitment of YY1/Ies4 subunits and reveal deep architectural similarities between the regulatory modules of INO80 and SWI/SNF complexes

    Fluorescence strategies for high-throughput quantification of protein interactions

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    Advances in high-throughput characterization of protein networks in vivo have resulted in large databases of unexplored protein interactions that occur during normal cell function. Their further characterization requires quantitative experimental strategies that are easy to implement in laboratories without specialized equipment. We have overcome many of the previous limitations to thermodynamic quantification of protein interactions, by developing a series of in-solution fluorescence-based strategies. These methods have high sensitivity, a broad dynamic range, and can be performed in a high-throughput manner. In three case studies we demonstrate how fluorescence (de)quenching and fluorescence resonance energy transfer can be used to quantitatively probe various high-affinity protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions. We applied these methods to describe the preference of linker histone H1 for nucleosomes over DNA, the ionic dependence of the DNA repair enzyme PARP1 in DNA binding, and the interaction between the histone chaperone Nap1 and the histone H2A–H2B heterodimer

    Structure of the chromatin remodelling enzyme Chd1 bound to a ubiquitinylated nucleosome

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    This work was funded by Wellcome Senior Fellowship 095062, Wellcome Trust grants 094090, 099149 and 097945. ALH was funded by an EMBO long term fellowship ALTF 380–2015 co-funded by the European Commission (LTFCOFUND2013, GA-2013–609409).ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling proteins represent a diverse family of proteins that share ATPase domains that are adapted to regulate protein-DNA interactions. Here, we present structures of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chd1 protein engaged with nucleosomes in the presence of the transition state mimic ADP-beryllium fluoride. The path of DNA strands through the ATPase domains indicates the presence of contacts conserved with single strand translocases and additional contacts with both strands that are unique to Snf2 related proteins. The structure provides connectivity between rearrangement of ATPase lobes to a closed, nucleotide bound state and the sensing of linker DNA. Two turns of linker DNA are prised off the surface of the histone octamer as a result of Chd1 binding, and both the histone H3 tail and ubiquitin conjugated to lysine 120 are re-orientated towards the unravelled DNA. This indicates how changes to nucleosome structure can alter the way in which histone epitopes are presented.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe