575 research outputs found

    Plan estratégico y liderazgo transformador en la institución educativa césar vallejo N° 8170 de la UGEL 04

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar cómo la formulación de un Plan Estratégico influyó en el modelo del Liderazgo Transformador en la Institución en estudio. La investigación comprendió los conceptos de formulación del plan estratégico y liderazgo transformador con sus dimensiones: influencia idealizada, motivación inspiracional, estimulación intelectual y consideración individualizada. Se utilizó la metodología de investigación de carácter descriptiva aplicada de tipo cuantitativa, correlacional, la estrategia utilizada fue cuasi experimental, de corte transversal. La muestra seleccionada fue de 30 docentes utilizando el instrumento del cuestionario, la técnica encuesta, así como las herramientas estadísticas del SPSS y el Excel. La investigación concluyó aceptando qué, la Formulación del Plan Estratégico influye en el Modelo del Liderazgo Transformador en la Institución Educativa César Vallejo N° 8170 de la UGEL 04, contrastada con una prueba de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson de 10,997 una significancia asintótica bilateral de 0,027 y una prueba de Chi-cuadrado Invertido de 9.487729037 es decir, aceptando la hipótesis alternativa y rechazando la nula. Además, la dimensión formulación del plan estratégico tuvo fuerte repercusión en la dimensión influencia idealizada, así mismo influyó en la dimensión motivación inspiracional por último influyó en la dimensión consideración individualizada del liderazgo transformador, permitiendo aceptar la hipótesis alternativa y rechazar la nula. Por el contrario, la dimensión formulación no influyó en la dimensión estimulación intelectual, que acepta la hipótesis nula y rechaza la alternativa, de la variable liderazgo transformador

    Sistema web para el control de citas médicas del Consultorio odontológico Kitty Dent, Lima, 2023

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    La situación actual del consultorio odontológico Kitty Dent, carece de un control en los procesos de agendamiento de citas, administración de usuarios, gestión de pacientes, y almacenamiento de historiales odontológicos de cada tratamiento realizado. El objetivo del estudio es determinar en qué medida un sistema web mejora el control de citas médicas del consultorio odontológico Kitty Dent, Lima-2023. Se empleó la investigación de tipo aplicada, como diseño de investigación se escogió el pre-experimental y el enfoque es cuantitativo. El tamaño de la muestra estuvo conformado por 50 citas médicas. La técnica de recolección de datos fue el fichaje y el instrumento fue la ficha de registro, los cuales fueron validados por expertos, y procesados mediante el software SPSS Statistics V.25. Los resultados de la implementación del sistema web permitió incrementar el Nivel de citas atendidas en un 36%; así mismo, se disminuyó el Porcentaje de citas médicas incumplidas en un 29% y, por último, se redujo el Tiempo Promedio de Registro de Citas en un 11%. Se concluye que el sistema web mejora el control de citas médicas en la clínica Kitty Dent. En el sistema web se empleó la metodología ágil SCRUM, y en el desarrollo de software se utilizó la arquitectura web MVC, el lenguaje de programación PHP y el motor de base de datos MYSQL

    CLEAR: Paschen-β\beta Star Formation Rates and Dust Attenuation of Low Redshift Galaxies

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    We use \Pab\ (1282~nm) observations from the Hubble Space Telescope (\HST) G141 grism to study the star-formation and dust attenuation properties of a sample of 29 low-redshift (z<0.287z < 0.287) galaxies in the CANDELS Lyα\alpha Emission at Reionization (CLEAR) survey. We first compare the nebular attenuation from \Pab/\Ha with the stellar attenuation inferred from the spectral energy distribution, finding that the galaxies in our sample are consistent with an average ratio of the continuum attenuation to the nebular gas of 0.44, but with a large amount of excess scatter beyond the observational uncertainties. Much of this scatter is linked to a large variation between the nebular dust attenuation as measured by (space-based) \Pab to (ground-based) \Ha to that from (ground-based) \Ha/\Hb. This implies there are important differences between attenuation measured from grism-based / wide-aperture \Pab fluxes and the ground-based / slit-measured Balmer decrement. We next compare star-formation rates (SFRs) from \Pab to those from dust-corrected UV. We perform a survival analysis to infer a census of \Pab\ emission implied by both detections and non-detections. We find evidence that galaxies with lower stellar mass have more scatter in their ratio of \Pab\ to attenuation-corrected UV SFRs. When considering our \Pab\ detection limits, this observation supports the idea that lower mass galaxies experience "burstier" star-formation histories. Together, these results show that \Pab\ is a valuable tracer of a galaxy's SFR, probing different timescales of star-formation and potentially revealing star-formation that is otherwise missed by UV and optical tracers.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    Immune protection against Trypanosoma cruzi induced by TcVac4 in a canine model

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    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is endemic in southern parts of the American continent. Herein, we have tested the protective efficacy of a DNA-prime/T. rangeli-boost (TcVac4) vaccine in a dog (Canis familiaris) model. Dogs were immunized with two-doses of DNA vaccine (pcDNA3.1 encoding TcG1, TcG2, and TcG4 antigens plus IL-12- and GMCSF- encoding plasmids) followed by two doses of glutaraldehyde-inactivated T. rangeli epimastigotes (TrIE); and challenged with highly pathogenic T. cruzi (SylvioX10/4) isolate. Dogs given TrIE or empty pcDNA3.1 were used as controls. We monitored post-vaccination and post-challenge infection antibody response by an ELISA, parasitemia by blood analysis and xenodiagnosis, and heart function by electrocardiography. Post-mortem anatomic and pathologic evaluation of the heart was conducted. TcVac4 induced a strong IgG response (IgG2>IgG1) that was significantly expanded post-infection, and moved to a nearly balanced IgG2/IgG1 response in chronic phase. In comparison, dogs given TrIE or empty plasmid DNA only developed high IgG titers with IgG2 predominance in response to T. cruzi infection. Blood parasitemia, tissue parasite foci, parasite transmission to triatomines, electrocardiographic abnormalities were significantly lower in TcVac4-vaccinated dogs than was observed in dogs given TrIE or empty plasmid DNA only. Macroscopic and microscopic alterations, the hallmarks of chronic Chagas disease, were significantly decreased in the myocardium of TcVac4-vaccinated dogs.We conclude that TcVac4 induced immunity was beneficial in providing resistance to T. cruzi infection, evidenced by control of chronic pathology of the heart and preservation of cardiac function in dogs. Additionally, TcVac4 vaccination decreased the transmission of parasites from vaccinated/infected animals to triatomines.CONACYT PROY No. 156701 UAEM PROY No. 2381/2006U National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases http://www.niaid.nih.gov/Pages/ default.aspx GRANT NUMBER (AI072538) NJG; American Heart Association http://www.heart.org/ HEARTORG/ GRANT NUMBER (0855059F) to NJG

    Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche.

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    Age at menarche is a marker of timing of puberty in females. It varies widely between individuals, is a heritable trait and is associated with risks for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and all-cause mortality. Studies of rare human disorders of puberty and animal models point to a complex hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal regulation, but the mechanisms that determine pubertal timing and underlie its links to disease risk remain unclear. Here, using genome-wide and custom-genotyping arrays in up to 182,416 women of European descent from 57 studies, we found robust evidence (P < 5 × 10(-8)) for 123 signals at 106 genomic loci associated with age at menarche. Many loci were associated with other pubertal traits in both sexes, and there was substantial overlap with genes implicated in body mass index and various diseases, including rare disorders of puberty. Menarche signals were enriched in imprinted regions, with three loci (DLK1-WDR25, MKRN3-MAGEL2 and KCNK9) demonstrating parent-of-origin-specific associations concordant with known parental expression patterns. Pathway analyses implicated nuclear hormone receptors, particularly retinoic acid and γ-aminobutyric acid-B2 receptor signalling, among novel mechanisms that regulate pubertal timing in humans. Our findings suggest a genetic architecture involving at least hundreds of common variants in the coordinated timing of the pubertal transition

    The COVID-19 Data Portal: accelerating SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research through rapid open access data sharing.

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic will be remembered as one of the defining events of the 21st century. The rapid global outbreak has had significant impacts on human society and is already responsible for millions of deaths. Understanding and tackling the impact of the virus has required a worldwide mobilisation and coordination of scientific research. The COVID-19 Data Portal (https://www.covid19dataportal.org/) was first released as part of the European COVID-19 Data Platform, on April 20th 2020 to facilitate rapid and open data sharing and analysis, to accelerate global SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research. The COVID-19 Data Portal has fortnightly feature releases to continue to add new data types, search options, visualisations and improvements based on user feedback and research. The open datasets and intuitive suite of search, identification and download services, represent a truly FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) resource that enables researchers to easily identify and quickly obtain the key datasets needed for their COVID-19 research