146 research outputs found

    Documentant l'arqueologia: la casa de Massot Avengenà a l'alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona (carrer de Sant Honorat, núm. 3)

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    El present article sintetitza l?estudi historicoartístic de les restes medievals trobades al jaciment arqueològic del subsòl del número 3 del carrer Sant Honorat de Barcelona, avui seu del Departament de la Presidència de la Generalitat de Catalunya, realitzat l?any 2009. Les estratigrafies més importants d?aquest excepcional jaciment ?juntament amb les d?època tardoromana? corresponen a una casa palau situada a l?alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona, de la qual es conserven bona part dels fonaments i diverses sitges de grans proporcions construïdes a mitjan segle xiii. A partir de les dades facilitades per l?arqueologia, de la bibliografia existent i de documentació arxivística parcialment inèdita, s?ha pogut reconstruir la història de la finca entre els segles xiv i xix, però sobretot en un període clau per a la història de la ciutat: el pogrom de 1391, la desaparició de l?aljama barcelonina i l?establiment de les elits urbanes cristianes a l?antic call. En aquell moment, la casa passà de mans del darrer propietari jueu, el financer Massot Avengenà, al primer estadant cristià, el jurista Pere de Rajadell.Documenting archaeology: Massot Avengenà?s house in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (number 3, Carrer de Sant Honorat). The article outlines the historical and artistic study carried out in 2009 on the medieval remains found at the archaeological site in the subsoil of number 3, Carrer Sant Honorat in Barcelona, where the Government of Catalonia?s Presidential Office is currently located. This exceptional site?s most important stratigraphies (alongside those from the late Roman period) correspond to a house/palace located in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (the largest section of the city?s medieval Jewish quarter). A significant portion of the building?s foundations have been preserved, along with a number of large silos constructed in the mid-13th century. The information obtained through archaeological work and the existing bibliography and partially unpublished archive documents have made it possible to reconstruct the history of the property between the 14th and 19th centuries, particularly during a key period in the city?s past, encompassing the pogrom of 1391, the disappearance of Barcelona?s aljama (a Spanish term of Arabic origin used in old official documents to designate self-governing communities of Moors and Jews living under Spanish rule) and the settling of the urban Christian elite in the old Jewish quarter. During this period, the house ceased to belong to the financier Massot Avengenà, its last Jewish owner, and became the property of the jurist Pere de Rajadell, its first Christian resident

    The underestimated role of carrion in vertebrates' diet studies

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    Aim: Despite the increasing scientific evidence on the importance of carrion in the ecology and evolution of many vertebrates, scavenging is still barely considered in diet studies. Here, we draw attention to how scientific literature has underestimated the role of vertebrates as scavengers, identifying the ecological traits that characterize those species whose role as scavengers could have gone especially unnoticed. Location: Global. Time Period: 1938–2022. Major Taxa Studied: Terrestrial vertebrate scavengers. Methods: We analysed and compared (a) the largest database available on scavenging patterns by carrion-consuming vertebrates, (b) 908 diet studies about 156 scavenger species and (c) one of the most complete databases on bird and mammal diets (Elton Traits database). For each of these 156 species, we calculated their scavenging degree (i.e. proportion of carcases where the species is detected consuming carrion) as a proxy for carrion consumption, and related their ecological traits with the probability of being identified as scavengers in diet studies and in the Elton Traits database. Results: More than half of the species identified as scavengers at monitored carcasses were not assigned carrion as food source in their diet studies nor in the Elton Traits database. Using a subset of study sites, we found a direct relationship between a species' scavenging degree and its rate of carrion biomass removal. In addition, scavenger species, which were classified as non-predators and mammals had a lower probability of being identified as scavengers in diet studies and in the Elton Traits database, respectively. Main Conclusions: Our results clearly indicate an underestimation of the role of scavenging in vertebrate food webs. Given that detritus recycling is fundamental to ecosystem functioning, we encourage further recognition and investigation of the role of carrion as a food resource for vertebrates, especially for non-predator species and mammals with higher scavenging degree.JM was supported by a Basque Government predoctoral grant (PRE_2018_2_0112), ZMR, LNA and EA by contracts co-funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (ESF) (APOSTD/2019/016, ACIF/2019/056 and APOSTD/2021/028 respectively). MM, JMPG and ESG were funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, by ‘European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR’, ERDF ‘A way of making Europe’ and by ESF ‘Investing in your future’ (grant numbers RYC-2015-19231, IJC-2019-038968, TED2021-130890B-C21, PID2021-128952NB-I00 and RYC-2019-027216-I). ESG was also partially funded by the HORIZONMSCA-2021-SE-0 action number: 101086387, ‘REMARKABLE’ project. ZMR and DRG were also funded by the Junta de Andalucía (POSTDOC_21_00353 and PREDOC_00262). RPR was co-funded by the ESF and Plan Propio I+D+i UCLM

    The Use of P63 Immunohistochemistry for the Identification of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung

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    6 páginas, 2 figuras, 3 tablas.Introduction While some targeted agents should not be used in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), other agents might preferably target SCCs. In a previous microarray study, one of the top differentially expressed genes between adenocarcinomas (ACs) and SCCs is P63. It is a well-known marker of squamous differentiation, but surprisingly, its expression is not widely used for this purpose. Our goals in this study were (1) to further confirm our microarray data, (2) to analize the value of P63 immunohistochemistry (IHC) in reducing the number of large cell carcinoma (LCC) diagnoses in surgical specimens, and (3) to investigate the potential of P63 IHC to minimize the proportion of “carcinoma NOS (not otherwise specified)” in a prospective series of small tumor samples. Methods With these goals in mind, we studied (1) a tissue-microarray comprising 33 ACs and 99 SCCs on which we performed P63 IHC, (2) a series of 20 surgically resected LCCs studied for P63 and TTF-1 IHC, and (3) a prospective cohort of 66 small thoracic samples, including 32 carcinoma NOS, that were further classified by the result of P63 and TTF-1 IHC. Results The results in the three independent cohorts were as follows: (1) P63 IHC was differentially expressed in SCCs when compared to ACs (p<0.0001); (2) half of the 20 (50%) LCCs were positive for P63 and were reclassified as SCCs; and (3) all P63 positive cases (34%) were diagnosed as SCCs. Conclusions P63 IHC is useful for the identification of lung SCCs.This work was partially funded by grants from Fundacion Mutua Madrileña to EC, FLR, and LPA; CIBER Respiratory Disease to ALE (ISCIII-CB06/06); and Red Temática de Investigacion Cooperativa en Cancer (RTICC) to MSC (RD06/0020/0062). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Classification of Isolates from the Pseudomonas fluorescens Complex into Phylogenomic Groups Based in Group-Specific Markers.

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    The Pseudomonas fluorescens complex of species includes plant-associated bacteria with potential biotechnological applications in agriculture and environmental protection. Many of these bacteria can promote plant growth by different means, including modification of plant hormonal balance and biocontrol. The P. fluorescens group is currently divided into eight major subgroups in which these properties and many other ecophysiological traits are phylogenetically distributed. Therefore, a rapid phylogroup assignment for a particular isolate could be useful to simplify the screening of putative inoculants. By using comparative genomics on 71 P. fluorescens genomes, we have identified nine markers which allow classification of any isolate into these eight subgroups, by a presence/absence PCR test. Nine primer pairs were developed for the amplification of these markers. The specificity and sensitivity of these primer pairs were assessed on 28 field isolates, environmental samples from soil and rhizosphere and tested by in silico PCR on 421 genomes. Phylogenomic analysis validated the results: the PCR-based system for classification of P. fluorescens isolates has a 98.34% of accuracy and it could be used as a rapid and simple assay to evaluate the potential of any P. fluorescens complex strain.Research was funded by grant BIO2015-64480R from MINECO/FEDER EU. DGS was granted by FPU fellowship program (FPU14/03965) from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spai

    Co-planar PET/CT for small animal imaging

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    Proceeding of: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Puerto Rico, October 23 - 29, 2005A small animal PET/CT system based on a common rotating gantry is proposed. The PET detection subsystem is composed of two detector modules based on MLS arrays and four flat panel type PS PMT. The CT subsystem consists in a micro focus X ray tube and a semiconductor X ray detector. Space for opposed PET detectors and the CT scanner have been allocated on the same plane in such a way that the trans axial and axial centers are common for both systems. Shielding elements have been placed around the detectors to avoid cross modality contamination. The gantry can rotate 370 degrees to provide complete data sets for the CT image reconstruction algorithm that is based on the cone beam geometry. PET image reconstruction is implemented using FBP (2D and 3D) and OSEM. Sequential acquisition protocols minimize the scan duration, and CT information can be used to implement PET imaging corrections. The coplanar configuration of this system provides intrinsically co registered data sets, and it is not necessary to reposition the animal to perform any modality imaging, avoiding undesired animal or additional accessories movements. An additional advantage is the compactness of the system that saves space and allows a direct visual monitoring of the animal during the scanPart of this work is founded by the IM3 network (G03/185 Ministerio de Sanidad), with grants from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, project TEC2004-07052-C02-01, and Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio project FIT-330101-2004-3. J.J. Vaquero has support from the “Ramón y Cajal” Program, Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Hepatic encephalopathy-associated cerebral vasculopathy in acute-on-chronic liver failure: Alterations on endothelial factor release and influence on cerebrovascular function

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    The acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a syndrome characterized by liver decompensation, hepatic encephalopathy (HE) and high mortality. We aimed to determine the mechanisms implicated in the development of HE-associated cerebral vasculopathy in a microsurgical liver cholestasis (MHC) model of ACLF. Microsurgical liver cholestasis was induced by ligating and extracting the common bile duct and four bile ducts. Sham-operated and MHC rats were maintained for eight postoperative weeks Bradykinin-induced vasodilation was greater in middle cerebral arteries from MHC rats. Both Nω-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and indomethacin diminished bradykinin-induced vasodilation largely in arteries from MHC rats. Nitrite and prostaglandin (PG) F releases were increased, whereas thromboxane (TX) B was not modified in arteries from MHC. Expressions of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), inducible NOS, and cyclooxygenase (COX) 2 were augmented, and neuronal NOS (nNOS), COX-1, PGI synthase, and TXA S were unmodified. Phosphorylation was augmented for eNOS and unmodified for nNOS. Altogether, these endothelial alterations might collaborate to increase brain blood flow in HE. 1α 2 2 2This research was funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2016-80305-P), CiberCV (Grant number: CB16/11/00286), the European Regional Development Grant (FEDER) (Comunidad de Madrid, grant number B2017/BMD- 3676), and R C D projects for young researchers, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Comunidad de Madrid (SI1-PJI-2019- 00321). RR-D received a fellowship from Juan de la Cierva Program (IJCI-2017-31399)

    Carbon-Coated Superparamagnetic Nanoflowers for Biosensors Based on Lateral Flow Immunoassays

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoflowers coated by a black carbon layer (Fe3O4@C) were studied as labels in lateral flow immunoassays. They were synthesized by a one-pot solvothermal route, and they were characterized (size, morphology, chemical composition, and magnetic properties). They consist of several superparamagnetic cores embedded in a carbon coating holding carboxylic groups adequate for bioconjugation. Their multi-core structure is especially efficient for magnetic separation while keeping suitable magnetic properties and appropriate size for immunoassay reporters. Their functionality was tested with a model system based on the biotin–neutravidin interaction. For this, the nanoparticles were conjugated to neutravidin using the carbodiimide chemistry, and the lateral flow immunoassay was carried out with a biotin test line. Quantification was achieved with both an inductive magnetic sensor and a reflectance reader. In order to further investigate the quantifying capacity of the Fe3O4@C nanoflowers, the magnetic lateral flow immunoassay was tested as a detection system for extracellular vesicles (EVs), a novel source of biomarkers with interest for liquid biopsy. A clear correlation between the extracellular vesicle concentration and the signal proved the potential of the nanoflowers as quantifying labels. The limit of detection in a rapid test for EVs was lower than the values reported before for other magnetic nanoparticle labels in the working range 0–3 × 107 EVs/μL. The method showed a reproducibility (RSD) of 3% (n = 3). The lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) rapid test developed in this work yielded to satisfactory results for EVs quantification by using a precipitation kit and also directly in plasma samples. Besides, these Fe3O4@C nanoparticles are easy to concentrate by means of a magnet, and this feature makes them promising candidates to further reduce the limit of detectionThis work was supported in part by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under projects MAT2017-84959-C2-1-R and the Principality of Asturias (Spain) under project IDI/2018/000185 and the Consellería de Educación Program for Development of a Strategic Grouping in Materials (AEMAT) at the University of Santiago de Compostela under Grant No. ED431E208/08, Xunta de Galicia. Amanda Moyano was supported by a “Severo Ochoa” fellowship (Consejería de Educación y Cultura del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, grant BP17-152)S

    Endocarditis por fiebre Q en una válvula aórtica bicúspide: a propósito de un caso.

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    Despite being a rare pathology, infective endocarditis continues to be a public health problem, with high morbidi-ty and mortality rates worldwide. Approximately 10% of cases suppose a real diagnostic challenge given that they are produced by atypical microorganisms that do not grow in conventional culture methods, do not present typical imaging findings and because they usually present in a more advanced and complicated form. We introduced a case report that reflexes how infective endocarditis due to Coxiella burnetii, an atypical microorganism, can develop.Pese a ser una patología infrecuente, la endocarditis infecciosa sigue siendo un problema importante de salud pública, con una alta morbimortalidad mundial. Aproximadamente un 10% de los casos son un autén-tico reto diagnóstico porque son producidas por microorganismos atípicos que no crecen en los métodos convencionales de cultivo, no presentan los hallazgos típicos en pruebas de imagen y porque se suelen presentar en una forma más avanzada y complicada de la enfermedad. A continuación, presentamos un caso clínico que muestra como puede presentarse una endocarditis infecciosa por Coxiella burnetii, un microorganismo atípico

    TIPICO IX: report of the 9th interactive infectious disease workshop on infectious diseases and vaccines.

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    The Ninth Interactive Infectious Disease workshop TIPICO was held on November 22-23, 2018, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. This 2-day academic experience addressed current and topical issues in the field of infectious diseases and vaccination. Summary findings of the meeting include: cervical cancer elimination will be possible in the future, thanks to the implementation of global vaccination action plans in combination with appropriate screening interventions. The introduction of appropriate immunization programs is key to maintain the success of current effective vaccines such as those against meningococcal disease or rotavirus infection. Additionally, reduced dose schedules might improve the efficiency of some vaccines (i.e., PCV13). New vaccines to improve current preventive alternatives are under development (e.g., against tuberculosis or influenza virus), while others to protect against infectious diseases with no current available vaccines (e.g., enterovirus, parechovirus and flaviviruses) need to be developed. Vaccinomics will be fundamental in this process, while infectomics will allow the application of precision medicine. Further research is also required to understand the impact of heterologous vaccine effects. Finally, vaccination requires education at all levels (individuals, community, healthcare professionals) to ensure its success by helping to overcome major barriers such as vaccine hesitancy and false contraindications

    Birth weight and blood lipid levels in Spanish adolescents: Influence of selected APOE, APOC3 and PPARgamma2 gene polymorphisms. The AVENA Study

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    Es reproducción del documento publicado en http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2350-9-98Background: There is increasing evidence indicating that genes involved in certain metabolic processes of cardiovascular diseases may be of particular influence in people with low body weight at birth. We examined whether the apolipoprotein (APO) E, APOC3 and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-2 (PPAR gamma 2) polymorphisms influence the association between low birth weight and blood lipid levels in healthy adolescents aged 13-18.5 years. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 502 Spanish adolescents born at term was conducted. Total (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), triglycerides (TG), apolipoprotein (apo) A and B, and lipoprotein(a) [ Lp(a)] were measured. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA were calculated. Results: Low birth weight was associated with higher levels of TC, LDLc, apoB, Lp(a), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA in males with the APOE epsilon 3 epsilon 4 genotype, whereas in females, it was associated with lower HDLc and higher TG levels. In males with the APOC3 S1/S2 genotype, low birth weight was associated with lower apoA and higher Lp(a), yet this association was not observed in females. There were no associations between low birth weight and blood lipids in any of the PPAR gamma 2 genotypes. Conclusion: The results indicate that low birth weight has a deleterious influence on lipid profile particularly in adolescents with the APOE epsilon 3/epsilon 4 genotype. These findings suggest that intrauterine environment interact with the genetic background affecting the lipid profile in later life.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI021830), the Spanish Ministry of Health, FEDER-FSE funds FIS n 00/0015, CSD grants 05/UPB32/0, 109/UPB31/03 and 13/UPB20/04, Ministerio de Educación (AP-2004-2745; EX2007-1124