221 research outputs found

    Os 100 primeiros dias do XXI Governo Constitucional através da imprensa generalista: quando as finanças travam uma mudança de ciclo político

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    Os 100 primeiros dias de um Governo correspondem a um tempo vital na construção de uma marca. Neste contexto, os media assumem-se como guias de referência de uma opinião pública que vai sendo estruturada em grande parte por influência daquilo que os jornalistas escrevem. Para saber como é que a imprensa generalista mediatizou este período no que diz respeito ao XXI Governo Constitucional, analisamos todos os textos noticiosos dos jornais generalistas que elegeram a ação dos governantes como frame principal. Este conjunto de textos noticiosos totalizou um corpus de 961 artigos jornalísticos e 2165 citações de fontes de informação. Dessa análise sobressai uma cobertura noticiosa intensa (publicam-se em média 2,4 textos por dia), desenvolvida em textos de tamanho médio ou extenso, declinada maioritariamente pelo ângulo positivo, feita em forma de notícia, refletindo mais de metade dos textos acontecimentos previamente agendados pelos atores políticos. Apesar do esforço deste Governo em proclamar um novo ciclo político afastado do tópico da austeridade que havia dominado o discurso político dos anos precedentes, os jornalistas privilegiaram a tematização financeira e, quando o fizeram, criaram uma cobertura jornalística distinta daquela que se constituiu como padrão da actividade governativa dos restantes ministérios. Ano e meio depois do fim oficial do Programa de Assistência Económica e Financeira a Portugal, a imprensa portuguesa continuou a encontrar nas finanças um tópico persistente. Tal aconteceu, porque o calendário político a isso o obrigou, mas porque também os jornalistas não quiseram fazer desvios de rota.The first 100 days of a Government constitute a vital period in the making of a brand. In this context, the media assume themselves as reference guides of a public opinion which is structured largely by influence of what journalists write. To get to know how the generalist press publicized this period regarding the 21st Constitutional Government, we have analyzed all the news texts of general newspapers that elected the governors’ action as main frame. This set of news texts totaled a corpus of 961 news articles and 2165 quotes from information sources. From this analysis, an intense news coverage stood out (on average 2,4 texts are published every day), developed in medium-sized or extensive texts, declined mostly by the positive angle, made in the form of news, more than half of the texts reflecting previously scheduled events by political actors. Despite the efforts of this Government in proclaiming a new political cycle away from the topic of austerity that had dominated the political discourse of the preceding years, journalists promoted financial themes and, when they did, they created a news coverage different from the one which was established as standard of the other ministries’ government activity. Year and a half after the official end of the Program of Economic and Financial Assistance to Portugal, the Portuguese press continued to consider the finance matter a persistent topic. Such happened, not only because the political calendar forced it, but also because journalists didn’t want to make detours

    Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, a popular president who has all the media coverage: Content analysis of the press (2016-2018)

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    In his first speech, in March 2016, as 20th Portuguese President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa guaranteed that every Portuguese person was rooted in his first determining thought. It was in the people that President Marcelo found legitimacy to develop everything he sought. But will this concern in building bridges, in bringing others closer to him, be reflected on the journalistic coverage that his work raises? From the analysis of the first two years of his term, what is striking is the depiction of a President who wants everyone close to him, and yet the whole daily press discourse is centred on him. The President has consistently aligned himself with different social actors and has made a visible effort to expand his political action to different Portuguese regions and also to several other countries. However, the President is the main source and hegemonic voice in journalistic discourse. This research begins with the following question: How does the journalistic coverage of President Marcelo's activity, during his two-year term of office (2016-2018), concur with and guarantee the principles of autonomy and exemption in the news construction? Taking into account this research question, in methodological terms, this study will analyse the two years of journalistic coverage of the presidential activity, from a set of daily and weekly newspapers. The technique of content analysis will be used, in a categorical approach, following Bardin’s (2013) and Lopes & Espírito Santo’s (2016) previous framework. The expected results are the identification of the relationship between the political involvement of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa as President and the construction of the press message, combined with the potential introduction of a new role for the President as a political and media actor of the democratic system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unindo as pontas soltas com a análise de conteúdo etnográfica

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    Having the basis for a better, deeper and sustained discussion over a selected content and problem is one of the challenges one may face when a traditional research technique, such as content analysis, is applied in a less common approach as is ethnographic content analysis. The objective of this paper is to undertake a critical discussion about ethnographic content analysis, a specific approach that combines various technical resources, enabling new measures to achieving intriguing and rich results and in-depth discussion, considering a content corpus or data selected. This paper aims at contributing to a critical review of ethnographic content analysis, its advantages and limitations, as well as its potential as an alternative focus and strategy. The type of results expected from the implementation of this feature is either textual or statistical nature, which allows a more comprehensive approach and focuses on multiple details of the construction categorical process.Ter bases para uma melhor, mais profunda e sustentada discussão acerca de um conteúdo e problema selecionados será um dos desafios que se pode enfrentar quando uma técnica de pesquisa tradicional, como a análise de conteúdo, é aplicada num formato menos comum, como é o caso da análise de conteúdo etnográfica. O objetivo deste artigo é o de desenvolver uma discussão crítica acerca da análise de conteúdo etnográfica, uma abordagem específica que combina vários recursos técnicos, permitindo novas medidas para atingir resultados intrigantes e ricos e para uma discussão aprofundada, considerando um corpus ou material de análise selecionado. Este artigo pretende contribuir para fornecer uma visão crítica da análise de conteúdo etnográfica, as suas vantagens e limitações, assim como do seu potencial como um foco alternativo e estratégico. O tipo de resultados esperados desta implementação técnica é tanto textual como de natureza estatística, o que permite uma abordagem mais compreensiva e focada em múltiplos detalhes do processo de construção categórico

    A mensagem política na campanha das eleições presidenciais: análise de conteúdo dos slogans entre 1976 e 2006

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    The main objective of this study is to analyse a set of discursive and political representations as well as the values contained in the slogans used during the Portuguese presidential elections from 1976 (the first presidential election after the 1974 revolution) to 2006. This will focus on analysing the discursive, political and ideological differentiation contained in the campaign slogans. In methodological terms, this study is based on the technique of content analysis, supported by a qualitative and inferential view, and focused on the informational contents under consideration.O estudo presente tem como objectivo a análise das representações discursivas e políticas, bem como dos valores contidos nos slogans das eleições presidenciais portuguesas, a partir de 1976, data das primeiras eleições presidenciais pós-revolução de 1974, até 2006. Os resultados do estudo incidirão na análise da diferenciação discursiva, política, ideológica e nos valores contidos nos slogans de campanha. Do ponto de vista metodológico, este estudo utiliza a análise de conteúdo, suportada na vertente qualitativa e inferencial, direccionada para os conteúdos informacionais considerados

    Land-use influence on Mediterranean perennial swards of Poa bulbosa: a case study in the International Tagus Region

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    Pastureland abandonment or intensification of livestock activity change the floristic patterns of Mediterranean perennial swards which are very important to the conservation of some bird species. The objectives of this study are: 1) to recognise floristic patterns in Mediterranean perennial swards of Poa bulbosa; 2) to identify the communities that configure the European priority habitat 6220* (Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea); 3) to assess the effects of land-use management on the floristic composition of these communities. Field research was conducted in central eastern and south eastern main land Portugal.Vegetation sampling was carried out in 2009-2010 on 9 sward sites, following the phytosociological concepts. Classification and ordination of relevés were obtained by Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN), Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA). Monte Carlo Permutation Tests were performed to analyse differences in floristic patterns. Livestock load, stoniness and land-use history of the last 10 years were selected as the key variables that best explain the ordination model. The absence of extensive livestock grazing results in a reduction of Trifolium subterraneum-dominated areas and in a density/ cover reduction of Poa bulbosa-dominated areas. High livestock loads change the floristic patterns of Mediterranean short swards by favouring species of the Stellarietea mediae class. The control of woody vegetation through grazing or cutting is a key conservation measur

    When a President lives on the edge of semi-presidentialism: portraits that the daily press outlined during Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa’s first half mandate

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    O 20º Presidente da República Portuguesa inaugurou, em Março de 2016, um mandato distintivo na forma como se relaciona com os poderes que a Constituição lhe confere. Participando diariamente em múltiplos eventos, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa fala, acima de tudo, daquilo que considera mais estratégico (re)colocar na ordem do dia, entrando em permanência em áreas de atuação que pertencem ao Governo. E isso é legitimado por duas forças que este PR não descura: a popularidade que reúne junto dos portugueses e a atenção mediática que provoca nos jornalistas. É aqui que reside a sua força para testar alguns dos poderes presidenciais que lhe estão fixados pela Lei Fundamental. Nesta contribuição, identificaremos o modo como o Presidente da República exerceu os seus poderes à luz do que a imprensa diária generalista portuguesa tem publicado sobre si, ao longo dos primeiros dois anos de mandato (9 de Março de 2016 a 9 de Março de 2018). Com base num universo de 1.537 textos noticiosos publicados, neste período, no Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias, Público e Correio da Manhã, identificaremos quais os poderes presidenciais que estiveram em destaque na imprensa e faremos sobressair três situações que assumiram relevância no modo como o Presidente da República faz vingar a sua posição junto do Governo: a intervenção no rumo do único banco público português (Caixa Geral de Depósitos), a coordenação das operações em torno do roubo de material militar em Tancos e o envolvimento com as vítimas dos incêndios que afetaram a região centro de Portugal em 2017. Como resultados esperados, esta contribuição procura examinar a construção da proximidade entre eleitores e eleitos, promovida pela figura presidencial, e amplificado pela imprensa. Ou seja, pretende-se identificar os moldes e o papel da imprensa como motores essenciais para a projeção da mensagem política e da figura presidencial, em termos de utilização do espaço público mediático.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação do efeito do cobre na taxa de ingestão de Cladóceros

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    Mestrado em Toxicologia e EcotoxicologiaNo caso de metais, a toxicidade não pode ser predicta apenas pela determinação da sua concentração no meio. As concentrações sub-letais de elementos tóxicos no ambiente aquático quase nunca resultam em mortalidade imediata do organismo, mas provocam efeitos significativos sobre os indivíduos, dando origem a inúmeras alterações fisiológicas (Ferreira, 2003). Embora alguns metais sejam essenciais para a vida, todos são tóxicos acima de determinada concentração. Para alguns, como o Cu, a separação entre a essencialidade e a toxicidade é muito estreita. É extremamente importante que a sua distribuição físico-química nos sistemas naturais permaneça relativamente constante. O ecossistema aquático está continuamente exposto a um sem número de substâncias tóxicas lançadas no meio ambiente, oriundas de numerosas fontes de emissão. Este tipo de metais chega frequentemente aos pontos aquíferos em consequência de efluentes industriais, principalmente provenientes de industrias extractoras de metais, de tintas e pigmentos, químicas, curtições, metalúrgicas e petróleo. São classificados como contaminantes químicos das águas. Estas substâncias são capazes de interagir com o organismo vivo provocando diversas alterações que podem dar origem a consequencias graves em populações, comunidades e ecossistemas, dependendo do grau de contaminação e do tempo de exposição (Aires et al, 2006). Os organismos têm capacidade para controlar a concentração de metais em certos tecidos para minimizar os danos das formas reactivas dos metais não essenciais e para controlar a utilização selectiva dos metais essenciais (Vijver et al, 2004). A concentração química pode ser medida com um instrumento, mas apenas organismos vivos podem medir a toxicidade. O conhecimento da concentração química e da toxicidade sob certas condições pode ajudar na predição de variadas consequencias ambientais (Cairns e Mount, 1990). Muitos autores salientam a importância da realização de testes de toxicidade com organismos aquáticos como forma de alerta para um possível problema ambiental (Ferreira, 2003). Os testes de ingestão com Daphnia magna na presença de cobre realizados neste trabalho permitiram-nos calcular os seguintes parâmetros de toxicidade: CE50=163,5 µg Cu/L, CENO = 25 µg Cu/L e CEO = 50 µg Cu/L. ABSTRACT: Metal levels of toxicity cannot be predicted by only measuring their environmental concentrations. The result of sub-lethal toxic concentrations in an aquatic environment is not the destruction of the living organisms. Instead, it results in long term major damage in the speciesʼ physiology and events that occur subsequent to the contamination (Ferreira, 2003). Although, some metals are essential to life, all are toxic above certain concentrations. Some of them, like copper, has tiny boundaries between the essential and toxic amount. The balance between the concentrations of these elements is very important to the environment. The aquatic ecosystem is very often exposed to the contamination of these toxic compounds, especially in the case of toxic metals. This contamination comes from human activity and natural sources in the different compartments of the environment. Industrial companies (metal extractors, paint factories, leather and oil businesses) are the principal factors of water chemical pollution. All those substances interact with living organisms. These changes on the system can have huge consequences on the ecology, the level of the consequences depending on the amount and time of contamination (Aires et al, 2006). Those substances interact and affect living organisms in a negative way. Until a certain toxic level is achieved, living organisms are able to control the tissue contamination. They control the damage of non-essential metals and they are able to select the essential metals (Vijver et al, 2004). The chemical concentration can be measured by an instrument, but only a living organism can measure the toxicity. Knowledge of the chemical concentration and the level of toxicology can be very important in control of environment hazards (Cairns e Mount, 1990). Many authors claim the importance of making tests to measure the toxic level of aquatic living organisms as a way to prevent environmental pollution damages (Ferreira, 2003). According to our data, the toxic copper concentration in the Daphnia magna is 163,5 µg Cu/L. We also found a NOEC of 25 µg Cu/L and OEC of 50 µg Cu/L

    Actual and standard crop coefficients for semi‑natural and planted grasslands and grasses: a review aimed at supporting water management to improve production and ecosystem services

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    Natural and planted grasslands play a very important role in agriculture as source of various ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and biodiversity, and are responsible for a large fraction of agricultural water use in rainfed and irrigated fields. It is, therefore, relevant to precisely know their water use and vegetation requirements with consideration of relevant climate, from extremely cold, dry, with long winter seasons, to tropical humid and hot climates, thus with a large variability of vegetation. Semi-natural grasslands are basically used for grazing and mainly refer to highland pastures and meadows, steppes, savannas, pampas, and mixed forest systems. The FAO method to compute crop (vegetation) evapotranspiration (ETc) through the product of a crop coefficient (K c ) by the reference evapotranspiration (ETo ) is adopted. The selected papers were those where actual ETc (ETc act ) was derived from field observations and ETo was computed with the FAO56 definition, or with another method that could be referred to the former. Field derived ETc act methods included soil water balance, Bowen ratio and eddy covariance measurements, as well as remote sensing vegetation indices or surface energy balance models, thus reviewed Kc act (ETc act/ETo) values were obtained from field data. These Kc act refer to initial, mid-season and end season (K c act ini , K c act mid , K c act end ) when reported values were daily or monthly; otherwise, only average values (K c act avg ) were collected. For cases relative to cold or freezing winters, data refer to the warm season only. For grasses cut for hay, K c act ini , Kc act mid , and Kc act end refer to a cut cycle. Kc act values rarely exceeded 1.25, thus indicating that field measurements reported did respect the available energy for evaporation. Overall, K c act mid for semi-natural grasslands in cold climates were lower than those in hot climates except when available water was high, with K c act mid for meadows and mountain pastures gener- ally high. Steppes have K c act mid values lower than savannas. Grasses commonly planted for hay and for landscape generally showed high K c act mid values, while a larger variability was observed with grasses for grazing. The collected K c act values were used to define standard Kc values for all grassland and grasses. Nevertheless, the tabulated Kc act are indicative values of K c to be used for actual water management purposes and/or irrigation scheduling of planted grasslands. It is expected that a better knowledge of the standard and/or indicative K c values for a wide variety of grasslands and grasses will support better management aimed to improve grass productivity and ecosystem services, including biodiversity and carbon sequestrationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intra-party democracy from members’ viewpoint: the case of left-wing parties in Portugal

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    Focusing on the Portuguese case, this article aims to examine how members evaluate items of intra-party democracy and the ways in which their evaluations vary significantly across parties and key individual-level factors. It uses data from online surveys conducted in 2014 to grassroots members of three left-wing parties that differ in their organisational and participative profiles: the centre-left Socialist Party and the radical left Left Bloc and Livre. The results reveal more positive evaluations among members of radical left parties and for those featuring higher levels of activism and ideological congruence with the party. However, appraisals tend to be more negative when there are higher expectations of influencing the candidate selection process and of gaining professional benefits through membership. The findings suggest that democratising reforms may be a double-edged sword by attracting members who value this kind of change but at the same time fostering critical appraisals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio