209 research outputs found

    Osteoartropatía hipertrofiante néumica canina : un caso clínico

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    Se describe un caso de osteoartropatía hipertrofiante néumica (OAHN) en un perro mastín español de 8 años de edad.A case of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in a spanish mastin, eight years old, is presented

    Equine Pleuropneumonia

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    consiste en colonización bacteriana del parénquima pulmonar, desarrollo de una neumonía o abscesos pulmonares y la consiguiente extensión del proceso hacia la pleura visceral y el espacio pleural provocando pleuritis. Generalmente, su desarrollo se asocia con cualquier condición que favorezca la aspiración de secreciones faríngeas o impida su eliminación (transporte, enfermedades víricas, ejercicio extenuante, anestesia general, etc). Los signos clínicos pueden variar según se trate de un problema agudo o crónico, predominando en el primer caso: fiebre, letargia, descarga nasal, tos, intolerancia al ejercicio, disnea y pleurodinia. En los casos crónicos suele aparecer fiebre intermitente, pérdida de peso y edema subesternal El diagnóstico se basa fundamentalmente en la ecografía de la región torácica y el análisis microbiológico y citológico de las secreciones traqueales y pleurales. Su tratamiento se centra en antibioterapia sistémica para inhibir el crecimiento bacteriano, drenaje del exceso de líquido pleural (en los casos que dificulte la capacidad respiratoria del animal o sea claramente séptico), administración de terapia antiinflamatoria y analgésica y tratamiento de soporte a base de fluidoterapia, oxigenoterapia y broncodilatadores. El pronóstico de la pleuroneumonía es favorable en los casos que se identifican precozmente y reciben tratamiento agresivo, empeorando mucho en casos crónicos o con complicaciones como la laminitis, colitis asociada a antibióticos y trombosis yugular. Las principales secuelas de este proceso incluyen la formación de abscesos pulmonares, fístulas broncopleurales, neumotórax, y pericarditis restrictiva.Pleuropneumonia is a frequent and severe disease in the horse. It is produced by the bacterial colonization of pulmonary parenchyma, development of pneumonia or pulmonary abscesses and subsequent extension of the infection to the visceral pleura and pleural cavity, which causes pleuritis. Risk factors include transport, viral infections, exhausting exercise, general anesthesia, and any condition that enhances aspiration of oropharyngeal microrganisms or that impairs their clearance. Clinical signs may vary in acute or chronic diseases. In acute pleuropneumonia, horses have fever, lethargy, nasal discharge, cough, exercise intolerance, dispnea and pleurodinia. In chronic cases, intermittent fever, weight loss and subesternal edema are more frequent. Diagnosis is based mainly in thoracic ultrasonography and in the cytologic and biochemical analysis and culture of the pleural and tracheal fluids. Treatment consists on administration of systemic antibiotics to inhibit bacterial growth, removal of excessive pleural fluid, antiinflammatory and analgesic drugs, and supportive care (fluid therapy, oxygen and bronchodilators). Prognosis can be favorable when the disease is identified early and aggressive treatment is provided. In chronic cases or when complications like laminitis, colitis or thrombosis develop, prognosis is guarded to poor. The most common sequelae of pleuropneumonia are pulmonary abscesses, bronchopleural fistulae, pneumothorax and restrictive pericarditis

    Os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional e fadiga da cidadania: estudo-caso numa organização de apoio gerontologico

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    Os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional focam-se em situações e comportamentos que não nas rotinas e funções descritas do trabalho do colaborador e contribuem de alguma forma para a eficácia da organização. Sendo um comportamento considerado voluntário, em que o colaborador de uma organização tem opção de escolha em realizá-los ou não. No entanto, estes comportamentos considerados discricionários, podem ser influenciados ou realizados de outra forma, se por parte dos chefes e dos colegas exista um suporte, podendo influenciar as emoções experienciadas no dia-a-dia da sua atividade profissional. Este suporte descreve o grau em que os trabalhadores se sentem apoiados pela sua organização. O Suporte Organizacional Percebido pelo indivíduo é um recurso que irá influenciar provavelmente se o envolvimento nos Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional estão positivamente ou negativamente ligados à Fadiga da Cidadania. Na verdade, os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional tendo em conta as investigações dos últimos anos, considera-se maioritariamente um construto positivo, contribuindo efetivamente para a eficácia da organização. Noutra perspetiva, no âmbito de outras investigações, indicam que o envolvimento dos colaboradores em Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional pode ser desgastante. Neste sentido, podem existir fatores internos que contribuem para a Fadiga de Cidadania, ou que leve a disposição de um colaborador a mudar, bem como a capacidade de levar a que este se envolva em Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional. Tendo em conta estes construtos e a forma como estes se relacionam, a presente dissertação pretende através de um Estudo-Caso, perceber se os colaboradores de uma Estrutura Residencial para Pessoas Idosas realizam Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional e se estes conduzem à Fadiga de Cidadania. Os resultados indicam que os participantes, sentem Fadiga de Cidadania associada aos Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional que realizam no dia-a-dia da sua atividade profissional

    Membranas de separación de gases basadas en conductores iónicos mixtos y sus aplicaciones en catálisis

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    La tesis está basada en el desarrollo de materiales sólidos conductores mixtos electrónicos-protónicos y para su aplicación en membranas de separación de hidrógeno a alta temperatura. A continuación se resumen brevemente las líneas principales de este trabajo. La separación de hidrógeno, a altas temperaturas (600-1000 ºC), es posible mediante la aplicación de membranas densas compuestas por conductores mixtos electrónicos-protónicos con selectividades teóricas del 100%. Para que un óxido sea conductor de protones debe cumplir las siguientes características: tener una estructura deficiente en oxígeno, absorber agua en su estructura y permitir el rápido transporte de los protones una vez se han incorporado en la estructura. Dentro de este tipo de materiales, la tesis se ha concentrado en el desarrollo y caracterización de compuestos basados en la familia de los zirconatos (BaZrO3) y más ampliamente en la familia de los wolframatos (Ln6WO12). Los objetivos marcados en el estudio de los compuestos pertenecientes a la familia de los zirconatos fueron: la mejora de la conductividad protónica y electrónica de los materiales, disminución de la resistencia del borde de grano (que limita la conductividad en este tipo de compuestos) y la mejora de la estabilidad en atmósferas con CO2. Esta mejora se llevó a cabo mediante la sustitución parcial de la posición B (Zr) con elementos de transición interna y externa. En el caso de los materiales basados en la familia de los wolframatos, la optimización de las propiedades electroquímicas y de estabilidad se llevó a cabo siguiendo diferentes estrategias: (a) Síntesis y desarrollo de los compuestos basados en el sistema Ln6WO12, donde Ln: La, Er, Eu y Nd, obteniéndose la fase pura a temperaturas inferiores a 1000 ºC con tamaños de partícula en el rango nanométrico. (b) Selección y estudio de los comEscolástico Rozalén, S. (2013). Membranas de separación de gases basadas en conductores iónicos mixtos y sus aplicaciones en catálisis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/27219Palanci

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Recurrent Airway obstruction

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    Los procesos inflamatorios de vías respiratorias bajas constituyen una de las patologías más importantes en clínica equina. Aunque la etiopatogenia de la obstrucción aérea recurrente no se conoce con exactitud, parecen estar implicados tanto procesos alérgicos, como infecciosos y la presencia de elementos irritantes o tóxicos. La presentación clínica más habitual de esta enfermedad son caballos de edad media o avanzada que tosen frecuentemente y presentan disnea espiratoria incluso en reposo, agravándose el problema de forma estacional y con la exposición a los factores desencadenantes. En los casos más avanzados se puede presentar pérdida de peso, enfisema pulmonar e hipertrofia de la musculatura espiratoria. El diagnóstico se realiza fundamentalmente basándose en signos clínicos (hiperreactividad respiratoria, auscultación pulmonar anormal e incremento del campo de percusión pulmonar), la endoscopia traqueobronquial y el estudio citológico de las secreciones respiratorias, aunque existen otros métodos más complejos de evaluación como la medición de presión intratorácica y la gasometría arterial. El pronóstico siempre es reservado puesto que se trata de una enfermedad crónica que, si no se controla adecuadamente, tenderá a progresar. El tratamiento se centra en dos grupos de medidas terapéuticas: a) el tratamiento higiénico-dietético y b) el tratamiento farmacológico. El primer grupo tiene como objetivos la eliminación del polvo tanto de la alimentación como de la cama y la presencia de una buena ventilación, siendo la medida ideal en muchos casos mantener los caballos al aire libre El tratamiento farmacológico consiste en la aplicación de antiinflamatorios esteroideos y broncodilatadores, pudiendo complementarse con otros productos como por ejemplo los mucolíticos.Lower airway inflammatory disease is a frequent disese in horses. Although the ethiology of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is not completely known, allergic and infectious processes and the presence of irritant or toxic particles seem to be involved. The most common presentation of the disease is middle-advanced age horses that cough frequently and have expiratory dyspnoea even at rest. This problem worsens seasonally and with the exposition to trigger factors. In severe cases, weight loss, pulmonary emphysema, and expiratory muscle hypertrophy (heavy line) can be observed. The diagnosis is based on clinical signs (respiratory hypereactivity, abnormal pulmonary auscultation and expanded lung field), tracheobronchial endoscopy, and cytology of respiratory secretions. More complex techniques, like arterial blood gases or intrapleural pressure measurement, can also be used for the diagnosis of RAO. Prognosis is always guarded since it is a chronic disease that is going to worsen if is not controlled. The treatment consists on management measures and medical therapy. The objective of the management measures is to minimize the presence of dust, not only in the food but also in the bedding, and to provide good ventilation. Unless pasture exacerbates the condition, horses should ideally be kept outside. Medical management is based on corticosteroids and bronchodilators but other adjunctive drugs like mucolytics can also be use

    Lanthanum tungstate membranes for H-2 extraction and CO2 utilization: Fabrication strategies based on sequential tape casting and plasma-spray physical vapor deposition

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    [EN] In the context of energy conversion efficiency and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from power generation and energy-intensive industries, membrane technologies for H-2 extraction and CO2 capture and utilization become pronouncedly important. Mixed protonic-electronic conducting ceramic membranes are hence attractive for the pre-combustion integrated gasification combined cycle, specifically in the water gas shift and H-2 separation process, and also for designing catalytic membrane reactors. This work presents the fabrication, microstructure and functional properties of Lanthanum tungstates (La28-xW4+xO54+delta, LaWO) asymmetric membranes supported on porous ceramic and porous metallic substrates fabricated by means of the sequential tape casting route and plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD). Pure LaWO and W site substituted LaWO were employed as membrane materials due to the promising combination of properties: appreciable mixed protonic-electronic conductivity at intermediate temperatures and reducing atmospheres, good sinterability and noticeable chemical stability under harsh operating conditions. As substrate materials porous LaWO (non-substituted), MgO and Crofer22APU stainless steel were used to support various LaWO membrane layers. The effect of fabrication parameters and material combinations on the assemblies' microstructure, LaWO phase formation and gas tightness of the functional layers was explored along with the related fabrication challenges for shaping LaWO layers with sufficient quality for further practical application. The two different fabrication strategies used in the present work allow for preparing all-ceramic and ceramic-metallic assemblies with LaWO membrane layers with thicknesses between 25 and 60 mu m and H-2 flux of ca. 0.4 ml/min cm(2) measured at 825 degrees C in 50 vol% H-2 in He dry feed and humid Ar sweep configuration. Such a performance is an exceptional achievement for the LaWO based H-2 separation membranes and it is well comparable with the H-2 flux reported for other newly developed dual phase cer-cer and cer-met membranes.ProtOMem Project under the BMBF grant 03SF0537 is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, the authors thank Ralf Laufs for his assistance in operating the PS-PVD facility. Dr. A. Schwedt from the Central Facility for Electron Microscopy (Gemeinschaftslabor fur Elektronenmikroskopie GFE), RWTH Aachen University is acknowledged for performing the EBSD analysis on the PS-PVD samples.Ivanova, ME.; Deibert, W.; Marcano, D.; Escolástico Rozalén, S.; Mauer, G.; Meulenberg, WA.; Bram, M.... (2019). Lanthanum tungstate membranes for H-2 extraction and CO2 utilization: Fabrication strategies based on sequential tape casting and plasma-spray physical vapor deposition. Separation and Purification Technology. 219:100-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2019.03.015S100112219A.A. Evers, The hydrogen society, More than just a vision? ISBN 978-3-937863-31-3, Hydrogeit Verlag, 16727 Oberkraemer, Germany, 2010.Deibert, W., Ivanova, M. E., Baumann, S., Guillon, O., & Meulenberg, W. A. (2017). Ion-conducting ceramic membrane reactors for high-temperature applications. Journal of Membrane Science, 543, 79-97. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2017.08.016Arun C. Bose, Inorganic membranes for energy and environmental applications, Edt. A. C. Bose, ISBN: 978-0-387-34524-6, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2009.M. Marrony, H. Matsumoto, N. Fukatsu, M. Stoukides, Typical applications of proton ceramic cells: a way to market? in: M. Marrony (ed.), Proton-conducting ceramics. From fundamentals to applied research, by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., ISBN 978-981-4613-84-2, 2016.Di Giorgio, P., & Desideri, U. (2016). Potential of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells as Electricity Storage System. Energies, 9(8), 662. doi:10.3390/en9080662A.L. Dicks, D.A.J. Rand, Fuel cell systems explained, ISBN: 9781118613528, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018.Zheng, Y., Wang, J., Yu, B., Zhang, W., Chen, J., Qiao, J., & Zhang, J. (2017). A review of high temperature co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2to produce sustainable fuels using solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs): advanced materials and technology. Chemical Society Reviews, 46(5), 1427-1463. doi:10.1039/c6cs00403bGötz, M., Lefebvre, J., Mörs, F., McDaniel Koch, A., Graf, F., Bajohr, S., … Kolb, T. (2016). Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1371-1390. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.07.066Woodhead publishing series in energy, Nr. 76, Membrane reactors for energy applications and basic chemical production, Edt. A. Basile, L. Di Paola, F.I. Hai, V. Piemonte, by Elsevier Ltd, ISBN 978-1-78242-223-5, 2015.Morejudo, S. H., Zanón, R., Escolástico, S., Yuste-Tirados, I., Malerød-Fjeld, H., Vestre, P. K., … Kjølseth, C. (2016). Direct conversion of methane to aromatics in a catalytic co-ionic membrane reactor. Science, 353(6299), 563-566. doi:10.1126/science.aag0274Malerød-Fjeld, H., Clark, D., Yuste-Tirados, I., Zanón, R., Catalán-Martinez, D., Beeaff, D., … Kjølseth, C. (2017). Thermo-electrochemical production of compressed hydrogen from methane with near-zero energy loss. 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    A influência do modelo e estrutura de recursos humanos na motivação e comprometimento dos trabalhadores: gestão interna versus Outsourcing

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    Com esta investigação, pretende-se fazer uma análise comparativa sobre o comprometimento e motivação dos trabalhadores, tendo como fator diferencial a gestão do recrutamento, de modo interno e a gestão por outsourcing. O objetivo principal é verificar se existem diferenças significativas nos dois grupos de trabalhadores, à luz de um quadro teórico muito vasto. Para concretizar esta análise foi elaborado um questionário on-line, com questões de escala manifestadas por afirmações elaboradas, com base no enquadramento teórico que constituiu a revisão da literatura, sobre motivação e comprometimento. Os resultados demonstraram que não existem diferenças significativas nos valores médios dos dois grupos na avaliação dos fatores de motivação, embora em ambos os grupos, se verifique uma grande vontade de darem mais de si à organização, de forma a superarem objetivos. Os valores de motivação revelaram-se muito baixos no geral, nos dois grupos. Em ambos os grupos apurou-se que há mais insatisfação face a fatores recompensatórios (tanto a nível material como imaterial): o salário e o reconhecimento do trabalho. Em relação ao comprometimento, verifica-se menor comprometimento por parte dos trabalhadores outsourcing, não numa análise de comparabilidade de médias gerais, mas numa análise de médias mais específicas de alguns fatores em avaliação: intenções de abandono. As médias das intenções de abandono foram mais visíveis neste grupo. No geral, ambos os trabalhadores dos dois grupos são movidos por um comprometimento instrumental, mais relacionado com as poucas alternativas que o mercado de trabalho dispõe , para uma evolução profissional; Abstract: The influence of human resource management structure in the motivation and commitment of employees: internal management versus outsourcing With this research aims to make a comparative analysis on the commitment and motivation of workers, with the differentiating factor the management of the internal mode recruitment and management by outsourcing. The main objective is to verify whether there are significant differences in the two groups of workers in the light of a very broad theoretical framework. To realize this analysis was prepared an online questionnaire with scale issues raised by elaborate statements, based on the theoretical framework that was the literature review of motivation and commitment. The results showed no significant differences in mean values of the two groups in the evaluation of the motivating factors, although in both groups, that there is a great desire to give more of themselves to the organization in order to overcome objectives. The motivation values proved to be very low in general, in both groups. In both groups it was found that there is more dissatisfaction with the recompensatórios factors (both material and immaterial level): wages and recognition of the work. Regarding the commitment, there is less commitment by the outsourcing workers, not an analysis of comparability of overall averages but a more average specific analysis of some factors reviewed abandonment of intentions. The average dropout intentions were more visible in this group. Overall, both employees of the two groups are driven by an instrumental commitment, more related to the few alternatives that the labor market has for professional development

    Protonic Conduction of Partially-Substituted CsH2PO4 and the Applicability in Electrochemical Devices

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    CsH2PO4 is a proton conductor pertaining to the acid salts group and shows a phase transition from monoclinic to cubic phase at 232 ± 2 ◦C under high-steam atmospheres (>30%). This cubic phase gives rise to the so-called superprotonic conductivity. In this work, the influence of the partial substitution of Cs by Ba and Rb, as well as the partial substitution of P by W, Mo, and S in CsH2PO4 on the phase transition temperature and electrochemical properties is studied. Among the tested materials, the partial substitution by Rb led to the highest conductivity at high temperature. Furthermore, Ba and S-substituted salts exhibited the highest conductivity at low temperatures. CsH2PO4 was used as electrolyte in a fully-assembled fuel cell demonstrating the applicability of the material at high pressures and the possibility to use other materials (Cu and ZnO) instead of Pt as electrode electrocatalyst. Finally, an electrolyzer cell composed of CsH2PO4 as electrolyte, Cu and ZnO as cathode and Pt and Ag as anode was evaluated, obtaining a stable production of H2 at 250 ◦C

    Optimal Control for Aperiodic Dual-Rate Systems With Time-Varying Delays

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    [EN] In this work, we consider a dual-rate scenario with slow input and fast output. Our objective is the maximization of the decay rate of the system through the suitable choice of the n-input signals between two measures (periodic sampling) and their times of application. The optimization algorithm is extended for time-varying delays in order to make possible its implementation in networked control systems. We provide experimental results in an air levitation system to verify the validity of the algorithm in a real plant.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the Projects DPI2012-31303 and DPI2014-55932-C2-2-R.Aranda-Escolástico, E.; Salt Llobregat, JJ.; Guinaldo, M.; Chacon, J.; Dormido, S. (2018). Optimal Control for Aperiodic Dual-Rate Systems With Time-Varying Delays. Sensors. 18(5):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18051491S119185Mansano, R., Godoy, E., & Porto, A. (2014). 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