259 research outputs found

    Tumor de CĂ©lulas Gigantes del Primer Metacarpiano

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    Se presenta un caso de tumor de células gigantes que afecta al primer metacarpiano. El tratamiento consistió en la resección en bloque del metacarpiano y su sustitución por injerto cortico-esponjoso de cresta ilíaca.A case of giant cell tumor affecting the first metacarpal bone was presented. Treatment consisted of block resection of the metacarpal and its substitution by porous cortical bone graft from the iliac crest

    Depth of focus increase by multiplexing programmable diffractive lenses

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    A combination of several diffractive lenses written onto a single programmable liquid crystal display (LCD) is proposed for increasing the Depth of Focus (DOF) of the imaging system as a whole. The lenses are spatially multiplexed in a random scheme onto the LCD. The axial irradiance distribution produced by each lens overlaps with the next one producing an extended focal depth. To compare the image quality of the multiplexed lenses, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is calculated. Finally we obtain the experimental Point Spread Functions (PSF) for these multiplexed lenses and experimental results in which an extended object is illuminated under spatially incoherent monochromatic light. We compare the images obtained in the focal plane and in some defocused planes with the single lens and with three multiplexed lenses. The experimental results confirm that the multiplexed lenses produce a high increase in the depth of focus.Fil: Iemmi, Claudio Cesar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Juan. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Escalera, J. C.. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: López Coronado, O. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Gimeno, R.. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Yzuel, María J.. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Españ

    Substructure in the Coma Cluster: Giants vs Dwarfs

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    The processes that form and shape galaxy clusters, such as infall, mergers and dynamical relaxation, tend to generate distinguishable differences between the distributions of a cluster's giant and dwarf galaxies. Thus the dynamics of dwarf galaxies in a cluster can provide valuable insights into its dynamical history. With this in mind, we look for differences between the spatial and velocity distributions of giant (b18) galaxies in the Coma cluster. Our redshift sample contains new measurements from the 2dF and WYFFOS spectrographs, making it more complete at faint magnitudes than any previously studied sample of Coma galaxies. It includes 745 cluster members - 452 giants and 293 dwarfs. We find that the line-of-sight velocity distribution of the giants is significantly non-Gaussian, but not that for the dwarfs. A battery of statistical tests of both the spatial and localised velocity distributions of the galaxies in our sample finds no strong evidence for differences between the giant and dwarf populations. These results rule out the cluster as a whole having moved significantly towards equipartition, and they are consistent with the cluster having formed via mergers between dynamically-relaxed subclusters.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Ap

    High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263

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    We report high spatial resolution i' band imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkHα\alpha 262/LkHα\alpha 263 obtained during the first commissioning period of the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope, using its Lucky Imaging mode. AOLI images have provided photometry for each of the two components LkHα\alpha 263 A and B (0.41 arcsec separation) and marginal evidence for an unresolved binary or a disc in LkHα\alpha 262. The AOLI data combined with previously available and newly obtained optical and infrared imaging show that the three components of LkHα\alpha 263 are co-moving, that there is orbital motion in the AB pair, and, remarkably, that LkHα\alpha 262-263 is a common proper motion system with less than 1 mas/yr relative motion. We argue that this is a likely five-component gravitationally bounded system. According to BT-settl models the mass of each of the five components is close to 0.4 M⊙_{\odot} and the age is in the range 1-2 Myr. The presence of discs in some of the components offers an interesting opportunity to investigate the formation and evolution of discs in the early stages of multiple very low-mass systems. In particular, we provide tentative evidence that the disc in 263C could be coplanar with the orbit of 263AB.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2016 May

    Improved expressions for performance parameters for complex filters

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    Improved expressions are given for the performance parameters for transverse and axial gains for complex pupil filters. These expressions can be used to predict the behavior of filters that give a small axial shift in the focal intensity maximum and also predict the changes in gain for different observation planes

    New Optical Insights into the Mass Discrepancy of Galaxy Clusters: The Cases of A1689 and A2218

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    We analyze the internal structures of clusters A1689 and A2218 by applying a recent development of the method of wavelet analysis, which uses the complete information obtained from optical data, i.e. galaxy positions and redshifts. We find that both clusters show the presence of structures superimposed along the line of sight with different mean redshifts and smaller velocity dispersions than that of the system as a whole, suggesting that the clusters could be cases of the on-going merging of clumps. In the case of A2218 we find an acceptable agreement between our estimate of optical virial mass and X-ray and gravitational lensing masses. On the contrary, in the case of A1689 we find that our mass estimates are smaller than X-ray and gravitational lensing ones at both small and large radii. In any case, at variance with earlier claims, there is no evidence that X-ray mass estimates are underestimated.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figures, Use LaTeX2e, accepted by Astrophysical Journal, in press November 1997, Vol.49

    Structure detection in the D1 CFHTLS deep field using accurate photometric redshifts: a benchmark

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    We investigate structures in the D1 CFHTLS deep field in order to test the method that will be applied to generate homogeneous samples of clusters and groups of galaxies in order to constrain cosmology and detailed physics of groups and clusters. Adaptive kernel technique is applied on galaxy catalogues. This technique needs none of the usual a-priori assumptions (luminosity function, density profile, colour of galaxies) made with other methods. Its main drawback (decrease of efficiency with increasing background) is overcame by the use of narrow slices in photometric redshift space. There are two main concerns in structure detection. One is false detection and the second, the evaluation of the selection function in particular if one wants "complete" samples. We deal here with the first concern using random distributions. For the second, comparison with detailed simulations is foreseen but we use here a pragmatic approach with comparing our results to GalICS simulations to check that our detection number is not totally at odds compared to cosmological simulations. We use XMM-LSS survey and secured VVDS redshifts up to z~1 to check individual detections. We show that our detection method is basically capable to recover (in the regions in common) 100% of the C1 XMM-LSS X-ray detections in the correct redshift range plus several other candidates. Moreover when spectroscopic data are available, we confirm our detections, even those without X-ray data.Comment: 14 pages, 22 additionnal jpeg figures, accepted in A&

    Large Structures and Galaxy Evolution in COSMOS at z < 1.1

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    We present the first identification of large-scale structures (LSS) at z <1.1< 1.1 in the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS). The structures are identified from adaptive smoothing of galaxy counts in the pseudo-3d space (α,ÎŽ\alpha,\delta,z) using the COSMOS photometric redshift catalog. The technique is tested on a simulation including galaxies distributed in model clusters and a field galaxy population -- recovering structures on all scales from 1 to 20\arcmin without {\it a priori} assumptions for the structure size or density profile. Our procedure makes {\bf no} {\it a priori} selection on galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED, for example the Red Sequence), enabling an unbiased investigation of environmental effects on galaxy evolution. The COSMOS photometric redshift catalog yields a sample of 1.5×1051.5\times10^5 galaxies with redshift accuracy, ΔzFWHM/(1+z)≀0.1\Delta z_{FWHM}/(1+z) \leq 0.1 at z <1.1< 1.1 down to IAB≀25_{AB} \leq 25 mag. Using this sample of galaxies, we identify 42 large-scale structures and clusters. abstract truncated for astroph 25 line limit -- see preprintComment: 72 pages with 29 pages of figures, for cosmos apj suppl special issu

    The orosomucoid 1 protein (α1 acid glycoprotein) is overexpressed in odontogenic myxoma

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    Odontogenic myxoma (OM) is a benign, but locally invasive, neoplasm occurring in the jaws. However, the molecules implicated in its development are unknown. OM as well as Dental Follicle (DF), an odontogenic tissue surrounding the enamel organ, is derived from ectomesenchymal/mesencyhmal elements. To identify some protein that could participate in the development of this neoplasm, total proteins from OM were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and the profiles were compared with those obtained from DF, used as a control

    SĂ­ndrome de Fiebre Severa con Trombocitopenia como Problema de Salud PĂșblica Emergente

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    La trombocitopenia, como la fiebre y la anemia, son signos que en todos los casos debe aclararse su etiología, estos en su mayoría, suelen estar asociados a enfermedades infecciosas, especialmente tropicales y zoonóticas. La primera se presenta por falta de producción o por aumento en la destrucción de las plaquetas. Las plaquetas son células extremadamente importantes para los organismos vertebrados, pues son ellas las que previenen e interrumpen las hemorragias, actuando en la formación de coågulos y participando en la coagulación sanguínea. En años pasados se ha descrito un síndrome, de etiología viral, que recibe el nombre de Síndrome de Trombocitopenia con Fiebre Severa (SFTS). El Síndrome de Trombocitopenia con Fiebre Severa es una enfermedad infecciosa transmitida por garrapatas (arbovirus), con una alta tasa de letalidad
