252 research outputs found

    On the Boundedness of a Generalized Fractional Integral on Generalized Morrey Spaces

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    In this paper we extend Nakai's result on the boundedness of a general- ized fractional integral operator from a generalized Morrey space to another generalized Morrey or Campanato space

    The boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces

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    In this paper, we prove the boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces. The proof uses the usual dyadic decomposition, a Hedberg-type inequality for the operators, and the boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. Our results reveal that the norm of the operators is dominated by the norm of the kernels.Comment: 10 page

    Norm estimates for Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces

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    We revisit the properties of Bessel-Riesz operators and refine the proof of the boundedness of these operators on generalized Morrey spaces using Young's inequality. We also obtain an estimate for the norm of these operators on generalized Morrey spaces. In addition, we reprove the boundedness of fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces and estimate their norm.Comment: 10 page

    A new modified logistic growth model for empirical use

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    Richards model, Gompertz model, and logistic model are widely used to describe growth model of a population. The Richards growth model is a modification of the logistic growth model. In this paper, we present a new modified logistic growth model. The proposed model was derived from a modification of the classical logistic differential equation. From the solution of the differential equation, we present a new mathematical growth model so called a WEP-modified logistic growth model for describing growth function of a living organism. We also extend the proposed model into couple WEP-modified logistic growth model. We further simulated and verified the proposed model by using chicken weight data cited from the literature. It was found that the proposed model gave more accurate predicted results compared to Richard, Gompertz, and logistic model. Therefore the proposed model could be used as an alternative model to describe individual growth

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Dewan Komisaris Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh karateristik dewan komisaris terhadap kinerja keuangan yang dihitung menggunakan harga saham. Studi kasus pada perbankan yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2015 – 2017. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan cara purposive sampling, sampel yang digunakan adalah data laporan tahunan bank. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel dependen (harga saham), variabel independen (karakteristik dewan komisaris), dan variabel kontrol ( umur bank, ukuran bank, dan profitabilitas). Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji koefisien determinan, uji F, uji -t dengan tingkat signifikansi 5%. Perhitungan menggunakan Software Eviews 8. Hasil dari uji koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,635167. Hasil dari F Statistik adalah 6,875820 dengan probabilitas 0,000280 (lebih rendah daripada tingkat signifikasinya). Berdasarkan hasil uji -t jumlah rapat dewan komisaris, dewan komisaris independen, dan kualifikasi dewan komisaris berpengaruh positif terhadap harga saham sedangkan anggota wanita dewan komisaris dan jumlah anggota dewan komisaris tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham. Kata Kunci: Harga Saham, Corporate Governance, Dewan Komisaris, Karateristik Dewan Komisaris

    Fetal hemoglobin reactivation and cell engineering in the treatment of sickle cell anemia

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    The natural history of severe hemoglobinopathies like sickle cell disease (SCD) is rather variable, depending on the circumstances, but the main influence on such variability is the level of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in the patient’s red cells. It is well known that a significant HbF level is associated with a milder course of disease and fewer complications. Therefore, attempts have been made to reactivate using various means the HbF production, which is normally switched off perinatally. A pharmacological approach has been attempted since the 1980s, ranging from drugs like 5-azacytidine and its derivative, decitabine, to a series of compounds like hydroxyurea and a number of histone deacetylase inhibitors like butyrate, which seem to act as epigenetic modifiers. Many other disparate agents have been tried with mixed results, but hydroxyurea remains the most effective compound so far available. Combinations of different compounds have also been tried with some success. Established treatments like bone marrow or cord blood transplantation are so far the only real cure for a limited number of patients with severe hemoglobinopathies. Improved chemotherapy regimens of milder toxicity than those employed in the past have made it possible recently to obtain a stable, mixed donor-recipient chimerism, with reversal of the SCD phenotype. However, great effort is directed to cell engineering, searching for an effective gene vector by which a desired gene can be transferred into new classes of vectors for autologous hemopoietic stem cells. Recent studies are also aiming at targeted insertion of the therapeutic gene into hemopoietic cells, which can also be β€œinduced” human stem cells, obtained from somatic dedifferentiated cells. Attention in this area must be paid to the possibility of undesired effects, like the emergence of potentially oncogenic cell populations. Finally, an update is presented on improved HbF determination methods, because common international standards are becoming mandatory


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    Abstrak. Masa pandemi Covid19 memaksa pelaku UMKM mempertahankan usahanya ditengah kondisi yang tidak menentu. Kondisi pandemi memunculkan pola kebiasaan baru untukselalu terhubung secara daring. Hal ini mendesak para pelaku UMKM untuk segerabertransformasi digital menangkap peluang dan memperluas jangkauan pasar produknya yangsejalan dengan program pemerintah pada agenda percepatan pemulihan ekonomi nasional,UMKM Go-Digital. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat bermitra dengan salah satu UMKMbidang kuliner, Tahu Gajah, bersinergi dalam perjalanan transformasi digital dengan membangundigital branding kit yang berupa brand identity, website, dan akun sosial media Instagram (IG).Metode pada program ini terdiri dari (1) persiapan yang meliputi analisis kebutuhan lapangan danstudi pustaka; (2) perancangan digital branding (3) pelaksanaan kegiatan berupa serah terimadigital branding (brand identity, website tahugajah.com dan akun IG @tahugajah) danpendampingan strategi pemasaran digital. Selama satu bulan kegiatan pendampingan kamimembantu pembuatan konten IG berupa promosi website, promosi produk serta pemasanganIG ads. Hasil dari pendampingan berupa kunjungan website sebanyak 36 kunjungan dan 48pengikut baru akun IG dengan jangkauan pemasaran sebanyak 15,8 ribu akun dan jumlahinteraksi konten sebesar 149 akun. Hal ini merupakan sebuah potensi awal bagi UMKM TahuGajah untuk bertransformasi digital demi keberlangsungan perkembangan bisnis di masa kini danmendatang. Kata Kunci: digital branding, UMKM, website, Instagram, Go-Digita

    The fractional integral operators on morrey spaces over Q-homogeneous metric measure space

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    This paper establishes necessary and sufficient condition for the boundedness of the fractional integral operator I_\apha on Morrey spaces over metric measure spaces which satisfies the Q-homogeneous and its corollary
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