11 research outputs found

    Soil As A Reservoir For Road Salt Retention Leading To Its Gradual Release To Groundwater

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    Road salt application elevates Na and Cl concentrations throughout the year in many surface water and groundwater systems. This study explores the role of soils in extending the lag time between road salt application and the delivery of Na and Cl to shallow groundwater in a temperate environment. Intact soil cores were collected near karst springs at both an urban and a rural site at distances of 1 m, 5 m, and 13 m from nearby roads that experience winter salting. Cores were manipulated in the lab to simulate various field conditions; treatments included irrigation with: 1) deionized (DI) water (DI group) as a control, 2) NaCl solution (salt group) to mimic prolonged exposure to road salt, or 3) NaCl followed by DI water (recovery group) to mimic winter road salting followed by dilute rainfall in spring. In the first NaCl irrigation of the salt and recovery groups, soils retained 62% of the applied Cl and 66% of the applied Na on average, which was largely stored in the porewater. Throughout the 5 week study, Ca, Mg, and K were elevated and the pH was depressed in leachate from salt group compared to DI group cores due to cation exchange. Likewise, cation exchange enhanced Na retention so that salt and recovery group cores retained half of the applied Na at the end of the experiment, compared to a quarter of the Cl. Na and Cl retention were greater for soils from the rural site, which is characterized by higher organic matter (OM) and sand content, faster infiltration, and lower bulk density than for the urban site, which has higher bulk density and more silt and clay. Furthermore, extractable Cl in untreated field soils was positively correlated with soil water content, OM, and sand content, suggesting that these properties may control retention. We assume Cl retention to be the result of porewater retention, microbial uptake, and chlorination of soil OM. After the addition of 2000 mg Cl to the salt group cores, non-conservative Cl behavior ceased because the retention capacity of the soils had been exhausted. Recovery rates during DI flushes of recovery group cores indicate that these soils slowly release Na and Cl for at least 2.5–5 months following salt application. This gradual release from soils helps to explain the year-round persistence of high salt concentrations in some surface waters and groundwaters

    Characterizing Nutrient Distributions And Fluxes In A Eutrophic Reservoir, Midwestern United States

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    Harmful algal blooms are increasingly common in aquatic ecosystems and have been linked to runoff from agricultural land. This study investigated the internal nutrient (i.e., phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N)) dynamics of a eutrophic reservoir in the Midwestern United States to constrain the potential for sedimentary nutrients to stimulate harmful algal blooms. The spatial distribution of nutrients in the water column (soluble reactive P (SRP), nitrate/nitrite-N (NOx-N), and ammonium-N (NH4+-N)) and sediments (total P, total carbon (C), total N, and organic matter (OM)) were quantified and mapped. Water column nutrients varied spatially and temporally, with generally higher concentrations near the dam wall during normal lake levels. The upper portion of the lake, near the inlet, was sampled during a flood event and had overall higher nutrient concentrations and lower chlorophyll levels compared to normal lake level samples. Mean sedimentary total P (936 mg/kg) was ~ 30% higher in the reservoir than the surrounding upland soils, with the highest concentrations near the dam wall (1661 mg/kg) and a significant positive correlation found between sedimentary total P, total C, and OM. Additionally, 15 intact sediment cores were manipulated ex situ to examine mechanisms of nutrient flux across the sediment-water interface (SWI) that may trigger algal blooms. Core treatment conditions included advection (i.e., simulating potential nutrient fluxes during wind events through sediment resuspension) and diffusion. Core experiments indicated both advective and diffusive conditions at the SWI may trigger the flux of nutrients important for algal growth from lake sediments, with diffusion contributing both N and P to the water column, while intense advection increased water column N, but decreased P. Release of P to the water column may be more diffusion-driven than advection-driven, whereas N release to the water column appears to be both diffusion- and advection-driven

    Sampling, Sorting, And Characterizing Microplastics In Aquatic Environments With High Suspended Sediment Loads And Large Floating Debris

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    The ubiquitous presence of plastic debris in the ocean is widely recognized by the public, scientific communities, and government agencies. However, only recently have microplastics in freshwater systems, such as rivers and lakes, been quantified. Microplastic sampling at the surface usually consists of deploying drift nets behind either a stationary or moving boat, which limits the sampling to environments with low levels of suspended sediments and floating or submerged debris. Previous studies that employed drift nets to collect microplastic debris typically used nets with ≥300 µm mesh size, allowing plastic debris (particles and fibers) below this size to pass through the net and elude quantification. The protocol detailed here enables: 1) sample collection in environments with high suspended loads and floating or submerged debris and 2) the capture and quantification of microplastic particles and fibers \u3c300 µm. Water samples were collected using a peristaltic pump in low-density polyethylene (PE) containers to be stored before filtering and analysis in the lab. Filtration was done with a custom-made microplastic filtration device containing detachable union joints that housed nylon mesh sieves and mixed cellulose ester membrane filters. Mesh sieves and membrane filters were examined with a stereomicroscope to quantify and separate microplastic particulates and fibers. These materials were then examined using a micro-attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (micro ATR-FTIR) to determine microplastic polymer type. Recovery was measured by spiking samples using blue PE particulates and green nylon fibers; percent recovery was determined to be 100% for particulates and 92% for fibers. This protocol will guide similar studies on microplastics in high velocity rivers with high concentrations of sediment. With simple modifications to the peristaltic pump and filtration device, users can collect and analyze various sample volumes and particulate sizes

    Machine Learning-Based Ensemble Prediction of Water-quality Variables Using Feature-level and Decision-level Fusion with Proximal Remote Sensing

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    The objectives of this study were to accurately model relationships between spectral reflectance and water-quality parameters, including blue-green algae phycocyanin, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, turbidity, and total dissolved solids; evaluate feature-level fusion to spectral data for water-quality modeling; and evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning regression techniques and decision-level fusion for water-quality variable prediction. We introduce the application of canonical correlation analysis fusion as a method for water-based spectral analysis to overcome the low signal-to-noise ratio of the data. Water-quality variables and spectral reflectance were used to create predictive models via machine learning regression models, including multiple linear regression, partial least-squares regression, Gaussian process regression, support vector machine regression, and extreme learning machine regression. The models were then combined using decision-level fusion. Results indicate that canonical correlation analysis feature-level fusion and machine learning techniques are superior to traditional methods

    The CO2 consumption potential during gray shale weathering: Insights from the evolution of carbon isotopes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills critical zone observatory

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    Shale covers about 25% of the land surface, and is therefore an important rock type that consumes CO2 during weathering. We evaluated the potential of gray shale to take up CO2 from the atmosphere by investigating the evolution of dissolved inorganiccarbon (DIC) concentrations and its carbon isotopic ratio (δ13CDIC) along water flow paths in a well-characterized critical zone observatory (Susquehanna Shale Hills catchment). In this catchment, chemical weathering in shallow soils is dominated by clay transformation as no carbonates are present, and soil pore waters are characterized by low DIC and pH. In shallow soil porewaters, the DIC, dominated by dissolved CO2, is in chemical and isotopic equilibrium with CO2 in the soil atmosphere where pCO2 varies seasonally to as high as 40 times that of the atmosphere. The degradation of ancient organic matter is negligible in contributing to soil CO2. The chemistry of groundwater varies along different flowpaths as soil pore water recharges to the water table and then dissolves ankerite or secondary calcite under the valley floor. Weathering of carbonate leads to much higher concentrations of DIC (∼2500 μmol/L) and divalent cations(Ca2+ and Mg2+) in groundwaters than soil waters. The depth to the ankerite weathering front is hypothesized to be roughly coincident with the water table but it varies due to heterogeneities in the protolith composition. Groundwater chemistry therefore shows different saturation indices with respect to ankerite depending upon location along the valley. The δ13CDIC values of these groundwaters document mixing between the ankerite and soil CO2. The major element concentrations, DIC, and δ13CDIC in the first-order stream incising the valley of the catchment are derived from groundwater and soil waters in proportions that vary both spatially and temporally. The CO2degassed slightly in the stream but little evidence of C isotopic equilibration with the atmosphere is observed, due to the short length of the stream and short contact time with air. The ankerite reaction front also lies close to the pyrite dissolution front. Pyrite oxidation in bedrock likely released sulfuric acid and played a minor role in the ankerite dissolution, shifting groundwater δ13CDIC slightly above the expected mixing values. At the catchment scale, the stream SO42− is also dominantly derived from wet deposition, as stream has δ34SSO4 values around 3‰, well within the range of acid deposition. A mass balance calculation shows that silicate and ankerite dissolution of the Rose Hill shale at Shale Hills consumes CO2 at a rate of ∼44 and ∼42–48 mol m−2 ky−1 respectively, while degradation of ancient organic matter releases CO2 at a rate of ∼1.3 mol m−2 ky−1. Silicate dissolution at the shallow soils is facilitated by low pH and high soil pCO2. As ankerite dissolution and organic matter oxidation are shown to occur early during shale alteration, CO2 consumption by shale weathering is thus limited by initiation of rock disintegration (e.g., fractures) and exposure of fresh surface area to infiltrating CO2- and O2-rich water