4 research outputs found
Deregulation and Risk
- Author
- A Goyal
- A Michel
- Abdullah Mamun
- Aigbe Akhigbe
- Andrew Chen
- Anthony Saunders
- Anthony Saunders
- Bakaert
- Burton G Malkiel
- C R Enis
- Cavarra
- Charles Cao
- Charles R Enis
- D R Fraser
- E R Bruning
- Edward Morash
- Edward Morash
- Elias J. Semaan
- Eric M Patashnik
- Faith R Neale
- Faith R Neale
- Graeme Guthrie
- Gregory Brown
- H Guo
- H Hong
- H S Yildirim
- H Van Auken
- J Aharony
- James Shaw
- Jason Fink
- John Campbell
- Josďż˝-Miguel Gaspar
- Kathryn Schipper
- L Pastor
- Lawrence F Cunningham
- M Floden
- Mark H Rose
- Michael W Babcock
- Michael W Brandt
- P Allen
- P Irvine
- Pamela Peterson Drake
- Paul L Joskow
- Paul L Joskow
- Philip E Strahan
- Rajiv D Banker
- Ricardo Corres
- Robert D Brooks
- Robert Horwitz
- S Peltzman
- S Wei
- Sheelah Turner
- Steven A Allen
- Susan E Moeller
- T Bali
- William E O&apos
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
Differing HIV Risks and Prevention Needs among Men and Women Injection Drug Users (IDU) in the District of Columbia
- Author
- A Lansky
- A Lansky
- A Stormer
- AB Wisniewski
- Alan E. Greenberg
- Angela Wood
- Anthony Rawls
- AS Abdul-Quader
- AS Abdul-Quader
- AS Abdul-Quader
- BK Singh
- C McDonald
- C McKnight
- CA Latkin
- CA Latkin
- D Abramovitz
- D Heckathorn
- D Heckathorn
- D Heckathorn
- D Holtzman
- D Vlahov
- D Vlahov
- D Vlahov
- DW Purcell
- EL Gollub
- Flora Hamilton
- GA Bennett
- Gregory Phillips
- I Kuo
- IJ Spijkerman
- Irene Kuo
- J Absalon
- J Ramirez-Valles
- James Peterson
- JB Unger
- Jenevieve Opoku
- JL Evans
- KS Riehman
- L Platt
- Luz Montanez
- M Garcia de la Hera
- M Magnus
- M Magnus
- Manya Magnus
- MC Doherty
- MF Cruz
- Nnemdi Kamanu-Elias
- R Dwyer
- R Magnani
- RD Burt
- RG Deiss
- S Semaan
- SA Strathdee
- SB Montgomery
- Tiffany West-Ojo
- W Mandell
- WJ Woods
- WT Robinson
- Yujiang Jia
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Disentangling puberty: novel neuroendocrine pathways and mechanisms for the control of mammalian puberty
- Author
- Abreu
- Ahmed
- Aksglaede
- Aksglaede
- Almstrup
- Altarejos
- Arisawa
- Backholer
- Bartel
- Bellefontaine
- Benite-Ribeiro
- Bentsen
- Bessa
- Boehm
- Briggs
- Bruning
- Busch
- Castellano
- Castellano
- Castellano
- Castellano
- Castellano
- Chan
- Chou
- Clarkson
- Clarkson
- Clarkson
- Clement
- Codner
- Coiro
- Comninos
- Coyral-Castel
- Cravo
- Cui
- Davalos
- Day
- Day
- De Bond
- de Croft
- De Leonibus
- de Roux
- Dolinoy
- Donato
- Donato
- Donato
- d’Anglemont de Tassigny
- Elias
- Elias
- Elks
- Esquela-Kerscher
- Evans
- Farooqi
- Farooqi
- Fernandez-Fernandez
- Fink
- Forbes
- Franssen
- Frazao
- Frisch
- Fu
- Gajdos
- Garcia-Galiano
- Garcia-Galiano
- Garcia-Galiano
- Garcia-Galiano
- Garfield
- Gaytan
- Gill
- Greenwald-Yarnell
- Grossman
- Guan
- Gutierrez
- Gyurko
- Hagen
- Hanchate
- Hasuwa
- Heo
- Herbison
- Herman-Giddens
- Hrabovszky
- Hrabovszky
- Hu
- Jaenisch
- Jordan
- Kohno
- Kouzarides
- Kundakovic
- Kurian
- Kurian
- Kurian
- Lakshman
- Lanfranco
- Lebrethon
- Lehman
- Leon
- Li
- Li
- Lomniczi
- Lomniczi
- Lomniczi
- Lomniczi
- Lopez
- Losa-Ward
- Louis
- M J Vazquez
- M S Avendaño
- M Tena-Sempere
- Maguire
- Manfredi-Lozano
- Mantzoros
- Martin
- Matkovic
- Matsuda
- Mayer
- Mayer
- McCarthy
- Messina
- Minabe
- Muller
- Murray
- Nakahara
- Naule
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Navarro
- Nestor
- Noritake
- Oakley
- Ojeda
- Ojeda
- Ojeda
- O’Rahilly
- Padilla
- Parent
- Parent
- Parent
- Park
- Paulsen
- Perry
- Pineda
- Pineda
- Pinilla
- Plagemann
- Plant
- Plant
- Plant
- Popa
- Prague
- Pralong
- Prats-Puig
- Prevot
- Prieto
- Prusinski
- Qiu
- Qiu
- Qiu
- Qiu
- Quennell
- Quennell
- Ramaswamy
- Rance
- Rasmussen
- Ratra
- Rennie
- Rivera
- Roa
- Roa
- Roa
- Roa
- Roa
- Roa
- Roa
- Roa
- Roland
- Roldan Martin
- Roth
- Ruiz-Pino
- Sachdeva
- Sampson
- Sanchez-Garrido
- Sanchez-Garrido
- Sangiao-Alvarellos
- Sangiao-Alvarellos
- Sangiao-Alvarellos
- Sayed
- Schug
- Semaan
- Seminara
- Shahab
- Shen
- Shin
- Silva
- Simavli
- Sims
- Singh
- Skorupskaite
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sorensen
- Soriano-Guillen
- Steinhoff
- Stephens
- Stueve
- Tena-Sempere
- Tena-Sempere
- Tena-Sempere
- Tena-Sempere
- Terasawa
- Tomikawa
- Topaloglu
- Topaloglu
- Traczyk
- Trotman
- True
- True
- Uenoyama
- Van Emburgh
- Vazquez
- Vienberg
- Viswanathan
- Vulliemoz
- Wen
- Whatmore
- Wohlfahrt-Veje
- Wu
- Xu
- Yang
- Young
- Yu
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Zhu
- Zigman
- Ziller
- Zuure
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Comparison of the prevalence rates of HIV infection between men who have sex with men (MSM) and men in the general population in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Author
- A Liberati
- AL Wirtz
- AL Wirtz
- AS Abdul-Quader
- AS Abdul-Quader
- AS Wade
- C Beyrer
- C Kendall
- Carin Ahouada
- CE Holland
- Cellule de Planification et de Statistique - CPS/SSDSPF/Mali Institut National de la Statistique - INSTAT/Mali, Centre d’Études et d’Information Statistiques - INFO-STAT/Mali and ICF International
- Central Statistical Office/Swaziland and Macro International
- D Jarlais
- DD Heckathorn
- DK Ekouevi
- EJ Sanders
- Ghana Statistical Service - GSS Ghana Health Service - GHS, and ICF International
- Hervé Tchala Vignon Zomahoun
- Institut National de la Statistique - INS/Cameroun and ICF. International
- Institut National de la Statistique et de la DĂ©mographie - INSD/Burkina Faso and ICF International
- Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique - INSAE/Bénin and ICF International
- Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique - INSAE/Bénin and ICF International
- J Lloyd
- JN Park
- K Mason
- Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Health/Kenya, National AIDS Control Council/Kenya, Kenya Medical Research Institute, National Council for Population and Development/Kenya, and ICF International
- Lesotho Demographic and Health Survey 2014 Ministry of Health/Lesotho and ICF International
- LT Lesetedi
- M Bemelmans
- M Dahoma
- M Lahuerta
- M-A Davies
- MC Boily
- Michel Alary
- Michel Boko
- Ministry of Health and Social Services - MoHSS/Namibia and Macro International
- Ministry of Health/Uganda and ICF International
- Ministère de la Planification du Développement et de l’Aménagement du Territoire - MPDAT/Togo, Ministère de la Santé - MS/Togo and ICF International
- Ministério da Saúde - MINSA/Angola Ministério do Planeamento e do Desenvolvimento Territorial (MINPLAN) and ICF
- MJ Salganik
- National Statistical Office - NSO/Malawi and ICF Macro
- P Girault
- P Pluye
- P. H. Septime Hessou
- Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA)
- Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA)
- Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA)
- Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA)
- Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA)
- R. Christian Johnson
- Rheda Adekpedjou
- S Baral
- S Baral
- S Baral
- S Hessou
- S Ndiaye
- S Semaan
- S Stahlman
- SD Baral
- TACAIDS/Tanzania ZAC/Tanzania, NBS/Tanzania, OCGS/Tanzania, and Macro International
- The Gambia Bureau of Statistics - GBOS and ICF International
- TT Elias Dah
- V Paleologou
- W Hladik
- Yolaine Glele-Ahanhanzo
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study