56 research outputs found

    Yeni teknolojilerle baharatlardan esansiyel yağ ekstraksiyonu ve bu yağların fiziksel, antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özellikleri

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı yeni ekstraksiyon teknolojileri kullanılarak Türkiye’de yetişen kekik, defne ve biberiye (esansiyel) uçucu yağlarının eldesidir. Farklı ekstraksiyon metodları ile elde edilen ürün yağ içeriği ve kompozisyonu açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, farklı ekstraksiyon metodlarıyla elde edilen uçucu yağların antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özellikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, kekik ve defne için çözgensiz mikrodalga ekstraksiyonu (ÇME) ve biberiye için mikrodalga yardımlı hidrodistilasyon (MYH) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, baharatlardan yağ elde etmek için süperkritik akışkan ekstraksiyonu denenmiştir. Kontrol olarak hidrodistilasyon kullanılmıştır. ÇME ya da süperkritik karbondioksit ekstraksiyon metodlarının, hidrodistilasyonla kıyaslandığında daha fazla kekik uçucu yağı verdiği tespit edilmiştir. ÇME ve hidrodistilasyonla elde edilen uçucu yağların kompozisyonları dolayısıyla antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri arasında önemli bir fark bulunmazken süperkritik akışkan ekstraksiyonu ile elde edilen yağın kompozisyonu farklı bulunmuştur. ÇME yönteminde hidrodistilasyona göre işlem süresi %80 azalmıştır. ÇME ve hidrodistilasyon yöntemleriyle elde edilen defne yağları arasında verim, antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktivite bakımından önemli bir fark bulunmamıştır. ÇME yöntemi kullanıldığında işlem süresinin hidrodistilasyona göre % 55-60 oranında kısaldığı görülmüştür. En yüksek verim süperkritik karbondioksit ekstraksiyonunda elde edilirken, en çok oksijenli bileşen miktarı ÇME yöntemi kullanıldığında elde edilmiştir. Biberiye yaprakları suyu yeterince emmediği için ÇME yöntemi bu bitki için başarılı olmamış ve onun yerine MYH metodu kullanılmıştır. Bu metod, hidrodistilasyona göre işlem süresini % 65 oranında kısaltmıştır. MYH metodu ile hidrodistilasyona ve süperkritik akışkan ekstraksiyonuna göre daha fazla oksijenli bileşen elde edilmiştir. MYH metodu ve hidrodistilasyon ile elde edilen biberiye uçucu yağları antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri açısından benzerlik göstermiştir. Hidrodistilasyona göre daha kısa sürede daha kaliteli yağ elde edilen çözgensiz mikrodalga ekstraksiyonu kekik ve defne için ve mikrodalga yardımlı hidrodistilasyon biberiye için en uygun ekstraksiyon metodları olarak seçilmiştir.The objective of this study is to extract essential oils of oregano, laurel and rosemary which are widely grown in Turkey by using novel extraction methods. The essential oils obtained from different extraction methods were compared with respect to yield and composition. In addition, the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the essential oils obtained using different extraction methods were determined. In this study, solvent free microwave extraction (SFME) for oregano and laurel and microwave assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) for rosemary were used. In addition, extractions were performed using supercritical carbondioxide extraction (SFE) method. Essential oils were also obtained using hydrodistillation method as control. SFME and supercritical carbondioxide extraction offered significantly higher oregano essential oil yield as compared to hydrodistillation. While no significant difference was obtained in the compositions and consequently antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of oregano essential oils obtained by SFME and hydrodistillation, the composition was quite different in the case of SFE. Conventional process time was reduced by 80% in SFME. No significant differences were obtained between SFME and hydrodistillation with respect to both yield and antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of laurel oil. The process time was reduced by 55-60% when SFME was used. The highest yield was obtained in SFE while the concentration of oxygenated compounds was the highest in SFME. In the extraction of essential oils from oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) SFME gave good results but it couldn’t be applied for the extraction of essential oil from rosemary. Therefore, in the case of rosemary, MAHD was used. MAHD reduced process time by 65 % as compared to hydrodistillation. Significantly higher amounts of oxygenated compounds were detected in the essential oils extracted by MAHD than by hydrodistillation and SFE. Rosemary essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation and MAHD were not different with respect to their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. SFME was found to be a simple, time saving method and a good alternative for the extraction of essential oils from oregano and laurel. In rosemary, MAHD can be used as an alternative

    Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information

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    [EN] Background In vitro digestion models show great promise in facilitating the rationale design of foods. This paper provides a look into the current state of the art and outlines possible future paths for developments of digestion models recreating the diverse physiological conditions of specific groups of the human population. Scope and approach Based on a collective effort of experts, this paper outlines considerations and parameters needed for development of new in vitro digestion models, e.g. gastric pH, enzymatic activities, gastric emptying rate and more. These and other parameters are detrimental to the adequate development of in vitro models that enable deeper insight into matters of food luminal breakdown as well as nutrient and nutraceutical bioaccessibility. Subsequently, we present an overview of some new and emerging in vitro digestion models mirroring the gastro-intestinal conditions of infants, the elderly and patients of cystic fibrosis or gastric bypass surgery. Key findings and conclusions This paper calls for synchronization, harmonization and validation of potential developments in in vitro digestion models that would greatly facilitate manufacturing of foods tailored or even personalized, to a certain extent, to various strata of the human population.Shani-Levi, C.; Alvito, P.; Andrés Grau, AM.; Assunção, R.; Barbera, R.; Blanquet-Diot, S.; Bourlieu, C.... (2017). Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 60:52-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2016.10.017S52636

    Hayvansal kaynaklı gıdalarda ısısal işlemlerin protein kalitesi üzerine etkisinin çeşitli yöntemlerle değerlendirilmesi

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    Proteins occupy a unique status among the constituents of biological matter by virtue of their relatively large size and complex, multif aceted and multireactive structures. These properties of food protein can exert profound changes on the functionality and nutritional quality of the protein. There are a number of degradative reactions resulting from the processing or storage environment which can cause undesirable changes in protein. In this study, nutritive value of the reference protein casein was evaluated by the biological methods using Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Net Protein Ratio (NPR), Nitrogen Utilization (NU), and Food Conversation Efficiency (FCE). Moisture, protein contents and in vitro protein digestibility (using three different methods) of casein, raw milk, sterilized milk, dry milk (0 month), stored dry milks (4, 6, 12 and 18 months), raw Rainbow trout, broilled Rainbow trout, smoked Rainbow trout, whey proteins (I and II) and infqnt formulas (I and II) were determined. Available lysine contents of the samples, except for the dry mjllks that were stored four and twelve months, were determined. Protein quality of the samples was evaluated using Chemical Score (CS), Essential Amino Acid Index (EAAI), Modified Essential Amino Acid Index, FA0/WH0 Index, Amino Acid Score (AAS), Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), Amino Acid Rating (AAR), Relative Amino Acid Rating (RAAR), Protein Digestibility Corrected AAR and RAAR (PDCAAR and PDCRAAR) Calculated-PER and Discriminate Calculated-PER methods. Biological PER, NPR, NU and FCE values of the reference protein casein were found to be 2.63, 4.16, 4.24 and 0.30, respectively. Chemical Scores of allthe samples were found to be lower than the egg protein. Modified Essential Amino Acid Index, on the other hand, was found to be a better indicator of amino acid composition. Available lysine content of dry milk (stored for 18 months) was significantly lower than the available lysine content of raw milk. Broiling and smoking caused significant losses in the available lysine content of the raw Rainbow trout, however broiling and smoking processes had similar effects. Since the production of commercial infant formulas (coded as formula I and II) involved heat treatment, a low availability of lysine was obtained. In vitro protein digestibility of all samples were determined using three different methods which highly correlated with each other. Sterilization of raw milk and processing of dry milk caused an increase, and storage of dry milk for 18 months caused a decrease protein digestibility. Amino Acid Scores of casein, raw milk, dry milk (0 month), dry milk stored for 6 months, raw Rainbow trout, broiled Rainbow trout, and smoked Rainbow trout were found to be 100 %, however Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Scores of only casein, raw milk and dry milk (0 month) were 100 %. Amino Acid Rating and Relative Amino Acid Rating, recommended for the evaluation of the protein quality of infant formulas were found to be within the given ranges for milk based formulas for formula I but were higher for the sucrose-sweetened formula II. Results with the in vitro digestibility corrected values were found to be in accordance with the literature. Further studies should be done on C-PER and DC-PER methods with a larger group of food protein sources

    Nanoemülsiyonlar: oluşumları, yapıları ve kollodial salınım sistemleri olarak Gıda sektöründe kullanım alanları

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    Nanotechnology focuses on the characterization, fabrication, and manipulation of biological and non-biological structures smaller than 100 nm. One of the application areas of nanotechnology in food sector is fortification of foods and development of new food product. Micronutrients may adversely affect the bioavailability due to their own inherent (physical-chemical) properties or as a result of interaction with other ingredients in the system. Some problems concerning product formulation may be encountered especially due to solubility limitations. Nanotechnology enhances the efficacy and bioavailability of nutrients, proteins and antioxidants delivering them more effectively and efficiently to specific sites in human body or to specific cells. the use of nanoemulsions for the fortification of foods is in their infancy yet. Nanoemulsions are systems having size of 20-200 nm droplets. For the controlled delivery of nutrients and related actives with nanoemulsions in the human body, a good understanding on the formations and structures of nanoemulsions is required. However, studies in this field are limited. This aim of this study is to present a review on formation and structures of nanoemulsions and their use as colloidal delivery systems in the food sector.Nanoteknoloji, 100 nm’den daha küçük biyolojik ve biyolojik olmayan yapıların karakterizasyonu, yapımı ve işlenmesi üzerinde yoğunlaşmış bir teknolojidir. Nanoteknolojinin gıda endüstrisindeki uygulama alanlarından biri gıdaların besin öğelerince zenginleştirilmesi ve yeni ürün geliştirilmesidir. Mikro besin öğelerinin kendi doğal özellikleri (fizikokimyasal) ve diğer besin öğeleriyle veya bileşenlerle etkileşimleri biyoyararlılıklarını etkileyebilir. Özellikle çözünürlükteki kısıtlamalara bağlı olarak ürün formülasyonunda zorluklarla karşılaşılabilinmektedir. Nanoteknoloji ile, besin öğelerinin, proteinlerin ve antioksidanların vücudun spesifik bölgelerine ve hücrelerine daha etkili ve verimli ulaşması sağlanarak bu bileşenlerin etkinliği ve biyoyararlılığı arttırılmaktadır. Gıdaların besin öğelerince zenginleştirilmesinde nanoemülsiyonların kullanımı henüz başlangıç aşamasındadır. Nanoemülsiyonlar, 20- 200 nm boyutunda damlacıklara sahip olan sistemlerdir. Nanoemülsiyonlar aracılığı ile besin öğelerinin vb. aktif bileşenlerin vücutta kontrollü salınımını sağlamak için nanoemülsiyonların oluşum mekanizmaları ve yapıları iyi bilinmelidir. Ancak bu konuda henüz kaynak sayısı yeterli değildir. Bu derleme nanoemülsiyonların oluşum mekanizmalarını, fiziksel ve kimyasal yapılarını ve kollodial salınım sistemi olarak gıda sektöründe kullanılmalarını konu almaktadır

    Total phenols and antioxidant activities of some herbal teas and In vitro biovailability of black tea polypenols

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    In recent years, studies on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of foods have increased due to the inverse relationship between degenerative diseases and consumption of polyphenol rich foods. To clarify the controversy related to if antioxidant activity can be supplied in vivo, the necessity for data on bioavailability of phenolic compounds are considered. The aim of the study was to determine total phenols and antioxidant activities of sage, linden flower, fresh nettle, dried nettle leaves and black tea infusions which are popular beverages in the Mediterranean region and also to evaluate antioxidant activities of standard phenolic compounds (catechin, ferulic acid, quercetin) and Trolox for comparison. Moreover, another goal was to determine in vitro bioavailability of black tea. Both black tea infusion and black tea dialysate inhibited ABTS radical cation oxidation by 99.43% and 42% respectively. Infusions of sage, linden flower, fresh nettle, dried nettle leaves inhibited ABTS radical cation oxidation by 39.61%, 96.70%, 70.80% and 95.50% respectively. Although total phenols of black tea dialysate decreased by 96.48%, total antioxidant activity decreased by 57.76%. Ten uM catechin and lOuM quercetin showed 100% inhibition on ABTS radical cation oxidation. However, Trolox and ferulic acid showed 100% inhibition at 20 uM concentrations. Total antioxidant activity of a cup of black tea was found to be equal to 10 uM of quercetin, 10 uM of catechin, 20 uM of Trolox and 20 uM of ferulic acid. Total antioxidant activity of black tea dialysate was slightly higher than both 5 jxM of Trolox and 5 uM of ferulic acid.Son yıllarda fenolik bileşikler ve gıdaların antioksidan aktiviteleri üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sayısındaki artış, polifenollerce zengin gıdaların tüketimi ile dejeneratif hastalıklar arasında negatif ilişkinin saptanmasına bağlanmaktadır. Bu ilişkinin in vivo koşullarda sağlanıp sağlanamayacağını açıklığa kavuşturmak için fenolik bileşiklerin biyoyararlılığına ait çalışmalara gereksinim olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Akdeniz Bölgesinde popüler olarak tüketilen adaçayı, ıhlamur, ısırgan otu, kurutulmuş ısırgan out ve siyah çayın toplam fenolik madde konsantrasyonları ile antioksidan aktivitelerini saptamak ve standart fenolik bileşikler (kateşin, ferulik asit, kuersetin) ile Troloksun antioksidan aktiviteleriyle karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmanın bir diğer amacı ise siyah çaydaki fenolik bileşiklerin in vitro biyoyararlılığının belirlenmesidir. Siyah çay ve siyah çay dializatının ABTS radikal oksidasyonu üzerine inhibisyonları sırasıyla % 99.43 ve % 42 olarak saptanmıştır. Adaçayı, ıhlamur, ısırgan otu ve kurutulmuş ısırgan otu ile elde edilen çaylar ise ABTS radikal oksidasyonunu sırsıyla %39.61, % 96.70, %70.80 ve %95.50 düzeylerinde inhibe etmişlerdir. Siyah çay dializatının toplam fenolik madde içeriğindeki azalma % 96.48 olmasına rağmen toplam antioksidan aktivitedeki azalma % 57.76 olarak saptanmıştır. On uM kateşin ve 10 uM kuersetin ABTS radikal oksidasyonunu %100 inhibe etmiş, oysa Troloks ve ferulik asit için aynı inhibisyon 20 |j,M konsantrasyonda saptanmıştır. Bir fincan çayın toplam antioksidan aktivitesi 10fiM kuersetin, IOuM kateşin, 20 uM Troloks ve 20 uM ferulik aside eşdeğer bulunmuştur. Siyah çay dializatının toplam antioksidan aktivitesi ise 5 uM Troloks ve 5 uM ferulik asitten biraz düşük olmuştur

    Production of resistant starch from taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) corm and determination of its effects on health by in vitro methods

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    WOS: 000309091900002PubMed ID: 22939332The aim of the study was the production of resistant starch from taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) corm and determination of its effects on health by in vitro methods. Starch was isolated from taro corms with 98% purity, and 10.4 +/- 0.5% amylose content. By application of heating, autoclaving, enzymatic debranching, retrogradation, and drying processes to taro starch for two times, resistant starch (RS) content was increased 16 fold (35.1 +/- 1.9%, dry basis). The expected glycemic index (eGI) of taro starch and taro resistant starch was determined as 60.6 +/- 0.5 and 51.9 +/- 0.9, respectively and the decrease in the glycemic index of taro resistant starch was found as statistically significant (P < 0.05). The in vitro binding of bile acids by taro starch and taro resistant starch relative to cholesterol decreasing drug cholestyramine were 5.2 +/- 0.2% and 7.6 +/- 1.7%, respectively. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [TOVAG-107O812]; Ege University Science and Technology Center-EBILTEMEge University [2008/BIL/033]This work has been funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TUBITAK (Project no: TOVAG-107O812) and Ege University Science and Technology Center-EBILTEM (Project no: 2008/BIL/033). We thanks to agricultural engineer R. Erkan Erdogan for providing taro corms and Novozymes for providing termamyl, amyloglucosidase, invertase and pullulanase enzymes

    In vitro bioaccessibility of coenzyme Q10 in enriched yoghurts

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    WOS: 000307500700026In this study, the aim was to determine the bioaccessibilities of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in yoghurt samples produced using enriched skim milk with different coenzyme Q10 preparations. First, emulsified coenzyme Q10, ?-cyclodextrin/coenzyme Q10 complex and nanoparticle coenzyme Q10 were prepared with the reference coenzyme Q10 standard. These coenzyme Q10 preparations were added into the milk to produce coenzyme Q10 enriched yoghurt samples. Nanoparticle coenzyme Q10 was obtained as in spherical shape with 176.00 +/- 50.62 nm diameter. Coenzyme Q10 bioaccessibility was found as 50.59 +/- 1.88% in control yoghurt. The yoghurt enriched nanoparticle coenzyme Q10 had the highest coenzyme Q10 bioaccessibility (73.81 +/- 1.61%) among the produced yoghurts (P < 0.01). Coenzyme Q10 bioaccessibilities were also found as 63.75 +/- 0.91% and 46.83 +/- 1.27% in yoghurts enriched with emulsified coenzyme Q10, and ?-cyclodextrin/coenzyme Q10 complex, respectively.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [108O603]; Ege University Science and Technology Development and Research Center - EBILTEMEge University [09/BIL/013]The financial support by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK (Project no: 108O603) and Ege University Science and Technology Development and Research Center - EBILTEM (Project no: 09/BIL/013) is gratefully acknowledged