189 research outputs found
Socioeconomic evaluation of wild rice as famine food crop in Southern Darfur State, Sudan
Wild rice (Oryza barthii) is increasingly used in Sudan as a food crop. Wild rice is a whole grain, rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, starch, dietary fiber and various phytochemicals; and yet low in fat, with a beneficial fatty acids profile. The objective of this study was to evaluate the socioeconomic significance of wild rice as a famine food crop in Darfur state of Sudan. A study was conducted in five districts (Tullus, Gadad, Demso, Katila, and Umshtoor) in South Darfur in Sudan. Primary data were obtained through a face-to-face semi-questionnaire interview on 146 households; supplemented with interviews of key informants and group discussions. All respondents (100%) not only attested to knowing wild rice and its growth habits, but also consumption (93.8%) of the crop. Wild rice reportedly grows naturally and widely in valleys, although it was dismally exploited by the local population. It is harvested manually and traditionally; and sold mostly in the local markets, without post-harvest value additions. The crop is consumed in various meals, but mainly in the form of porridge. Some respondents (13%) used the crop in times of famine. Wild rice is stored in traditional containers (95.9%) for periods ranging from 8 to 12 years without visible storage problems.
Anti-inflammatory Activity of the Plant Cannabis sativa (L) Petrolium Ether Extract in Albino Rats
In this study the plant Cannabis sativa seeds petroleum oil extract was investigated for anti- inflammatory activity on albino rats. The inflammation was firstly obtained by using carrageenan suspension 0.1 ml of 10% saline injected at the sub – plantar region of the left limb for inducing a local acute oedema. A decreased in oedema size was reported after 24 hours for the rats pretreated with carrageenan30 minutes before injection with suspension( 4.56, 0.59 and 0.93 for control, 1ml/kg per day and 0.5ml/kg per day groups given C. sativa seed extracts respectively.), compared to Indomethacin standard antiinflammatory drug which reported a decrease in oedema size diameter to 0.55mm, which indicated an increase inhibition percentages were reported for the different pretreated groups 0.00, 87.03, 79.56 and 87.91 including the comparative Indomethacin treated groups of rats respectively. On the other hand, the post-treated groups of rats (given C. sativa oil extract after 30 minutes of injection of suspension) showed a similar results for maximum concentration 1 ml/day of C. sativa oil extract in comparison to the standard drug. Hence, such results recommend the prospect focus for the preventive medication use of the extract. The study also highlights no significant changes for serum and protein of the blood taken from rats of the experiments. Although there were significant decrease in lymphocyte and neutrophil, but the changes were not significant. Indomethacin was given to the rats used for a comparative drug (10mg/kg). Moreover, the drug indomethacin used as a comparative parameter showed similar results in comparison to the extract, hence wise the reported results may be recommended for use as anti-inflammatory agent and should be explored more to formulate drug on basis of its activity
Frundu, which in a local term in Darfur for fermented seeds of roselle
( Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), is a traditional Sudanese food often used
as a meat substitute during famine times. The objective of this study
was to assess the relationships between socio-demographic and
management regimes on the use of Frundu as a food security commodity in
urban Darfur in Sudan. A survey involving 140 respondents was conducted
in El-Fashir city markets, where Frundu is a popular commodity in
Darfur markets. A semi-structured questionnaire and Chi square analysis
were used. It was found that the period of fermentation of Frundu
ranged from 3 to 7 days, depending on seasonal temperature. The storage
period of Frundu was on average one year. Over 55% of the respondents
acknowledged Frundu as critical a coping strategy when famine struck
Darfur and the majority of respondents were familiar with Frundu.
Frundu is becoming less popular in Darfur for several reasons;
including difficulty in obtaining Roselle seeds, competition from the
cheapest food items especially during non-famine time; and lack of
familiarity with Frundu among young generations. To boost its
production, processing and utilisation, farmers should be encouraged to
increase its cultivation particularly because it is an important cash
crops in Sudan.Frundu, qui est les graines ferment\ue9es de roselle dans un terme
local au Darfour (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), est un aliment traditionnel
soudanais souvent utilis\ue9 comme substitut de viande en
p\ue9riode de famine. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait
d\u2019\ue9valuer les relations entre les r\ue9gimes
socio-d\ue9mographiques et de gestion sur l\u2019utilisation du
Frundu comme produit de s\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire dans le Darfour
urbain au Soudan. Une enqu\ueate aupr\ue8s de 140 r\ue9pondants a
\ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e sur les march\ue9s de la ville
d\u2019El-Fashir la o\uf9 Frundu est un produit populaire sur les
march\ue9s du Darfour. Un questionnaire semi-structur\ue9 et une
analyse du chi carr\ue9 ont \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9s. Il a
\ue9t\ue9 constat\ue9 que la p\ue9riode de fermentation du
Frundu variait de 3 \ue0 7 jours, selon la temp\ue9rature
saisonni\ue8re. La dur\ue9e de conservation du Frundu \ue9tait en
moyenne d\u2019un an. Plus de 55% des personnes interrog\ue9es ont
reconnu Frundu comme une strat\ue9gie d\u2019adaptation essentielle
lorsque la famine a frapp\ue9 le Darfour et la majorit\ue9 des
personnes interrog\ue9es connaissaient Frundu. Frundu devient moins
populaire au Darfour pour plusieurs raisons ; y compris la
difficult\ue9 \ue0 obtenir des graines de Roselle, la concurrence
des produits alimentaires les moins chers, en particulier dans la
p\ue9riode d\u2018 abondance; et le manque de familiarit\ue9 avec
Frundu parmi les jeunes g\ue9n\ue9rations. Pour stimuler sa
production, sa transformation et son utilisation, les agriculteurs
devraient \ueatre encourag\ue9s \ue0 augmenter la culture de
Frundu, parce que Frundu est une plante de cueillettes commerciales au
Darfur state of Sudan faces famine at different times, thus
necessitating a search for improved coping strategies. The objective of
this study was to assess the value of Corape ( Dactyloctenium
aegyptiacum ) plant as a food crop during famine periods in Darfur
state in Sudan. Atotal of 132 respondents purposely selected from
Alfashir, the capital of north Darfur were interviewed using a
semi-structured questionnaire. Also, key informants and focus group
discussions with local leaders of the area were engaged in data
collection. A total of 82.6% attested the existence of the Corape plant
in Darfur; while 49.2% confirmed its significance as a famine crop in
Darfur. Corape seed is used to prepare different types of meals and its
seed stores for 15 - 20 years. Corape vegetation is also used as animal
fodder, which according to 28% of the respondents can be stored for 6
to 12 months without significant deterioration in quality. This study
concluded that the Corape plant has a good potential as food and fodder
plant and can contribute significantly to household food security and
livelihoods of local communities, if the problems of storage and pests
were tackled.L\u2019\uc9tat du Darfour au Soudan est confront\ue9 \ue0 la
famine \ue0 diff\ue9rents moments, ce qui n\ue9cessite la
recherche de strat\ue9gies d\u2019adaptation am\ue9lior\ue9es.
L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer la
valeur de la plante chiendent patte-poule (Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum)
en tant que culture vivri\ue8re pendant les p\ue9riodes de famine
dans l\u2019\uc9tat du Darfour au Soudan. Au total, 132
r\ue9pondants s\ue9lectionn\ue9s \ue0 dessein \ue0 Alfashir,
la capitale du nord du Darfour ont \ue9t\ue9 interrog\ue9s \ue0
l\u2019aide d\u2019un questionnaire semi-structur\ue9. En outre,
des informateurs cl\ue9s et des discussions de groupe avec des
dirigeants locaux de la r\ue9gion ont \ue9t\ue9 engag\ue9s dans
la collecte de donn\ue9es. Au total, 82,6% ont attest\ue9
l\u2019existence de la plante de chiendent patte-poule au Darfour ;
tandis que 49,2% ont confirm\ue9 son importance en tant que culture
de famine au Darfour. La graine de chiendent patte-poule est
utilis\ue9e pour pr\ue9parer diff\ue9rents types de repas et ses
r\ue9serves de graines pendant 15 \ue0 20 ans. La
v\ue9g\ue9tation de chiendent patte-poule est \ue9galement
utilis\ue9e comme fourrage pour animaux et 28% des r\ue9pondants
ont confirm\ue9 que la vegetation de chiendent patte-poule peut
\ueatre stock\ue9e pendant 6 \ue0 12 mois sans
d\ue9t\ue9rioration significative de la qualit\ue9. Cette
\ue9tude a conclu que la plante de chiendent patte-poule a un bon
potentiel en tant que plante vivri\ue8re et fourrag\ue8re et peut
contribuer de mani\ue8re significative \ue0 la s\ue9curit\ue9
alimentaire des m\ue9nages et aux moyens de subsistance des
communaut\ue9s locales, si les probl\ue8mes de stockage et de
ravageurs \ue9taient r\ue9solus
Malnutrition and associated diseases are major challenges in the
semi-arid Sahelian zone of Africa, where rainfall is <600 mm per
annum. The objective of this study was to document indigenous knowledge
on the significance and management of Ambachi ( Dioscorea hispida ) in
East Darfur State, Sudan. A total of 101 respondents was interviewed
using a semi-structured questionnaire in Bahr Alarab Locality, located
in East Darfur State. Additionally, key informants and group
discussions were held with local leaders to supplement data collection.
The results revealed that Ambachi plant is fairly plentiful in East
Darfur state, and grows naturally in the wild. All respondents were
knowledgeable about Ambachi plant\u2019s appearance, growth cycle,
usage and storage processes. Generally, Ambachi tubers are stored in
various types of natural and synthetic containers, and for varied
periods of time. However, up to 78% of the respondents reported Shawwal
(made of plastic material), as the most preferred container for storage
of dry tubers. Virtually all households (99%) attested to consuming
Ambachi-based foods particularly during famine periods. Up to 98% of
Ambachi plant tubers are soaked before cooking to remove the bitter
taste; and two thirds of interviewees were familiar with the cooking
process of Ambachi foods. Lastly, Ambachi plant tubers are tradable in
different local markets across the region; although it was mainly sold
in Abu matareg market located in Bahar Alara locality.La malnutrition et les maladies associ\ue9es sont des d\ue9fis
majeurs dans la zone sah\ue9lienne semi-aride de l\u2019Afrique
o\uf9 la pr\ue9cipitation est inf\ue9rieure \ue0 600 mm par an.
L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de documenter les
connaissances autochtones sur l\u2019importance et la gestion
d\u2019Ambachi (Dioscorea hispida) dans l\u2019\uc9tat du Darfour
oriental, au Soudan. Au total, 101 r\ue9pondants ont \ue9t\ue9
interrog\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019aide d\u2019un questionnaire
semi-structur\ue9 dans la localit\ue9 de Bahr Alarab, situ\ue9e
dans l\u2019\uc9tat du Darfour oriental. De plus, des informateurs
cl\ue9s et des discussions de groupe ont \ue9t\ue9 organis\ue9s
avec les dirigeants locaux pour compl\ue9ter la collecte de
donn\ue9es. Les r\ue9sultats ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 que la
plante Ambachi est assez abondante dans l\u2019\uc9tat du Darfour
oriental et pousse naturellement \ue0 l\u2019\ue9tat sauvage. Tous
les r\ue9pondants connaissaient l\u2019apparence, le cycle de
croissance, l\u2019utilisation et les processus de stockage de la
plante d\u2019Ambachi. G\ue9n\ue9ralement, les tubercules
d\u2019Ambachi sont stock\ue9s dans divers types de contenants
naturels et synth\ue9tiques, et pendant des p\ue9riodes de temps
vari\ue9es. Cependant, jusqu\u2019\ue0 78 % des r\ue9pondants
ont indiqu\ue9 que Shawwal (fait de mati\ue8re plastique)
\ue9tait le conteneur le plus pr\ue9f\ue9r\ue9 pour le stockage
des tubercules secs. Pratiquement tous les m\ue9nages (99%) ont
attest\ue9 de consommer des aliments \ue0 base d\u2019Ambachi, en
particulier pendant les p\ue9riodes de famine. Jusqu\u2019\ue0 98
% des tubercules de la plante d\u2018 Ambachi sont tremp\ue9s avant
la cuisson pour \ue9liminer le go\ufbt amer ; et les deux tiers des
personnes interrog\ue9es connaissaient le processus de cuisson des
aliments d\u2018 Ambachi. Enfin, les tubercules de la plante
d\u2019Ambachi sont commercialisables sur diff\ue9rents march\ue9s
locaux de la r\ue9gion ; bien qu\u2019il ait \ue9t\ue9
principalement vendu sur le march\ue9 d\u2018 Abu Matareg situ\ue9
dans la localit\ue9 de Bahar Alara
Search for Higgs bosons decaying to tautau pairs in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV
We present a search for the production of neutral Higgs bosons decaying into
tautau pairs in ppbar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The
data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.4 fb-1, were collected by
the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We set upper limits at the
95% C.L. on the product of production cross section and branching ratio for a
scalar resonance decaying into tautau pairs, and we then interpret these limits
as limits on the production of Higgs bosons in the minimal supersymmetric
standard model (MSSM) and as constraints in the MSSM parameter space.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PL
Measurement of three-jet differential cross sections d sigma-3jet / d M-3jet in p anti-p collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV
We present the first measurement of the inclusive three-jet differential
cross section as a function of the invariant mass of the three jets with the
largest transverse momenta in an event in p anti-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96
TeV. The measurement is made in different rapidity regions and for different
jet transverse momentum requirements and is based on a data set corresponding
to an integrated luminosity of 0.7 fb^{-1} collected with the D0 detector at
the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The results are used to test the three-jet
matrix elements in perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in
the strong coupling constant. The data allow discrimination between
parametrizations of the parton distribution functions of the proton.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Phys. Lett. B, corrected
chi2 values for NNPD
Search for pair production of the scalar top quark in muon+tau final states
We present a search for the pair production of scalar top quarks
(), the lightest supersymmetric partners of the top quarks, in
collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV, using data
corresponding to an integrated luminosity of {7.3 } collected with the
\dzero experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Each scalar top quark is
assumed to decay into a quark, a charged lepton, and a scalar neutrino
(). We investigate final states arising from and
. With no significant excess of events observed above the
background expected from the standard model, we set exclusion limits on this
production process in the (,) plane.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Lett.
Measurements of inclusive W+jets production rates as a function of jet transverse momentum in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV
This Letter describes measurements of inclusive W (--> e nu) + n jet cross
sections (n = 1-4), presented as total inclusive cross sections and
differentially in the nth jet transverse momentum. The measurements are made
using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.2 fb-1 collected by
the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, and achieve considerably
smaller uncertainties on W +jets production cross sections than previous
measurements. The measurements are compared to next-to-leading order
perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations in the n =1-3 jet multiplicity bins and to
leading order pQCD calculations in the 4-jet bin. The measurements are
generally in agreement with pQCD predictions, although certain regions of phase
space are identified where the calculations could be improved
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