217 research outputs found

    Cold-water corals in the Subpolar North Atlantic Ocean exposed to aragonite undersaturation if the 2 °C global warming target is not met

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    The net uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is changing the ocean's chemical state. Such changes, commonly known as ocean acidification, include a reduction in pH and the carbonate ion concentration ([CO32−]), which in turn lowers oceanic saturation states (Ω) for calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals. The Ω values for aragonite (Ωaragonite; one of the main CaCO3 minerals formed by marine calcifying organisms) influence the calcification rate and geographic distribution of cold-water corals (CWCs), important for biodiversity. Here, high-quality measurements, collected on thirteen cruises along the same track during 1991–2018, are used to determine the long-term changes in Ω aragonite in the Irminger and Iceland Basins of the North Atlantic Ocean, providing the first trends of Ωaragonite in the deep waters of these basins. The entire water column of both basins showed significant negative Ωaragonite trends between −0.0014 ± 0.0002 and −0.0052 ± 0.0007 per year. The decrease in Ω aragonite in the intermediate waters, where nearly half of the CWC reefs of the study region are located, caused the Ωaragonite isolines to rapidly migrate upwards at a rate between 6 and 34 m per year. The main driver of the decline in Ωaragonite in the Irminger and Iceland Basins was the increase in anthropogenic CO2. But this was partially offset by increases in salinity (in Subpolar Mode Water), enhanced ventilation (in upper Labrador Sea Water), and increases in alkalinity (in classical Labrador Sea Water, cLSW; and overflow waters). We also found that water mass aging reinforced the Ωaragonite decrease in cLSW. Based on these Ωaragonite trends over the last three decades, we project that the entire water column of the Irminger and Iceland Basins will likely be undersaturated for aragonite when in equilibrium with an atmospheric mole fraction of CO2 (xCO2) of ~880 ppmv, corresponding to climate model projections for the end of the century based on the highest CO2 emission scenarios. However, intermediate waters will likely be aragonite undersaturated when in equilibrium with an atmospheric xCO2 exceeding ~630 ppmv, an xCO2 level slightly above that corresponding to 2°C global warming, thus exposing CWCs inhabiting the intermediate waters to undersaturation for aragonite

    Transcriptomic signatures differentiate survival from fatal outcomes in humans infected with Ebola virus

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    Background In 2014, Western Africa experienced an unanticipated explosion of Ebola virus infections. What distinguishes fatal from non-fatal outcomes remains largely unknown, yet is key to optimising personalised treatment strategies. We used transcriptome data for peripheral blood taken from infected and convalescent recovering patients to identify early stage host factors that are associated with acute illness and those that differentiate patient survival from fatality. Results The data demonstrate that individuals who succumbed to the disease show stronger upregulation of interferon signalling and acute phase responses compared to survivors during the acute phase of infection. Particularly notable is the strong upregulation of albumin and fibrinogen genes, which suggest significant liver pathology. Cell subtype prediction using messenger RNA expression patterns indicated that NK-cell populations increase in patients who survive infection. By selecting genes whose expression properties discriminated between fatal cases and survivors, we identify a small panel of responding genes that act as strong predictors of patient outcome, independent of viral load. Conclusions Transcriptomic analysis of the host response to pathogen infection using blood samples taken during an outbreak situation can provide multiple levels of information on both disease state and mechanisms of pathogenesis. Host biomarkers were identified that provide high predictive value under conditions where other predictors, such as viral load, are poor prognostic indicators. The data suggested that rapid analysis of the host response to infection in an outbreak situation can provide valuable information to guide an understanding of disease outcome and mechanisms of disease

    Influenza A viruses alter the stability and antiviral contribution of host E3-ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 during the time-course of infection

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    International audienceThe interplay between influenza A viruses (IAV) and the p53 pathway has been reported in several studies, highlighting the antiviral contribution of p53. Here, we investigated the impact of IAV on the E3-ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, a major regulator of p53, and observed that IAV targets Mdm2, notably via its non-structural protein (NS1), therefore altering Mdm2 stability, p53/Mdm2 interaction and regulatory loop during the time-course of infection. This study also highlights a new antiviral facet of Mdm2 possibly increasing the list of its many p53-independent functions. Altogether, our work contributes to better understand the mechanisms underlining the complex interactions between IAV and the p53 pathway, for which both NS1 and Mdm2 arise as key players

    Update on HHV-8-Associated Malignancies

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    The human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the oncogenic virus associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) and lymphoproliferative disorders, namely, primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric Castleman’s disease. KS is among the most common malignancies seen in HIV-infected patients despite the decreased incidence of KS in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Advances in molecular pathology reveal HHV-8 tumorigenesis is mediated through molecular mimicry wherein viral-encoded proteins can activate several cellular signaling cascades while evading immune surveillance. This knowledge has led to the evolution of multiple therapeutic strategies against specific molecular targets. Many such therapeutic modalities have shown activity, but none have proven to be curative. Identifying possible prognostic factors is another active area of research. This review summarizes the recent developments in the fields of virus transmission, molecular biology, and treatment of HHV-8-related neoplasms

    Committing curriculum time to science literacy: The benefits from science based media resources

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    Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is linked with the development of Kaposi sarcoma and the B lymphocyte disorders primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and multi-centric Castleman disease. T cell immunity limits KSHV infection and disease, however the virus employs multiple mechanisms to inhibit efficient control by these effectors. Thus KSHV-specific CD4+ T cells poorly recognize most PEL cells and even where they can, they are unable to kill them. To make KSHV-infected cells more sensitive to T cell control we treated PEL cells with the thymidine analogue azidothymidine (AZT), which sensitizes PEL lines to Fas-ligand and TRAIL challenge; effector mechanisms which T cells use. PELs co-cultured with KSHV-specific CD4+ T cells in the absence of AZT showed no control of PEL outgrowth. However in the presence of AZT PEL outgrowth was controlled in an MHC-restricted manner. To investigate how AZT sensitizes PELs to immune control we first examined BJAB cells transduced with individual KSHV-latent genes for their ability to resist apoptosis mediated by stimuli delivered through Fas and TRAIL receptors. This showed that in addition to the previously described vFLIP protein, expression of vIRF3 also inhibited apoptosis delivered by these stimuli. Importantly vIRF3 mediated protection from these apoptotic stimuli was inhibited in the presence of AZT as was a second vIRF3 associated phenotype, the downregulation of surface MHC class II. Although both vFLIP and vIRF3 are expressed in PELs, we propose that inhibiting vIRF3 function with AZT may be sufficient to restore T cell control of these tumor cells

    Assessment of ecosystem services of an urbanized tropical estuary with a focus on habitats and scenarios

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    Tropical estuaries are one of the most valuable ecosystems on the planet because of the number of ecosystem services they provide. The increasing anthropogenic pressure to which these estuaries are subject has caused a reduction in their natural capital stock. Therefore, the application of a pragmatic and rational ecosystem-based management approach to sustainably manage the multiple ecosystem services provided by this ecosystem is necessary. The aim of our study is to present an approach that combines prospective scenarios with habitat-based perspective to assess the supply capacity of ecosystem services, plus determine the impact of protected areas in an urbanized tropical estuary. The current situation and two scenarios were generated to evaluate the capacity of habitats to supply ecosystem services. This type of assessment will allow the decision makers to visualize the effect of their choices or the occurrence of events which might produce significant changes in the estuary. Thus, over time, measures can be taken to sustain the supply of ecosystem services. We determined that the establishment of protected areas have a positive impact; however, the effect is not the same for all of them. Consequently, indicating that actions such as community participation, research, education, management planning and infrastructure development must accompany the development of a protected area

    Animal models for COVID-19

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the aetiological agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), an emerging respiratory infection caused by the introduction of a novel coronavirus into humans late in 2019 (first detected in Hubei province, China). As of 18 September 2020, SARS-CoV-2 has spread to 215 countries, has infected more than 30 million people and has caused more than 950,000 deaths. As humans do not have pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2, there is an urgent need to develop therapeutic agents and vaccines to mitigate the current pandemic and to prevent the re-emergence of COVID-19. In February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) assembled an international panel to develop animal models for COVID-19 to accelerate the testing of vaccines and therapeutic agents. Here we summarize the findings to date and provides relevant information for preclinical testing of vaccine candidates and therapeutic agents for COVID-19

    Methodological Deficits in Diagnostic Research Using ‘-Omics’ Technologies: Evaluation of the QUADOMICS Tool and Quality of Recently Published Studies

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    Background: QUADOMICS is an adaptation of QUADAS (a quality assessment tool for use in systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies), which takes into account the particular challenges presented by '-omics' based technologies. Our primary objective was to evaluate the applicability and consistency of QUADOMICS. Subsequently we evaluated and describe the methodological quality of a sample of recently published studies using the tool. Methodology/Principal Findings: 45'-omics'- based diagnostic studies were identified by systematic search of Pubmed using suitable MeSH terms (>Genomics>, >Sensitivity and specificity>, >Diagnosis>). Three investigators independently assessed the quality of the articles using QUADOMICS and met to compare observations and generate a consensus. Consistency and applicability was assessed by comparing each reviewer's original rating with the consensus. Methodological quality was described using the consensus rating. Agreement was above 80% for all three reviewers. Four items presented difficulties with application, mostly due to the lack of a clearly defined gold standard. Methodological quality of our sample was poor; studies met roughly half of the applied criteria (mean ± sd, 54.7±18.4°%). Few studies were carried out in a population that mirrored the clinical situation in which the test would be used in practice, (6, 13.3%);none described patient recruitment sufficiently; and less than half described clinical and physiological factors that might influence the biomarker profile (20, 44.4%). Conclusions: The QUADOMICS tool can consistently be applied to diagnostic '-omics' studies presently published in biomedical journals. A substantial proportion of reports in this research field fail to address design issues that are fundamental to make inferences relevant for patient care. © 2010 Parker et al.This work was supported by the Spanish Agency for Health Technology Assessment, Exp PI06/90311, Instituto de Salud Carlos III and CIBER en EpidemiologĂ­a y Salud PĂșblica (CIBERESP) in SpainPeer Reviewe

    Nâ€Č-phenylacetohydrazide derivatives as potent Ebola virus entry inhibitors with an improved pharmacokinetic profile

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    19 p.-6 fig.-7 tab.-1 graph. abst.Ebola virus (EBOV) is a single-strand RNA virus belonging to the Filoviridae family, which has been associated to most Ebola virus disease outbreaks to date, including the West African and the North Kivu epidemics between 2013 and 2022. This unprecedented health emergency prompted the search for effective medical countermeasures. Following up on the carbazole hit identified in our previous studies, we synthetized a new series of compounds, which demonstrated to prevent EBOV infection in cells by acting as virus entry inhibitors. The in vitro inhibitory activity was evaluated through the screening against surrogate models based on viral pseudotypes and further confirmed using replicative EBOV. Docking and molecular dynamics simulations joined to saturation transfer difference–nuclear magnetic resonance (STD–NMR) and mutagenesis experiments to elucidate the biological target of the most potent compounds. Finally, in vitro metabolic stability and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies were performed to confirm their therapeutic potential.The project leading to these results has received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation under the project code LCF/PR/HR19/52160012. This research was partially supported through ERA-NET-2021-862605. Cofounded by AEI, Spain (PCI2021-121939 (C.A.), PID2019-105237GB-I00 (A.C.), PID2021-122825OB (C.A.), and PID2021-122223OB-I00 (C.G.)), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERINFEC and FIS PI2100989), and the European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (Project VIRUSCAN FETPROACT-2016: 731868 and Project EPIC-CROWN-2 ID: 101046084). This research work was also funded by the European Commission–NextGenerationEU (Regulation EU 2020/2094), through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global). M.M.-T holds a predoctoral FPU grant (FPU18/03493) from MICINNPeer reviewe

    Experimental Evolution of an Oncolytic Vesicular Stomatitis Virus with Increased Selectivity for p53-Deficient Cells

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    Experimental evolution has been used for various biotechnological applications including protein and microbial cell engineering, but less commonly in the field of oncolytic virotherapy. Here, we sought to adapt a rapidly evolving RNA virus to cells deficient for the tumor suppressor gene p53, a hallmark of cancer cells. To achieve this goal, we established four independent evolution lines of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in p53-knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (p53−/− MEFs) under conditions favoring the action of natural selection. We found that some evolved viruses showed increased fitness and cytotoxicity in p53−/− cells but not in isogenic p53+/+ cells, indicating gene-specific adaptation. However, full-length sequencing revealed no obvious or previously described genetic changes associated with oncolytic activity. Half-maximal effective dose (EC50) assays in mouse p53-positive colon cancer (CT26) and p53-deficient breast cancer (4T1) cells indicated that the evolved viruses were more effective against 4T1 cells than the parental virus or a reference oncolytic VSV (MΔ51), but showed no increased efficacy against CT26 cells. In vivo assays using 4T1 syngeneic tumor models showed that one of the evolved lines significantly delayed tumor growth compared to mice treated with the parental virus or untreated controls, and was able to induce transient tumor suppression. Our results show that RNA viruses can be specifically adapted typical cancer features such as p53 inactivation, and illustrate the usefulness of experimental evolution for oncolytic virotherapy
