104 research outputs found

    Attentional differences in a driving hazard perception task in adults with autism spectrum disorders

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    The current study explored attentional processing of social and non social stimuli in ASD within the context of a driving hazard perception task. Participants watched videos of road scenes and detected hazards while their eye movements were recorded. Although individuals with ASD demonstrated relatively good detection of driving hazards, they were slower to orient to hazards. Greater attentional capture in the time preceding the hazards’ onset was associated with lower verbal IQ. The findings suggest that individuals with ASD may distribute and direct their attention diferently when identifying driving hazards

    The Y-Chromosome Tree Bursts into Leaf: 13,000 High-Confidence SNPs Covering the Majority of Known Clades

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    Many studies of human populations have used the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) as a marker, but MSY sequence variants have traditionally been subject to ascertainment bias. Also, dating of haplogroups has relied on Y-specific short tandem repeats (STRs), involving problems of mutation rate choice, and possible long-term mutation saturation. Next-generation sequencing can ascertain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in an unbiased way, leading to phylogenies in which branch-lengths are proportional to time, and allowing the times-to-most-recent-common-ancestor (TMRCAs) of nodes to be estimated directly. Here we describe the sequencing of 3.7 Mb of MSY in each of 448 human males at a mean coverage of 51x, yielding 13,261 high-confidence SNPs, 65.9% of which are previously unreported. The resulting phylogeny covers the majority of the known clades, provides date estimates of nodes, and constitutes a robust evolutionary framework for analyzing the history of other classes of mutation. Different clades within the tree show subtle but significant differences in branch lengths to the root. We also apply a set of 23 Y-STRs to the same samples, allowing SNP- and STR-based diversity and TMRCA estimates to be systematically compared. Ongoing purifying selection is suggested by our analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of nonsynonymous variants in 15 MSY single-copy genes

    A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity for 23 STR loci

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    In a worldwide collaborative effort, 19,630 Y-chromosomes were sampled from 129 different populations in 51 countries. These chromosomes were typed for 23 short-tandem repeat (STR) loci (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, GATAH4, DYS481, DYS533, DYS549, DYS570, DYS576, and DYS643) and using the PowerPlex Y23 System (PPY23, Promega Corporation, Madison, WI). Locus-specific allelic spectra of these markers were determined and a consistently high level of allelic diversity was observed. A considerable number of null, duplicate and off-ladder alleles were revealed. Standard single-locus and haplotype-based parameters were calculated and compared between subsets of Y-STR markers established for forensic casework. The PPY23 marker set provides substantially stronger discriminatory power than other available kits but at the same time reveals the same general patterns of population structure as other marker sets. A strong correlation was observed between the number of Y-STRs included in a marker set and some of the forensic parameters under study. Interestingly a weak but consistent trend toward smaller genetic distances resulting from larger numbers of markers became apparent.Peer reviewe

    DAMSAT - An operational system for tailings dam monitoring by bringing together remote sensing, meteorological and on-site observations

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    Tailings dams and storage facilities store toxic mine waste and effluent. Failure of a tailings storage facility can cause dramatic local ecosystem damage, water contamination and, if a tailings dam fails, loss of life due to inundation of the downstream area. The failure rate of tailings dams is known to be significantly greater than that of conventional water retention dams, but monitoring all tailings dams and storage facilities through frequent site visits could be an expensive and resource-demanding task. Monitoring tools based on remote sensing and internet of things (IoT) sensors have the potential to reduce the risk from tailings storage failures by enabling the organisations responsible to conduct some monitoring remotely, and hence direct their resources for detailed monitoring more efficiently. We present an overview of DAMSAT (Dam Monitoring from SATellites), an operational tool for monitoring tailings dams, tailings deposit areas and water dams. The tool consists of several different modules. Radar and optical satellite remote sensing data, and in situ internet of things (IoT) sensors are used to monitor surface movement and indicators of pollution at tailings storage sites. Meteorological forecasts are coupled to hydrological models in order to forecast changes in water level at the dams. DAMSAT presents the monitoring information together with risk information from hazard, consequence and evacuation models of possible dam failures in one integrated platform. The project is a partnership between UK and Peruvian organisations. This approach, alongside proactive user engagement activities and user requirements analysis, is designed to ensure that the system is developed with the needs of the user community in mind

    Testing times for the implementation of curriculum change: Analysis and extension of a curriculum change model

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    School curriculum change processes have traditionally been managed internally. However, in Queensland, Australia, as a response to the current high-stakes accountability regime, more and more principals are outsourcing this work to external change agents (ECAs). In 2009, one of the authors (a university lecturer and ECA) developed a curriculum change model (the Controlled Rapid Approach to Curriculum Change (CRACC)), specifically outlining the involvement of an ECA in the initiation phase of a school’s curriculum change process. The purpose of this paper is to extend the CRACC model by unpacking the implementation phase, drawing on data from a pilot study of a single school. Interview responses revealed that during the implementation phase, teachers wanted to be kept informed of the wider educational context; use data to constantly track students; relate pedagogical practices to testing practices; share information between departments and professional levels; and, own whole school performance. It is suggested that the findings would be transferable to other school settings and internal leadership of curriculum change. The paper also strikes a chord of concern – Do the responses from teachers operating in such an accountability regime live their professional lives within this corporate and globalised ideology whether they want to or not