333 research outputs found

    Global MHD simulation of flux transfer events at the high-latitude magnetopause observed by the cluster spacecraft and the SuperDARN radar system

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    A global magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulation is used to study the large-scale structure and formation location of flux transfer events (FTEs) in synergy with in situ spacecraft and ground-based observations. During the main period of interest on the 14 February 2001 from 0930 to 1100 UT the Cluster spacecraft were approaching the Northern Hemisphere high-latitude magnetopause in the postnoon sector on an outbound trajectory. Throughout this period the magnetic field, electron, and ion sensors on board Cluster observed characteristic signatures of FTEs. A few minutes delayed to these observations the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) system indicated flow disturbances in the conjugate ionospheres. These “two-point” observations on the ground and in space were closely correlated and were caused by ongoing unsteady reconnection in the vicinity of the spacecraft. The three-dimensional structures and dynamics of the observed FTEs and the associated reconnection sites are studied by using the Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme (BATS-R-US) MHD code in combination with a simple open flux tube motion model (Cooling). Using these two models the spatial and temporal evolution of the FTEs is estimated. The models fill the gaps left by measurements and allow a “point-to-point” mapping between the instruments in order to investigate the global structure of the phenomenon. The modeled results presented are in good correlation with previous theoretical and observational studies addressing individual features of FTEs

    The structure of the density-potential mapping. Part I: Standard density-functional theory

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    The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem of density-functional theory (DFT) is broadly considered the conceptual basis for a full characterization of an electronic system in its ground state by just the one-body particle density. Part I of this review aims at clarifying the status of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem within DFT and Part II at different extensions of the theory that include magnetic fields. We collect evidence that the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem does not so much form the basis of DFT, but is rather the consequence of a more comprehensive mathematical framework. Such results are especially useful when it comes to the construction of generalized DFTs

    A scenario of planet erosion by coronal radiation

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    Context: According to theory, high-energy emission from the coronae of cool stars can severely erode the atmospheres of orbiting planets. No observational tests of the long term effects of erosion have yet been made. Aims: To analyze the current distribution of planetary mass with X-ray irradiation of the atmospheres in order to make an observational assessment of the effects of erosion by coronal radiation. Methods: We study a large sample of planet-hosting stars with XMM-Newton, Chandra and ROSAT; make a careful identification of X-ray counterparts; and fit their spectra to make accurately measurements of the stellar X-ray flux. Results: The distribution of the planetary masses with X-ray flux suggests that erosion has taken place: most surviving massive planets, (M_p sin i >1.5 M_J), have been exposed to lower accumulated irradiation. Heavy erosion during the initial stages of stellar evolution is followed by a phase of much weaker erosion. A line dividing these two phases could be present, showing a strong dependence on planet mass. Although a larger sample will be required to establish a well-defined erosion line, the distribution found is very suggestive. Conclusions: The distribution of planetary mass with X-ray flux is consistent with a scenario in which planet atmospheres have suffered the effects of erosion by coronal X-ray and EUV emission. The erosion line is an observational constraint to models of atmospheric erosion.Comment: A&A 511, L8 (2010). 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 online table (included). Language edited; corrected a wrong unit conversion (g/s -> M_J/Gyr); corrected values in column 12 of Table 1 (slightly underestimated in first version), and Figure 2 updated accordingl

    On the existence of effective potentials in time-dependent density functional theory

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    We investigate the existence and properties of effective potentials in time-dependent density functional theory. We outline conditions for a general solution of the corresponding Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems. We define the set of potentials and v-representable densities, give a proof of existence of the effective potentials under certain restrictions, and show the set of v-representable densities to be independent of the interaction.Comment: 13 page

    Manufatura aditiva MSLA : estudo da variação do tempo de exposição em parùmetros superficiais e dimensionais visando aplicaçÔes em steam

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    Atualmente os processos de manufatura aditiva tĂȘm ocupado um espaço cada vez maior na concepção de novos produtos. NĂŁo obstante, tambĂ©m existem desafios vinculados aos novos materiais e processos de impressĂŁo 3D. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho de conclusĂŁo de curso – TCC – estuda os aspectos superficiais e dimensionais da manufatura aditiva MSLA, visando o entendimento das possibilidades e limitaçÔes do processo quanto Ă  precisĂŁo dimensional. Para tanto, o estudo usa uma rotina e um objeto (corpo) de calibração bem como confecção de objetos de estudos escultĂłricos para a parametrização do tempo de exposição, importante variĂĄvel da tĂ©cnica. O estudo realizado permite inferir que Ă© possĂ­vel desenvolver texturas e superfĂ­cies de cunho escultĂłrico, tĂ©cnico e mesmo produtos lĂșdicos, desde que sejam observados os devidos parĂąmetros de processo. Como indicativo para iniciar possĂ­veis objetos impressos que demandem detalhes superficiais tais como textura, reentrĂąncias, saliĂȘncias, o escopo do presente trabalho indica a resina 70/30 com o tempo de exposição de 2 segundos, assim como uma rotina de calibração do tempo de exposição, boas prĂĄticas de processo e mĂ©todos de contornar erros comuns da tĂ©cnica

    Effects of different coating materials on three-dimensional optical scanning accuracy

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    The processes of three-dimensional optical scanning depend on the reflection of the surface to be digitized. To scanspecular or translucent surfaces, it is necessary to apply a coating material which interferes with the accuracy of thethree-dimensional measurements. This study proposes the use of gold, silver, platinum, and carbon by sputtering to coatthe surfaces to be scanned. The effects of these materials on the accuracy of the three-dimensional scanning were evalu-ated and compared with those of two frequently used materials, namely, talc and non-aqueous wet developer for pene-trant testing. To verify the resulting geometric variations, specimens were scanned before and after the application ofeach coating material. The results showed that the intrinsic errors of the three-dimensional scanning process, such asthe registration of several point clouds, can have more significant effects than the coating material used. Measurementstaken from a single point cloud showed dimensional tolerances of approximately 0.01mm for gold, platinum, and carboncoating. These coatings offer significantly higher accuracy than the traditionally used developer and are suggested foraccurate three-dimensional scanning of specular and translucent surfaces

    Density-potential mappings in quantum dynamics

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    In a recent letter [Europhys. Lett. 95, 13001 (2011)] the question of whether the density of a time-dependent quantum system determines its external potential was reformulated as a fixed point problem. This idea was used to generalize the existence and uniqueness theorems underlying time-dependent density functional theory. In this work we extend this proof to allow for more general norms and provide a numerical implementation of the fixed-point iteration scheme. We focus on the one-dimensional case as it allows for a more in-depth analysis using singular Sturm-Liouville theory and at the same time provides an easy visualization of the numerical applications in space and time. We give an explicit relation between the boundary conditions on the density and the convergence properties of the fixed-point procedure via the spectral properties of the associated Sturm-Liouville operator. We show precisely under which conditions discrete and continuous spectra arise and give explicit examples. These conditions are then used to show that in the most physically relevant cases the fixed point procedure converges. This is further demonstrated with an example.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Estimation of the XUV radiation onto close planets and their evaporation

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    Context: The current distribution of planet mass vs. incident stellar X-ray flux supports the idea that photoevaporation of the atmosphere may take place in close-in planets. Integrated effects have to be accounted for. A proper calculation of the mass loss rate due to photoevaporation requires to estimate the total irradiation from the whole XUV range. Aims: The purpose of this paper is to extend the analysis of the photoevaporation in planetary atmospheres from the accessible X-rays to the mostly unobserved EUV range by using the coronal models of stars to calculate the EUV contribution to the stellar spectra. The mass evolution of planets can be traced assuming that thermal losses dominate the mass loss of their atmospheres. Methods: We determine coronal models for 82 stars with exoplanets that have X-ray observations available. Then a synthetic spectrum is produced for the whole XUV range (~1-912 {\AA}). The determination of the EUV stellar flux, calibrated with real EUV data, allows us to calculate the accumulated effects of the XUV irradiation on the planet atmosphere with time, as well as the mass evolution for planets with known density. Results: We calibrate for the first time a relation of the EUV luminosity with stellar age valid for late-type stars. In a sample of 109 exoplanets, few planets with masses larger than ~1.5 Mj receive high XUV flux, suggesting that intense photoevaporation takes place in a short period of time, as previously found in X-rays. The scenario is also consistent with the observed distribution of planet masses with density. The accumulated effects of photoevaporation over time indicate that HD 209458b may have lost 0.2 Mj since an age of 20 Myr. Conclusions: Coronal radiation produces rapid photoevaporation of the atmospheres of planets close to young late-type stars. More complex models are needed to explain fully the observations.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 10 pages, 8 figures, 7 Tables (2 online). Additional online material includes 7 pages, 6 figures and 6 tables, all include

    Planetary evaporation by UV & X-ray radiation: basic hydrodynamics

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    We consider the evaporation of close in planets by the star's intrinsic EUV and X-ray radiation. We calculate evaporation rates by solving the hydrodynamical problem for planetary evaporation including heating from both X-ray and EUV radiation. We show that most close-in planets (a<0.1 AU) are evaporating hydrodynamically, with the evaporation occurring in two distinct regimes: X-ray driven, in which the X-ray heated flow contains a sonic point, and EUV driven, in which the X-ray region is entirely sub-sonic. The mass-loss rates scale as L_X/a^2 for X-ray driven evaporation, and as Phi_*^{1/2}/a for EUV driven evaporation at early times, with mass-loss rates of order 10e10-10e14 g/s. No exact scaling exists for the mass-loss rate with planet mass and planet radius, however, in general evaporation proceeds more rapidly for planets with lower densities and higher masses. Furthermore, we find that in general the transition from X-ray driven to EUV driven evaporation occurs at lower X-ray luminosities for planets closer to their parent stars and for planets with lower densities. Coupling our evaporation models to the evolution of the high energy radiation - which falls with time - we are able to follow the evolution of evaporating planets. We find that most planets start off evaporating in the X-ray driven regime, but switch to EUV driven once the X-ray luminosity falls below a critical value. The evolution models suggest that while `hot Jupiters' are evaporating, they are not evaporating at a rate sufficient to remove the entire gaseous envelope on Gyr time-scales. However, we do find that close in Neptune mass planets are more susceptible to complete evaporation of their envelopes. Thus we conclude that planetary evaporation is more important for lower mass planets, particularly those in the `hot Neptune'/`super Earth' regime.Comment: 18 Pages, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evaluation of Xpert¼ MTB/RIF and ustar easyNATℱ TB IAD for diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis of children in Tanzania : a prospective descriptive study

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    Fine needle aspiration biopsy has become a standard approach for diagnosis of peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of Xpert MTB/RIF and Ustar EasyNAT TB IAD nucleic acid amplification assays, against acid-fast bacilli microscopy, cytology and mycobacterial culture for the diagnosis of TB lymphadenitis in children from a TB-endemic setting in Tanzania.; Children of 8 weeks to 16 years of age, suspected of having TB lymphadenitis, were recruited at a district hospital in Tanzania. Fine needle aspirates of lymph nodes were analysed using acid-fast bacilli microscopy, liquid TB culture, cytology, Xpert MTB/RIF and EasyNAT. Latent class analysis and comparison against a composite reference standard comprising "culture and/or cytology" was done, to assess the performance of Xpert MTB/RIF and EasyNAT for the diagnosis of TB lymphadenitis.; Seventy-nine children were recruited; 4 were excluded from analysis. Against a composite reference standard of culture and/or cytology, Xpert MTB/RIF and EasyNAT had a sensitivity and specificity of 58 % and 93 %; and 19 % and 100 % respectively. Relative to latent class definitions, cytology had a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 94.7 %.; Combining clinical assessment, cytology and Xpert MTB/RIF may allow for a rapid and accurate diagnosis of childhood TB lymphadenitis. Larger diagnostic evaluation studies are recommended to validate these findings and on Xpert MTB/RIF to assess its use as a solitary initial test for TB lymphadenitis in children
