495 research outputs found

    Catalogue of the vascular plants frorn the Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid (Spain)

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    GAvítAN, R., EcHEvARRíA, JE. & CASAS, 1. [992. Catálogo de la flora vascular de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid (España). Bat. Complutensis J8: 175-201 Se presenta un listado de 421 táxones (pertenecientes a 52 familias) presentes en la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid (España). Este elenco engloba, además de flora espontánea, plantas naturalizadas y adventicias. Se indican para cada especie su biótipo, distribución corológica, tipo de sustrato y caracterización fitosociológica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los terófitos tienen un mayor porcentaje de presencia frente al resto, debido -probablemente- a la influencia humana; los elementos mediterráneos se encuentran en proporción similar a los de amplia distribución; la mayoría de los táxones son indiferentes al tipo de sustrato geológico; las comunidades vegetales más abundantes son las anuales y/o ruderales. Un importante numero de táxones se consideran extintos para esta flora por las obras de ampliación de la carretera circunvalatoria, M-30. Por último, se ha seleccionado un conjunto de edafo-indicadores'.GAvILAN, R., EcHEvARRíA, JE. & CAsAs, 1. 1992. Vascular tloristic catalogue of the Ciudad Universitaria of Madrid (Spain). Bat. Cotnplutensis 18: 175-201 A list of 421 taxa belonging to 52 families, from the Ciudad Universitaria of Madrid (Spain) is presented. Spontaneous, naturalized and adventitious plants have been recorded. Life-form, chorological area, soil type and phytosociological characterization are reponed for each species. The results show that therophytes are the most abundant, probably due to the anthropic influence. Mediterranean elements have been found having similar presence than those with wider distribution (Cosmopolitan, Eurasiatic, ..). Most of the taxa are indifferent to geological substratum. Ruderal and annual are the most common community types. It must be also remarked that some of tho.se taxa have probably dissapeared from this area because of works on the M-30 ring road. Finally, a selected list of pedo-indicators taxa is included. Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación financiado por la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid n' CO 12/90. Botánica Complutensis 18:175-201. Edit. Universidad Complulense 1993 176 Rosario Gavilán, man E. Echevarría & lnntarulada Casa

    La propia conducta como promulgación y derogación de la norma jurídica.

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    Evaluación del dispositivo Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI) en la determinación de la densidad in situ de mezclas fabricadas con emulsión bituminosa

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    The Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI) is a non-nuclear gauge used for the on-site density measurement of asphalt pavements without the need to extract core samples. Previous studies of hot asphalt mixes found that PQI density readings were very similar to laboratory density measurements of pavement cores. This paper describes the first stage of a research project whose objective is to analyze PQI density measurements of mixes manufactured with an asphalt emulsion binder. The PQI density variability for such mixes was verified and compared with the results obtained with other on-site methods for measuring pavement density.El equipo Pavement Quality Indicator es un dispositivo para la determinación de densidad in situ en pavimentos asfálticos sin extracción de testigos. Las experiencias con este equipo en mezclas bituminosas en caliente, recogidas en diferentes fuentes bibliográficas, muestran que las densidades medidas in situ con el PQI son muy similares a las obtenidas mediante la extracción de testigos. En este artículo se expone la primera etapa de un proyecto de investigación que tiene por objeto analizar los resultados de mediciones efectuadas con PQI en mezclas bituminosas donde se utiliza emulsión asfáltica como ligante. Se comprueba la variabilidad de la densidad obtenida con el equipo para este tipo de mezclas, y se comparan los resultados con otros métodos de medida de densidad in situ

    Desarrollo e implementación del curso de introducción a la física en la universidad autónoma de la ciudad de México (UACM)

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    El trabajo que ahora presentamos da cuenta del proceso de implementación del curso de Introducción a la Física que se imparte en la UACM basado en el trabajo del Physics Education Group de la Universidad de Washington. Éste se desarrolla desde un enfoque constructivista, con la intención de desarrollar conocimiento operativo y habilidades de pensamiento científico como elementos que pensamos pueden contrarrestar el fracaso usual en los cursos de física. Los resultados que se presentan en esta ponencia buscan dar evidencia de que la efectividad en el aprendizaje de la ciencia requiere del involucramiento mental activo y de la consideración del estado inicial real del estudiante, entre otras cosas; asimismo, se presenta un marco metodológico para implementar y evaluar actividades de aprendizaje bajo las mismas premisas

    Genetic Characterization of Rubella Virus Strains Detected in Spain, 1998-2014

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    The National Plan for the Elimination of Rubella was implemented in Spain in 2008 using the logistics of the National Plan for the Elimination of Measles that have been employed since year 2000. Molecular characterization of rubella virus (RUBV) is important for disease surveillance and for monitoring elimination of the disease throughout the world. We describe the first complete series of data regarding the circulation of RUBV genotypes in Spain. The 739-nucleotide fragment designated by the WHO for RUBV genotyping was sequenced in 88 selected cases collected from 1998 to 2014. Five genotypes were identified: 1E, 2B, 1J, 1I, and 1a. Genotype 1E was predominant between 1998 and 2003 but was replaced by genotype 2B, which was detected in sporadic cases in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2013 and 2014. There was an outbreak of genotype 2B in Algeciras (Andalusia) in 2008. Genotype 1J caused an outbreak in Madrid in 2004/2005 and sporadic cases in 2005 and 2007. Genotype 1I was found to have infected an immune-suppressed patient with neurological symptoms in 2008. Finally, vaccine strain RA 27/3 was detected in three sporadic cases, two of them immune-suppressed and without a recent history of vaccination. This suggests that during these years there were a series of imported sporadic cases and outbreaks, confirming the findings of epidemiological data analysis. The importation sources were generally consistent with our geographic and cultural ties, mainly with Europe (genotypes 1E, 2B, 1I) and Latin America (1J)

    Variability of early autumn planktonic assemblages in the strait of Gibraltar: a regionalization analysis

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    The Strait of Gibraltar (SG) is the only connection of the Mediterranean Sea with the global circulation. The SG is an outstanding marine region to explore physical-biological coupling of pelagic communities due to its hydrodynamic complexity, including strong tidal forcing and marked spatial gradients and fronts. The authors have unravelled the role of the fortnightly tidal scale (spring and neap tides) and local processes (upwelling and tidal-topographic mixing) that shape planktonic assemblages in the Strait. To do so, an oceanographic cruise was taken in early autumn 2008 with a high-resolution grid sampling and spring/neap tidal conditions. The planktonic features were captured using different automatic and semi-automatic techniques of plankton analyses (flow cytometry, FlowCAM, LOPC and Ecotaxa) that allowed covering a wide range of sizes of the community from pico- to mesoplankton. The SG was sectorized into two clusters based on the biogeochemical and main water column properties. Cluster 1 (CL1) covered shallow productive areas around Cape Trafalgar (CT). CL1 presented higher concentrations of chlorophyll and nutrients, and phytoplankton was mostly represented by Synechococcus and coastal diatoms while zooplankton had the highest percentage of meroplankton (31%). In contrast, cluster 2 (CL2) covered open ocean waters and presented more oligotrophic features, i.e. nitrogen-depleted waters with lower chlorophyll concentrations and a picoplankton community dominated by Prochlorococcus and holoplankton predominance in mesozooplankton. Under early autumn conditions with overall nutrient-depleted and stratified waters, the CT area emerges as an ecosystem where the constant tidal mixing and nutrients supply is coupled with an active production also being favored by high residence times and finally shaping a plankton community with unique features in the area.En prensa0,56

    “Entre propietarios y migrantes: los encuentros y desencuentros entre Colonos y Aguarunas en el alto mayo”

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    La dinámica de conflictos entre colonos y nativos en el Alto Mayo, ha dado como producto continuos enfrentamientos entre caseríos de colonos y comunidades nativas colindantes, así como una serie de procesos judiciales por “usurpación de tierras”, en los cuales no se logra una ejecución efectiva dela sentencia a pesar que esta sea favorable a los nativos, debido a la distancia social que existe entre los operadores estatales y el conflicto real. Por su parte los mecanismos de convivencia entre colonos y nativos se inician mediante el alquiler de tierras, diseñada como una fórmula temporal para que los colonos se retiren una vez vencido el plazo del alquiler, sin embargo la ampliación de los plazos provoca que los mismos adquieran vocación de permanencia. Una serie de actores, de primer, segundo y tercer orden interactúan alrededor de las dos dinámicas de relacionamiento mencionadas; tales como las ONGs, el Estado, organizaciones indígenas, e inclusive mafias de traficantes de tierras. Ante esta realidad tan compleja conviene hacer el ejerciciode plantear propuestas de adaptabilidad (o subsistencia) de las comunidades nativas, en las que se visualice la supervivencia de lo local frente a lo global en lo que a demarcación de tierras de las comunidades nativas se refiere

    Cyclic brightening in the short-period WZ Sge-type cataclysmic variable SDSS J080434.20+510349.2

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    We have observed a new cataclysmic variable (CV) SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 and study the origin of a long-term variability found in its light curve. Multi-longitude time-resolved photometric observations were carried out to analyze the uncommon behavior also found recently in two newly discovered CVs. This study of SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 mainly concerns the understanding of the nature of the observed double-humped light curve and its relation to a cyclic brightening occurring during quiescence. The observations were obtained early in 2007, when the object was at about V~17.1, 0.4 mag brighter than the pre-outburst magnitude. The light curve shows a sinusoidal variability with an amplitude of about 0.07 mag and a periodicity of 42.48 min, which is half of the orbital period of the system. In addition, we have observed two "mini-outbursts" of the system up to 0.6 mag, with a duration of about 4 days each. The "mini-outburst" had a symmetric profile and repeated in about 32 days. Subsequent monitoring of the system shows a cyclical behaviour of such "mini-outbursts" with a similar recurrence period. The origin of the double-humped light curve and the periodic brightening is discussed in the light of the evolutionary state of SDSS J080434.20+510349.2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A&A, typos added, figure correcte