86 research outputs found

    Statistical Multiplexing and Traffic Shaping Games for Network Slicing

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    Next generation wireless architectures are expected to enable slices of shared wireless infrastructure which are customized to specific mobile operators/services. Given infrastructure costs and the stochastic nature of mobile services' spatial loads, it is highly desirable to achieve efficient statistical multiplexing amongst such slices. We study a simple dynamic resource sharing policy which allocates a 'share' of a pool of (distributed) resources to each slice-Share Constrained Proportionally Fair (SCPF). We give a characterization of SCPF's performance gains over static slicing and general processor sharing. We show that higher gains are obtained when a slice's spatial load is more 'imbalanced' than, and/or 'orthogonal' to, the aggregate network load, and that the overall gain across slices is positive. We then address the associated dimensioning problem. Under SCPF, traditional network dimensioning translates to a coupled share dimensioning problem, which characterizes the existence of a feasible share allocation given slices' expected loads and performance requirements. We provide a solution to robust share dimensioning for SCPF-based network slicing. Slices may wish to unilaterally manage their users' performance via admission control which maximizes their carried loads subject to performance requirements. We show this can be modeled as a 'traffic shaping' game with an achievable Nash equilibrium. Under high loads, the equilibrium is explicitly characterized, as are the gains in the carried load under SCPF vs. static slicing. Detailed simulations of a wireless infrastructure supporting multiple slices with heterogeneous mobile loads show the fidelity of our models and range of validity of our high load equilibrium analysis

    actuar: An R Package for Actuarial Science

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    actuar is a package providing additional Actuarial Science functionality to the R statistical system. The project was launched in 2005 and the package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network since February 2006. The current version of the package contains functions for use in the fields of loss distributions modeling, risk theory (including ruin theory), simulation of compound hierarchical models and credibility theory. This paper presents in detail but with few technical terms the most recent version of the package

    Crustal constraint through complete model space screening for diverse geophysical datasets facilitated by emulation

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    Deep crustal constraint is often carried out using deterministic inverse methods, sometimes using seismic refraction, gravity and electromagnetic datasets in a complementary or “joint” scheme. With increasingly powerful parallel computer systems it is now possible to apply joint inversion schemes to derive an optimum model from diverse input data. These methods are highly effective where the uncertainty in the system is small. However, given the complex nature of these schemes it is often difficult to discern the uniqueness of the output model given the noise in the data, and the application of necessary regularization and weighting in the inversion process means that the extent of user prejudice pertaining to the final result may be unclear. We can rigorously address the subject of uncertainty using standard statistical tools but these methods also become less feasible if the prior model space is large or the forward simulations are computationally expensive. We present a simple Monte Carlo scheme to screen model space in a fully joint fashion, in which we replace the forward simulation with a fast and uncertainty-calibrated mathematical function, or emulator. This emulator is used as a proxy to run the very large number of models necessary to fully explore the plausible model space. We develop the method using a simple synthetic dataset then demonstrate its use on a joint data set comprising first-arrival seismic refraction, MT and scalar gravity data over a diapiric salt body. This study demonstrates both the value of a forward Monte Carlo approach (as distinct from a search-based or conventional inverse approach) in incorporating all kinds of uncertainty in the modelling process, exploring the entire model space, and shows the potential value of applying emulator technology throughout geophysics. Though the target here is relatively shallow, the methodology can be readily extended to address the whole crust

    Sequential Quasi-Monte Carlo

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    We derive and study SQMC (Sequential Quasi-Monte Carlo), a class of algorithms obtained by introducing QMC point sets in particle filtering. SQMC is related to, and may be seen as an extension of, the array-RQMC algorithm of L'Ecuyer et al. (2006). The complexity of SQMC is O(Nlog⁡N)O(N \log N), where NN is the number of simulations at each iteration, and its error rate is smaller than the Monte Carlo rate OP(N−1/2)O_P(N^{-1/2}). The only requirement to implement SQMC is the ability to write the simulation of particle xtnx_t^n given xt−1nx_{t-1}^n as a deterministic function of xt−1nx_{t-1}^n and a fixed number of uniform variates. We show that SQMC is amenable to the same extensions as standard SMC, such as forward smoothing, backward smoothing, unbiased likelihood evaluation, and so on. In particular, SQMC may replace SMC within a PMCMC (particle Markov chain Monte Carlo) algorithm. We establish several convergence results. We provide numerical evidence that SQMC may significantly outperform SMC in practical scenarios.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures (final version

    Competition among non-life insurers under solvency constraints: a game-theoretic approach

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    We formulate a noncooperative game to model competition for policyholders among non-life insurance companies, taking into account market premium, solvency level, market share and underwriting results. We study Nash equilibria and Stackelberg equilibria for the premium levels, and give numerical illustrations

    Rapport I.10 Protection de l'alimentation en eau. Stations d'alerte de deuxiÚme génération. Analyseurs de troisiÚme génération

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    Knowledge of the quality and of the hydrodynamic behavior of rivers is necessary for several reasons both for some users, especially water suppliers, and water resources managers. In the framework of its research in security in water supply, the Compagnie Générale des Eaux has developed automatic systems for detecting pollution. In this paper, the author describes the system for flow analysis and the chemical analyzers of a control station that is the culmination of four years of research.Une bonne connaissance de la qualité et du comportement hydrodynamique des riviÚres est nécessaire à divers titres, aussi bien pour certains utilisateurs de ces riviÚres, en particulier les traiteurs d'eau, que pour les gestionnaires de la ressource en eau. Dans le cadre de recherches dans le domaine de la sécurité des approvisionnements en eau, la Compagnie Générale des Eaux a mis au point des systÚmes automatiques de détection de la pollution. Dans cette communication, l'auteur décrit le dispositif de courantologie et les analyseurs chimiques d'une station d'alerte, dont la mise au point a nécessité 4 années d'étude et de recherches.Dutang Michel. Rapport I.10 Protection de l'alimentation en eau. Stations d'alerte de deuxiÚme génération. Analyseurs de troisiÚme génération. In: L'assainissement de demain. L'hydraulique des eaux pluviales et usées. Compte-rendu des XVIIes journées de l'hydraulique. Nantes,14-16 septembre 1982. Tome 1, 1982

    Existence theorems for generalized Nash equilibrium problems: an analysis of assumptions

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    International audienceThe generalized Nash equilibrium, where the feasible sets of the players depend on other players' action, becomes increasingly popular among academics and practitionners. In this paper, we provide a thorough study of theorems guaranteeing existence of generalized Nash equilibria and analyze the assumptions on practical parametric feasible sets

    Etude des marchés d'assurance non-vie à l'aide d'équilibre de Nash et de modÚle de risques avec dépendance

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    In non-life actuarial mathematics, different quantitative aspects of insurance activity are studied.This thesis aims at explaining interactions among economic agents, namely the insured,the insurer and the market, under different perspectives. Chapter 1 emphasizes how essentialthe market premium is in the customer decision to lapse or to renew with the same insurer.The relevance of a market model is established.In chapter 2, we address this issue by using noncooperative game theory to model competition.In the current literature, most competition models are reduced to an optimisationof premium volume based on the simplistic picture of an insurer against the market. Startingwith a one-period model, a game of insurers is formulated, where the existence and uniquenessof a Nash equilibrium are verified. The properties of premium equilibria are examinedto better understand the key factors of leadership positions over other insurers. Then, thederivation of a dynamic framework from the one-period game is done by repeating of theone-shot game over several periods. A Monte-Carlo approach is used to assess the probabilityof being insolvent, staying a leader, or disappearing of the insurance game. This gives furtherinsights on the presence of non-life insurance market cycles.A survey of computational methods of a Nash equilibrium under constraints is conductedin Chapter 3. Such generalized Nash equilibrium of n players is carried out by solving asemismooth equation based on a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker reformulation of the generalized Nashequilibrium problem. Solving semismooth equations requires using the generalized Jacobianfor locally Lipschitzian function. Convergence study and method comparison are carried out.Finally, in Chapter 4, we focus on ruin probability computation, another fundemantalpoint of non-life insurance. In this chapter, a risk model with dependence among claimseverity or claim waiting times is studied. Asymptotics of infinite-time ruin probabilitiesare obtained in a wide class of risk models with dependence among claims. Furthermore,we obtain new explicit formulas for ruin probability in discrete-time. In this discrete-timeframework, dependence structure analysis allows us to quantify the maximal distance betweenjoint distribution functions of claim severity between the continuous-time and the discreteL’actuariat non-vie Ă©tudie les diffĂ©rents aspects quantitatifs de l’activitĂ© d’assurance. Cette thĂšse vise Ă  expliquer sous diffĂ©rentes perspectives les interactions entre les diffĂ©rents agents Ă©conomiques, l’assurĂ©, l’assureur et le marchĂ©, sur un marchĂ© d’assurance. Le chapitre 1 souligne Ă  quel point la prise en compte de la prime marchĂ© est importante dans la dĂ©cision de l’assurĂ© de renouveler ou non son contrat d’assurance avec son assureur actuel. La nĂ©cessitĂ©d’un modĂšle de marchĂ© est Ă©tablie. Le chapitre 2 rĂ©pond Ă  cette problĂ©matique en utilisant la thĂ©orie des jeux non-coopĂ©ratifs pour modĂ©liser la compĂ©tition. Dans la littĂ©rature actuelle, les modĂšles de compĂ©tition serĂ©duisent toujours Ă  une optimisation simpliste du volume de prime basĂ©e sur une vision d’un assureur contre le marchĂ©. Partant d’un modĂšle de marchĂ© Ă  une pĂ©riode, un jeu d’assureurs est formulĂ©, oĂč l’existence et l’unicitĂ© de l’équilibre de Nash sont vĂ©rifiĂ©es. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s des primes d’équilibre sont Ă©tudiĂ©es pour mieux comprendre les facteurs clĂ©s d’une position dominante d’un assureur par rapport aux autres. Ensuite, l’intĂ©gration du jeu sur une pĂ©riode dans un cadre dynamique se fait par la rĂ©pĂ©tition du jeu sur plusieurs pĂ©riodes. Une approche par Monte-Carlo est utilisĂ©e pour Ă©valuer la probabilitĂ© pour un assureur d’ĂȘtre ruinĂ©, de rester leader, de disparaĂźtre du jeu par manque d’assurĂ©s en portefeuille. Ce chapitre vise Ă  mieux comprendre la prĂ©sence de cycles en assurance non-vie. Le chapitre 3 prĂ©sente en profondeur le calcul effectif d’équilibre de Nash pour n joueurs sous contraintes, appelĂ© Ă©quilibre de Nash gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©. Il propose un panorama des mĂ©thodes d’optimisation pour la rĂ©solution des n sous-problĂšmes d’optimisation. Cette rĂ©solution sefait Ă  l’aide d’une Ă©quation semi-lisse basĂ©e sur la reformulation de Karush-Kuhn-Tucker duproblĂšme d’équilibre de Nash gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©. Ces Ă©quations nĂ©cessitent l’utilisation du JacobiengĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© pour les fonctions localement lipschitziennes intervenant dans le problĂšme d’optimisation.Une Ă©tude de convergence et une comparaison des mĂ©thodes d’optimisation sont rĂ©alisĂ©es.Enfin, le chapitre 4 aborde le calcul de la probabilitĂ© de ruine, un autre thĂšme fondamentalde l’assurance non-vie. Dans ce chapitre, un modĂšle de risque avec dĂ©pendance entre lesmontants ou les temps d’attente de sinistre est Ă©tudiĂ©. De nouvelles formules asymptotiquesde la probabilitĂ© de ruine en temps infini sont obtenues dans un cadre large de modĂšle de risquesavec dĂ©pendance entre sinistres. De plus, on obtient des formules explicites de la probabilitĂ© deruine en temps discret. Dans ce modĂšle discret, l’analyse structure de dĂ©pendance permet dequantifier l’écart maximal sur les fonctions de rĂ©partition jointe des montants entre la versioncontinue et la version discrĂšte

    Studying non-life insurance markets with Nash equilibria and dependent risk models

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    L’actuariat non-vie Ă©tudie les diffĂ©rents aspects quantitatifs de l’activitĂ© d’assurance. Cette thĂšse vise Ă  expliquer sous diffĂ©rentes perspectives les interactions entre les diffĂ©rents agents Ă©conomiques, l’assurĂ©, l’assureur et le marchĂ©, sur un marchĂ© d’assurance. Le chapitre 1 souligne Ă  quel point la prise en compte de la prime marchĂ© est importante dans la dĂ©cision de l’assurĂ© de renouveler ou non son contrat d’assurance avec son assureur actuel. La nĂ©cessitĂ©d’un modĂšle de marchĂ© est Ă©tablie. Le chapitre 2 rĂ©pond Ă  cette problĂ©matique en utilisant la thĂ©orie des jeux non-coopĂ©ratifs pour modĂ©liser la compĂ©tition. Dans la littĂ©rature actuelle, les modĂšles de compĂ©tition serĂ©duisent toujours Ă  une optimisation simpliste du volume de prime basĂ©e sur une vision d’un assureur contre le marchĂ©. Partant d’un modĂšle de marchĂ© Ă  une pĂ©riode, un jeu d’assureurs est formulĂ©, oĂč l’existence et l’unicitĂ© de l’équilibre de Nash sont vĂ©rifiĂ©es. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s des primes d’équilibre sont Ă©tudiĂ©es pour mieux comprendre les facteurs clĂ©s d’une position dominante d’un assureur par rapport aux autres. Ensuite, l’intĂ©gration du jeu sur une pĂ©riode dans un cadre dynamique se fait par la rĂ©pĂ©tition du jeu sur plusieurs pĂ©riodes. Une approche par Monte-Carlo est utilisĂ©e pour Ă©valuer la probabilitĂ© pour un assureur d’ĂȘtre ruinĂ©, de rester leader, de disparaĂźtre du jeu par manque d’assurĂ©s en portefeuille. Ce chapitre vise Ă  mieux comprendre la prĂ©sence de cycles en assurance non-vie. Le chapitre 3 prĂ©sente en profondeur le calcul effectif d’équilibre de Nash pour n joueurs sous contraintes, appelĂ© Ă©quilibre de Nash gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©. Il propose un panorama des mĂ©thodes d’optimisation pour la rĂ©solution des n sous-problĂšmes d’optimisation. Cette rĂ©solution sefait Ă  l’aide d’une Ă©quation semi-lisse basĂ©e sur la reformulation de Karush-Kuhn-Tucker duproblĂšme d’équilibre de Nash gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©. Ces Ă©quations nĂ©cessitent l’utilisation du JacobiengĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© pour les fonctions localement lipschitziennes intervenant dans le problĂšme d’optimisation.Une Ă©tude de convergence et une comparaison des mĂ©thodes d’optimisation sont rĂ©alisĂ©es.Enfin, le chapitre 4 aborde le calcul de la probabilitĂ© de ruine, un autre thĂšme fondamentalde l’assurance non-vie. Dans ce chapitre, un modĂšle de risque avec dĂ©pendance entre lesmontants ou les temps d’attente de sinistre est Ă©tudiĂ©. De nouvelles formules asymptotiquesde la probabilitĂ© de ruine en temps infini sont obtenues dans un cadre large de modĂšle de risquesavec dĂ©pendance entre sinistres. De plus, on obtient des formules explicites de la probabilitĂ© deruine en temps discret. Dans ce modĂšle discret, l’analyse structure de dĂ©pendance permet dequantifier l’écart maximal sur les fonctions de rĂ©partition jointe des montants entre la versioncontinue et la version discrĂšte.In non-life actuarial mathematics, different quantitative aspects of insurance activity are studied.This thesis aims at explaining interactions among economic agents, namely the insured,the insurer and the market, under different perspectives. Chapter 1 emphasizes how essentialthe market premium is in the customer decision to lapse or to renew with the same insurer.The relevance of a market model is established.In chapter 2, we address this issue by using noncooperative game theory to model competition.In the current literature, most competition models are reduced to an optimisationof premium volume based on the simplistic picture of an insurer against the market. Startingwith a one-period model, a game of insurers is formulated, where the existence and uniquenessof a Nash equilibrium are verified. The properties of premium equilibria are examinedto better understand the key factors of leadership positions over other insurers. Then, thederivation of a dynamic framework from the one-period game is done by repeating of theone-shot game over several periods. A Monte-Carlo approach is used to assess the probabilityof being insolvent, staying a leader, or disappearing of the insurance game. This gives furtherinsights on the presence of non-life insurance market cycles.A survey of computational methods of a Nash equilibrium under constraints is conductedin Chapter 3. Such generalized Nash equilibrium of n players is carried out by solving asemismooth equation based on a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker reformulation of the generalized Nashequilibrium problem. Solving semismooth equations requires using the generalized Jacobianfor locally Lipschitzian function. Convergence study and method comparison are carried out.Finally, in Chapter 4, we focus on ruin probability computation, another fundemantalpoint of non-life insurance. In this chapter, a risk model with dependence among claimseverity or claim waiting times is studied. Asymptotics of infinite-time ruin probabilitiesare obtained in a wide class of risk models with dependence among claims. Furthermore,we obtain new explicit formulas for ruin probability in discrete-time. In this discrete-timeframework, dependence structure analysis allows us to quantify the maximal distance betweenjoint distribution functions of claim severity between the continuous-time and the discret
