515 research outputs found

    A critical test of empirical mass loss formulae applied to individual giants and supergiants

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    To test our new, improved Reimers-type mass-loss relation, given by Schroder & Cuntz in 2005 (ApJL 630, L73), we take a look at the best studied galactic giants and supergiants - particularly those with spatially resolved circumstellar shells and winds, obtained directly or by means of a companion acting as a probing light source. Together with well-known physical parameters, the selected stars provide the most powerful and critical observational venues for assessing the validity of parameterized mass-loss relations for cool winds not driven by molecules or dust. In this study, star by star, we compare our previously published relation with the original Reimers relation (1975), the Lamers relation (1981), and the two relations by de Jager and his group (1988, 1990). The input data, especially the stellar masses, have been constrained using detailed stellar evolution models. We find that only the relationship by Schroder & Cuntz agrees, within the error bars, with the observed mass-loss rates for all giants and supergiants.Comment: 11 pages, 5 Figs. accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Structure of the outer layers of cool standard stars

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    Context: Among late-type red giants, an interesting change occurs in the structure of the outer atmospheric layers as one moves to later spectral types in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram: a chromosphere is always present, but the coronal emission diminishes and a cool massive wind steps in. Aims: Where most studies have focussed on short-wavelength observations, this article explores the influence of the chromosphere and the wind on long-wavelength photometric measurements. Methods: The observational spectral energy distributions are compared with the theoretical predictions of the MARCS atmosphere models for a sample of 9 K- and M-giants. The discrepancies found are explained using basic models for flux emission originating from a chromosphere or an ionized wind. Results: For 7 out of 9 sample stars, a clear flux excess is detected at (sub)millimeter and/or centimeter wavelengths. The precise start of the excess depends upon the star under consideration. The flux at wavelengths shorter than about 1 mm is most likely dominated by an optically thick chromosphere, where an optically thick ionized wind is the main flux contributor at longer wavelengths. Conclusions: Although the optical to mid-infrared spectrum of the studied K- and M-giants is well represented by a radiative equilibrium atmospheric model, the presence of a chromosphere and/or ionized stellar wind at higher altitudes dominates the spectrum in the (sub)millimeter and centimeter wavelength ranges. The presence of a flux excess also has implications on the role of these stars as fiducial spectrophotometric calibrators in the (sub)millimeter and centimeter wavelength range.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 7 pages of online material, submitted to A&

    Fe XVII X-ray Line Ratios for Accurate Astrophysical Plasma Diagnostics

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    New laboratory measurements using an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) and an x-ray microcalorimeter are presented for the n=3 to n=2 Fe XVII emission lines in the 15 {\AA} to 17 {\AA} range, along with new theoretical predictions for a variety of electron energy distributions. This work improves upon our earlier work on these lines by providing measurements at more electron impact energies (seven values from 846 to 1185 eV), performing an in situ determination of the x-ray window transmission, taking steps to minimize the ion impurity concentrations, correcting the electron energies for space charge shifts, and estimating the residual electron energy uncertainties. The results for the 3C/3D and 3s/3C line ratios are generally in agreement with the closest theory to within 10%, and in agreement with previous measurements from an independent group to within 20%. Better consistency between the two experimental groups is obtained at the lowest electron energies by using theory to interpolate, taking into account the significantly different electron energy distributions. Evidence for resonance collision effects in the spectra is discussed. Renormalized values for the absolute cross sections of the 3C and 3D lines are obtained by combining previously published results, and shown to be in agreement with the predictions of converged R-matrix theory. This work establishes consistency between results from independent laboratories and improves the reliability of these lines for astrophysical diagnostics. Factors that should be taken into account for accurate diagnostics are discussed, including electron energy distribution, polarization, absorption/scattering, and line blends.Comment: 29 pages, including 7 figure

    Radiative transition rates and collision strengths for Si II

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    Aims. This work reports radiative transition rates and electron impact excitation collision strengths for levels of the 3s23p, 3s3p2, 3s24s, and 3s23d configurations of Siii. Methods. The radiative data were computed using the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Amaldi central potential, but with the modifications introduced by Bautista (2008) that account for the effects of electron-electron interactions. We also introduce new schemes for the optimization of the variational parameters of the potential. Additional calculations were carried out with the Relativistic Hartree-Fock and the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock methods. Collision strengths in LS-coupling were calculated in the close coupling approximation with the R-matrix method. Then, fine structure collision strengths were obtained by means of the intermediate-coupling frame transformation (ICFT) method which accounts for spin-orbit coupling effects. Results. We present extensive comparisons between the results of different approximations and with the most recent calculations and experiment available in the literature. From these comparisons we derive a recommended set of gf- values and radiative transition rates with their corresponding estimated uncertainties. We also study the effects of different approximations in the representation of the target ion on the electron-impact collision strengths. Our most accurate set of collision strengths were integrated over a Maxwellian distribution of electron energies and the resulting effective collision strengths are given for a wide range of temperatures. Our results present significant differences from recent calculations with the B-spline non-orthogonal R-matrix method. We discuss the sources of the differences.Comment: 6 figures, 5 tables within text, 2 electronic table

    Observable Signatures of Planet Accretion in Red Giant Stars I: Rapid Rotation and Light Element Replenishment

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    The orbital angular momentum of a close-orbiting giant planet can be sufficiently large that, if transferred to the envelope of the host star during the red giant branch (RGB) evolution, it can spin-up the star's rotation to unusually large speeds. This spin-up mechanism is one possible explanation for the rapid rotators detected among the population of generally slow-rotating red giant stars. These rapid rotators thus comprise a unique stellar sample suitable for searching for signatures of planet accretion in the form of unusual stellar abundances due to the dissemination of the accreted planet in the stellar envelope. In this study, we look for signatures of replenishment in the Li abundances and (to a lesser extent) 12C/13C, which are both normally lowered during RGB evolution. Accurate abundances were measured from high signal-to-noise echelle spectra for samples of both slow and rapid rotator red giant stars. We find that the rapid rotators are on average enriched in lithium compared to the slow rotators, but both groups of stars have identical distributions of 12C/13C within our measurement precision. Both of these abundance results are consistent with the accretion of planets of only a few Jupiter masses. We also explore alternative scenarios for understanding the most Li-rich stars in our sample---particularly Li regeneration during various stages of stellar evolution. Finally, we find that our stellar samples show non-standard abundances even at early RGB stages, suggesting that initial protostellar Li abundances and 12C/13C may be more variable than originally thought.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 29 pages in emulateapj format, including 16 figures and 12 tables. Tables 4 and 8 are provided in their entirety as plain text ancillary files (and will also be available in the electronic edition of ApJ

    Weak G-band stars on the H-R Diagram: Clues to the origin of Li anomaly

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    Weak G-band (WGB) stars are a rare class of cool luminous stars that present a strong depletion in carbon, but also lithium abundance anomalies that have been little explored in the literature since the first discovery of these peculiar objects in the early 50's. Here we focus on the Li-rich WGB stars and report on their evolutionary status. We explore different paths to propose a tentative explanation for the lithium anomaly. Using archive data, we derive the fundamental parameters of WGB (Teff, log g, log(L/Lsun)) using Hipparcos parallaxes and recent temperature scales. From the equivalent widths of Li resonance line at 6707 {\AA}, we uniformly derive the lithium abundances and apply when possible NLTE corrections following the procedure described by Lind et al. (2009). We also compute dedicated stellar evolution models in the mass range 3.0 to 4.5 Msun, exploring the effects of rotation-induced and thermohaline mixing. These models are used to locate the WGB stars in the H-R diagram and to explore the origin of the abundance anomalies. The location of WGB stars in the H-R diagram shows that these are intermediate mass stars of masses ranging from 3.0 to 4.5 Msun located at the clump, which implies a degeneracy of their evolutionary status between subgiant/red giant branch and core helium burning phases. The atmospheres of a large proportion of WGB stars (more than 50%) exhibit lithium abundances A(Li) \geq 1.4 dex similar to Li-rich K giants. The position of WGB stars along with the Li-rich K giants in the H-R diagram however indicates that both are well separated groups. The combined and tentatively consistent analysis of the abundance pattern for lithium, carbon and nitrogen of WGB stars seems to indicate that carbon underabundance could be decorrelated from the lithium and nitrogen overabundances.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Doppler Shifts and Broadening and the Structure of the X-ray Emission from Algol

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    In a study of Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating spectra of Algol, we clearly detect Doppler shifts caused by the orbital motion of Algol B. These data provide the first definitive proof that the X-ray emission of Algol is dominated by the secondary, in concordance with expectations that Algol A (B8) is X-ray dark. The measured Doppler shifts are slightly smaller than expected, implying an effective orbital radius of about 10 Rsolar, instead of 11.5 Rsolar for the Algol B center of mass. This could be caused by a small contribution of X-ray flux from Algol A (10-15%), possibly through accretion. The more likely explanation is an asymmetric corona biased toward the system center of mass by the tidal distortion of the surface of Algol B. Analysis of the strongest lines indicates excess line broadening of ~150 km/s above that expected from thermal motion and surface rotation. Possible explanations include turbulence, flows or explosive events, or rotational broadening from a radially extended corona. We favor the latter scenario and infer that a significant component of the corona at temperatures <10^7 K has a scale height of order the stellar radius. This is supported by the shape of the X-ray lightcurve and the shallow dip at secondary eclipse. We also examine the O VII intercombination and forbidden lines in a Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrograph observation and find no change in their relative line fluxes as the system goes from quadrature to primary eclipse. Since these lines are strongly affected by UV irradiation from Algol A, this supports the conjecture that the corona of Algol B at temperatures of several million K must be significantly extended and/or located toward the poles to avoid being shadowed from Algol A during primary eclipse.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    On metal-deficient barium stars and their link with yellow symbiotic stars

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    This paper addresses the question of why metal-deficient barium stars are not yellow symbiotic stars (YSyS). Samples of (suspected) metal-deficient barium (mdBa) stars and YSyS have been collected from the literature, and their properties reviewed. It appears in particular that the barium nature of the suspected mdBa stars needs to be ascertained by detailed abundance analyses. Abundances are therefore derived for two of them, HD 139409 and HD 148897, which reveal that HD 148897 should not be considered a barium star. HD 139409 is a mild barium star, with overabundances observed only for elements belonging to the first s-process peak (Y and Zr). The evidence for binarity among mdBa stars is then reviewed, using three different methods: (i) radial-velocity variations (from CORAVEL observations), (ii) Hipparcos astrometric data, and (iii) a method based on the comparison between the Hipparcos and Tycho-2 proper motions. A first-time orbit is obtained for HIP 55852, whereas evidence for the (so far unknown) binary nature of HIP 34795, HIP 76605, HIP 97874 and HIP 107478 is presented. Two stars with no evidence for binarity whatsoever (HIP 58596 and BD +3 2688) are candidates low-metallicity thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars, as inferred from their large luminosities. The reason why mdBa stars are not YSyS is suggested to lie in their different orbital period distributions: mdBa stars have on average longer orbital periods than YSyS, and hence their companion accretes matter at a lower rate, for a given mass loss rate of the giant star. The definite validation of this explanation should nevertheless await the determination of the orbital periods for the many mdBa stars still lacking periods, in order to make the comparison more significant.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press; 16 pages, 14 figures; also available at http://www.astro.ulb.ac.be/Html/ps.html#PR