1 research outputs found
Juvenile crime and juvenile justice: Patterns, models, and implications for clinical and legal practice
- Author
- Agnew
- Akers
- Alexander
- Amato
- American Psychiatric Association
- Anderson
- Anthony
- Appel
- Aronson
- Ascione
- Asendorpf
- Asendorpf
- Ash
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- Bandura
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- Barkley
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- Beaver
- Beaver
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- Bradley
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- Caspi
- Caspi
- Caspi
- Caspi
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- Cauffman
- Cauffman
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- Cicchetti
- Cicchetti
- Cicchetti
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- Dilalla
- Dilalla
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- Dodge
- Dodge
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- Egeland
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- Else
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- Farrington
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- Feld
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- Grisso
- Grisso
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- Huesmann
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- Jaffee
- Jaffee
- Jaffee
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- Lahey
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- Lansford
- Laurence Miller
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- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
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- Lipsey
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- Luthar
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- Lykken
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- Males
- Males
- Males
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- Masten
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- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
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- Raine
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- Rhee
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- Roper v. Simmons
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- Rutter
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- Sameroff
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- Scarr
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- Seguin
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- Snyder
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- Sowell
- Spear
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- Spritch
- Stanford v. Kentucky
- Stanger
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- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steiner
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- Tang
- Tarter
- Taylor
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- Thompson
- Thompson v. Oklahoma
- Thornberry
- Toga
- Tremblay
- Tremblay
- Triplett
- Twardosz
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- van der Kolk
- van der Kolk
- Vazsonyi
- Viljoen
- Viljoen
- Volavka
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- Walsh
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- Werner
- Whipple
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- Wright
- Yakovlev
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- Zagar
- Zillmer
- Zimring
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study