45 research outputs found

    Provision of trauma teams in Scotland: a national survey

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    <b>Background and Aims:</b> Trauma is still the leading cause of mortality in the first four decades of life. Despite multiple reports on how trauma care could be improved in the UK, treatment has been shown to be inconsistent and of poor quality. Trauma teams have been shown to have a positive effect on outcome. We aimed to determine the prevalence of trauma teams in Scotland. <b>Methods:</b> We performed a telephone survey of 24 hospitals with Emergency Departments and spoke to the senior clinician regarding provision of trauma teams. <b>Results:</b> 5 (21%) of the hospitals questioned had trauma teams. The most common reasons for not having one were: no problem with current system 8 (44%) and inability to include senior enough staff on the team 6 (24%). <b>Conclusions:</b> There are few trauma teams in Scottish acute hospitals. There was little enthusiasm for introducing them for a variety of reasons. Local evidence of benefit is likely needed before their adoption becomes widespread

    Orthorexic tendencies are linked with difficulties with emotion identification and regulation.

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    Background: Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is characterised by an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating and while it is not recognised as an eating disorder (or any disorder), current research is exploring similarities and differences with such disorders. The literature has shown that individuals with eating disorders have difficulties identifying and describing emotions (known as alexithymia) as well as regulating them. However no research to date has looked at whether people with orthorexic tendencies also suffer from difficulties with emotions. In this paper, we refer to people with orthorexic tendencies but do not assume that their healthy eating is at a pathological level needing clinical attention. Methods: The current study examined this by asking 196 healthy adults with an interest in healthy eating to complete four questionnaires to measure ON (ORTO-15 - reduced to ORTO-7CS), eating psychopathology (EAT-26), alexithymia (TAS-20) and emotion dysregulation (DERS-16). Results: We found that difficulties identifying and regulating emotions was associated with symptoms of ON, similar to what is found in other eating disorders. We suggest that ON behaviours may be used as a coping strategy in order to feel in control in these participants who have poor emotion regulation abilities. Conclusions: Our results show that individuals with ON tendencies may share similar difficulties with emotions compared to other eating disorders. While important, our results are limited by the way we measured ON behaviours and we recommend that further research replicate our findings once a better and more specific tool is developed and validated to screen for ON characteristics more accurately

    Two-hundred-year record of biogenic sulfur in a south Greenland ice core (20D)

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    The concentration of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) was determined in a shallow south central Greenland ice core(20D). This study provides a high-resolution record of the DMS-derived biogenic sulfur in Greenland precipitation over the past 200 years. The mean concentration of MSA is 3.30 ppb(σ = 2.38 ppb,n = 1134). The general trend of MSA is an increase from 3.01 to 4.10 ppb between 1767 and 1900, followed by a steady decrease to 2.34 ppb at the present time. This trend is in marked contrast to that of non-sea-salt sulfate (nss SO42-), which increases dramatically after 1900 due to the input of anthropogenic sulfur. The MSA fraction ((MSA/(MSA+ nss SO42-))* 100) ranges from a mean of 15% in preindustrial ice to less than 5% in recent ice. These MSA fraction suggest that approximately 5 to 40% of the sulfur in recent Greenland ice is of biological origin. It is suggested that there is a significant low-latitude component to the biogenic sulfur in the core and that variations in the MSA fraction reflect changes in the relative strengths of low- and high-latitude inputs. The data shown o evidence for a strong dependence of dimethyl sulfide(DMS) emissions on sea surface temperature during the last century. There is also no indication that the yield of MSA from DMS oxidation has been altered by increased NOx levels over the North Atlantic during this period

    Factors regulating ozone over the United States and its export to the global atmosphere

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    The factors regulating summertime O3 over the United States and its export to the global atmosphere are examined with a 3-month simulation using a continental scale, three-dimensional photochemical model. It is found that reducing NOx emissions by 50% from 1985 levels would decrease rural O3 concentrations over the eastern United States by about 15% under almost all meteorological conditions, while reducing anthropogenic hydrocarbon emissions by 50% would have less than a 4% effect except in the largest urban plumes. The strongly NOx-limited conditions in the model reflect the dominance of rural areas as sources of O3 on the regional scale. The correlation between O3 concentrations and temperature observed at eastern U.S. sites is attributed in part to the association of high temperatures with regional stagnation, and in part to an actual dependence of O3 production on temperature driven primarily by conversion of NOx to peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN). The net number of O3 molecules produced per molecule of NOx consumed (net O3 production efficiency, accounting for both chemical production and chemical loss of O3) has a mean value of 6.3 in the U.S. boundary layer; it is 3 times higher in the western United States than in the east because of lower NOx concentrations in the west. Approximately 70% of the net chemical production of O3 in the U.S. boundary layer is exported (the rest is deposited). Only 6% of the NOx emitted in the United States is exported out of the U.S. boundary layer as NOx or PAN, but this export contributes disproportionately to total U.S. influence on global tropospheric O3because of the high O3 production efficiency per unit NOx in the remote troposphere. It is estimated that export of U.S. pollution supplies 8 Gmol O3 d−1 to the global troposphere in summer, including 4 Gmol d−1 from direct export of O3 out of the U.S. boundary layer and 4 Gmol d−1 from production of O3 downwind of the United States due to exported NOx. This U.S. pollution source can be compared to estimates of 18–28 Gmol d−1 for the cross-tropopause transport of O3 over the entire northern hemisphere in summer

    Effects of Anacetrapib in Patients with Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease remain at high risk for cardiovascular events despite effective statin-based treatment of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. The inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) by anacetrapib reduces LDL cholesterol levels and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. However, trials of other CETP inhibitors have shown neutral or adverse effects on cardiovascular outcomes. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 30,449 adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive atorvastatin therapy and who had a mean LDL cholesterol level of 61 mg per deciliter (1.58 mmol per liter), a mean non-HDL cholesterol level of 92 mg per deciliter (2.38 mmol per liter), and a mean HDL cholesterol level of 40 mg per deciliter (1.03 mmol per liter). The patients were assigned to receive either 100 mg of anacetrapib once daily (15,225 patients) or matching placebo (15,224 patients). The primary outcome was the first major coronary event, a composite of coronary death, myocardial infarction, or coronary revascularization. RESULTS: During the median follow-up period of 4.1 years, the primary outcome occurred in significantly fewer patients in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (1640 of 15,225 patients [10.8%] vs. 1803 of 15,224 patients [11.8%]; rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 0.97; P=0.004). The relative difference in risk was similar across multiple prespecified subgroups. At the trial midpoint, the mean level of HDL cholesterol was higher by 43 mg per deciliter (1.12 mmol per liter) in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (a relative difference of 104%), and the mean level of non-HDL cholesterol was lower by 17 mg per deciliter (0.44 mmol per liter), a relative difference of -18%. There were no significant between-group differences in the risk of death, cancer, or other serious adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive statin therapy, the use of anacetrapib resulted in a lower incidence of major coronary events than the use of placebo. (Funded by Merck and others; Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN48678192 ; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01252953 ; and EudraCT number, 2010-023467-18 .)