562 research outputs found


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    International audienceLa thĂ©matique du rĂ©cit est un des thĂšmes fĂ©dĂ©rateurs du laboratoire S2HEP (EA 4148) de l’universitĂ© Claude Bernard Lyon 1 et de l’Ecole Normale SupĂ©rieure de Lyon. De nombreux chercheurs du laboratoire, provenant de la didactique de la physique ou de la biologie notamment, de l’histoire ou de la philosophie des sciences, explorent depuis maintenant quelques annĂ©es, les rĂ©cits de fiction rĂ©alistes (albums de jeunesses ou romans) comme mode d’accĂšs aux savoirs.Cette approche nous invite Ă  centrer nos recherches sur les fonctions du rĂ©cit et en particulier la fonction de reprĂ©sentation qui va nous intĂ©resser plus particuliĂšrement dans cet article. Pour RicƓur (1975) la fonction du rĂ©cit est prĂ©cisĂ©ment de rĂ©fĂ©rer mĂ©taphoriquement au monde. Il revient Ă  la fiction, selon Bruner, « de nous entraĂźner dans le domaine « de ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre, de ce qui aurait pu ĂȘtre, de ce qui sera peut-ĂȘtre un jour » (Bruner, 2002, p. 16). En Ă©largissant le champ des possibles, les reprĂ©sentations fictionnelles proposĂ©es par le rĂ©cit augmentent – selon les mots de Jean-Marie Schaeffer (2006) – « la flexibilitĂ© de notre capacitĂ© imaginative ». Le rĂ©cit permet ainsi d’imaginer des mondes invisibles, des effets non encore observĂ© de tel ou tel phĂ©nomĂšne biologique ou physique. On admet aujourd’hui qu’un grand nombre d’objets construits par les scientifiques (les quarks, les atomes, le gĂšne) sont en fait des entitĂ©s purement thĂ©oriques qui n’ont pas plus d’existence dans la rĂ©alitĂ© spatio-temporelle de notre monde que les personnages les plus cĂ©lĂšbres de la fiction. Les rĂ©cits fictionnels de voyage – qu’ils s’agissent de voyages physiques, rĂ©alisĂ©s par l’intermĂ©diaire d’un instrument ou par la pensĂ©e – nous plongent en fait dans l’imaginaire de mondes contrefacteurs en ceci qu’ils obĂ©issent Ă  des lois ou des rĂšgles contraires au monde empirique. Dans la conception de la fiction chez Lewis (1978, 2007), ces mondes contrefacteurs sont des mondes possibles construits Ă  partir d’une variation du monde actuel sur un point donnĂ©. Les consĂ©quences Ă©pistĂ©mologiques sont doubles : d’une part la construction de l’intelligibilitĂ© des nouveaux phĂ©nomĂšnes et d’autre part l’extension corrĂ©lative de la connaissance de notre monde (nouvelles espĂšces en biologie, nouveaux objets en physique, nouvelles modalitĂ©s d’expĂ©rimentations). De ce point de vue, « les autre mondes fournissent une structure de rĂ©fĂ©rence grĂące Ă  laquelle il nous est permis de caractĂ©riser notre monde. » (Lewis, 2007, p. 46). Ces mondes obligent leurs auteurs mais aussi les personnages, et le lecteur, Ă  changer de cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence et d’instrumentation pour apprĂ©hender les nouveaux phĂ©nomĂšnes en jeu. Un objectif de notre Ă©tude est d’analyser ces rĂ©cits en vue de les convoquer dans un contexte d’enseignement et/ou de mĂ©diation

    Why, how, and how far should microbiological contamination in a coastal zone be mitigated? An application of the systems approach to the Thau lagoon (France)

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    Full text : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00136/24775/22959.pdf (Version "auteur", 0.77 Mo)International audienceThis paper describes the building of an integrated simulation tool based on a systems approach, and its contribution to local political discussion of the mitigation of microbiological contamination of the water in a coastal area. Local management schemes view water quality as a high-priority environmental objective. In practice, how far this objective is achieved depends on trade-offs between the costs of improved water treatment facilities and the acceptable impacts of water contamination. An in-the-field experiment in collaboration with local managers was carried out in the Thau lagoon on the French Mediterranean coast during the SPICOSA (Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment) project, from 2007 through 2011. It consisted of building a modeling platform and an integrated assessment framework for simulating exploratory scenarios. The modeling platform combines a dynamic contamination model, which represents the sources of microbiological contamination, wastewater treatment facilities, and physical mechanisms of lagoon contamination, with a prospective economic model, which estimates the patterns of development of economic activities in the area through a holistic approach. Exploratory scenarios are used to assess the risk of water contamination and the efficiency of management measures, under various assumptions about the evolution of the system. The contamination simulations suggest that the work currently planned by local authorities will be inadequate for preventing increased water pollution, and that additional but fairly inexpensive management measures for maintaining the current level of water quality should be considered. The integrated assessment framework estimates the ecological and socio-economic impacts of the various pollution mitigation policies in the broader context of possible local development patterns. The results illustrate how the systems approach may aid in the design of an applicable water policy based on operational objectives and feasible technical options. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    From scandal to monastic penance: a reconciliatory manuscript from the early twelfth-century abbey of St. Laurent in LiĂšge

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    An important element of monastic penance and conflict resolution was its repetitive, almost cyclical nature. The manuscripts that were used during these performances often proceed implicitly, which makes them difficult to contextualize and understand. This article considers a possible example of such "hidden" reconciliatory discourse in a manuscript that was produced for the congregation of St. Laurent in Liege around the turn of the eleventh century: Brussels, Royal Library 9361-9367. It examines the sin of pride in monastic dignitaries, discusses the best way to atone for it, and provides tools for the penitent to start living a more virtuous life in the future. The surviving evidence suggests that this manuscript was produced in reaction to the deeds of abbot Berenger, whose actions in 1095 were considered scandalous by contemporaries because he had led his monks into confusion and sin. The article shows how the combination of texts in this manuscript takes on a different meaning because of these politically charged circumstances, and argues that the St. Laurent manuscript was a discreet but methodical way to end the resulting estrangement between Berenger and his monks. In this interpretation, Brussels RL 9361-9367 is a rare and highly relevant testimony to the ways in which monks in the early twelfth century dealt with psychological and social tensions in the wake of an intra-group conflict

    Assessing, quantifying and valuing the ecosystem services of coastal lagoons

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    The natural conservation of coastal lagoons is important not only for their ecological importance, but also because of the valuable ecosystem services they provide for human welfare and wellbeing. Coastal lagoons are shallow semi-enclosed systems that support important habitats such as wetlands, mangroves, salt-marshes and seagrass meadows, as well as a rich biodiversity. Coastal lagoons are also complex social-ecological systems with ecosystem services that provide livelihoods, wellbeing and welfare to humans. This study assessed, quantified and valued the ecosystem services of 32 coastal lagoons. The main findings of the study are: (i) the definitions of ecosystem services are still not generally accepted; (ii) the quantification of ecosystem services is made in many different ways, using different units; (iii) the evaluation in monetary terms of some ecosystem service is problematic, often relying on non-monetary evaluation methods; (iv) when ecosystem services are valued in monetary terms, this may represent very different human benefits; and, (v) different aspects of climate change, including increasing temperature, sea-level rise and changes in rainfall patterns threaten the valuable ecosystem services of coastal lagoons.DEVOTES project, from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration [308392]; networks and communities of Eurolag; Future Earth Coasts; SCOR; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) Investigador Programme [IF/00331/2013]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [UID/MAR/04292/2013]; CESAM by FCT/MEC national funds (PIDDAC) [UID/AMB/50017/2013 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007638]; FEDER; European Commission, under the 7th Framework Programme through the collaborative research project LAGOONS [283157]; FCT [SFRH/BPD/107823/2015, SFRH/BPD/91494/2012
