160 research outputs found

    Olivine formation processes and fluid pathways in subducted serpentinites revealed by in-situ oxygen isotope analysis (Zermatt-Saas, Switzerland)

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    Dehydration of serpentinites plays a crucial role in mass transfer into the Earth's interior by releasing aqueous fluids and forming new minerals. These minerals, such as metamorphic olivine, can serve as tracers of fluid-related processes. High-pressure (HP) antigorite, metamorphic olivine, and coexisting magnetite in serpentinites from a continuous, km-scale outcrop within the Zermatt-Saas HP ophiolite were analyzed in situ for trace elements and oxygen isotopes to identify differences in the initial serpentinization conditions and to investigate fluid pathways during subduction-related metamorphism. The oxygen isotopic composition, and As and Sb concentrations in antigorite reveal two distinct serpentinization conditions within the studied region: i) high As and Sb (1–25 μg/g and 0.5–5 μg/g, respectively), coupled with δ18O of +6 to +7 ‰, suggesting serpentinization at relatively low temperatures near the seafloor, and ii) low As and Sb (0.03–5 μg/g and ≤ 0.1 μg/g, respectively), coupled with mostly lower δ18O of +4 to +6 ‰, suggesting serpentinization at higher temperatures by interaction with fluids deeper below the seafloor. Olivine produced in situ by the brucite + antigorite dehydration reaction during subduction shows isotopic equilibrium with antigorite, and coexisting magnetite with ∆18OAtg-Ol of +1.5–2.5 ‰ and ∆18OOl-Mt of ∼+3 ‰ at reaction temperature conditions of 550–600 °C. The obtained isotopic signatures of metamorphic olivine with δ18O values of +1 to +2 ‰ and + 4 to +5 ‰ correspond to two different isotopic compositions of the released fluid of +5 to +6 ‰ and + 8 to +9 ‰ at these temperature conditions. This suggests that fluids released from subducted serpentinites may have variable δ18O under forearc conditions. The presence of fluids with variable δ18O can cause olivine in structures associated with fluid flow (e.g., shear bands, shear zones and veins) to be in isotopic equilibrium with magnetite, but in either isotopic equilibrium or disequilibrium with antigorite. Isotopic equilibrium with antigorite is achieved when the fluid responsible for olivine crystallization is internally derived. Isotopic disequilibrium is due to an externally derived fluid released by dehydration of serpentinite with a different isotopic composition than the serpentinite with which the fluid interacts. The restricted occurrence of non-equilibrated olivine only in shear bands and nearly pure Ol-veins indicates channelized fluid flow in subduction zone settings and demonstrates that isotopic disequilibrium can be used as a tracer for fluid infiltration

    Is there a Grenvillian basement in the Guerrero-Morelos Platform of Mexico?

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    In the Guerrero-Morelos platform (Guerrero State, Mexico) the adakitic rocks of Early Tertiary age contain abundant hornblende-rich tonalite xenoliths. Zircon crystals have been concentrated from both adakites and xenoliths, and dated using in-situ U-Pb ion microprobe analyses. These analyses indicate the presence of inherited Grenvillian and early Triassic/late Permian crust ages, as well as a Paleocene age related with the adakite rock intrusion. This range of inherited ages is reported for the first time in the Guerrero-Morelos platform, suggesting that a continous Grenvillian crust exists b

    Iron isotope fractionation in subduction-related high-pressure metabasites (Ile de Groix, France)

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    Characterisation of mass transfer during subduction is fundamental to understand the origin of compositional heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Fe isotopes were measured in high-pressure/low-temperature metabasites (blueschists, eclogites and retrograde greenschists) from the Ile de Groix (France), a Variscan high-pressure terrane, to determine if the subducted oceanic crust contributes to mantle Fe isotope heterogeneities. The metabasites have δ56Fe values of +0.16 to +0.33‰, which are heavier than typical values of MORB and OIB, indicating that their basaltic protolith derives from a heavy-Fe mantle source. The δ56Fe correlates well with Y/Nb and (La/Sm)PM ratios, which commonly fractionate during magmatic processes, highlighting variations in the magmatic protolith composition. In addition, the shift of δ56Fe by +0.06 to 0.10‰ compared to basalts may reflect hydrothermal alteration prior to subduction. The δ56Fe decrease from blueschists (+0.19 ± 0.03 to +0.33 ± 0.01‰) to eclogites (+0.16 ± 0.02 to +0.18 ± 0.03‰) reflects small variations in the protolith composition, rather than Fe fractionation during metamorphism: newly- formed Fe-rich minerals allowed preserving bulk rock Fe compositions during metamorphic reactions and hampered any Fe isotope fractionation. Greenschists have δ56Fe values (+0.17 ± 0.01 to +0.27 ± 0.02‰) similar to high-pressure rocks. Hence, metasomatism related to fluids derived from the subducted hydrothermally altered metabasites might only have a limited effect on mantle Fe isotope composition under subsolidus conditions, owing to the large stability of Fe-rich minerals and low mobility of Fe. Subsequent melting of the heavy-Fe metabasites at deeper levels is expected to generate mantle Fe isotope heterogeneities

    Exhumation tectonics of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Qinling orogen in east China: New petrological-structural-radiometric insights from the Shandong Peninsula

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    International audienceIn eastern China, the Sulu area is recognized as the eastern extension of the Qinling-Dabie Belt, which is famous for its ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism. Although numerous petrologic and geochemical works are available, structural data are still rare. This paper provides the first extensive study of bulk geometry and kinematic analysis of the Shandong Peninsula. The study area is divided into three tectonic areas by Cretaceous faults, namely, a southern UHP belt or Sulu area, a northern migmatite area, and an eastern eclogite and migmatite area or Weihai area. Conversely to the deeply entrenched idea that the later area belongs to the North China Belt, and the two others to the South China Block (SCB), we argue that all three areas are parts of the SCB. Structural, petrologic, 40Ar/39Ar, and U/Pb data comply with this new interpretation. In the North Shandong area, mafic granulites enclosed as blocks within gneissic migmatites do not significantly differ from the Sulu and Weihai eclogites which also experienced a granulite facies overprint before migmatization. The circa 210–200 Ma age of the main ductile deformation is related to an extensional event during the Triassic (or Indosinian) orogeny. This date corresponds to the temperature climax, but the time of the pressure peak, i.e., the real age of the UHP metamorphism is discussed

    Intense biogeochemical iron cycling revealed in Neoarchean micropyrites from stromatolites

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    International audienceIron isotope compositions of sedimentary pyrites (FeS2) are used to constrain the redox evolution of the Precambrian ocean and early Fe-based metabolisms such as Dissimilatory Iron Reduction (DIR). Sedimentary pyrites can record biotic and abiotic iron reduction, which have similar ranges of Fe isotopic fractionation, as well as post-depositional histories and metamorphic overprints that can modify Fe isotope compositions. However, some exceptionally well-preserved sedimentary records, such as the stromatolite-bearing Tumbiana Formation (ca. 2.7 Ga, Western Australia) have been proven to retain primary information on Early Neoarchean microbial ecosystems and associated metabolic pathways. Here, we present in situ Fe isotope measurements of micropyrites included in four stromatolites from the Tumbiana Formation in order to assess iron respiration metabolism using Fe isotope signatures. A set of 142 micropyrites has been analyzed in three lamina types, i.e. micritic, organic-rich and fenestral laminae, by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), using a Hyperion radio-frequency plasma source. The diversity of laminae is attributed to specific depositional environments, leading to the formation of Type 1 (micritic laminae) and Type 2 (organic-rich laminae) and early diagenetic effects (Type 3, fenestral laminae). Type 1 and 2 laminae preserved comparable δ56Fe ranges, respectively from −1.76‰ to +4.15‰ and from −1.54‰ to +4.44‰. Type 3 laminae recorded a similar range, although slightly more negative δ56Fe values between −2.20‰ and +2.65‰. Globally, our data show a large range of δ56Fe values, from −2.20‰ to +4.44‰, with a unimodal distribution that differs from the bimodal distribution previously reported in the Tumbiana stromatolites. Such a large range and unimodal distribution cannot be explained by a unique process (e.g., biotic/abiotic Fe reduction or pyrite formation only controlled by the precipitation rate). It rather could reflect a two-step iron cycling process in the sediment pore water including i) partial Fe oxidation forming Fe(OH)3 with positive δ56Fe values followed by ii) partial, possibly microbially induced, Fe reduction leading to Fe2+ availability for pyrite formation by sulfate reducers carrying both negative δ56Fe and δ34S signatures. In this model, the buildup and subsequent reduction through time of a residual Fe(OH)3 reservoir arising from the activity of methanotrophs, can explain the strongly positive δ56FeFe(OH)3 values up to 4‰. These results indicate that Archean microbial mats have been the site of the interaction of several closely linked biogeochemical cycles involving Fe, S and C

    Quartz-bearing rhyolitic melts in the Earth’s mantle

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    The occurrence of rhyolite melts in the mantle has been predicted by high pressure-high temperature experiments but never observed in nature. Here we report natural quartz-bearing rhyolitic melt inclusions and interstitial glass within peridotite xenoliths. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz crystals shows the unequivocal continental crustal derivation of these melts, which approximate the minimum composition in the quartz-albite-orthoclase system. Thermodynamic modelling suggests rhyolite was originated from partial melting of near-anhydrous garnet-bearing metapelites at temperatures ~1000 °C and interacted with peridotite at pressure ~1 GPa. Reaction of rhyolite with olivine converted lherzolite rocks into orthopyroxene-domains and orthopyroxene + plagioclase veins. The recognition of rhyolitic melts in the mantle provides direct evidence for element cycling through earth's reservoirs, accommodated by dehydration and melting of crustal material, brought into the mantle by subduction, chemically modifying the mantle source, and ultimately returning to surface by arc magmatism

    A hidden alkaline and carbonatite province of early carboniferous age in northeast Poland: Zircon U-Pb and pyrrhotite Re-Os geochronology

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    Extensive geophysical investigations in NE Poland in the 1950s and 1960s led to the discovery of an alkaline and carbonatite magmatic province buried under thick (600-800 m) Meso-Cenozoic cover north of the Trans-European Suture Zone, or Tornquist Line. Drilling focused on geophysical anomalies identified three intrusions in the Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Mazowsze Domain: the Pisz gabbro-syenite massif, the Ełk syenite massif, and the small, differentiated Tajno body consisting of clinopyroxenite cumulates and syenites crosscut by carbonatite veins. Emplacement ages for these intrusions have been obtained by (1) zircon U-Pb geochronology on a gabbro from Pisz, a syenite from Ełk, and an albitite from Tajno and (2) a Re-Os model age for pyrrhotite from a Tajno carbonatite. The ages measured by both methods fall in the narrow range 354-345 Ma (Early Carboniferous: Tournaisian). This is slightly younger than the Late Devonian (380-360 Ma) Kola Peninsula alkaline and carbonatite province (20 intrusions) of NW Russia and Karelia but is of comparable age to the first manifestations of the long-lasting (~100 m.yr.) Carboniferous to Permian magmatic event (360-250 Ma) manifest in northern Europe (from the British Isles to southern Scandinavia, the North Sea, and northern Germany) in the foreland of the Variscan orogeny (in the so-called West European Carboniferous Basin) and the East European Craton

    High‐spatial‐resolution measurements of iron isotopes in pyrites by secondary ion mass spectrometry using the new Hyperion‐II radio‐frequency plasma source

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    International audienceIron isotopic signatures in pyrites are considered as a good proxy to reconstruct paleoenvironmental and local redox conditions. However, the investigation of micro-pyrites less than 20µm in size has been limited by the evaluable analytical techniques. The development of the new brighter radio-frequency plasma ion source (Hyperion-II source) enhances the spatial resolution by increasing the beam density 10 times compared with the Duoplasmatron source.Here we present high-spatial-resolution measurements of iron isotopes in pyrites using a 3 nA–3 μm primary 16O− beam on two Cameca IMS 1280-HR2 ion microprobe instruments equipped with Hyperion sources at CRPG-IPNT (France) and at SwissSIMS (Switzerland). We tested analytical effects, such as topography and crystal orientation, that could induce analytical biases perceptible through variations of the instrumental mass fractionation (IMF).Results: The δ56Fe reproducibility for the Balmat pyrite standard is ±0.25‰ (2 standard deviations) and the typical individual internal error is ±0.10‰(2 standard errors). The sensitivity on 56Fe+ was 1.2 × 107 cps/nA/ppm or better. Tests on Balmat pyrites revealed that neither the crystal orientation nor channeling effects seem to significantly influence the IMF. Different pyrite standards (Balmat and SpainCR) were used to test the accuracy of the measurements. Indium mounts must be carefully prepared with a sample topography less than 2 μm, which was checked using an interferometric microscope. Such a topography is negligible for introducing change in the IMF. This new source increases the spatial resolution while maintaining the high precision of analyses and the overall stability of the measurements compared with the previous Duoplasmatron source.Conclusions: A reliable method was developed for performing accurate and highresolution measurements of micrometric pyrites. The investigation of sedimentary micro-pyrites will improve our understanding of the processes and environmental conditions during pyrite precipitation, including the contribution of primary (microbial activities or abiotic reactions) and secondary (diagenesis and/or hydrothermal fluid circulation) signatures

    Isotopic and geochemical constraints on lead and fluid sources of the Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in the polymetallic Tighza-Jbel Aouam district (central Morocco), and relationships with the geodynamic context

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    International audienceThe Wsingle bondAu, Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg, and Sbsingle bondBa mineralizations of the polymetallic Tighza-Jbel Aouam district (central Meseta, Morocco), are hosted in Paleozoic rocks surrounding late-Carboniferous granitic stocks. The Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg Tighza deposit formed at 254 ± 16 Ma, and is clearly disconnected from the late-Variscan Wsingle bondAu deposit (295-280 Ma). The Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg mineralization precipitated from a complex hydrothermal fluid. It displays air-normalized 3He/4He ratio (0.018–0.103) typical of the upper crust. This crustal component is confirmed by the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions (δ18O = +19 to +25‰; δ13C = −3.6 to −11.2‰) and the ɛNd values (−4.84 to −9.01) of gangue carbonates, which show mixing of (i) fluids that have interacted with late-Carboniferous magmatic rocks, and (ii) fluids in equilibrium with the Paleozoic metasediments. In addition, the Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg mineralization has 40Ar/36Ar values in the range 284–315 typical of a meteoric fluid. The radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions (207Pb/204Pb = 15.70–15.80 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.30–18.50) suggest leaching of Pb from the surrounding Paleozoic metasediments and late-Variscan granites, whereas the low radiogenic signatures (207Pb/204Pb = 15.40 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.05) provide evidence of a deeper source attributed to the lower crust.Crustal thinning related to extensional tectonics in late-Permian and Early-Triassic lead to high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline magmatic activity, which is evidenced by a dense SW-NE-trending dike network that pre-dated the Atlantic Ocean opening (early Liassic times). This magmatic event induced a regional heat flux increase that triggered the circulation of a complex hydrothermal fluid, which has a strong crustal component, but also a meteoric and a lower crustal components. The polymetallic district of Tighza-Jbel Aouam thus results from superposition of an intrusion related porphyry-gold mineralization (Wsingle bondAu, 286 Ma) followed by a Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg epithermal mineralization (254 Ma), during two distinct magmatic-hydrothermal events.The proposed metallogenic model for the Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg Tighza-Jbel Aouam deposit provides new constraints for the Pbsingle bondZnsingle bondAg exploration in the Moroccan Meseta. Exploration targets must take into account the following geological features: (i) Permo-triassic high-K calk-alkaline to alkaline dikes, (ii) extensional tectonics and reactivation of ancient crust-scale faults and shear zones, and (iii) Paleozoic series containing organic matter (e.g., black shales) subjected to low grade metamorphism (e.g., greenschist facies)

    Brown amphibole as tracer of tectono-magmatic evolution of the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex (IODP Hole U1473A)

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    Brown amphibole is a minor but common mineral component in lower oceanic crust. It is generally interpreted as products of migrating SiO2 and H2O-rich fluids or melts, which can be either residual melts from advanced magmatic differentiation of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), or hydrothermal fluids including a seawater component. Within the lower oceanic crust exhumed at the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex (OCC), along the ultraslow Southwest Indian Ridge, brown amphibole is ubiquitous in all lithologies from olivine- to oxide-gabbros and diorites, including both undeformed and plastically deformed varieties. We here show the results of a systematic petrological study conceived to unravel the nature of the H2O-rich component recorded in brown amphiboles and document: (i) the evolution of migrating melts during the magmatic stage and (ii) different extents of melt-bearing deformation events recorded throughout the entire crustal transect. The low Cl contents and the light over heavy Rare Earth Elements (LREE/HREE) ratios and high Ti contents in brown amphiboles, indicate they crystallized from melts with a magmatic hydrous component. Consistently, their δ18O values are in equilibrium with MORB composition, except for diorite amphiboles that possibly record the local assimilation of altered minerals. In undeformed olivine gabbros, interstitial pargasite crystallized at hypersolidus conditions (~1000°C) from the melt residual after late stages of MORB differentiation. We speculate that before the olivine gabbro crystal mush reached fully solid state, some aliquots of residual melts were extracted and accumulated within discrete intervals. There, ferrobasaltic melts differentiated through the early crystallization of Fe-Ti oxides and clinopyroxene as liquidus phases, ultimately forming the oxide gabbros. This process promoted rapid Si enrichment and depletion in Fe, Ti, V in the residual melt, later extracted to form the crosscutting diorite veins. The mylonitic olivine gabbros record high-temperature plastic deformation (~900°C ± 50°C) under hypersolidus conditions, involving melts residual from previous crystallization of the gabbroic rock. Further solid-state plastic deformation led to substantial grain-size reduction and, consequently, to an increase in porosity. This created pathways for subsequent melt focussing, which likely represent late-stage differentiated melts migrating throughout the lower crustal section. This study shows that brown amphibole in the Atlantis Bank lower oceanic crust is the crystallization product of melts residual from advanced magmatic differentiation, which are also locally involved in the plastic deformation events during crustal accretion