92 research outputs found

    Propuesta de patio inclusiva para el aprendizaje de español en alumnado extranjero: Nosotros en el recreo...¡viajamos! ¿te apuntas?

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    En el presente trabajo se pretende exponer una propuesta de patio novedosa para el aprendizaje del español en el alumnado extranjero basada en la inclusión de este alumnado y el nativo. Para ello, en primer lugar se presenta un marco teórico basado en una amplia bibliografía mediante el cual se analiza, investiga y examina la situación actual y antecedentes históricos de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de idiomas, así como una breve evolución de la historia de la inmigración en España y las dificultades a las que se exponen los niños inmigrantes al escolarizarse sin conocer la lengua vehicular, estudiando los distintos recursos que tienen a su disposición. En segundo lugar, se expone dicha propuesta de patio inclusiva para el aprendizaje del español en alumnado extranjero, que lleva por título: “Nosotros en el recreo… ¡viajamos! ¿Te apuntas?”, basada en una metodología de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) para la enseñanza de idiomas. Esta propuesta, a su vez, incluye una evaluación de programa, para llevar a cabo en caso de la puesta en práctica del proyecto. Para finalizar, se analiza el alcance el trabajo y el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos al principio de éste, de manera que se reflexiona acerca de la realidad social en la que se basa la problemática que da pie a este trabajo.Grado en Educación Primari

    Diseño de un programa de geografía escolar a partir del “saber” geográfico adquirido en el grado de Educación Primaria: su puesta en práctica en el CEIP Leonardo da Vinci (Moralzarzal, Madrid)

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    El objeto de estudio de este trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la elaboración y puesta en práctica de una programación didáctica de geografía durante el Prácticum II, en el cuarto curso de Educación Primaria en el CEIP Leondardo Da Vinci de Morazarzal, Madrid. El desarrollo se ha basado en la búsqueda de fuentes bibliográficas, su lectura y la correspondiente síntesis bibliográfica en torno a la geografía escolar, la geografía vista a lo largo del grado en Educación Primaria y las competencias geográficas relacionadas con el periodo de formación inicial del magisterio. Por lo tanto, nos encontramos ante un estudio en el que destacan las interrelaciones que se han de producir entre lo que el currículo dicta, lo aplicado y lo competencial.Grado en Educación Primari

    Identificación de longitudes de onda relacionadas a variables fisiológicas y productivas en trigo harinero (Triticum aestivum L.) bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico moderado

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    60 p.El trigo (Triticum spp. L.) ha sido uno de los cereales más sembrados en la historia del mundo, debido a su alto valor energético y contenido de proteínas. Generalmente los programas de mejoramiento evalúan pocos caracteres porque requieren mediciones relativamente lentas o caras. Estudios recientes sugieren a la reflectancia hiperespectral como una técnica prometedora para el fitomejoramiento. El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la mejor metodología para determinar las longitudes de onda asociadas a variables fisiológicas y productivas en 386 líneas de trigo harinero (Triticum aestivum L.), bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico moderado. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en el Centro Regional de Investigación INIA Quilamapu, durante la temporada 2011/12, en donde se evaluó el comportamiento de los genotipos en dos fechas (espigadura: 22-nov y llenado de grano: 09-dic- 2011) y dos repeticiones (R1 y R2). Las variables medidas fueron: SPAD, IAF, plantas m-2, altura de planta, rendimiento, granos por espiga, peso de 1000 granos, tallos por metro lineal y cobertura. Las mediciones de reflectancia se llevaron a cabo con un espectroradiómetro portátil con capacidad de lectura de 350 a 2500 nm (con intervalos de 1 nm), realizando tres disparos por parcelas (D1, D2 y D3). Con los datos de reflectancia se determinó el coeficiente de determinación (r2), lineal simple, entre cada longitud de onda (λ) y las variables en estudio. Además se calculó el coeficiente de variación de los r2 para cada λ y variable, para comparar las firmas espectrales entre los disparos, repeticiones y fechas de evaluación. Finalmente, se contrastaron las zonas del espectro con mayor r2 y las longitudes reportadas en algunos índices de reflectancia espectral (SRI) relacionados con rendimiento. Por efecto de infiltración subsuperficial, la R2 mantuvo una condición de humedad de suelo superior a R1, por lo que no hubo concordancia entre ambas. En general, la variabilidad entre los tres disparos fue baja en ambas fechas. Para R1 el mejor momento para estimar Rendimiento fue en espigadura (421-716 nm, r2 max 0,39). Al contrario, para R2 la mejor predicción se observó en llenado de grano (1914-2399 nm, r2 max 0,52). En R2 se alcanzaron coeficientes de determinación interesantes con: (i) IAF en ambas fechas: Fecha 1 (723-1323 nm, r2 max 0,41) y Fecha 2 (1915-2399 nm, r2 max 0,44); (ii) cobertura en la primera fecha y R1 (1911-2399 nm, r2 max 0,48); y (iii) tallos por metro lineal en la primera fecha y R1 (350-710 nm, r2 max 0,36). Al evaluar los SRI, se puede concluir que existen zonas poco exploradas que tendrían potencial para la generación de nuevos índices o modelos biomatemáticos que predigan rendimiento. En cuanto a la metodología, se propone para futuros estudios considerar al menos cuatro disparos por parcelas y que sería posible trabajar con el promedio de los disparos. Palabras claves: Espectro-radiómetro, Fitomejoramiento, Teledetección, Indices de reflectancia espectral./ABSTRACT: Wheat (Triticum spp. L.) has been one of the most commonly grown cereals in the history of the world due to its high energy and protein content. Usually, wellness programs will evaluate just a few of the characteristics since it requires forms of measurement that are slow and expensive. Recent studies suggest that hyperspectral reflectance as a promising technique for breeding. The objective of the study was to establish the best method in order to determine the wave lengths of variable physiological and productive lines from 386 flour producing wheat lines while under moderate drought stress. The study took place in the Regional Research Center INIA Quilamapu during the 2011/12 season where the behavior of the genotypes was evaluated during two different dates (heading: 22 Nov., grain filling: 09 Dec. 2011) and two repetitions (R1 and R2). The variable measurements were: SPAD, LAI, plants m-2, plant height, yield, grain per ear, weight of 1000 grains, stem per meter and coverage. The measurements of reflectance took place with a portable spectroradiometer with a scanning capacity from 350 nm to 2500 nm (with intervals of 1 nm), carrying out 3 scans per parcel (D1, D2, and D3). With the information gathered it determined that the coefficient of determination (r2), between every wave length (λ) and the variable in the study. Moreover, the coefficient of variation was calculated from the r2 for every λ and variable, in order to compare the physics between the scans, repetitions, and the dates of the study. Finally, contrast was made between spectral zones with higher r2 and lengths reported in some of the reflectance index in relation to yield. Because subsurface infiltration, the R2 had a soil moisture condition higher than R1, so that there was no concordance between both. Generally, variability between the three shots was low on both dates. For R1 the best time to estimate yield was in heading (421-716 nm, r2 max 0,39). On the contrary, for R2 the best prediction was observed in grain filling (1914-2399 nm, r2 max 0,52). In R2 determination coefficients were reached interesting: (i) LAI on both dates: Dated 1 (723-1323 nm, r2 max 0,41) y Dated 2 (1915-2399 nm, r2 max 0,44); (ii) coverage on the first date y R1 (1911-2399 nm, r2 max 0,48); y (iii) stem per meter on the first date y R1 (350-710 nm, r2 max 0,36). When evaluating the spectral reflectance indices, it can be concluded that there are unexplored areas that have potential for generating new indexes or biomathematicians models that predict yield. With respect to methodology, proposed for future studies to consider at least four shots of plots and it would be possible to work with the average shots. Keywords: Spectroradiometer, Breeding, Remote sensing, Spectral reflectance indices

    Exclusive fish oil lipid emulsion rescue strategy improves cholestasis in neonates on partially fish oil-based lipid emulsion: a pilot study

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    Resolution of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease has been identified in infants receiving SMOFlipid™ or a 100% fish oil lipid emulsion (FOLE). However, the effect of FOLE is unknown when the previous emulsion received is a mixed lipid emulsion containing fish oil. This observational pilot study reports data regarding the use of Omegaven™ after the diagnosis of cholestasis while receiving SMOFlipid™. We conducted a retrospective review of medical charts of neonates in which a partially fish oil-based lipid emulsion was replaced by a fish oil lipid emulsion at 1 g/kg/day due to cholestasis. Thirty-eight infants (92.1% preterm, being 44.7% born below 28 weeks’ gestation), received FOLE. Birth weight was 1390 (743.0; 2298) grams. The age that cholestasis diagnosed was 15.0 (10.0; 24.8) days. The fish oil emulsion was administered for 38.5 (11.2; 51.8) days. In 73.7% (28/38) of the neonates, the cholestasis was resolved. In 34.2% (13/38), resolution happened before FOLE discontinuation. In addition, in the rest of the neonates (15) in whom cholestasis resolved, resolution occurred after FOLE discontinuation. Nine of the neonates died. In conclusion, the use of a 100% fish oil-based emulsion in neonates afflicted with cholestasis developed while on a partially fish oil-based emulsion is associated with a bilirubin decreas

    Relative and Absolute Reliability of 3 tests to assess the functional capacity in institucionalizated elderly women with fear of falling: a 12

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    La capacidad funcional es muy importante en las personas mayores institucionalizadas ya que un alto porcentaje de las caídas que se producen en estas personas es por causa de un bajo nivel de capacidad funcional. Un total de 14 mujeres mayores institucionalizadas completaron 2 sesiones de evaluación de la capacidad funcional empleando las pruebas de andar 10 metros, test de levantarse de una silla y andar 3 metros, y el test de sentarse y levantarse, con un intervalo de 12 semanas. El análisis de los datos consistió en el cálculo de los índices de fiabilidad relativos (coeficiente de correlación intraclase) y absolutos (error estándar de medida y mínima diferencia real), así como la representación de los datos mediante los correspondientes gráficos de Bland-Altman. Los resultados obtenidos muestran coeficientes de correlación intraclase altos (CCI> 0,80), así como índices de error absolutos elevados para los test evaluados. Como conclusión, los test empleados para la determinación de la capacidad de capacidad funcional muestran una consistencia temporal alta por lo que pueden ser utilizados como medio para evaluar dicha capacidad en mujeres mayores institucionalizadas en intervenciones inferiores a 12 semanas.Functional capacity is a very important issue because it implication in falls in institucionalizated elderly people when mobility is low. Ten meters walking test, timed up and go test and 30-s sit to stand test were assessed in 14 institucionalizated elderly women in two occasions 12 weeks apart. The data analysis consisted of calculating the relative reliability indices (intraclass correlation coefficients) and absolute (standard error of measurement and smallest real difference) and the representation of the data using the corresponding Bland-Altman plots. Results show high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC>0.80) and large absolute error rates for all test performed. As a conclusion, the procedure used for determining the temporal consistency of the test assessed in this study shown values high enough to consider it use as a method to assess changes in mobility in institucionalizated elderly women enrolled in interventions not longer than 12 weeks.peerReviewe

    Novel Regulation of the Synthesis of α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic Acid (AMPA) Receptor Subunit GluA1 by Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1C (CPT1C) in the Hippocampus

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    The regulation of AMPA-type receptor (AMPAR) abundance in the postsynaptic membrane is an important mechanism involved in learning and memory formation. Recent data suggest that one of the constituents of the AMPAR complex is carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C (CPT1C), a brain-specific isoform located in the endoplasmic reticulum of neurons. Previous results had demonstrated that CPT1C deficiency disrupted spine maturation in hippocampal neurons and impaired spatial learning, but the role of CPT1C in AMPAR physiology had remained mostly unknown. In the present study, we show that CPT1C binds GluA1 and GluA2 and that the three proteins have the same expression profile during neuronal maturation. Moreover, in hippocampal neurons of CPT1C KO mice, AMPAR-mediated miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents and synaptic levels of AMPAR subunits GluA1 and GluA2 are significantly reduced. We show that AMPAR expression is dependent on CPT1C levels because total protein levels of GluA1 and GluA2 are decreased in CPT1C KO neurons and are increased in CPT1C-overexpressing neurons, whereas other synaptic proteins remain unaltered. Notably, mRNA levels of AMPARs remained unchanged in those cultures, indicating that CPT1C is post-transcriptionally involved. We demonstrate that CPT1C is directly involved in the de novo synthesis of GluA1 and not in protein degradation. Moreover, in CPT1C KO cultured neurons, GluA1 synthesis after chemical long term depression was clearly diminished, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor treatment was unable to phosphorylate the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and stimulate GluA1 protein synthesis. These data newly identify CPT1C as a regulator of AMPAR translation efficiency and therefore also synaptic function in the hippocampus

    Uncontrolled donation programs after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. An estimation of potential donors.

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    Objective To determine the number of potential deceased organ donors from out-of- hospital cardiac arrest cases (OHCA) attended by public physician-led emergency medical services in Spain, based on data recorded in the nationwide Spanish OHCA Registry (OHSCAR). Material and methods We analysed OHSCAR data on deceased OHCA patients in Spain during 13 months (1/10/2013 to 31/10/ 2014). Variables included age, sex, estimated OHCA time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) start time and outcome. Inclusion criteria were: age 16–60 years, witnessed OHCA, no return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and time interval <15 min between OHCA occurrence and CPR initiation. Results Of a total 8789 cases, 3290 met the age criteria; of these, CPR was not witnessed in 745 cases. Among the remaining 2545 patients, 141 were included in uncontrolled donation after cardiac death (uDCD) programs, 902 arrived at the hospital with ROSC, 64 arrived with ongoing CPR and 15 cases were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 1423 without ROSC, CPR initiation time was not recorded in 454 cases and 398 did not meet the time criteria <15 min between OHCA and CPR initiation. Finally, 571 met all the criteria and could have been potential donors. There were significant differences in the actual donors percentage from potential donors percentage between provinces with and without donor programs (141/322 = 43.8% versus 0/390 = 0%), but there were no differences in ROSC between the two types of provinces (418/1320 = 31.7% versus 652/1970 = 33.4%). Conclusions Many potential donors are missed in current clinical practice. uDCD programs are few and underused even in a country with high rates of organs transplantation.pre-print820 K

    Combined MEK and PI3K/p110β Inhibition as a Novel Targeted Therapy for Malignant Mesothelioma Displaying Sarcomatoid Features

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    Among malignant mesotheliomas (MM), the sarcomatoid subtype is associated with higher chemoresistance and worst survival. Due to its low incidence, there has been little progress in the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms associated with sarcomatoid MM, which might help to define novel therapeutic targets. In this work, we show that loss of PTEN expression is frequent in human sarcomatoid MM and PTEN expression levels are lower in sarcomatoid MM than in the biphasic and epithelioid subtypes. Combined Pten and Trp53 deletion in mouse mesothelium led to nonepithelioid MM development. In Pten;Trp53-null mice developing MM, the Gαi2-coupled receptor subunit activated MEK/ERK and PI3K, resulting in aggressive, immune-suppressed tumors. Combined inhibition of MEK and p110β/PI3K reduced mouse tumor cell growth in vitro. Therapeutic inhibition of MEK and p110β/PI3K using selumetinib (AZD6244, ARRY-142886) and AZD8186, two drugs that are currently in clinical trials, increased the survival of Pten;Trp53-null mice without major toxicity. This drug combination effectively reduced the proliferation of primary cultures of human pleural (Pl) MM, implicating nonepithelioid histology and high vimentin, AKT1/2, and Gαi2 expression levels as predictive markers of response to combined MEK and p110β/PI3K inhibition. Our findings provide a rationale for the use of selumetinib and AZD8186 in patients with MM with sarcomatoid features. This constitutes a novel targeted therapy for a poor prognosis and frequently chemoresistant group of patients with MM, for whom therapeutic options are currently lacking.[Significance] Mesothelioma is highly aggressive; its sarcomatoid variants have worse prognosis. Building on a genetic mouse model, a novel combination therapy is uncovered that is relevant to human tumors.This work was supported, in part, by grants from Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (F.X. Real), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016, ISCIII (FIS PI15/00045 to A. Carnero), RTICC (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grants RD12/0036/0034 to F.X. Real and A. Carnero, respectively), and CIBERONC (CB16/12/00453 and CD16/12/00275 to F.X. Real and A. Carnero, respectively), cofunded by FEDER from Regional Development European Funds (European Union) and Inserm (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale). M. Marqués was supported by a Sara Borrell Fellowship from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CNIO is supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades as a Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2015-0510

    Microenvironment Eradication of Hepatitis C: A Novel Treatment Paradigm

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    OBJECTIVES: Prisons are major reservoirs of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in which a therapeutic approach has been particularly difficult so far. Our aim was to create a permanent program of HCV elimination in a prison based on a "test and treat" strategy. METHODS: This open-label clinical trial was conducted in the Spanish prison "El Dueso" between May 2016 and July 2017. Viremic patients were treated with a ledipasvir-sofosbuvir regimen (8-12 weeks) according to the 2015 Spanish Guidelines. A teleconsultation program was established to follow-up patients from the hospital. Non-responders were submitted for a phylogenetic analysis and offered retreatment. An evaluation of new cases of HCV infection was performed every 6 months and upon release in all inmates. RESULTS: 847 (99.5%) inmates accepted to participate. HCV antibodies were present in 110 (13.0%) and 86 (10.2%) had detectable viremia. Most of them were genotype 1 or 3 (82.6%) and had <F2 fibrosis (52.2%). Treatment was started in the 69 inmates whose stay in prison was longer than 30 days. Sustained virological response was achieved in 64 out of 66 patients (96.9%), three of whom were successfully rescued with a salvage regimen after treatment failure. Two patients were lost to follow-up and three are currently on treatment without viremia. As a result, by July 2017 none of the 409 imprisoned was viremic, and neither reinfections nor de novo infections were detected. CONCLUSIONS: A sustained "test-and-treat" strategy against HCV in prisons is feasible and beneficial. Spreading this strategy should entail a public health impact.Supported by Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013–2016 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, cofinanced by European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe”,Operative program Intelligent Growth 2014–2020 and grant PIE15/00079. This study received funding assistance from Gilead Sciences, Spain (IN-ES-337-2089), C/Vía de los Poblados, 3, 28033 Madrid, Spain, http://www.gilead. com/about/worldwide-operations/europe/spain; phone number: +34 913789830), who played no part in study design, data analysis, or in the preparation of the manuscript. All study investigators declare to be independent from funders

    Phase I, multicenter, open-label study of intravenous VCN-01 oncolytic adenovirus with or without nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine in patients with advanced solid tumors

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    Background VCN-01 is an oncolytic adenovirus (Ad5 based) designed to replicate in cancer cells with dysfunctional RB1 pathway, express hyaluronidase to enhance virus intratumoral spread and facilitate chemotherapy and immune cells extravasation into the tumor. This phase I clinical trial was aimed to find the maximum tolerated dose/recommended phase II dose (RP2D) and dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) of the intravenous delivery of the replication-competent VCN-01 adenovirus in patients with advanced cancer. Methods Part I: patients with advanced refractory solid tumors received one single dose of VCN-01. Parts II and III: patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma received VCN-01 (only in cycle 1) and nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine (VCN-concurrent on day 1 in Part II, and 7days before chemotherapy in Part III). Patients were required to have anti-Ad5 neutralizing antibody (NAbs) titers lower than 1/350 dilution. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses were performed. Results 26% of the patients initially screened were excluded based on high NAbs levels. Sixteen and 12 patients were enrolled in Part I and II, respectively: RP2D were 1 x10(13) viral particles (vp)/patient (Part I), and 3.3x10(12) vp/patient (Part II). Fourteen patients were included in Part Ill: there were no DLTs and the RP2D was 1 x10(13) vp/patient. Observed DLTs were grade 4 aspartate aminotransferase increase in one patient (Part I, 1x10(13) vp), grade 4 febrile neutropenia in one patient and grade 5 thrombocytopenia plus enterocolitis in another patient (Part II, 1 x10(13) vp). In patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma overall response rate were 50% (Part II) and 50% (Part III). VCN-01 viral genomes were detected in tumor tissue in five out of six biopsies (day 8). A second viral plasmatic peak and increased hyaluronidase serum levels suggested replication after intravenous injection in all patients. Increased levels of immune biomarkers (interferon- r,soluble lymphocyte activation ne-3, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10) were found after VCN-01 administration. Conclusions Treatment with VCN-01 is feasible and has an acceptable safety. Encouraging biological and clinical activity was observed when administered in combination with nab-paditaxel plus gemcitabine to patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma