35 research outputs found

    "Frames" in sozialwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen. Ein Vergleich aus der Perspektive der Technikforschung

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    Die Reaktionen einer Gesellschaft auf technologische Entwicklungen sind nicht von diesen selbst vorgegeben. Ebenso wenig jedoch ist die Antwort des sozialen Umfelds auf bestimmte technische Neuerungen rein von Willkür oder individuellem rationalen Entscheiden geprägt. Frames als diskursive mentale oder kulturelle Konstrukte vermitteln zwischen einem technologischen Phänomen und seinem gesellschaftlichen Kontext. Je nach Konzeption liegen sie Policy-Positionen zugrunde, spiegeln und reproduzieren sich in Medienberichterstattung, werden strategisch von sozialen Bewegungen vorangetrieben oder wirken auf individuelle Wahrnehmung und Situationsdeutungen. Dieser Beitrag strukturiert die über verschiedene Disziplinen hinweg breit gestreute Framing-Literatur, schärft einschlägige Begrifflichkeiten und zeigt auf, wo und wie Frames als heuristische Instrumente für eine Analyse der Interaktionen zwischen Technologien und Gesellschaft aus Perspektive der sozialwissenschaftlichen Technikforschung nutzbar gemacht werden können. Ein Vergleich mit verwandten Konzepten aus den Theoriegebäuden Michel Foucaults und Ulrich Oevermanns rundet die Begriffsdiskussion ab.Frame, Framing, Rahmen, Goffman, Technikforschung, Deutungsmuster, Problematisierungsweise


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    This ERA fabric map provides a starting point for the implementation of the 'Visions for the ERA' (VERA) project by giving a snapshot of the ERA today in support of developing alternative future scenarios for its evolution and by mapping current involvement of stakeholders in ERA. It looks at division of responsibilities between EU and Member States, and at institutions and bodies involved in the European research system. Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, the report then looks where we are today, and which direction the future is taking, given the policy context of Europe 2020. Involvement of stakeholders in further building the ERA is looked at by analysing their involvement in a number of existing ERA instruments, using a taxonomy of stakeholder roles and functions. This initial mapping will be updated twice as part of the VERA project, and its findings will be used as input for the communication plan of workpackage 6 and for the other project workpackages of the VERA project.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    ERA Fabric Map - Second Edition

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    This ERA fabric map gives a snapshot of the ERA today. It looks at the division of responsibilities between EU and Member States, and at institutions and bodies involved in the European research system. Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, the report then looks where we are today, and which direction the future is taking, given the policy context of Europe 2020. Involvement of stakeholders in further building the ERA is looked at by analysing their involvement in a number of existing ERA instruments, using a taxonomy of stakeholder roles and functions. The report has been written as part of the FP7 project Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA). This first edition will be updated twice as part of the VERA project.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Federated causal inference based on real-world observational data sources:Application to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness assessment

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    Introduction Causal inference helps researchers and policy-makers to evaluate public health interventions. When comparing interventions or public health programs by leveraging observational sensitive individual-level data from populations crossing jurisdictional borders, a federated approach (as opposed to a pooling data approach) can be used. Approaching causal inference by re-using routinely collected observational data across different regions in a federated manner, is challenging and guidance is currently lacking. With the aim of filling this gap and allowing a rapid response in the case of a next pandemic, a methodological framework to develop studies attempting causal inference using federated cross-national sensitive observational data, is described and showcased within the European BeYond-COVID&nbsp;project. Methods A framework for approaching federated causal inference by re-using routinely collected observational data across different regions, based on principles of legal, organizational, semantic and technical interoperability, is proposed. The framework includes step-by-step guidance, from defining a research question, to establishing a causal model, identifying and specifying data requirements in a common data model, generating synthetic data, and developing an interoperable and reproducible analytical pipeline for distributed deployment. The conceptual and instrumental phase of the framework was demonstrated and an analytical pipeline implementing federated causal inference was prototyped using open-source software in preparation for the assessment of real-world effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 primary vaccination in preventing infection in populations spanning different countries, integrating a data quality assessment, imputation of missing values, matching of exposed to unexposed individuals based on confounders identified in the causal model and a survival analysis within the matched&nbsp;population. Results The conceptual and instrumental phase of the proposed methodological framework was successfully demonstrated within the BY-COVID project. Different Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) research objects were produced, such as a study protocol, a data management plan, a common data model, a synthetic dataset and an interoperable analytical&nbsp;pipeline. Conclusions The framework provides a systematic approach to address federated cross-national policy-relevant causal research questions based on sensitive population, health and care data in a privacy-preserving and interoperable way. The methodology and derived research objects can be re-used and contribute to pandemic&nbsp;preparedness.</p

    A Global Network of Science and Technology Advice in Foreign Ministries

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    This paper is a product of the International Dialogue on Science and Technology Advice in Foreign Ministries (Vienna Dialogue) in October 2016, involving more than twenty nations and several international organisations. The event was a key step to further develop the Foreign Minister Science and Technology Advisor Network (FMSTAN), growing from an initial group of five nations. The Vienna Dialogue was convened by the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) at the Vienna headquarters of IIASA, bringing together diplomats from foreign ministries to consider the value of evidence for informed decision-making by nations with regard to issues, impacts and resources within, across and beyond national boundaries. The evidence comes from the natural and social sciences with engineering and medicine as well as other areas of technology. By building common interests among nations, science is a tool of diplomacy, promoting cooperation and preventing conflict in our world. Science diplomacy was discussed as an international, interdisciplinary and inclusive process to help balance national interests and common interests in view of urgencies today and across generations in our globally-interconnected civilization

    A national evaluation analysis and expert interview study of real-world data sources for research and healthcare decision-making

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    Real-world data (RWD) can provide intel (real-world evidence, RWE) for research and development, as well as policy and regulatory decision-making along the full spectrum of health care. Despite calls from global regulators for international collaborations to integrate RWE into regulatory decision-making and to bridge knowledge gaps, some challenges remain. In this work, we performed an evaluation of Austrian RWD sources using a multilateral query approach, crosschecked against previously published RWD criteria and conducted direct interviews with representative RWD source samples. This article provides an overview of 73 out of 104 RWD sources in a national legislative setting with favourable RWD incentives, which can be used to extrapolate to other EU data regions under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and upcoming legislation such as the European Health Data Space Act (EHDS). We were able to detect omnipresent challenges associated with data silos, variable standardisation efforts and governance issues. Our findings suggest a strong need for a national health data strategy and governance framework, which should inform researchers, as well as policy- and decision-makers to improve RWD-based research in the healthcare sector to ultimately support actual regulatory decision-making and provide strategic information for governmental health data policies

    Senior Entrepreneurship: The Unrevealed Driver for Social Innovation

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    From a political and economic perspective, senior entrepreneurship seems to be the response to the demographic consequences of the aging workforce in Europe. Several policies and strategies by the European Union (EU) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) promote senior entrepreneurship by creating a favorable environment and frameworks. This article examines the role of senior entrepreneurship as a social innovation understood as a response to unmet needs of population aging in the area of economic activity. In this paper draws on qualitative interviews with 6 experts and 4 senior entrepreneurs (as part of a larger research project) in Poland in addition to the analysis of reports and evaluations of incubator projects. Findings highlight the importance of other factors than financial sustainability of senior entrepreneurship: (1) social connectedness as a means against social isolation, (2) personal self-confidence leading to social and psychological empowerment of the entrepreneurs, and (3) skills, knowledge, and experience that are also strengthening their human capital in the job market. Economic sustainability of the businesses established is not the primary goal in these undertakings. The article suggests that due to the three factors before mentioned that the notion of social innovation in senior entrepreneurship might best be understood as improving the well-being and quality of life of the entrepreneurs themselves. Senior entrepreneurship can be an adequate response to the challenges of the aging population. However, due to the low rates of unemployment, the idea of becoming a senior entrepreneur appears a little tempting

    IT-Related Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a New European eHealth Solution, the Digital Survivorship Passport (SurPass Version 2.0): Semistructured Digital Survey

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    Background: To overcome knowledge gaps and optimize long-term follow-up (LTFU) care for childhood cancer survivors, the concept of the Survivorship Passport (SurPass) has been invented. Within the European PanCareSurPass project, the semiautomated and interoperable SurPass (version 2.0) will be optimized, implemented, and evaluated at 6 LTFU care centers representing 6 European countries and 3 distinct health system scenarios: (1) national electronic health information systems (EHISs) in Austria and Lithuania, (2) regional or local EHISs in Italy and Spain, and (3) cancer registries or hospital-based EHISs in Belgium and Germany. Objective: We aimed to identify and describe barriers and facilitators for SurPass (version 2.0) implementation concerning semiautomation of data input, interoperability, data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity. Methods: IT specialists from the 6 LTFU care centers participated in a semistructured digital survey focusing on IT-related barriers and facilitators to SurPass (version 2.0) implementation. We used the fit-viability model to assess the compatibility and feasibility of integrating SurPass into existing EHISs. Results: In total, 13/20 (65%) invited IT specialists participated. The main barriers and facilitators in all 3 health system scenarios related to semiautomated data input and interoperability included unaligned EHIS infrastructure and the use of interoperability frameworks and international coding systems. The main barriers and facilitators related to data protection or privacy and cybersecurity included pseudonymization of personal health data and data retention. According to the fit-viability model, the first health system scenario provides the best fit for SurPass implementation, followed by the second and third scenarios. Conclusions: This study provides essential insights into the information and IT-related influencing factors that need to be considered when implementing the SurPass (version 2.0) in clinical practice. We recommend the adoption of Health Level Seven Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources and data security measures such as encryption, pseudonymization, and multifactor authentication to protect personal health data where applicable. In sum, this study offers practical insights into integrating digital health solutions into existing EHISs

    "Frames" in sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorieansätzen – Ein Vergleich aus der Perspektive der Technikforschung (ITA-manu:script 08-01)

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    Die Reaktionen einer Gesellschaft auf technologische Entwicklungen sind nicht von diesen selbst vorgegeben. Ebenso wenig jedoch ist die Antwort des sozialen Umfelds auf bestimmte technische Neuerungen rein von Willkür oder individuellem rationalen Entscheiden geprägt. Frames als diskursive mentale oder kulturelle Konstrukte vermitteln zwischen einem technologischen Phänomen und seinem gesellschaftlichen Kontext. Je nach Konzeption liegen sie Policy-Positionen zugrunde, spiegeln und reproduzieren sich in Medienberichterstattung, werden strategisch von sozialen Bewegungen vorangetrieben oder wirken auf individuelle Wahrnehmung und Situationsdeutungen. Dieser Beitrag strukturiert die über verschiedene Disziplinen hinweg breit gestreute Framing-Literatur, schärft einschlägige Begrifflichkeiten und zeigt auf, wo und wie Frames als heuristische Instrumente für eine Analyse der Interaktionen zwischen Technologien und Gesellschaft aus Perspektive der sozialwissenschaftlichen Technikforschung nutzbar gemacht werden können. Ein Vergleich mit verwandten Konzepten aus den Theoriegebäuden Michel Foucaults und Ulrich Oevermanns rundet die Begriffsdiskussion ab