1,045 research outputs found

    La décima musa : poema simbólico representable en prosa y verso

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Necròpolis romanes del camp d'Elx. Localització, descripció i cronologia

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    En època romana la Colonia Iulia Ilici Augusta, més coneguda com a Ilici, disposà de diverses necròpolis. De moment en coneixem sis, quatre d’extramurs a l’àrea periurbana d’Ilici i dues més d’intramurs, que a l’antiguitat tardana modificaren la trama urbana preexistent. Al segle i les necròpolis s’organitzaren segons els eixos viaris, com era tradició en el món romà: unes al nord, amb urnes d’incineració, seguint la via Augusta, i una altra a l’est d’Ilici, paral·lela a l’actual camí de l’Alborrocat, amb moltes inhumacions que segueixen un ritual de tipus itàlic. A partir del segle iv, i en el marc de la progressiva cristianització de la topografia urbana, sorgiren noves necròpolis d’inhumació, una al sud de la ciutat i dues més a l’interior de les muralles trencant la tradició anterior de separació entre el món dels vius i el dels morts.In the Roman period Colonia Iulia Ilici Augusta, better known as Ilici, had several burial areas. So far we identify six necropolis on it; four of them outside-walls in the peri-urban area of Ilici, and another two intramuros, which modified the pre-existing urbanism in Late Antiquity. In the 1st century, necropolis were structured along the roads, as it was traditional in the Roman world; the two northern ones with cremation urns, following the Via Augusta towards Ilici, and the eastern one going parallel the current path “camí de l’Alborrocat” with many inhumations that seem to follow italic rituals. From the 4th century, in the context of the progressive Christianisation of the urban topography, new burial areas appeared in Ilici, a little one to the south of the city, and two important necropolis inside the walls breaking the Roman tradition of separation between the world of the living and the dead.El present article s’ha realitzat en el marc del projecte d’investigació HAR2012-34035 (Lectura arqueológica del uso social del espacio. Espacios domésticos y vida social entre la Antigüedad y el Medievo) del MINECO

    Cultural change and European policies to promote Open Science in universities

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    This paper has been presented at Open Science International Staff Week celebrated in Getafe (Madrid) - November 6-8, 201

    The EU policy on open acces

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    Políticas de Open Science de la Unión Europe

    The Impact of Firm Level Contracting on Wage Levels and Inequality: Spain 1995-2002

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    This paper provides microeconomic evidence on the variation over time of the firm-specific wage premium in Spain from 1995 to 2002, and its impact on wage inequality. We make use of two waves of a detailed linked employer-employee data set. In addition, a new data set with financial information on firms is used for 2002 to control as flexibly as possible for differences in the performance of firms (aggregated at industry level). To our knowledge, there is no microeconomic evidence on the dynamics of the firm-specific wage premium for Spain or for any other country with a similar institutional setting. Our results suggest that there is a clear tendency towards centralization in the collective bargaining process in Spain over this seven-year period, that the firm-level contract wage premium undergoes a substantial decrease, particularly for women, and finally that the "centralization" observed in the collective bargaining process has resulted in a slight decrease in wage inequality.wage inequality, firm level contracts, matched employer employee data

    El ciclo festivo en la provincia de Sevilla

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    En número dedicado a: Sevill

    El pilar crucífero y mariano, en Sancho III de Pamplona

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    Sancho III el Mayor potencia la ruta navarra del Camino de Santiago. La red viaria del Camino de Santiago está plagado de pilares: artísticas columnas de crucero que orientan y guían hacia Santiago. Con Sancho III el pilar recto, vertical, rígido y liso con la misma cruz como remate pasa como símbolo nacional ibérico a las acuñaciones de Pamplona, Jaca, Aragón, Monzón, Nájera. En el S. XI, el pilar de piedra coronado con el signo o con la imagen de la Virgen es emblema distintivo de la familia real vascona en ambas vertientes del Pirine

    Understanding European Union science diplomacy

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    In recent decades, a great deal of attention has focused on the EU's attempts to exert influence on the global stage, but one area which has received relatively little attention is the issue of so-called 'science diplomacy'. Alea López de San Román and Simon Schunz provide a detailed overview of what science diplomacy entails, and how the EU is increasingly ..

    Early adversity experiences and wellbeing at school. A training module for (prospective) teachers

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    The BRIGHTER FUTURE project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.This publication has been developed in the context of the project BRIGTHER FUTURE: Innovative tools for developing full potential after early adversity, whose working team consists of the following entities: Comune di Torino (Italy) CORA (Spain), PAC UK/ Family Action (United Kingdom), Pharos Expertise Center on Health Disparities (the Netherlands), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), Università di Verona (Italy), University of Groningen (Netherlands). "Early adversity experiences and wellbeing at school" is an outcome of the project "BRIGHTER FUTURE. Innovative tools for developing full potential after early adversity" co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. It aims at providing material for the training of school staff working with children and adolescents who have experienced early adversities and who are in alternative care. During the Brighter Future project, our international team has designed a series of training modules, especially addressed to professionals working at school or with schools, suitable for deployment in multiple contexts. The training modules are the result of a process involving the analysis of the child protection system in different European countries, the review of the scientific literature on school and early adversity, and a qualitative data collection using interviews and focus groups in Spain, Italy and the Netherlands aimed at collecting voices from the key actors in the field: students, teachers, adoptive parents, foster parents, social workers, activists (especially careleavers and parents associations)