591 research outputs found

    Global Body Posture Evaluation in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

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    AIM: To identify the relationship between anterior disc displacement and global posture (plantar arches, lower limbs, shoulder and pelvic girdle, vertebral spine, head and mandibles). Common signs and symptoms of anterior disc displacement were also identified. INTRODUCTION: Global posture deviations cause body adaptation and realignment, which may interfere with the organization and function of the temporomandibular joint. METHODS: Global posture evaluation was performed in a group of 10 female patients (20 to 30 years of age) with temporomandibular joint disc displacement and in a control group of 16 healthy female volunteers matched for age, weight and height. Anterior disc displacement signs, symptoms and the presence of parafunctional habits were also identified through interview. RESULTS: Patients with disc displacement showed a higher incidence of pain in the temporomandibular joint area, but there were no differences in parafunctional habits between the groups. In the disc displacement group, postural deviations were found in the pelvis (posterior rotation), lumbar spine (hyperlordosis), thoracic spine (rectification), head (deviation to the right) and mandibles (deviation to the left with open mouth). There were no differences in the longitudinal plantar arches between the groups. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a close relationship between body posture and temporomandibular disorder, though it is not possible to determine whether postural deviations are the cause or the result of the disorder. Hence, postural evaluation could be an important component in the overall approach to providing accurate prevention and treatment in the management of patients with temporomandibular disorder

    Reforço à flexão de vigas de concreto armado com Tecido de Polímero Reforçado com Fibras de Carbono (PRFC) aderido a substrato de transição constituído por compósito cimentício de alto desempenho

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    Resistance to corrosion, high tensile strength, low weight, easiness and rapidity of application, are characteristics that have contributed to the spread of the strengthening technique characterized by bonding of carbon fibers reinforced polymer (CFRP). This research aimed to develop an innovate strengthening method for RC beams, based on a high performance cement-based composite of steel fibers (macro + microfibers) to be applied as a transition layer. The purpose of this transition layer is better control the cracking of concrete and detain or even avoid premature debonding of strengthening. A preliminary study in short beams molded with steel fibers and strengthened with CFRP sheet, was carried out where was verified that the conception of the transition layer is valid. Tests were developed to get a cement-based composite with adequate characteristics to constitute the layer transition. Results showed the possibility to develop a high performance material with a pseudo strain-hardening behavior, high strength and fracture toughness. The application of the strengthening on the transition layer surface had significantly to improve the performance levels of the strengthened beam. It summary, it was proven the efficiency of the new strengthening technique, and much information can be used as criteria of projects for repaired and strengthened structures

    Otimização do processo de síntese e caracterização de MCM-48 / Synthesis process optimization and characterization of the MCM-48

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    As sílicas mesoporosas com geometrias regulares têm recebido atenção, devido à sua importância científica e potencial em aplicações práticas como catálise, adsorção, separação, sensoriamento, uso médico, ecológico e nanotecnológico. Em trabalho anterior do nosso grupo de pesquisa foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de sílica mesoporosa coloidal tipo MCM-48, porém estas se apresentaram agregadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a otimização do processo de síntese de MCM-48 para obtenção de nanopartículas desagregadas, assim como a caracterização do produto obtido. Para tanto, foi conduzido um estudo experimental com preparação de MCM-48 baseada no método de Stöber modificado. Após a síntese, os ensaios para avaliar estado de agregação, forma, tamanho e pureza do produto foram realizados por meio de análise de fase por espalhamento de luz (PALS), análise por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e fluorescência de raio-X (EDX). Como resultado, as nanopartículas esféricas de MCM-48 foram sintetizadas (lote 1 e lote 2 com dimensões médias < 300 nm) e o rendimento foi de aproximadamente 2 %(m/m). A síntese das nanopartículas mesoporosas, esféricas e desagregadas foi alcançada neste trabalho, portanto houve otimização do processo. O rendimento do processo foi maior quando comparado ao obtido em trabalho anterior do nosso grupo de pesquisa. Na literatura pesquisada o rendimento dos processos similares não se encontrou divulgado. 

    Environmental perception analysis of inhabitants and visitors of Broa, Itirapina and Brotas reservoir, SP, Brasil

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    A importância de se entender as percepções e atitudes da população frente aos problemas ambientais e sociais consistem no fato de que esses resultados podem ser considerados como indicadores para formulação das políticas públicas locais. O estudo de percepção ambiental torna-se importante para compreender a maneira como o ser humano se interage com seu entorno, relacionando à qualidade ambiental e a de vida. O trabalho em questão teve como objetivo analisar a percepção ambiental de moradores e visitantes da Represa do Broa, Itirapina – Brotas, São Paulo – Brasil. Trata-se de um ambiente com significativo valor ambiental, pois seu entorno caracteriza-se por apresentar vegetação nativa conservada, além da represa estar inserida na Área de Proteção Ambiental Corumbataí/Botucatu/Tejupá. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de questionários, observação sistemática, fotodocumentação e análises dos pesquisadores referentes aos dados obtidos. A percepção analisada na Represa do Broa mostrou que moradores de sítios, chácaras e do bairro Santo Antônio, assim como os turistas que frequentam o local, possuem uma visão contextualizada das fragilidades e potencialidades da área necessárias para melhorias da região, que podem ser mitigadas através de aumento de infraestrutura básica, além de iniciativas para projetos e associações que visem ações educativas e comunitárias e o desenvolvimento sustentável para a região. Estas análises podem ser consideradas na proposição de políticas públicas e evidenciam a importância da participação das comunidades locais nas tomadas de decisão em prol das demandas e do anseio comum.Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevide

    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins modulates splicing

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    The biological functions of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) are not well understood. However, it is known that hnRNPs are involved in the regulation of alternative splicing for many genes, including the Ddc gene in Drosophila. Therefore, we first confirmed that poly(ADP-ribose) (pADPr) interacts with two Drosophila hnRNPs, Squid/hrp40 and Hrb98DE/hrp38, and that this function is regulated by Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase 1 (PARP1) and Poly(ADP-ribose) Glycohydrolase (PARG) in vivo. These findings then provided a basis for analyzing the role of pADPr binding to these two hnRNPs in terms of alternative splicing regulation. Our results showed that Parg null mutation does cause poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of Squid and hrp38 protein, as well as their dissociation from active chromatin. Our data also indicated that pADPr binding to hnRNPs inhibits the RNA-binding ability of hnRNPs. Following that, we demonstrated that poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of Squid and hrp38 proteins inhibits splicing of the intron in the Hsrω-RC transcript, but enhances splicing of the intron in the Ddc pre-mRNA. Taken together, these findings suggest that poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates the interaction between hnRNPs and RNA and thus modulates the splicing pathways

    Association Between Insulin Resistance and Development of Microalbuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes: A prospective cohort study

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    [[abstract]]OBJECTIVE An association between insulin resistance and microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes has often been found in cross-sectional studies. We aimed to reassess this relationship in a prospective Taiwanese cohort of type 2 diabetic subjects. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We enrolled 738 normoalbuminuric type 2 diabetic subjects, aged 56.6 +/- 9.0 years, between 2003 and 2005 and followed them through the end of 2009. Average follow-up time was 5.2 +/- 0.8 years. We used urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio to define microalbuminuria and the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) to assess insulin resistance. The incidence rate ratio and Cox proportional hazard model were used to evaluate the association between HOMA-IR and development of microalbuminuria. RESULTS We found incidences of microalbuminuria of 64.8, 83.5, 93.3, and 99.0 per 1,000 person-years for the lowest to highest quartiles of HOMA-IR. Compared with those in the lowest quartile of HOMA-IR, the incidence rate ratio for those in the 2nd, 3rd, and highest quartiles were 1.28 (95% CI 0.88-1.87), 1.44 (0.99-2.08), and 1.52 (1.06-2.20), respectively (trend test: P < 0.001). By comparison with those in the lowest quartile, the adjusted hazard ratios were 1.37 (0.93-2.02), 1.66 (1.12-2.47), and 1.76 (1.20-2.59) for those in the 2nd, 3rd, and highest HOMA-IR quartiles, respectively. CONCLUSIONS According to the dose-response effects of HOMA-IR shown in this prospective study, we conclude that insulin resistance could significantly predict development of microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients

    Essential data variables for a minimum dataset for head and neck cancer trials and clinical research:HNCIG consensus recommendations and database

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    The Head and Neck Cancer International Group (HNCIG) has undertaken an international modified Delphi process to reach consensus on the essential data variables to be included in a minimum database for HNC research. Endorsed by 19 research organisations representing 34 countries, these recommendations provide the framework to facilitate and harmonise data collection and sharing for HNC research. These variables have also been incorporated into a ready to use downloadable HNCIG minimum database, available from the HNCIG website