719 research outputs found

    Modeling Multi-Wavelength Stellar Astrometry. I. SIM Lite Observations of Interacting Binaries

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    Interacting binaries consist of a secondary star which fills or is very close to filling its Roche lobe, resulting in accretion onto the primary star, which is often, but not always, a compact object. In many cases, the primary star, secondary star, and the accretion disk can all be significant sources of luminosity. SIM Lite will only measure the photocenter of an astrometric target, and thus determining the true astrometric orbits of such systems will be difficult. We have modified the Eclipsing Light Curve code (Orosz & Hauschildt 2000) to allow us to model the flux-weighted reflex motions of interacting binaries, in a code we call REFLUX. This code gives us sufficient flexibility to investigate nearly every configuration of interacting binary. We find that SIM Lite will be able to determine astrometric orbits for all sufficiently bright interacting binaries where the primary or secondary star dominates the luminosity. For systems where there are multiple components that comprise the spectrum in the optical bandpass accessible to SIM Lite, we find it is possible to obtain absolute masses for both components, although multi-wavelength photometry will be required to disentangle the multiple components. In all cases, SIM Lite will at least yield accurate inclinations, and provide valuable information that will allow us to begin to understand the complex evolution of mass-transferring binaries. It is critical that SIM Lite maintains a multi-wavelength capability to allow for the proper deconvolution of the astrometric orbits in multi-component systems.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Modeling Multi-Wavelength Stellar Astrometry. II. Determining Absolute Inclinations, Gravity Darkening Coefficients, and Spot Parameters of Single Stars with SIM Lite

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    We present a novel technique to determine the absolute inclination of single stars using multi-wavelength sub-milliarcsecond astrometry. The technique exploits the effect of gravity darkening, which causes a wavelength-dependent astrometric displacement parallel to a star's projected rotation axis. We find this effect is clearly detectable using SIM Lite for various giant stars and rapid rotators, and present detailed models for multiple systems using the REFLUX code. We also explore the multi-wavelength astrometric reflex motion induced by spots on single stars. We find that it should be possible to determine spot size, relative temperature, and some positional information for both giant and nearby main-sequence stars utilizing multi-wavelength SIM Lite data. This data will be extremely useful in stellar and exoplanet astrophysics, as well as supporting the primary SIM Lite mission through proper multi-wavelength calibration of the giant star astrometric reference frame, and reduction of noise introduced by starspots when searching for extrasolar planets.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Infrared Observations of AR Ursae Majoris: Modeling the Ellipsoidal Variations

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    We have obtained time-series infrared photometry for the highly magnetic cataclysmic variable AR UMa. Our J and K' band observations occurred during a low state and they show a distinctive double-humped structure. Using detailed models for the expected ellipsoidal variations in the infrared due to the non-spherical secondary star, we find that the most likely value for the system inclination is 70 degrees. We also model low state V band photometry and find that its observed double-humped structure is not caused by ellipsoidal variations, as they have been ascribed to, but are due to beamed cyclotron radiation. We use this result to estimate the magnetic field strength of the active southern accretion region (B <= 190 MG) and its magnetic longitude (330 degrees).Comment: Accepted to AJ, to appear Jan 2001 issu

    Infrared Observations of Nova Muscae 1991: Black Hole Mass Determination from Ellipsoidal Variations

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    We have obtained infrared photometry for the soft x-ray transient GU Mus. We present J and K_s band light curves modeled with WD98, the newest version of the Wilson-Devinney light curve modeling code. Using detailed models for the expected ellipsoidal variations due to the non-spherical secondary star, we show that the most likely value for the orbital inclination is 54 +/-1.5 deg. This inclination angle is consistent with those previously published, but has a much smaller error. This inclination implies a primary black hole mass of 6.95 +/-0.6 M_sun. While we do not see any evidence for contamination of our infrared light curves from other sources in the system, a conservative model with a contamination level of 15% increases the uncertainty in the inclination angle to 54 +4/-1.5 deg.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to A

    cAMP-Signalling Regulates Gametocyte-Infected Erythrocyte Deformability Required for Malaria Parasite Transmission.

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    Blocking Plasmodium falciparum transmission to mosquitoes has been designated a strategic objective in the global agenda of malaria elimination. Transmission is ensured by gametocyte-infected erythrocytes (GIE) that sequester in the bone marrow and at maturation are released into peripheral blood from where they are taken up during a mosquito blood meal. Release into the blood circulation is accompanied by an increase in GIE deformability that allows them to pass through the spleen. Here, we used a microsphere matrix to mimic splenic filtration and investigated the role of cAMP-signalling in regulating GIE deformability. We demonstrated that mature GIE deformability is dependent on reduced cAMP-signalling and on increased phosphodiesterase expression in stage V gametocytes, and that parasite cAMP-dependent kinase activity contributes to the stiffness of immature gametocytes. Importantly, pharmacological agents that raise cAMP levels in transmissible stage V gametocytes render them less deformable and hence less likely to circulate through the spleen. Therefore, phosphodiesterase inhibitors that raise cAMP levels in P. falciparum infected erythrocytes, such as sildenafil, represent new candidate drugs to block transmission of malaria parasites

    Identifying resistance in wild and ornamental cherry towards bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae

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    Bacterial canker is a major disease of stone fruits and is a critical limiting factor to sweet cherry ( ) production worldwide. One important strategy for disease control is the development of resistant varieties. Partial varietal resistance in sweet cherry is discernible using shoot or whole tree inoculations; however, these quantitative differences in resistance are not evident in detached leaf assays. To identify novel sources of resistance to canker, we used a rapid leaf pathogenicity test to screen a range of wild cherry, ornamental species and sweet cherry × ornamental cherry hybrids with the canker pathogens, pvs , races 1 and 2, and . Several accessions exhibited limited symptom development following inoculation with each of the pathogens, and this resistance extended to 16 . strains pathogenic on sweet cherry and plum. Resistance was associated with reduced bacterial multiplication after inoculation, a phenotype similar to that of commercial sweet cherry towards nonhost strains of . . Progeny resulting from a cross of a resistant ornamental species with susceptible sweet cherry ( . ) exhibited resistance indicating it is an inherited trait. Identification of accessions with resistance to the major bacterial canker pathogens is the first step towards characterizing the underlying genetic mechanisms of resistance and introducing these traits into commercial germplasm. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Plant Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Society for Plant Pathology.

    Life Beyond the Solar System: Remotely Detectable Biosignatures

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    For the first time in human history, we will soon be able to apply to the scientific method to the question "Are We Alone?" The rapid advance of exoplanet discovery, planetary systems science, and telescope technology will soon allow scientists to search for life beyond our Solar System through direct observation of extrasolar planets. This endeavor will occur alongside searches for habitable environments and signs of life within our Solar System. While these searches are thematically related and will inform each other, they will require separate observational techniques. The search for life on exoplanets holds potential through the great diversity of worlds to be explored beyond our Solar System. However, there are also unique challenges related to the relatively limited data this search will obtain on any individual world
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