106 research outputs found

    Internet Presentations and Content Management Systems

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá výběrem vhodného redakčního systému pro vytvoření a správu webové prezentace společnosti. Jsou srovnány a hodnoceny tři různé způsoby řešení dle firemních požadavků. Optimální řešení bylo doporučeno a poté realizováno.This thesis deals with the selection of a suitable content management system for creating and managing company web presentation. They are compared and evaluated three different solutions, depending on business requirements. The optimal solution was recommended and subsequently implemented.

    Magnetization dynamics down to zero field in dilute (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells

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    The evolution of the magnetization in (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells after a short pulse of magnetic field was determined from the giant Zeeman shift of spectroscopic lines. The dynamics in absence of magnetic field was found to be up to three orders of magnitude faster than that at 1 T. Hyperfine interaction and strain are mainly responsible for the fast decay. The influence of a hole gas is clearly visible: at zero field anisotropic holes stabilize the system of Mn ions, while in a magnetic field of 1 T they are known to speed up the decay by opening an additional relaxation channel

    The genome-wide distribution of non-B DNA motifs is shaped by operon structure and suggests the transcriptional importance of non-B DNA structures in Escherichia coli

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    Although the right-handed double helical B-form DNA is most common under physiological conditions, DNA is dynamic and can adopt a number of alternative structures, such as the four-stranded G-quadruplex, left-handed Z-DNA, cruciform and others. Active transcription necessitates strand separation and can induce such non-canonical forms at susceptible genomic sequences. Therefore, it has been speculated that these non-B DNA motifs can play regulatory roles in gene transcription. Such conjecture has been supported in higher eukaryotes by direct studies of several individual genes, as well as a number of large-scale analyses. However, the role of non-B DNA structures in many lower organisms, in particular proteobacteria, remains poorly understood and incompletely documented. In this study, we performed the first comprehensive study of the occurrence of B DNA–non-B DNA transition-susceptible sites (non-B DNA motifs) within the context of the operon structure of the Escherichia coli genome. We compared the distributions of non-B DNA motifs in the regulatory regions of operons with those from internal regions. We found an enrichment of some non-B DNA motifs in regulatory regions, and we show that this enrichment cannot be simply explained by base composition bias in these regions. We also showed that the distribution of several non-B DNA motifs within intergenic regions separating divergently oriented operons differs from the distribution found between convergent ones. In particular, we found a strong enrichment of cruciforms in the termination region of operons; this enrichment was observed for operons with Rho-dependent, as well as Rho-independent terminators. Finally, a preference for some non-B DNA motifs was observed near transcription factor-binding sites. Overall, the conspicuous enrichment of transition-susceptible sites in these specific regulatory regions suggests that non-B DNA structures may have roles in the transcriptional regulation of specific operons within the E. coli genome

    High-Temperature Hall Effect in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As

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    The temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient of a series of ferromagnetic Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As samples is measured in the temperature range 80K < T < 500K. We model the Hall coefficient assuming a magnetic susceptibility given by the Curie-Weiss law, a spontaneous Hall coefficient proportional to rho_xx^2(T), and including a constant diamagnetic contribution in the susceptibility. For all low resistivity samples this model provides excellent fits to the measured data up to T=380K and allows extraction of the hole concentration (p). The calculated p are compared to alternative methods of determining hole densities in these materials: pulsed high magnetic field (up to 55 Tesla) technique at low temperatures (less than the Curie temperature), and electrochemical capacitance- voltage profiling. We find that the Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) contribution to rho_xy is substantial even well above the Curie temperature. Measurements of the Hall effect in this temperature regime can be used as a testing ground for theoretical descriptions of transport in these materials. We find that our data are consistent with recently published theories of the AHE, but they are inconsistent with theoretical models previously used to describe the AHE in conventional magnetic materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted to Phys.Rev.

    Bacteria-Induced Dscam Isoforms of the Crustacean, Pacifastacus leniusculus

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    The Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, also known as Dscam, is a member of the immunoglobulin super family. Dscam plays an essential function in neuronal wiring and appears to be involved in innate immune reactions in insects. The deduced amino acid sequence of Dscam in the crustacean Pacifastacus leniusculus (PlDscam), encodes 9(Ig)-4(FNIII)-(Ig)-2(FNIII)-TM and it has variable regions in the N-terminal half of Ig2 and Ig3 and the complete Ig7 and in the transmembrane domain. The cytoplasmic tail can generate multiple isoforms. PlDscam can generate more than 22,000 different unique isoforms. Bacteria and LPS injection enhanced the expression of PlDscam, but no response in expression occurred after a white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection or injection with peptidoglycans. Furthermore, PlDscam silencing did not have any effect on the replication of the WSSV. Bacterial specific isoforms of PlDscam were shown to have a specific binding property to each tested bacteria, E. coli or S. aureus. The bacteria specific isoforms of PlDscam were shown to be associated with bacterial clearance and phagocytosis in crayfish

    AgDscam, a Hypervariable Immunoglobulin Domain-Containing Receptor of the Anopheles gambiae Innate Immune System

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    Activation of the insect innate immune system is dependent on a limited number of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) capable of interacting with pathogen-associated molecular pattern. Here we report a novel role of an alternatively spliced hypervariable immunoglobulin domain-encoding gene, Dscam, in generating a broad range of PRRs implicated in immune defense in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. The mosquito Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule gene, AgDscam, has a complex genome organization with 101 exons that can produce over 31,000 potential alternative splice forms with different combinations of adhesive domains and interaction specificities. AgDscam responds to infection by producing pathogen challenge-specific splice form repertoires. Transient silencing of AgDscam compromises the mosquito's resistance to infections with bacteria and the malaria parasite Plasmodium. AgDscam is mediating phagocytosis of bacteria with which it can associate and defend against in a splice form–specific manner. AgDscam is a hypervariable PRR of the A. gambiae innate immune system

    Maturation of active zone assembly by Drosophila Bruchpilot

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    Synaptic vesicles fuse at active zone (AZ) membranes where Ca2+ channels are clustered and that are typically decorated by electron-dense projections. Recently, mutants of the Drosophila melanogaster ERC/CAST family protein Bruchpilot (BRP) were shown to lack dense projections (T-bars) and to suffer from Ca2+ channel–clustering defects. In this study, we used high resolution light microscopy, electron microscopy, and intravital imaging to analyze the function of BRP in AZ assembly. Consistent with truncated BRP variants forming shortened T-bars, we identify BRP as a direct T-bar component at the AZ center with its N terminus closer to the AZ membrane than its C terminus. In contrast, Drosophila Liprin-α, another AZ-organizing protein, precedes BRP during the assembly of newly forming AZs by several hours and surrounds the AZ center in few discrete punctae. BRP seems responsible for effectively clustering Ca2+ channels beneath the T-bar density late in a protracted AZ formation process, potentially through a direct molecular interaction with intracellular Ca2+ channel domains

    Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities in the DIAN-TU-001 trial of gantenerumab and solanezumab: lessons from a trial in dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the characteristics of participants with amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) in a trial of gantenerumab or solanezumab in dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease (DIAD). METHODS: 142 DIAD mutation carriers received either gantenerumab SC (n=52), solanezumab IV (n=50), or placebo (n=40). Participants underwent assessments with the Clinical Dementia Rating® (CDR®), neuropsychological testing, CSF biomarkers, β-amyloid positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to monitor ARIA. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses evaluated potential ARIA-related risk factors. RESULTS: Eleven participants developed ARIA-E, including 3 with mild symptoms. No ARIA-E was reported under solanezumab while gantenerumab was associated with ARIA-E compared to placebo (OR=9.1, CI[1.2, 412.3]; p=0.021). Under gantenerumab, APOE-ɛ4 carriers were more likely to develop ARIA-E (OR=5.0, CI[1.0, 30.4]; p=0.055), as were individuals with microhemorrhage at baseline (OR=13.7, CI[1.2, 163.2]; p=0.039). No ARIA-E was observed at the initial 225mg/month gantenerumab dose, and most cases were observed at doses >675mg. At first ARIA-E occurrence, all ARIA-E participants were amyloid-PET+, 60% were CDR>0, 60% were past their estimated year to symptom onset, and 60% had also incident ARIA-H. Most ARIA-E radiologically resolved after dose adjustment and developing ARIA-E did not significantly increase odds of trial discontinuation. ARIA-E was more frequently observed in the occipital lobe (90%). ARIA-E severity was associated with age at time of ARIA-E. INTERPRETATION: In DIAD, solanezumab was not associated with ARIA. Gantenerumab dose over 225mg increased ARIA-E risk, with additional risk for individuals APOE-ɛ4(+) or with microhemorrhage. ARIA-E was reversible on MRI in most cases, generally asymptomatic, without additional risk for trial discontinuation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Brain connectivity and cognitive processing speed in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review

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    Background: Processing speed (PS) decline is the most commonly observed cognitive deficit in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) resulting in a significant impact on quality of life. Despite its importance, knowledge of the underlying neural substrates is lacking. Objective: As MS is increasingly recognised as a disconnection syndrome, our aim was to carry out a systematic literature review to clarify the relationship between PS performance and MRI measures of structural and functional brain connectivity in people with MS. Search methods: A literature search was carried out on PubMed and Web of Science that included publications predating September 2017. Additional articles were added after inspection of the reference lists of all selected papers. Data extraction: All selected papers were categorised in three sections according to the MRI measures investigated, independently or both. Quality assessment was carried out using a customised set of criteria. Results: Thirty-two articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Microstructural integrity of the anterior corpus callosum and functional connectivity of frontal areas were more consistently found to correlate with PS performance, though high variability of findings was observed across studies. Several methodological flaws emerged from the reviewed literature. Conclusions: Despite the observed trends, no definite conclusions can be drawn on the relationship between brain connectivity and PS decline in MS given the limitations of the current literature. Future investigations may benefit from theoretical and methodological advances to clarify how MS-related brain damage affects patients’ cognition

    Panhematopoietic RNA barcoding enables kinetic measurements of nucleate and anucleate lineages and the activation of myeloid clones following acute platelet depletion

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    Background: Platelets and erythrocytes constitute over 95% of all hematopoietic stem cell output. However, the clonal dynamics of HSC contribution to these lineages remains largely unexplored. Results: We use lentiviral genetic labeling of mouse hematopoietic stem cells to quantify output from all lineages, nucleate, and anucleate, simultaneously linking these with stem and progenitor cell transcriptomic phenotypes using single-cell RNA-sequencing. We observe dynamic shifts of clonal behaviors through time in same-animal peripheral blood and demonstrate that acute platelet depletion shifts the output of multipotent hematopoietic stem cells to the exclusive production of platelets. Additionally, we observe the emergence of new myeloid-biased clones, which support short- and long-term production of blood cells. Conclusions: Our approach enables kinetic studies of multi-lineage output in the peripheral blood and transcriptional heterogeneity of individual hematopoietic stem cells. Our results give a unique insight into hematopoietic stem cell reactivation upon platelet depletion and of clonal dynamics in both steady state and under stress